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a guest
Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. === Sync completed for gentoo
  2. * Копирую старую базу данных в /var/cache/eix/previous.eix
  3. * Запуск eix-update
  4. Чтение настроек Portage ..
  5. Построение базы данных (/var/cache/eix/portage.eix) ..
  6. [0] 'gentoo' /usr/portage/ (кэш: metadata-md5-or-flat)
  7. Чтение категории 161|161 (100%) Готово
  8. Применение масок ..
  9. Расчёт хеш-таблиц ..
  10. Запись файла базы данных /var/cache/eix/portage.eix ..
  11. База данных содержит 18090 пакетов в 161 категориях.
  12. * Вызов eix-diff
  13. Сравнение баз данных (18090 -> 18090 пакетов)
  14. [>] == app-arch/lziprecover ((~)1.17 -> (~)1.18_pre1): Lziprecover is a data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the lzip compressed data format
  15. [>] == app-misc/jot (9.0 -> (~)9.0-r1): Print out increasing, decreasing, random, or redundant data
  16. [>] == app-misc/mmv (1.01b_p15 -> (~)1.01b_p18): Move/copy/append/link multiple files according to a set of wildcard patterns
  17. [>] == app-text/talkfilters (2.3.8 -> (~)2.3.8-r1): Convert ordinary English text into text that mimics a stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialect
  18. [>] == dev-libs/libgit2 ((~)0.22.2(0/22) -> (~)0.22.3(0/22)): A linkable library for Git
  19. [>] == dev-python/GridDataFormats ((~)0.2.2 -> (~)0.2.5): Reading and writing of data on regular grids in Python
  20. [>] == dev-python/amodem ((~)1.9 -> (~)1.10): Transmit data between two computers using audio
  21. [>] == dev-python/autobahn ( -> (~)0.10.4): WebSocket and WAMP for Twisted and Asyncio
  22. [>] == dev-python/libnatpmp ((~)20140401-r1 -> (~)20150609): Python module for libnatpmp, an alternative protocol to UPnP IGD
  23. [>] == dev-python/pympler ((~)0.4 -> (~)0.4.1): Memory profiling for Python applications
  24. [>] == dev-python/simpy ((~)3.0.3 -> (~)3.0.8): Simulation in Python is an object-oriented, process-based discrete-event simulation language
  25. [>] == dev-ruby/rb-gsl ((~) -> (~) Ruby interface to GNU Scientific Library
  26. [>] == net-print/cups-filters (1.0.70 -> (~)1.0.71): Cups PDF filters
  27. [>] == sci-chemistry/theseus ((~)3.0.0 -> (~)3.3.0): Maximum likelihood superpositioning and analysis of macromolecular structures
  28. [><] == sys-kernel/aufs-sources ((~)3.14.41(3.14.41)^bs (~)3.14.42(3.14.42)^bs (~)3.14.43(3.14.43)^bs (~)3.14.44(3.14.44)^bs (~)3.14.45(3.14.45)^bs (~)3.18.16(3.18.16)^bs (~)3.19.8(3.19.8)^bs (~)4.0.4(4.0.4)^bs (~)4.0.5(4.0.5)^bs (~)4.0.6(4.0.6)^bs (~)4.1.0(4.1.0)^bs -> (~)3.14.46(3.14.46)^bs (~)3.18.16(3.18.16)^bs (~)3.19.8(3.19.8)^bs (~)4.0.4(4.0.4)^bs (~)4.0.5(4.0.5)^bs (~)4.0.6(4.0.6)^bs (~)4.0.7(4.0.7)^bs (~)4.1.0(4.1.0)^bs (~)4.1.1(4.1.1)^bs): Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 4.1 kernel tree and aufs4 support
  29. [>] == sys-libs/fortify-headers ((~)0.4 -> (~)0.5): A standalone implementation of fortify source.
  30. * Статистика времени:
  31. 1136 секунд для синхронизация
  32. 5 секунд для eix-update
  33. 2 секунд для eix-diff
  34. 1143 секунд всего
  35. tux pendruk # cd Git
  36. tux Git # ./
  37. No package can be updated safely without your attention.
  38. Sorry about that.
  39. tux Git # emerge -avuDN world && emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse world && dispatch-conf
  41. These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
  43. Calculating dependencies... done!
  44. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/gcc-4.9.3:4.9::gentoo [4.9.2:4.9::gentoo] USE="cxx fortran (multilib) nls nptl openmp sanitize (-altivec) (-awt) -cilk -debug -doc (-fixed-point) -gcj -go -graphite (-hardened) (-libssp) (-multislot) -nopie -nossp -objc -objc++ -objc-gc -regression-test -vanilla" 87 936 KiB
  46. Total: 1 package (1 upgrade), Size of downloads: 87 936 KiB
  48. Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No]
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