
Recipe: Udon noodles

May 25th, 2013
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  1. this is the base recipe (increase everything to scale)
  2. 1lbs all purpose flour (1KG is 2.2lbs,do the math)
  3. 1tbsp salt
  4. 1 cup water (1 cup water is 239.withahellofalotofdecimalsafter rounding it to 240ml (aka 2.4dl))
  6. *read it all before starting!*
  7. mix salt and flour in bowl
  8. add water
  9. mix
  10. dough should look crumbly
  11. make into ball
  12. transfer to work surface
  13. kneed vigorously (and slap dough on counter once in a while)
  14. knead for about 5 minutes (until the dough is smooth, about as smooth as your earlobe if you need a reference,although not quite as smooth)
  15. put in zip-top plastic bag (freezer bag works fine)
  16. remove air from bag
  17. seal
  18. let dough rest for 2-4h in summer, 8 in the winter (tried four in the winter, it works (I recommend 8 if possible during winter time)
  19. roll out the dough (on a lightly floured work top) to about 1/8 to 1/3 of an inch thickness (one inch is 2.5cm, do the math)
  20. turning it occasionally to prevent sticking, try to get it to a rectangle
  21. fold it up, put in the bag
  24. put a tower on the floor, put the sealed bag on the towel,fold the towel over the bag
  25. walk on it (with flat feet mind you, not just the heels)
  26. submit bug report do /dev/null (No,just kidding put it on the counter and repeat from the rolling step, do this about 5 times)
  28. You can also walk on it four times before letting it rest and once after if that is more convenient
  29. Or for that matter just knead it by hand
  32. okay, roll it out one last time!
  33. Fold it in about 1/3 of the way from each side (imagine if it were an A4,fold the LONG sides towards the middle)
  34. use a knife and cut strips about 1/3 to 1/8 of an inch thick
  35. cook them!
  36. They need about 3 minutes to get done,don't cook them all at the same time ;)
  39. Oh and you can store the COOKED noodles for several days, if they get dry just dunk them in a pot of boiling water and they're nice again (you CANNOT store the uncooked ones!)
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