

Dec 19th, 2017
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  1. Hi John,
  2. Thank you for your interest in chatting with a member of the Church. What would you like to talk about?
  3. John 12:05 PM
  4. Your beliefs
  5. Now chatting with: Allison and Emily
  6. Emily 12:07 PM
  7. Hi John! Thanks for coming to, Allison and I would love to chat about our beliefs. First, we'd like to get to know you a little bit so we can answer you in a way that can help you. Are you religious?
  8. John 12:08 PM
  9. Hi
  10. John 12:08 PM
  11. No, I'm not, I'm friendly however.
  12. John 12:08 PM
  13. I'm interested in finding out about religions
  14. John 12:09 PM
  15. Are you there?
  16. Allison 12:10 PM
  17. Okay great! Well is there anything specific you would like to learn about our church or any questions you have?
  18. John 12:10 PM
  19. What do you believe?
  20. Allison 12:10 PM
  21. Great question! Our fundamental belief is that we believe in God the eternal father, in His son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. There are actually 13 short articles of faith that we have that explain very simply what we believe. Would you like to read it?
  22. John 12:13 PM
  23. Not particularly, I'm interested in having a personal discussion.
  24. John 12:14 PM
  25. Do you believe that Jesus existed and what do you think happens to people who either don't believe he existed and/or reject him as an individual who had some divine capabilities?
  26. John 12:16 PM
  27. Also, what is the holy ghost and how can I verify the existence of this holy ghost?
  28. Emily 12:18 PM
  29. Okay, that's fine! Yes, we most definitely believe that Jesus Christ existed. That's a good question. After we die, all people will go to a place called the Spirit world, and eventually all will be resurrected. After that, there are 3 'kingdoms of glory' that we can go to. Those who choose to not believe in Christ and follow Him cannot go to the highest place - which is where God and Christ will be. If you'd like to know more about these things, we can talk about them. The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He doesn't have a body like God and Jesus Christ do, he is a personage of Spirit. Through the Holy Ghost, we can receive a witness of what is true. The Holy Ghost works through our feelings and our thoughts.
  30. Emily 12:19 PM
  31. Through those feelings and thoughts, you can feel the presence of the Holy Ghost in your life. We can also talk more about these things, but that those are basics.
  32. John 12:20 PM
  33. Can I ask why you think Jesus existed?
  34. Emily 12:21 PM
  35. Sure! Faith in Jesus Christ is a choice. I have never seen Christ, but I choose to believe that He existed on this earth, and that He lives today, because I choose to believe. I believe in the prophesies of prophets since the beginning of the world who testified that Christ would come. And I believe in prophets who have testified in modern day as well that He came. Do you know what a prophet is?
  36. John 12:25 PM
  37. I'm just concerned because it feels like you're basing your beliefs on information provided to you for which there isn't any evidence. If I had a family member who held these beliefs, I'd be concerned for them. Yes, I'm aware of what a prophet is. Do you use the bible as your source for information?
  38. Allison 12:25 PM
  39. Well that is the role of faith. We cant have a perfect understanding of everything. But God has left us scripture to teach us, prophets to guide us and even a way to communicate with Him directly through prayer. As we pray and ask God if He is real and if this is the truth, He will make it manifest to us
  40. John 12:28 PM
  41. OK, do you use the bible as your source for information? Do you pray to your god and does he answer your prayers?
  42. Emily 12:30 PM
  43. Are you still there?
  44. John 12:31 PM
  45. Yes, I'm still here. I asked a question above :)
  46. Emily 12:32 PM
  47. Sorry it said that you left the chat...we will answer your question. Thanks for your patience.
  48. John 12:32 PM
  49. Oh, it was maybe because I signed up for a missionary to visit me and I closed the tab. Apologies.
  50. John 12:34 PM
  51. Are you still there?
  52. Allison 12:35 PM
  53. No worries! So to answer your question, yes the Bible is one of many sources that God has given us to know what to do to return to Him. Yes, I have prayed and yes, He has answered every one of my prayers. It isnt always in the way we expect but He is always listening and He loves us.
  54. Allison 12:35 PM
  55. It is through prayer that I have come to know for myself that these things are true
  56. John 12:35 PM
  57. OK, so he answers all of your prayers. Are there any rules to follow in order for your prayers to be answered?
  58. Allison 12:36 PM
  59. thats a good question. There is a really great scripture that tells us exactly how to receive an answer to our prayers. Here is what it says- And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
  60. 5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
  62. 6 And whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is.
  64. 7 And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever.
  66. Emily 12:38 PM
  67. Also, we received your request to have missionaries. Before we send that to them, can we confirm the information? Is your address 5/79 Queenscliff Rd, Queenscliff, New South Wales, 2096, Australia?
  68. John 12:39 PM
  69. Yes, that address is correct.
  70. John 12:40 PM
  71. So if someone is genuine with their prayer then they are guaranteed to have that prayer answered? Is that what that passage is alluding to?
  72. Emily 12:40 PM
  73. Is this your correct number? 406136136
  74. John 12:40 PM
  75. No, that's not my correct phone number - I don't want to be disturbed on the phone.
  76. Emily 12:40 PM
  77. Okay, is the email you submitted correct? the missionaries usually like to set up appointments before visiting.
  78. John 12:41 PM
  79. yes, the email is correct
  80. Emily 12:41 PM
  81. alright, I'll submit your request!
  82. Emily 12:41 PM
  83. And to answer your question, we believe that God answers all prayers. But they may not be answered in the way that we want. God will answer in His timing and in His way.
  84. John 12:43 PM
  85. Do you have to be a mormon for the prayers to be answered? ie. is your god the same god as the christian god?
  86. Allison 12:44 PM
  87. Yes, we believe in the same God as all other Christians. God answers everyone's prayers, regardless of religious background, race or social status. We are all His children and He wants to help all of us :)
  88. John 12:46 PM
  89. OK, so I have a friend who is an amputee and he prayed to your god for 15 years begging and pleading for his limbs to grow back but your god never granted his prayer. He left him maimed for life. Why didn't he grant his prayer? How come your god only grants prayers which have no real world applications?
  90. John 12:50 PM
  91. Are you aware of any prayers which have been answered which can not be attributed to natural phenomena?
  92. Allison 12:56 PM
  93. Well God is not just like a genie that we can wish whatever we want and get it. When we pray for something, for those prayers to be answered, it cannot be contrary to the will or laws of God. It also has a lot to do with Gods timing. For example, your friend WILL one day have all of his limbs back when he is resurrected with a perfect body. There was a time when I was very very sick and I prayed to get better and I did. However, there are other times when I am sick or passing through a difficulty and it doesn't go away right away. I know in those times there was something I needed to learn from the trial I was passing, and in the end God did help me for it to get better.
  94. John 12:59 PM
  95. So you're saying that your god didn't want to cure my friend's amputated limbs? Or that he is incapable of healing him? I thought your god was omnibenevolent and omniscient?
  96. John 1:04 PM
  97. I understand these are difficult questions but there appears to be a lot of contradictions with your god. He appears to help people overcome a common cold which can be prescribed to natural phenomena but refuses to help people with issues which, if fixed, could not be attributable to natural phenomena. Do you see my issue here? It seems awfully convenient and thus far, no prayer has ever been answered which could not be attributable to natural phenomena. If your god answered a prayer which defied the natural laws, surely this would be remarkable and would certainly make people believe.
  98. Emily 1:08 PM
  99. We believe in an all-knowing and loving God. He knows your friend's difficulty. Like Allison said, this friend will someday have a perfect and resurrected body. The best way to know for yourself that God is real is to feel it for yourself. Have you ever prayed to God before? Have you ever knelt down and asked sincerely to know that He is there?
  100. John 1:11 PM
  101. OK, you claim that he will have his body back at some point, but we have no evidence that has ever happened or will happen. This hardly gives him any comfort for the immense difficulties he has to endure. Also, the fact that your god is granting prayers to other people for relatively menial matters surely makes him wonder why he, and all the other amputees who have ever lived, are all destined to live their lives without limbs while others apparently have their prayers answered.
  102. John 1:11 PM
  103. Surely this isn't an omnibenevolent god if this is the case.
  104. John 1:14 PM
  105. Yes, when I was young I prayed to a god but I grew out of it when I was a teenager and realised that I'd been indoctrinated into a belief structure and cult which was false and objectively immoral. I was raised as a christian.
  106. John 1:15 PM
  107. None of the prayers I made which contravened the natural laws were answered.
  108. John 1:15 PM
  109. Are you still there?
  110. John 1:17 PM
  111. Let me clarify my point above. I believe that christianity and your god are objectively immoral and evil. I believe you are good people with objectively good morals irrespective of your doctrine. I hope you understand this?
  112. Allison 1:17 PM
  113. Typing...
  114. John 1:21 PM
  115. Oh, did you hang up on me?
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