
A Day Towards Other Days

Apr 22nd, 2015
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  1. As the sun rose, so did you. Early starts were never your forte back on Earth but here in Fourcannon it was… easier, somehow. Maybe it was the fact that you were a tiny magical technicolor horse that made it so difficult to sleep in. Who knew! Either way, there was no way you could go back to sleep if you wanted to, so it was out of bed for Sunbather. You scrub the sleep from your eyes, carefully put your well-worn leather vest on, set your glasses on the length of your snout, and join the morning crowd pooling downstairs in the inn.
  3. You needed a house. Not that the inn was a bad place to rest your head but there was something so attractive about being able to live alone. Your habit of procrastination seemed to follow you into Equestria, unfortunately, so you had yet to fill out the necessary paperwork. Oh well. You abstain from getting anything to eat for right now, instead making a beeline for the door. Ever since an encounter you had a month or so ago you’ve been training with Booze. It’s been difficult and you were sore as all hell the first few weeks but you’ve made a definite improvement.
  4. You take a different path each time you visit his cottage. You want to familiarize yourself with the town, get to really know the sights and sounds. It doesn’t take too long to arrive and after giving Booze a moment of respite (he deserved his rest, after all) you tackle the days training head-on.
  6. Your training started to focus on weapon use recently. You were still in the ‘learning the stances and how to throw a blow’ stage, which was fine with you. Being a pony was pretty damn confusing at times so taking it slow was the way to go. You go at the pell for a good while before calling it a day and heading back to your (temporary, you remind yourself) home. You grab a bite to eat before entering the fray once more.
  8. The fray being the now-bustling streets of Fourcannon, that is. You flit about here and there, checking out the shops and saying hello to any of the faces you recognize. Which isn’t too many, you realize. You’ve really got to get out more! You check your pocketbook, looking over the short list of names you’ve jotted down. Your memory was faulty so this was the best option to avoid any embarrassing conversational gaffes.
  10. Before long the crowds start to get to you so you decide it’s high time for a break. The riverside was a great place to relax and clear ones mind. You take a seat under the shade of a tree by the banks. You let the warm light trickling in through the canopy wash over you, doing your best to live up to your name. Your mind wanders as it is wont to do. It settles first on a simple question: what am I doing here?
  12. You study one of your front hooves as you mull that one over. Having fun, you reply. Trying something new. Waiting. That last bit stung a little but it was true. You were doing your best to enjoy this strange new life but a part of you would always long for home. HOME home. Ah well. Before you can get any more existential you rise to your hooves and make for the inn.
  14. You catch a quick nap inside, waking up sometime in the evening. You shoot the breeze with anypony who walks through the door. You were sociable to a degree before this but it would seem that Fourcannon brought that side of you out in full force. Not that you were complaining, of course. Talking was fun! Your night passes quickly, filled with idle conversation and more than a few mugs full of sweet, cold, cider.
  16. So it was that you head off to bed with a smile on your face and the pleasant taste of apples on your tongue. Tomorrow would be another day. That much was enough for you.
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