
CPE quiz 1

Dec 16th, 2015
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  2. Question 1: According to Dr. Adrian Davis, the weekly, EMEA-focused lunchtime webinars on a Brighttalk channel typically draw how many “live” attendees?
  3. Your Answer: 600
  4. Question 2: This issue’s global spotlight focused on an (ISC)2 Chapter that incorporates three areas within a geographical location known as:
  5. Your Answer: East of England
  6. Question 3: (ISC)2 member Niahm Muldoon, CISSP, wrote about her experience serving on what committee?
  7. Your Answer: Scholarship Review Panel
  8. Question 4: The Safe and Secure Online program expanded this year to include what group of users?
  9. Your Answer: Senior citizens
  10. Question 5: Gartner Group defines what emerging discipline as “evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject’s response.”
  11. Your Answer: Threat intelligence
  12. Question 6: Which is a reason cited by by (ISC)2 member Manoj Tripathi for why security management programs can go wrong are:
  13. Your Answer: Both of the above
  14. Question 7: When deciding on which security metrics to incorporate into a security management program, it is important to consider:
  15. Your Answer: Where can you/we make the biggest difference
  16. Question 8: When deciding on an encryption tool to secure mobile device data, (ISC)2 member Jason McDowell recommends you consider:
  17. Your Answer: All of the above
  18. Question 9: If your organization qualifies as “critical infrastructure” under the U.S. National Infrastructure Protection Plan, in the event you are under a cyber attack you should initially contact:
  19. Your Answer: The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center
  20. Question 10: In our Q&A feature “5 Minutes with …,” Tom Gamali is the CISO of what financial institution:
  21. Your Answer: National Bank of Kuwait
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