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Pretty Much Delusional

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Mar 8th, 2012
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  1. Fat Baddie: Have we got a fucking problem Smoothrich?
  2. Smoothrich: nah its cool bro i like playing games iwth you guys
  3. Smoothrich: oh wait i went in there twice and got shit talked
  4. Smoothrich: the entire time
  5. Fat Baddie: I didn't say shit to you
  6. Smoothrich: and even when im not there
  7. Smoothrich: people shit talk me
  8. Fat Baddie: I've never said shit about you.
  9. Smoothrich: its basically a clan you are leading
  10. Smoothrich: with members who go out of their way
  11. Smoothrich: to shit talk me
  12. Smoothrich: nonstop
  13. Smoothrich: for months
  14. Fat Baddie: I'm not leading anything.
  15. Fat Baddie: Spark and I run shit back and forth between Buluban and Fisdnar
  16. Fat Baddie: that is literally the extend of strat for us
  17. Smoothrich: yah i was told the vent was a fun place to not have drama and trolling
  18. Fat Baddie: You see some sort of grand conspiricy, it's just a couple of people who hang out in here who happen to not like you.
  19. Smoothrich: and went in there and what a surprise
  20. Smoothrich: zealot and damug just like before
  21. Smoothrich: go off on me for no reason
  22. Smoothrich: yeah and zealot is there 24/7 im sure
  23. Smoothrich: work or not
  24. Fat Baddie: Well I dunno what to tell you, do what I do when someone I don't care for comes in there
  25. Smoothrich: like some kind of creep
  26. Fat Baddie: Mute them
  27. Fat Baddie: I literally had zero problem with you before you had to drag me into this
  28. Smoothrich: id rather just not go in there at all anymore and well since star wars came out participation in this game died and your vent sniped half our members
  29. Smoothrich: who dont even play games iwth us
  30. Smoothrich: i wouldnt care so much
  31. Fat Baddie: they cannot tollerate people in that other vent dude
  32. Fat Baddie: er
  33. Fat Baddie: ts
  34. Fat Baddie: why would people hang out there?
  35. Smoothrich: idc really
  36. Fat Baddie: you seem to
  37. Smoothrich: im just sick of zealot and damug being so awful, i stopped getting along with them
  38. Fat Baddie: you seem to care enought to call me out with some fucking vague threats
  39. Smoothrich: but they go out of their wayt o start shit on the crpg forums
  40. Smoothrich: and in the servers
  41. Smoothrich: making tehmselves get banned and then saying im abusive
  42. Fat Baddie: i'm not seeing what this has to do with me
  43. Smoothrich: they represent your whole vent to me
  44. Smoothrich: really
  45. Smoothrich: idk
  46. Smoothrich: its your clan
  47. Fat Baddie: what clan
  48. Smoothrich: and your members go out of their way to shit on me nonstop
  49. Fat Baddie: we are lljk
  50. Smoothrich: its really disrespectful
  51. Smoothrich: lol
  52. Smoothrich: no we arent
  53. Smoothrich: we have liek 5 teamspeaks
  54. Smoothrich: no one plays crpg
  55. Smoothrich: or strat
  56. Fat Baddie: i had 3 battles set up today
  57. Fat Baddie: all against fallen
  58. Fat Baddie: simply because you said we were at war with thim
  59. Fat Baddie: I killed the golden goose
  60. Fat Baddie: to rep LLJK
  61. Smoothrich: i have to admit you have been ok
  62. Smoothrich: with relations
  63. Fat Baddie: and you fucking make a scene on SA
  64. Smoothrich: so i didnt want to attack fisdnar
  65. Fat Baddie: saying that we're two clans
  66. Smoothrich: but im getting sick of strat
  67. Smoothrich: and zealot and damug
  68. Smoothrich: just try to troll me nonstop
  69. Fat Baddie: so what
  70. Smoothrich: so im gonna attack fisdnar and wipe you out of strat
  71. Smoothrich: lol
  72. Smoothrich: sorry
  73. Smoothrich: blame them
  74. Smoothrich: not me
  75. Fat Baddie: lol
  76. Fat Baddie: nice
  77. Fat Baddie: you sure showed us
  78. Fat Baddie: or rather
  79. Fat Baddie: me and spark
  80. Fat Baddie: since literally no one else is active up here but us
  81. Smoothrich: idk honestly its like fallen with tears
  82. Smoothrich: instead of tears, you have zealot and damug
  83. Smoothrich: ive been hearing for months that zealot just sits in there calling me a "two faced faggot" nonstop and etc
  84. Fat Baddie: well you don't have to attack it
  85. Smoothrich: and i went in there to be friendly and just got insulted repeatedly
  86. Fat Baddie: put gildis in
  87. Fat Baddie: I'll transfer ownship to him
  88. Smoothrich: ive been hesitant to attack raelly
  89. Fat Baddie: we'll pull out
  90. Smoothrich: i didnt want to becuase you and sparque have been raesonable
  91. Fat Baddie: and sell all the loot for cRPG gold or hats
  92. Smoothrich: despite teh hardship[s
  93. Smoothrich: of the clans
  94. Fat Baddie: we haven't done shit, zealot isn't even in this town, and all damug does is make scythes
  95. Smoothrich: but im just in complete grief mode
  96. Smoothrich: with LLJK
  97. Fat Baddie: your're being an infant and your making a huge mistake
  98. Fat Baddie: that's fine tho
  99. Smoothrich: do you not see how relentless shit talking
  100. Smoothrich: and being told im not welcome in your vent
  101. Fat Baddie: do what you want I literally only did any of this to help the clan. if you are the one and only face of the clan, and this is how you treat sparky and I, then fuck it and fuck you
  102. Smoothrich: and all of that
  103. Smoothrich: for months
  104. Fat Baddie: you are a giant baby, if I go on TS I get shittalked constantly too
  105. Smoothrich: with the clan not playing the game anymore
  106. Smoothrich: gets to be pretty awful
  107. Fat Baddie: you got trolled too hard, I get it. we didn't do shit, but you gotta show us what's up
  108. Fat Baddie: that's fine, do your worst
  109. Smoothrich: i thnk your gimmick is that your vent is free from rules and admins
  110. Smoothrich: yeah well when the leader and only person with organizational interest in the entire clan goes there
  111. Smoothrich: and gets shit on constantly
  112. Smoothrich: with you basically encouraging that environment
  113. Fat Baddie: yeah but smoothrich
  114. Fat Baddie: you don't like damug or zealot
  115. Smoothrich: that reflects poorly on you too
  116. Smoothrich: dude i never had a problem
  117. Fat Baddie: why would you want to go in there?
  118. Smoothrich: to begin with
  119. Smoothrich: thats the thing
  120. Smoothrich: i made the USA thing to keep itnerest up
  121. Smoothrich: in crpg
  122. Smoothrich: and all they ddi was delete the channels or ban people and grief
  123. Smoothrich: and i just told them to stop
  124. Smoothrich: and it turned into them shit talking me nonstop
  125. Smoothrich: i never had a problem with anyone really
  126. Smoothrich: tahts what ive been saying the entire time
  127. Fat Baddie: they don't like you, you don't like them, and they plus tromboner who never plays, papi who never plays, and a my brother are the only ones in there
  128. Fat Baddie: so what does it matter?
  129. Fat Baddie: you have to realise it doesn't matter
  130. Fat Baddie: I go to TS for battles
  131. Fat Baddie: just like everyone
  132. Smoothrich: idk im getting told now im a sperglord who takes games too seriously
  133. Smoothrich: this game
  134. Fat Baddie: you are seriously
  135. Fat Baddie: taking this game
  136. Fat Baddie: too seriously
  137. Fat Baddie: it's not fun like that
  138. Smoothrich: i dont care about the game but i was sick of being trolled
  139. Smoothrich: nonstop
  140. Fat Baddie: i don't see how you are having fun
  141. Smoothrich: by your member
  142. Smoothrich: s
  143. Fat Baddie: what members those are just my friends
  144. Fat Baddie: haven't you ever known people, irl, who just can't get along with eachother
  145. Fat Baddie: we are not a splinter LLJK
  146. Fat Baddie: there is no wee
  147. Fat Baddie: there is me and spark
  148. Fat Baddie: running constant fish
  149. Fat Baddie: from fisdnar
  150. Fat Baddie: that's it
  151. Fat Baddie: damug has moved from fief to fief, now he's running bandit out of here, before he was making scythes in Sumbuja
  152. Fat Baddie: and Tromboner has to be reminded once a week to turn in his perch
  153. Fat Baddie: that's it
  154. Fat Baddie: there is no grand conspiricy against you champ, there is not a splinter fisdnar lljk
  155. Smoothrich: i dont care about a grand conspiracy
  156. Smoothrich: you just harbor faggots in your vent who try to make me look awful
  157. Smoothrich: and i tried to be friendly with everyone but they made sure i couldnt be
  158. Smoothrich: even when it ried talkign to them
  159. Smoothrich: about what i ever did
  160. Smoothrich: (cuz i dont know what i did)
  161. Fat Baddie: i don't know either
  162. Smoothrich: i just started being called a two faced faggot one day
  163. Smoothrich: every day
  164. Fat Baddie: until today I never had issue with you
  165. Fat Baddie: but now I have issue with you
  166. Fat Baddie: because you're caring about all this entirely too much and basically saying that I can't talk to who I want, I can't hang out with Zealot and Damug, I can't chat with people about things that don't have anything to do with you or cRPG, because you got trolled on the forums
  167. Fat Baddie: read all that shit you just made me type
  168. Fat Baddie: read it and think about it
  169. Fat Baddie: i don't care about internet horses. it's a fun game, I like to help make LLJK look better, fight better
  170. Fat Baddie: but you've got your ego involved or something.
  171. Smoothrich: dude you can do whatever you want
  172. Smoothrich: i dont care
  173. Fat Baddie: yeah you do
  174. Smoothrich: but you people are very hostile to me
  175. Fat Baddie: what is you people
  176. Smoothrich: your vent
  177. Fat Baddie: until 20 mins ago I hadn't said 1 hostile word to you
  178. Smoothrich: its a different clan
  179. Fat Baddie: i don't agree with you
  180. Fat Baddie: not at all
  181. Smoothrich: you spend all your time with other people in a vent where if i go in i get ignored/insulted/whatever by two weird sperglords who have some problem with me
  182. Smoothrich: lljk is dead
  183. Fat Baddie: well that's fine
  184. Fat Baddie: you can join chaos now
  185. Smoothrich: so im gonna start by stomping out shit talking splinter cells of the faction
  186. Smoothrich: then everyone else
  187. Fat Baddie: lol
  188. Fat Baddie: you're delusional
  189. Fat Baddie: there's no splinter faction
  190. Fat Baddie: there's me and spark
  191. Fat Baddie: and you're succeeded in making yourself look like a huge jackass to us, who didn't do anything to you
  192. Fat Baddie: spark and nilstryfe, loyal to LLJK, guilty of association with a guy who trolled you on an internet horses forum
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