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Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. Broken-Coming
  3. These were days un[recorded], where firmament yet knew no masters... There lived a [pony] in our birth-land of sleeping valleys shrouded. He was born with a special, special gift, that is, he had a gift for kindness in many forms. All who came across him could attest to this, for he exuded it so much that it seemed it was what he was made from. In these days the Rainbow of [Rays?] shone freely and all was well to those fortunate enough to live in these days.
  5. "Ha! Ha! Yay!" said the pony. "Look at how many gifts I've to share!"
  7. So would the many ponies and pony-kin and woodland creatures and [UNKNOWN] come to him for gifts and aid. Were one of them injured or ill, they would only need go to him for a gift of healing and a bowl of hot soup. Were any in need of a helping hand, he would give all aid he could, and often gain the help of others. For this he was a beacon to all who lived in his space.
  9. That was, of course, nothing compared to what the animals thought. They loved him as their savior and hero; the lions would carry him upon their backs so his hooves never need tire, the birds brought him news in his mornings, woven into song. The goats and deer made sure his gardens were kept free of weeds, and the lizards slid into the tightest of corners so nothing of his would ever be lost. In the nights the bats stood sentinel, though there was nothing to guard him from; not one soul dared cross him, for it was said his [coming/birth] was blessed and the kindness he exuded from his being was his purpose.
  11. There was one time, though, where the animals began asking for more. At first, it was the goats who asked to feed on the grass of others so they could bear more young. The pony took then to vast plains beyond and gave them their fill. Soon, the Lions petitioned for more goats to offer themselves to them, for they too wanted to have more young.
  14. So it was that the animals made many, many requests, but Kindness could not bear to turn them down. He saw it as his duty to serve them. So after many [measure of time], the animals came to live by him. They no longer saw need to learn to eat and run and hunt, because through his Kindness their kind would be all right.
  17. "Ha! Yay–?" Kindness never truly tired, blessed he was by powers beyond, but it wore away at him to see the animals he loved become something else. They made ever more and more demands, for specific foods to be served on platters of pure refracted light and carefully fed, to leaving him to find ways to nurse children mothers had no intention to spend a thought. Soon it was he who carried them to streams to drink from, and cleaned out their waste when they simply did not want to bother.
  19. His body never tired, true, but his soul did. Eventually the cries and calls and summons of the animals began to dull their edge, and one day hearing them drew a little less will to please. He still wanted to help them, but perhaps, he should do something else? Was his kindness correct in letting them be as they were, growing into globs like this? Of course, the answer must be to help direct their desires a little.
  21. As this thought came, the butterflies adorning his legs flapped. It was but one flap, then they returned to being cutie marks like any other, but everything changed.
  23. "Look at how you have grown, so slothful and decadent! Your wishes encompass so many things, so I shall rein them in that you might find more meaning in them. From now on the goats are only to eat from THIS patch, and no more than five mouthfuls at a time. The lions ask that you sacrifice your young and you have chosen "
  26. -------
  27. "Look at what you have wrought, foolish pony. See what you have done? Perhaps you once had kindness and bore it in whole, but we see only a wretched shell before us now."
  28. That spark within erupted, and the pony defiantly cried out. "No! It is not by my fault that all that has bad here has transpired! It was the animals! They in their foolishness asked of me so many things and what could I do but give it to them?"
  30. "Then clearly, it seems you were never fit to bear your gift since your [birth/creation]. For this we curse you. This new thing you have invented, you shall forevermore embody. See how even we fall victim to this?"
  32. As they spoke, fire pulsed from them, most of all the pony who once bore kindness. The snow melted not into water, but vile liquid that drew forth the mad animals and beckoned them to drink. Upon their imbibing their eyes shone with an understanding, before they fell before the steps of the stone and lay [no-longer-lucid?].
  34. "They could not have known better, but you did. We should punish them for the foolishness you accuse them of, but you shall be marked for it all the same." In the steps of song then did the four change the pony formerly of kindness. He wailed and cried, but they cut him apart with [light-made-burning] and began to put pieces of his animal-once-friends onto him.
  36. "No! Please! I beg you! If I am changed in this manner I will never, ever have a chance to know the gift of my kindness again! If this mutilation is a reminder of my doing, how will I be ever cleansed and made anew! I beg you not to do this!" But the four did not listen, and with eyes unknowable they infused each of his new limbs with the new thoughts emerging in their minds.
  37. One saw the turning of a once-ally as something most hurtful.
  39. One saw the refusal of his gift as a more despicable abomination. Seeing that perhaps he was so full of poison he would taint anything and all he consorted with,
  41. One was most hurt by the stories he told that were not meant to bring joy and wonder, but only to cover his own ends.
  43. One, was most saddened and questioned why he would rob others of joy. This one had a grain more of mercy and, even as they sewed things that did not belong onto their former kin, wished that he'd find laughter of his own. So much that a single tear dropped into the leg he was binding, and so it was known how his joy would be paid for.
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