

Sep 15th, 2012
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  1. Dear Eriko,
  3. I hope my last letter found you well. Sorry if it was a little bit insubstantial, but things have been busy here and I haven't had much time to do personal stuff like this. Now that I've had some free time, I thought I could write something less impersonal.
  5. I've been missing you a lot while I'm out here. Didn't think it would be this much. But when you're seeing people in this type of condition, you want to be with someone who can make you forget about all the bad times. And well, you do that for me. When I'm with you I feel like all the bad times never happened.
  7. I'm sorry if my confession a few weeks ago startled you. It might have been out of the blue for you, but for me it had been building up for awhile. Really hope it doesn't make you push me away, or think of me as some kind of crazy guy. I really just wanted to make you happy, and thought you should know how I felt. If it just confused you more, I apologize.
  9. When I return, we should have a serious discussion. I don't want to make you uncomfortable when I'm around, and make you not want to be around me. I don't think either of us would want that. If you don't want to have anything to do with me in that way, you just have to let me know and I'll let you go on your merry way, but if you think it could happen...we need to talk about it.
  11. Sorry if this letter seems like another thing out of the blue, it's just something I've been thinking about up here. I hope to return this week, and see you when I do.
  13. Love,
  15. Ralph.
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