
Khron Stonearm lvl 1 Paizo info

Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. ______________________________________
  4. ______________________________________
  6. [spoiler=Character Sheet]KHRON STONEARM
  7. Male Dwarven Fighter (Unbreakable) 1
  8. CG Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
  9. [b]Init[/b] +1; [b]Senses[/b] Darkvision, Perception +3
  11. --------------------
  13. --------------------
  15. [b]AC[/b] 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10. . (+1 Dex)
  16. [b]HP[/b] 12 (1d10+2)
  17. [b]Fort[/b] +4, [b]Ref[/b] +1, [b]Will[/b] +3 (+2 vs. poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
  19. --------------------
  21. --------------------
  23. [b]Speed[/b] 20 ft. (No Armor)
  24. [b]Melee[/b] Dwarven Waraxe +5 (1d10+6/20/x3)
  25. . . Dwarven Waraxe +4 (1d10+9/20/x3)
  26. . . Dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
  27. . . Dagger +4 (1d4+6/19-20/x2)
  28. [b]Ranged[/b] Dagger +2 (1d4+4/20/x2)
  29. [b]Special Abilities[/b] Diehard
  31. --------------------
  33. --------------------
  35. [b]Str[/b] 18, [b]Dex[/b] 12, [b]Con[/b] 14, [b]Int[/b] 13, [b]Wis[/b] 14, [b]Cha[/b] 7
  36. [b]Base Atk[/b] +1; [b]CMB[/b] +5; [b]CMD[/b] 16
  37. [b]Feats[/b] [url=]Power Attack (-1/+2)[/url], [url=]Endurance[/url], [url=]Diehard[/url]
  38. [b]Traits[/b] [url=]Threatening Defender (Reduce penalty from Combat Expertise by 1)[/url], [url=]Indomitable Faith (+1 Will)[/url]
  39. [b]Skills[/b] Perception 1 rank (+3), Intimidate 1 rank (+2), Use Magic Device 1 rank (-1)
  40. [b]Languages[/b] Common, Dwarven, Giant
  41. [b]Combat Gear[/b] Dwarven Waraxe, Dagger; [b]Other Gear[/b] 82gp 11sp 15cp, belt pouch, traveler's outfit
  43. --------------------
  45. --------------------
  47. [b]Favored Class: Barbarian[/b] (+1 Rage round)
  48. [b][url=]Dwarven Racial Traits[/url][/b] (Rock Stepper alternate racial trait)
  49. [b][url=]Tough as Nails[/url][/b]
  51. --------------------
  52. SPELLS
  53. --------------------
  55. [b]None[/b][/spoiler]
  56. [spoiler=In His Room][b]Combat Gear[/b] Earthbreaker, Sling, Sling Bullet (20), Scale Armor; [b]Other Gear[/b] bedroll, winter blanket, candle (5), crowbar, flint and steel, oil (1-pint flask) (2), grappling hook, silk rope (50 ft.), backpack, quiver, waterskin, 10 days trail rations[/spoiler]
  57. [spoiler=Background]Khron is from a long line of Dwarven merchants... a long line that has now been exiled from under the mountain. His parents, Alexander and Agna, settled down in the Rostland area of Brevoy, using their experience as merchants to set up a general store for the surrounding areas. Born into such an area, Khron grew up hearty and strong, a hard worker that would even impress the dwarves that had shunned his clan. Alexander and Agna were so proud of their son, already expecting him to take over the Stonearm General Store. His childhood was unremarkable, and it wasn't until he reached adulthood that he began to show dissatisfaction with his lot.
  59. Finding the merchant's life too droll for him, the dwarven man began to train with his home's wood-chopping axe. Every day, he would sneak off to go practice his swing, his ability to run, lift and various other martial tasks. He eventually managed to convince the Rostland Militia to let him enlist, despite his size and race. His parents were not pleased at him going to join "them tallfolk muscleheads," but all the young dwarven man wanted to do was train his body and his spirit. Though initially not trusting of the humans that made up the militia , Khron eventually won the respect of the men with his strength, fortitude and loyalty. Earning a reputation as a walking wall, he would practically absorb punishment while advancing without any fear, guarding the other men as they charged behind him. And once the battle was won, young Stonearm would drink any man under the table with a smile on his face.
  61. As the years passed and the human militiamen aged, Khron remained young and spry, at least by dwarven standards. All too soon, in his eyes, all those he had served with and had earned the trust of were growing old and dying. Frustrated with his inability to protect his comrades from time, he left the militia, instead deciding to become a traveling mercenary. His parents liked this even less, but could not deny the fighting spirit of their son, how the battlefield seemed to call to him.
  63. Having just started working as a mercenary two years prior, Khron is trying to make a name for himself. Tough as a brick wall and fierce as a storm, the dwarven man moves from town to town, hamlet to hamlet, looking for work and doing odd jobs. He has found himself in Magnimar, just having finished a job and with a sizable purse of earnings. Deciding to take a few days off to enjoy his earnings, the ex-militadwarf finds himself in a cozy little inn within Magnimar's city limits. With a job well-done, a pocket full of coin and a belly full of food and drink, and just the clothes on his back, Khron Stonearm has found himself in a bit of a rough situation...[/spoiler]
  64. [spoiler=Physical Description]Broad and heavily-muscled, Khron appears to be very much Urist Everydwarf. He's reasonably tall for a dwarf, standing roughly 4'7" and weighing about 225 pounds. His well-kept red hair and beard are his pride and joy, and his sharp gray eyes are said to keep those who would disagree with him in their place.
  66. He tends to dress very conservatively when not in his armor, favoring light clothing and his adventurer's outfit.
  68. [url=]Picture of Khron in full Militia gear.[/url][/spoiler]
  69. [spoiler=Personality]Khron defines "gruff and unpersonable." He is a crafty, wise and loyal comrade, but his interactions with others leave much to be desired. If one can endear themselves to him, he will defend them to the death without question, but he is loathe to even speak with people he does not trust or respect, at least if the money isn't right. He is aware of his inability to interact well with others, but he couldn't care less that such a flaw might be a problem. If the coin is good, or the cause noble enough, Khron will gladly risk his life to get it done. He also has a tendency to charge into situations recklessly, a trait he picked up from the humans he trained and fought amongst.[/spoiler]
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