
Button's Mum as the Hottest Thing in Creation

Dec 11th, 2014
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  1. OP:
  2. >Why is Button Mash's mom the literal hottest thing in creation?
  4. I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with this.
  6. The hottest observed thing is currently Quark-gluon plasma, with a temperature of 5.5 trillion, or 5,500,000,000,000 degrees Celsius. That's about 350,000 times hotter than the centre of the sun.
  7. In conventional plasma, the heat is so high that it essentially overcomes the forces holding atoms together, and the neutrons, protons and electrons that form them are free to move around in a sort of particle soup.
  8. Quark-gluon plasma takes this to the next level. The amount of energy is so high that the neutrons and protons themselves are torn apart, right down to the quarks and gluons that form them. Hence the name.
  10. Button's mum may be pretty tasty, but I'm sure she's not quite that hot.
  12. But what if she was?
  14. Well, to achieve QGP, matter has to be given about 135MeV per particle. Assuming that Button's mum weighs as much as an average human, and is composed of roughly the same matter, then she would have somewhere in the region of 7x10^27 atoms in her. If each of these were given the required level of energy, she would contain a total of 9.45x10^35 eV of energy. If we convert that into something we're more familiar with, that's the equivalent of 1.5x10^17 Joules, or 1.5 million billion J.
  16. How much is that exactly?
  18. Well, the most powerful weapon fielded by the USA was the B41, with a yield of 25 Mt. In comparison, Button's mum would have the same energy as about 36Mt of TNT, giving her a higher yield than the B41.
  19. Now, the most powerful weapon ever test by the USA was "Castle Bravo", with 15 Mt. Although it's lower that Button's mum, I've made the assumption that she won't reach the same potential as a nuclear device of the same size, so we're modelling her based on one just under half her yield. The fireball would spread out to about 3.5 km from all directions from wherever she happened to be at the time. If she was at home in Ponyville, then the entirety of Ponyville would have been completely flattened. There would be no survivors at this range.
  20. Up to about 5.5km, a 20psi shock wave would blast outwards from Button's mum, along with winds of up to 800 km/h, which would flatten all but the toughest buildings: at this range, even reinforced concrete buildings would be severely damages, if not outright destroyed. The fact that Equestria is unlikely to have any such heavily reinforced structures means that everything in this range would be fattened. Fatalities would approach 100%.
  21. The blast wave would continue outwards. At about 11km from ground zero, it is down to 5psi and the wind speed has reduced to 250 km/h. The more heavily constructed or fortified buildings are damaged: most residential ones collapse. Within this range, survival is a possibility, but not without taking heavy damage from being tossed around by the shock wave or caught in a collapse building. Fatalities are still high.
  23. None of this is even taking into consideration the thermal radiation effects. Anyone caught within direct line of sight of the blast would likely receive third degree burns, even at distance of up to 30 km. These are burns are painless: the nerve endings are destroyed before they can even register the heat. The burns can cause severe scarring, and may lead to amputations. Shadows of the unfortunate ponies are seared onto the walls behind where they stood when the blast hit. Ponies who were wearing outfits may find the pattern of their clothes burned into their skin, where different colours of the clothing have absorbed different amounts of radiation. Flammable objects may spontaneously combust from exposure to the intense heat.
  25. As the dust settles and the mushroom cloud dissipates, the everfree forest lies almost completely flattened. Ponyville is gone, and for miles around innocent ponies lie suffering, the luckiest ones those who are dead. Thankfully, there is little radioactive fallout, but this is of little consolation to the ponies who lost their loved ones to this tragic event. Celestia orders that a moment be erected to Ponyville, and the student and friend she lost there. It is never rebuilt, left barren in memorial of the needless suffering caused.
  27. All over Equestria, ponies weep, and ask the same question we've been asking in this thread:
  28. Why is Button's mum so damn hot?
  30. Now, this may seem pretty impressive, but as it turns out, we can get hotter than QGP, we've just never seen it happen. The universe was very hot immediately after the big bang, significantally more so that QGP. But lets not beat around the bush here.
  32. What if instead of being the the hottest thing we've ever observed, Button's mum was in fact the hottest thing physically possible?
  34. It turns out that there is an upper limit on possible temperatures, according to quantum theory at least. It's called Planck's Temperature, and it's based on the fact that there exists a lower limit for the wavelength of light. What exactly is that temperature? Well, it's just over 1.4x10^32 Kelvin. To put that in perspective, that's 25 billion billion times hotter than Button's mum was in the last scenario. At such high temperatures, our model of physics breaks down and funny things start to happen. Gravity become almost as strong as the other fundamental forces, and we just don't have the tools to model that.
  36. How much energy would she have? I ran the calculations, and it comes out as the equivalent of 0.7 tons of TNT... PER PARTICLE. Of which she has ~ 7x10^27. She would have a whopping yield of a billion billion billion tons of TNT. We're no longer counting her blast in Megatons, we're using Yottatons. If she had one magnitude more energy, we would have to invent a new prefix just to describe it. She would release as much energy in a single moment as out sun does over 350 years. To say Equestria is fucked would be putting it lightly.
  38. At least in this scenario there are no survivors left to deal with the cleanup. In thousands of years, aliens would look to the sky and observe some strange phenomena, a short lived mini-supernova.
  40. And worst of all, Button's mum would never have experienced the monkey D
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