
Twilight's small lesson.

Aug 4th, 2018
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  1. “Are you sure we should be out this far? I can’t even see the school anymore.”
  3. Twilight pushed another fern out of her way as she quickly jogged ahead to catch up to Sunset.
  5. “I’m so sure there’s Equestrian magic out here, I can feel it.”
  7. “I’m not disagreeing with you, I can feel something too, but shouldn’t we have gotten the others just in case the magic has already fallen into the hands of yet another person who uses it for evil?”
  9. Sunset rolled her eyes before pushing forward.
  11. “It’s already too late to turn back, its right around here somewhere.”
  13. Twilight moved up right behind Sunset, grabbing her arm to ensure she didn’t fall behind in the thick foliage. No sooner than she grabbed Sunset, she was pulled along with her when an unforseen hole, hidden under the plants caught Sunset’s misstep, causing her to fall inside, taking Twilight with her.
  15. The pair screamed as they slid down the narrow tunnel, immediately blinded by the darkness before coming to a skidding halt on their butts.
  17. Amidst the groaning, the two attempted to stand, only to fall back down, unable to get their balance.
  19. “Ugh, I don’t feel right.”
  21. Twilight groaned, trying to stand for the second time.
  23. “I can’t see anything. Twilight, could you try to lift something with your magic? Maybe the magic might give us some light.”
  25. Twilight stuck her arms out and tried to grab at anything telekinetically, but instead, a small spark flashed above her head. It was a little insane, but she could have sworn in that small window of light, she had seen something she shouldn’t have. Sunset must have seen it too as she immediately lit up the room, showering them in light that she emitted from her horn.
  27. “We’re in Equestria!”
  29. Twilight looked down at her hands, seeing the stumps she would have to call hooves. Her chest started to heave faster and heavier as she ran her hooves along her body, over her face which still held her glassed and eventually, to the tip of her horn.
  31. The screech that sounded from her maw forced Sunset to fold her ears over and block them, making it very hard to keep the light on. Once that went out, the screeching intensified, forcing her to cover Twilight’s mouth with her hoof before lighting up the room again.
  33. “Twilight, relax. We have magic from a world that you know is inhabited by colourful ponies. This shouldn’t be this much of a shock to you. Now I’m going to remove my hoof, are you going to stop screaming?”
  35. Twilight slowly nodded, allowing Sunset to remove her hoof and stand up again. Twilight tried to stand up on her hind hooves, falling forward onto her fore hooves.
  37. “This feels weird, walking on four legs.”
  39. “It takes some time, you should have seen me the first time I became human. But it’s very simple, when you move your right or left fore leg, just move the opposite hind leg.”
  41. Twilight lifted her right fore leg, slowly reaching it forward as she lifted her left hind leg, steadily falling over to her right.
  43. “You’ll have to move them a bit faster than that.”
  45. Sunset reached out her hoof, helping Twilight back to her hooves. After a quick examination of their surroundings, Sunset noticed a hole in the roof where they had fallen from and a tunnel, hopefully leading out of the cave.
  47. “Here, grab onto my back if you need to, that way you can walk on two legs.”
  49. “Hang on; I think I got this now.”
  52. The exit to the cave turned out not to be very long, but it took the pair of them almost twice as long as it should have. Sunset could only sigh as Twilight took a single step before moving her next hoof, meaning that Sunset had to wait for two steps before Twilight actually took a step.
  54. “See, I told you I got this.”
  56. “Yeah… really- Twilight look out! A giant, dangerous Equestrian monster! Run!”
  58. Sunset began to trot, seeing Twilight run past her, screaming as she ran through the trees. After a long period of screaming and running, Twilight came to a clearing, stopping to catch her breath as Sunset ran in after her.
  60. “Now you got it.”
  62. Twilight looked up, turning around to see Sunset’s smug look before realizing there was no monster.
  64. “That’s not funny!”
  66. Sunset walked ahead, but not before bumping Twilight with her rear first and poked her tongue out at her.
  68. “Come on, I can see Twilight’s castle from here, she should be able to send us back.”
  70. Twilight looked up, seeing the tip of a castle over the canopy of the trees. She tried to readjust her glasses but her hoof only pushed it off her nose.
  72. “Oh no… Sunset, I’m worried if I reach for my glasses, ill step on them.”
  74. Sunset turned around, seeing Twilight squinting at the ground, her hoof just slowly sliding along the ground. Sunset picked it up in her magic, placing it back on Twilight’s nose and straightened it for her.
  76. “You’ve used magic before; you can do that here too.”
  78. “I tried, but I can’t control it like I did back home. I can’t feel it in my hands… hooves.”
  80. “That’s because you have a horn here. You need to control your magic through that now. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you when we get to the castle.”
  82. Now that Twilight knew how to walk, it wasn’t long before they exited the forest and now stood at the castle doors. Twilight was getting some strange looks from passersby, possibly because of her new mane style, the glasses, but most likely the missing wings.
  84. Twilight felt out of place as all these strange ponies, although looking like people from home weren’t and their whispering and staring was making her uncomfortable.
  86. “Come inside.”
  88. Sunset pushed the giant doors open, allowing Twilight to run straight in. Some ponies had moved in to get a closer look but Sunset ran in, closing the door behind her.
  90. “Jeez, it’s like these ponies have never seen a unicorn without wings before.”
  92. She was looking towards the door when she walked right into Twilight rear, falling back from the bump. As she got back to her hooves, she noticed Twilight was in awe of her surroundings. The castle looked amazing to her, probably because she had never been in a castle before but it was impressive none the less.
  94. “This place is amazing!”
  96. “Yeah, Twilight’s castle is pretty impressive.”
  98. Twilight turned to Sunset, tapping on her to get her attention.
  100. “Doesn’t that mean this is technically my castle too?”
  102. “I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way. Come on, let’s go find her.”
  104. Sunset walked off, reaching the door to the next room before she realized Twilight was still staring at the ceiling. She had to grab her with her magic and drag her with her.
  106. “Twilight! Where are you?”
  108. “I’m right here.”
  110. Sunset rolled her eyes before brushing Twilight’s mane in front of her eyes. She moved on, looking into each room while Twilight pulled herself up onto the window sill.
  112. “Sunset, what’s that building right there?”
  114. Sunset turned around, climbing up onto the window sill too as she looked down at the school beside the castle.
  116. “That wasn’t there last time I was here.”
  118. As the two examined the building, they noticed through the window on the top floor, up above the front door, they could see Twilight, her back to them as she sat at a desk, shuffling through some parchments.
  120. “There she is, let’s go.”
  122. Twilight jumped down from the window and headed back to the front door before Sunset grabbed her tail, pulling her back and teleporting the two of them into Twilight’s office.
  124. “What the-?”
  126. “What the-?”
  128. Both Twilight and Princess Twilight were both shocked, one unaware of the magic of teleportation, the other unaware of the two ponies being in Equestria at all.
  130. “Sunset! What are you doing here?”
  132. Princess Twilight leapt over her desk, leaping onto Sunset and giving her a tight hug.
  134. “Well, we kinda just dropped by.”
  136. Princess Twilight turned to see Twilight standing right next to her. The two of them stared at each other as Princess Twilight reached out and touched her glasses.
  138. “At least others can tell us apart.”
  140. Twilight herself was still examining her pony self, lifting the wings and checking them out, a little envious that she didn’t have any.
  142. Whilst she was busying herself with the Princess, Spike walked in behind her, with a stack of scrolls.
  144. “Here are the permission scrolls you asked for Twilight.”
  146. Twilight’s ears perked up as she stood up straight.
  148. “I know that voice.”
  150. As she turned, her smile turned into an ear-splitting scream as she grabbed a large book from the shelf nearby and swung it at Spike, smacking him across the face.
  152. “Eek! Giant lizard monster!”
  154. “Twilight stop!”
  156. Princess Twilight grabbed her hooves, pulling her back from Spike.
  158. “He’s not a giant lizard monster, he’s a dragon.”
  160. “Eek! A dragon!”
  162. Princess Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes as she took back the seven other large books Twilight had already pulled from the shelf to attack with.
  164. Spike got back up, groaning as he rubbed his cheek, now noticing the two Twilights.
  166. “You know, if it wasn’t so common for strange things to happen around here, I’d probably be confused or curious.”
  168. Princess slowly let go of Twilight, just to assure she wasn’t going to attack Spike again. When she saw Twilight steadily calming down, she turned to Sunset and approached her.
  170. “How did you get here anyway? The portal isn’t on.”
  172. “We followed some Equestrian magic that was floating around our world; it must have opened a portal in an underground tunnel that we fell into.”
  174. “Well I can get you back if you want.”
  176. “Wait!”
  178. Twilight shouted, getting the two to turn to her.
  180. “I’ve never been here before; do you think you could teach me to use magic? Back home, all I can do is simple telekinesis.”
  182. Princess Twilight smiled as she ran up to Twilight.
  184. “Wow, can you understand what this could mean? I would be teaching me everything I know. This would be so much fun, especially since we’re in my own school.”
  186. “Wait, you’re running a school now?”
  188. Sunset interjected, only now realizing why she was here or what here was.
  190. “Not now Sunset, Starlight!”
  192. There were some light noises that quickly became louder as Starlight burst into the room, breathing heavily. As she regained her breath, she noticed Sunset and two Twilights, staring at her.
  194. “Do I even want to know?”
  196. “Starlight, could you show Sunset around the school while I teach myself magic.”
  198. There was just several seconds of the two of them staring at each other in silence.
  200. “Ok…”
  202. Before Starlight could even motion for Sunset to follow her, Princess Twilight was already pushing both of them out the door. Closing the door immediately, she turned to Twilight and advanced on her.
  204. “Ok, so first thing you need to do, is focus your magic through your horn. I’ve been human before, so I understand you’ve never felt a horn before so just focus on it like any other limb on your body.”
  206. Twilight closed her eyes as she tried to feel her own horn. Over the next few seconds, a low hum began to emit from Twilight, slowly inclining in volume as sparks began to fly from Twilight’s horn.
  208. “Wait! Don’t try to do any mag-”
  210. Twilight blasted a bolt of magic which knocked her unprepared body onto her flank. Her glasses flew from her face, clattering on the ground in front of her as she slowly got up from her fall.
  212. “Could you please hand me my glasses?”
  214. Twilight looked around, expecting Princess Twilight to hand her, her glasses, but there was just quiet squeaking. Realising nothing was happening, she reach forward slowly; feeling her glasses as she gently grabbed them from both ends with both hooves and tried to slide them on her head.
  216. She let out a groan as she got her glasses caught on her horn. Gently pulling them off, she slid them onto her nose. The first thing she saw was Princess Twilight, hanging from her horn.
  218. Sunset and Starlight were only down the corridor when they heard a scream from Twilight’s office. Twilight however, was trying to contain her screaming when she noticed that her panic was actually threatening to toss Princess Twilight from her grip on her horn.
  220. She reached up with both hooves, allowing Princess Twilight to step down onto them and finally let go of the horn.
  222. “I told you not to use magic, you weren’t ready yet.”
  224. The doors swung open as Sunset and Starlight ran into the room. Twilight, unable to rationally think in such a situation, pushed her hooves to her mouth and sealing Princess Twilight inside.
  226. “What happened in here?”
  228. Twilight sat there, sitting on her flank with her fore hooves between her legs, cheeks slightly puffed out. All she did was shrug, still trying to contain herself as Princess Twilight struggled inside her.
  230. “Where did Princess Twilight go?”
  232. Twilight just pointed towards the window, ran her hoof in a circle then pointed at the floor.
  234. “Oh, she probably had some headmare business to take care of, she’ll be back soon.”
  236. Starlight turned around to leave but Sunset remained.
  238. “What did you scream about then?”
  240. Twilight reached up and stroked her horn.
  242. “Oh, first time using it feels weird for everypony. Well, we should be back once Starlight has shown me around.”
  244. No sooner than when Sunset closed the door again did Twilight’s jaws part as Princess Twilight stood on her tongue, pushing the roof of her mouth up and forcing it open.
  246. “What do you think you’re doing!?”
  248. Twilight reached up and spat the tiny Twilight into her hooves; a couple of strands of drool linked her mouth to her tiny teacher.
  250. “I’m so sorry, I panicked, and I thought I should have hidden you.”
  252. “If you showed them, they could have reversed it”
  254. Twilight rolled her eyes and she examined the tiny, saliva drenched Twilight.
  256. “If I was able to do this, I should logically be able to fix it.”
  258. “Wait! No-”
  260. Twilight already shot out sparks from her horn and fell back off her flank and onto her back instead. She pulled herself back up and saw Princess Twilight, on her flank right in front of her, full size and all.
  262. “See, told you I could do it. It’s only just logical.”
  264. Princess Twilight pointed to the roof. It grabbed Twilight’s attention as she looked up, noticing the room being much larger than previously. Looking back from the room, to the Princess and to herself, it was obvious what she’d done.
  266. She opened her mouth to scream but Princess Twilight had already blocked it with her hoof, still covered in saliva.
  268. “No more screaming. Ok?”
  270. Twilight nodded as Princess Twilight removed her hoof.
  272. “Can’t you just reverse this instead?”
  274. “No, the magic output from a Unicorn or Alicorn is limited to the size of their horn. The bigger the horn, the larger the magic amplification. Being this small, I can’t do more than make some colourful lights, let alone cast any spells.”
  276. Twilight’s heart began to pound as she contemplated her new life as a tiny pony. Princess Twilight grabbed her by the hoof, gaining her attention
  278. “Calm down, this is normal around here… kind of. All we need to do is get Starlight or Sunset to notice us, then we have them undo the spell, it’s very simple.”
  280. Twilight nodded in agreement and followed the Princess as she ran over to the giant door. Luckily for them, the gap beneath was more than large enough for them to slip underneath.
  282. “Now, if Starlight is following my guide to giving a tour of the school, she should be down on the ground floor first.”
  284. The two tiny ponies stared down the stairs before them. Each step was larger than either of them could reach, even if they stood on top of each other.
  286. “I got an idea, hop on.”
  288. Princess Twilight stepped forward, spreading her wings as Twilight climbed onto her back. Princess Twilight groaned under the weight. She was more used to someone lighter like Spike, not someone of her own weight.
  290. “I hope this works.”
  292. “Wait, you don’t know if this will even work?”
  294. Instead of replying to Twilight, the Princess ran for the edge of the first step, leaping off as Twilight wrapped her hooves tighter around the Princess’ neck. The weight was too much for Princess Twilight to lift higher, but it was fine for a glide downwards towards the floor.
  296. Unfortunately, it didn’t help with the landing as Princess Twilight crashed hard, falling onto her belly. She was unable to stand as Twilight was still wrapped around her, eyes closed and shaking.
  298. “You can let go now.”
  300. Twilight slowly opened her eyes, seeing they were both safely on the ground. She let go of her vice grip on Princess Twilight’s neck and climbed off, helping the Princess onto her hooves.
  302. ‘BRI~NG!’
  304. “What was that?”
  306. Twilight covered her ears with her hooves, never hearing something so loud. Princess Twilight started looking back and forth down the corridor.
  308. “Oh no, that was the school bell.”
  310. Suddenly, all the doors swung open as students began to file out of each room, quickly filling the corridor with a stampede of hooves.
  312. “Run to the wall!”
  314. Princess Twilight shouted, turning to the closest wall and running as the students approached. Upon reaching it, she turned to see if Twilight was ok. Twilight however was frozen with fear as she stood where she was as the students descended on her.
  316. “Twilight, run!”
  318. Twilight turned to the Princess and ran, but closed her eyes as she ran as the students were already stomping around her. Princess Twilight saw among the students heading over was Silverstream, flying above the ground as she approached Twilight.
  320. ‘Good, that should give Twilight an open area to run across.’
  322. Luck was not on their side however as Smoulder, who was walking right behind her accidently stepped on Silverstream’s tail as it dragged behind her. Silverstream was taken aback from the sudden stop to her momentum as she fell to the ground below.
  324. “Twilight, stop!”
  326. Twilight couldn’t hear anything among the pounding of hooves around her. She refused to open her eyes, until a much louder boom echoed into her ears. She opened her eyes just in time to see a giant; bird like creature had fallen right in front of her. The creature’s beak was the only thing between her and the Princess.
  328. Twilight had already bumped into the creature’s lower beak before she could comprehend the situation. Her tiny body flipped over, landing on her back on a slimy floor.
  330. Twilight’s immediate scream was silenced as Silverstream got back up, her beak sealed with only the tiny pony’s tail hanging from it.
  332. The tongue felt the odd thing in its domain and went to work, curling around it, tasting it. Twilight, now screaming in complete darkness, tried to push back against the slimy muscle to no avail.
  334. Princess Twilight ran ahead, trying to come up with a plan to save Twilight. If she took too long, Silverstream might just accidently swallow her. Silverstream herself was already beginning to walk off, prompting Twilight to shoot at her rear with a blast of magic.
  336. “Oww!”
  338. Silverstream yelped, her tiny captor flung from her open maw as she rubbed her rear. Princess Twilight ran along the wall, managing to stop Twilight’s descent with some magic, however, not enough to stop it completely. Twilight landed, although the Princess’ aid and the thick layer of saliva easily prevented any serious harm.
  340. Silverstream walked over Twilight, heading to her next class. Princess Twilight ran over as Twilight steadily got up to her shaky hooves.
  342. “Not fun being inside a mouth now is it?”
  344. Twilight scowled and lifted her hoof to say something. Princess Twilight saw nothing but a light Turquoise wall. Princess Twilight jumped back as she looked up the leg, seeing Ocellus standing above her. She was busy, talking with Yona before the bell sounded again, indicating the start of the next period.
  346. “Oh no, we’re gonna be late.”
  348. The pair took off for their next class. Ocellus’ hoof lifted, leaving nothing but a patch of saliva where Twilight once stood. Princess turned to see Twilight’s tiny form stuck to her sole as she took off down the corridor and turning into her next class.
  350. “Ugh Twilight!”
  352. Princess Twilight ran after her, slipping under the door to the class. Rarity was teaching in here, her stage set up in the centre of the room as the students sat at desks around the stage. From her corner of the stage, she couldn’t see Ocellus at any of the desks, only meaning that she was on the other side of the room, of course.
  354. Having no choice, Princess Twilight had to run from desk to desk from under each of the student’s chairs. If Rarity was to notice her, she’d be too far away to make out and easily be mistaken for a bug. If she was caught, odds were she’d be running from flying scissors and needles.
  356. Chair to chair she ran across the room, checking to make sure Rarity wasn’t looking in her direction. After making it around one side of the stage, she could see Ocellus sitting half way down the new side of the stage.
  358. A few more desks over, she was under Ocellus’ chair, one hoof resting on the tip while the other sat flat on the floor. Princess Twilight leaned down to the one flat on the floor.
  360. “Twilight, are you ok?”
  362. She heard muffled screams in response, giving Princess Twilight a reason to sigh in relief. Walking over to the other hoof, Princess Twilight gently stroked it. Ocellus’ hoof twitched but remained still. She stroked at it again, eliciting a reaction.
  364. Ocellus rubbed her sole against her other leg before swapping them around, planting her other hoof flat and leaning the one trapping Twilight on its tip. Twilight was stuck to the sole, between some soft flesh and the adhesion of the saliva she was recently coated in. Already disgusted and stressed out, it didn’t aid her now that she was stuck to this sole, upside down.
  366. Princess Twilight grabbed her hoof and pulled on her, peeling her from the hoof. No sooner had she fallen onto the ground did Ocellus move her hooves. Princess Twilight was quick enough to pull Twilight away before the hoof could come back down on her.
  368. “I’m sure your world is fine when you’re not the size of a bug… But I want to go home now.”
  370. Princess Twilight helped Twilight onto her hooves before blasting her with a bit of magic, cleaning her of her drool coating and returning her mane to its usual design.
  372. “Classes should last for a good while so the corridors should be clear. Just follow me and we’ll be fine.”
  374. Backtracking the way she came, Princess Twilight ran across the floor from chair to chair with Twilight following right behind her. Finally reaching the chair closest to the door, Princess Twilight looked back at Rarity, seeing her back turned to them.
  376. “Go now.”
  378. The two ran across the floor, nearing the door before a shrill shriek ran grabbed their attention. They turned in time to see Rarity throw a spool of blue thread towards them. The spool hit the ground in front of them, bouncing just over their heads and into the door. The pair turned back and galloped for the door, diving under as a pair of scissors hit the ground and slid under the door, almost piercing them in the process.
  380. “That was too close.”
  382. Thumps came from down the corridor as the two tiny ponies turned to see Starlight and Sunset heading their way. The two of them walked right in front of both Twilights, turning to look into the window opposite Rarity’s class. Sunset’s tail swept around as her body turned, sweeping over both Twilights.
  384. Princess Twilight went for grabbing hold, wrapping her hooves around a thicket of hairs. Twilight however was just coincidently collected by the tail, getting herself tangled in the thick strands.
  386. “…and this is Rarity’s class. She looks a little stressed for some reason. But that’s about it; I guess we should head back to Twilight’s office.”
  388. Sunset’s tail shook as her hips swung side to side as she walked, heading back up stairs. As the tail hit each step, the Twilights were shook and threatened to be thrown off, at least Princess Twilight was, Twilight was too tied up to fall loose.
  390. Steadily, Twilight lost strand after strand of Sunset’s tail, eventually dwindling down to one strand to hold onto. It was at this point that Starlight and Sunset returned to the office, finding it empty.
  392. “Twilight?”
  394. Sunset called out, turned around to see if she missed her. The momentum of the turn forced Princess Twilight to pull too hard on the single strand, pulling it from Sunset’s rear. As she fell, still holding onto the strand like it would help, her sudden fall was cut short as Twilight reached out, barely making it and biting onto the hair.
  396. “Oww, what the-?”
  398. Sunset turned around, seeing an out of place hair on her tail as well as two, purple spots mixed into the red and yellow. Grabbing the out of place strand, she lifted it, pulling up both Twilights on each end. Finding one more tangle than the other, it took a bit of magical untangling to free both of them as they dangled on either end of the hair.
  400. “Twilight?”
  402. She placed them on the desk, leaning in as the pair explained what had happened to them. Starlight read through some of the books in the office, but nothing came up about growth or shrink spells.
  404. “I’ve never done size magic before and there are no books about them in here. You’ll have to go to the library in the castle and find one there.”
  406. Sunset placed her hoof by the table edge as the two jumped onto her sole.
  408. “You’re not coming with me?”
  410. “Can’t, with Twilight out of the school, I have to run things until she’s back to her normal size.”
  412. Sunset looked down at the tiny Princess for confirmation, taking it from her tiny nods. She couldn’t teleport with them in her hoof like this; she’d need to walk, not like walking on three legs was difficult or anything.
  414. She made her way outside the school, keeping her eye on her hoof to ensure neither of them fell off. As she focused on her hoof, she didn’t notice ahead of her as her other hoof connected with a large branch that lay across the ground, tripping Sunset.
  416. Sunset tried to cover the Twilights, pushing her hooves together as she fell forward. Her fall felt quite odd though as she stood back up. She looked down and saw a hand pressed onto the ground. Looking around, she found herself back outside her own school.
  418. Behind her, a small portal was torn; it quickly vanished before she could react. Sunset rose to her feet, rubbing down her skirt from the dust from the ground. Her attention quickly returned to her other hand that she held in a fist. Steadily opening it, she found both Twilights, still tiny but in human form.
  420. “This isn’t a problem… I’ll just return through the actual portal and find the spell to reverse it. Simple.”
  422. Sunset placed her other hand on the stone statue’s plinth. It was completely solid.
  424. “Right… it’s not open…”
  426. Sunset could only assume from their tiny faces that the pair were screaming in her hand.
  428. “I’ll find a way to fix this… In the mean time.”
  430. She pulled open one of the pockets in her vest, dropping the pair inside before holding a hand over it, to ensure no one slipped out. It was gonna be a lot of moons to wait for.
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