
Present from UnicornLady

Apr 20th, 2020
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  1. Miriam looked at the night sky with a smile on her face. That was the day. She could feel it, even before looking at the calendar. Her blood was telling her, her body was telling her, her soul was telling her. That night…was the full moon, and she was really looking forward to it.
  3. She put on a pair of sneakers, long socks and a grey tracksuit. The spring night was warm, but not warm enough to go around in shorts and a sports bra…well…soon she will feel no cold at all. It was all part of the change. Miriam looked at herself briefly on the mirror. She was not extremely tall, but she had a rather athletic body, long black hair and big, dark brown eyes. Miriam smiled and opened the door of her house and started running.
  5. Surely, seeing a woman running at night was not something unusual. But she soon was headed outside the town…and into the forest. Sure, any woman would be scared to be there in the dark woods…but what she had to fear? The wild animals? She smirked “I AM the wild animal” That idea made her blood burn in delight. Her body wanted it…but it was not yet time. Too close to the town…She ran faster and faster, closing her eyes and letting the breeze overwhelm her.
  7. The moon was high in the sky now. She was close now. She could feel it…and she could hold it no more “I am far away now…” Smiled Miriam, getting out one of the main trails of the forest, getting deeper in the bush towards the place she knew.
  8. Miriam stopped, and immediately reached to remove her slippers and socks. Her bare feet on the grass felt amazing…the first sign of all the many wonderful sensation she was going to feel that night. A scent came to her nose, a scent that she knew too well. A scent she loved.
  9. –You are late–Said a feminine voice in the bushes.
  10. –No, you are just too early–Answered Miriam.
  11. And she could see her.
  13. A woman of around her age, early-mid twenties, was there. She was about the same height as Miriam was, but her body was a bit wider, not reaching the range of chubby, but with an adorable set of healthy proportions. Her mid-length hair was blonde, and her eyes were blue, lit by the moon. The other woman was wearing just a shirt and a pair of shorts.
  15. –So eager were you to see me, Eve?–Teased Miriam, poking out her tongue.
  16. –Always, my dear…–Without a second of hesitation, Eve lunged forward and wrapped her arms around the other woman. Their mouths sealed and their tongues started dancing together passionately, their bodies rubbing closer and closer. Eve raised one of her almost bare legs, rubbing Miriam´s body. The moment was so intense, that both Miriam and Eve ended up on their knees, kissing passionately.
  18. When the kiss broke, the two girls stood panting, one in front of the other, their foreheads together.
  19. –Mmmmm…I can´t hold it–Moaned Miriam, immediately reaching to try and remove her trousers and panties in a quick swing. Eve did much of the same as their bodies were throbbing, shaking at the edge of exploding. But the girls managed to remove all her clothes in time.
  21. Miriam and Eva landed on all fours, their rumps high, as if hailing the moon. Their toenails and their nails started to grow, keratin forming sharp-like structures, allowing them to better grab the grass and the dirt beneath their palms and soles. Soon, the pair of girls hand claw-like hands and feet.
  23. Miriam´s ears started to grow, the flesh pulsing and elongating, the tips growing shaper and the lobes vanishing. The changing appendages started pulling up, migrating to the top of her head, as soft grey fur covered them. The new pair of ears flicked and gyrated around. Eve´s ears went through a similar change, but the fur they had were soft yellowish instead.
  25. Eva moaned, closing her eyes and blushing. Miriam reached to grab her lover´s hand as she panted, looking at the other girl–It…it is coming…!
  26. –Yeeees…mrrrr…hummm I love this part so much!–Eva wiggled her rump…and then she started jerking it up and down, moaning loud.
  27. Her tailbone started to grow, stretching her skin. Each push and movement seemed to help on making the new appendage grow and develop until it took a tubular shape. The girl was actually able to move the growing tail, swaying it side to side as it started to develop yellowish fur all over it. When the change was over, she had a long cat-like tail.
  29. Miriam´s tailbone grew equally, her tailbone stretching, forming a long, muscular, fleshy tubular shape but, instead of a soft layer of fur, she grew a thick, bushy burst of grayish fur. Miriam swayed her tail, side to side.
  30. –Meeeeeeeeeeooooooow!–Eve raised her head to the sky and let out a wild, animal sound, that soon was echoed by her lover-
  31. –Aaaaarwoooooooooo!–Miriam howled at the moon, feeling her animal spirit exploding inside her, filling her with pure joy.
  33. After a few seconds, in which the pair of girls were too excited and shaken to be able to even think, they looked at each other with a hungry look on their now yellowish eyes. Miriam licked her lips and bared her fangs, getting on a tense position. Eve noticed it and gasped, jumping aside, turning tail and jolting on a run all over the meadow. Miriam accepted the challenge and ran behind her lover. Their young bodies, despite their mostly human looks, were very adept at running on all fours. Their powerful muscles allowed them for great velocities and, despite the cold night, their skin were impevious to the cold.
  35. After some minutes of playful chase, Miriam jolted and caught Eva. The pair rolled on the grass, ending up with the wolf girl above the cat girl. The cat, however, had her clawded hands on the other girl´s breasts, her feet raised up and coiled around the wolf.
  36. –I caught you–Teased Miriam, licking her lips–I won
  37. –Awww that is not fair–Smiled Eve–I need someone that I can win!
  38. –Do not worry…later on we can go and search for that rat boy so you can catch him…but now…it is my time to play…
  40. The quiet night of the forest soon was broken by the pleasurable moans of the mating pair of animal girls, meows and howls intertwining, until a final chorus of pleasure that shattered the night.
  41. –Aaaaarrrrrrrrwoooooooooo!
  42. –Meeeeeeeeeeowwwwwrrr!
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