Pinkie's Desire

Jan 3rd, 2015
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  1. >You're at Pinkie's house, in her room, for your weekly after-school meet-up. You always admired her house, and how nice it looked.
  2. >You begin to put your coat on the head of her bed frame when she stops you.
  3. >"Oh no Anon, put that on the doorknob today," she says.
  4. >You look up at her slightly surprised, but hey, it's Pinkie so you never know what she's thinking.
  5. "Are you sure?" you ask, as you hang up your coat. "This won't bother you at all?"
  6. >"No that's alright, Anon.You can just hang your jacket on the knob right there.
  7. >She looks at you slyly before saying, "And if you want to, you can take off the rest of your clothes as well."
  8. >You stand there for a second in shock, not sure if your heard Pinkie correctly.
  9. "I-I'm Sorry, what did you say?" you ask nervously.
  10. >"You can take off your clothes if you want," she replied cheerfully as she began to take her shirt off.
  11. >You stare at her covered breasts for a few moments, admiring how they bobbed up and down before Pinkie's shirt was thrown in your face, blinding you.
  12. >"Whoops, sorry Anon!" the pink girl giggled.
  13. "It's fine," you mumble through the shirt.
  14. >Is this really happening? Is Pinkie really taking off her clothes in front of me, you think.
  15. >Awesome.
  16. >No wait, not awesome. This is your best friend! You can't let her do this. It might ruin your friendship.
  17. ...
  18. >Then again, it wouldn't hurt to be friends with benefits with Pinkie Pie.
  19. >No! Quit being a pervert! You're satisfied where you are in your relationship.
  20. ...
  21. >No you're not, but fuck it, you can't let this continue. You know deep down it's wrong... for some reason
  22. >You throw off her shirt about to say something, when Pinkies panties fly into your face, their crotch finding their way into your open mouth.
  23. >"Whoops! Sorry again Anon!" Pinkie states, giggling some more.
  24. >You give her a quick thumbs-up, not wanting to release her panties from your mouth, which had now reflexively closed on the panties.
  25. >Against your better judgement, you take a quick whiff of them.
  26. ...
  27. >Oh god, you need the real thing NOW.
  28. >Fuck ruining your relationship, Pinkie Pie just stripped in front of you, she obviously wants more.
  29. >No! You can't assume things, you have to make 100% sure. And even if she does, you can't have sex with your best friend.
  30. ..
  31. >Fuck you conscious.
  32. >You finally pull off her panties, and see Pinkie sitting stark naked on her bed, a slight seductive look had appeared on her face..
  33. >You notice her hand is patting a spot next to her, and you know what that means.
  34. >You pinch yourself quickly to make sure this isn't a dream.
  35. ...
  36. >Thank you God it's not a fucking dream.
  37. >You look at her, and admire her amazing body.
  38. >Her tits are fucking perfect, her body is slightly curvy, but very sexy, that look she's giving you, oh god, you want to fuck her so bad!
  39. >But, should you? You stand there for a minute wondering if you should take her up on her offer and undress as well.
  40. >Fuck it, you finally think, and begin to undress.
  41. >You take your shirt off first, revealing your 6-pack abs to Pinkie. You glance up at her, and see her eyes alight with joy, and a giant smile stretched across her face.
  42. >You continue to undress, taking off your shoes socks, and your pants, revealing a budge where your crotch is.
  43. >"Ooooooh, hurry up Anon!" Pinkie practically yells in with joy.
  44. >This girl definitely wants it, you think.
  45. >Finally, you take off your underwear, revealing your slightly erect 7-inch dick.
  46. >Pinkie's mouth opens to a surprised, but very pleased smile, as you stand there kind of sheepishly.
  47. >She once again pats the seat next to her, but you hesitate to sit next to her.
  48. >Pinkie finally rolls her eyes, gets up and walks over to you with the seductive look back on her face.
  49. >She grabs your dick by it's underside, and you stiffen. She practically drags you over to the bed by your cock, you following at her pace to save yourself pain.
  50. >You both sit on her bed together, and she wraps her arms around your neck, a more serious look replacing her seductive one.
  51. >This is the first time you've ever seen Pinkie look at... anyone like that. It made your dick expand a couple more centimeters.
  52. >She started at you for a few more seconds as her serious look melted into a softer, love-filled look, and she finally embraces your lips with hers.
  53. >You sit in shock for a moment, before closing your eyes, and kissing her back with passion.
  54. >You stay lip-locked for several minutes, only breaking to allow your tongues to meet, and for quick gulps of air
  55. .>Finally, you break away, smiling and panting.
  56. "This is different," you say in between breaths.
  57. >"Is this different... good?" she replies, with a nervous smile on her face.
  58. >You nod your head slowly, still a little dazed from your make-out session.
  59. "You're acting really serious. I like it"
  60. >She giggles at you, blushing.
  61. >"It's a serious matter silly," she responds, happily resting her head on your chest, as you continue to embrace her.
  62. >She's still my Pinkie Pie, even when she's serious, you note.
  63. >"Do you like me better when I'm serious?" she asks, with an almost desperate tone in her voice.
  64. "Absolutely not," you reply reassuringly. "I like you for you. This is just a new side of you that I'm seeing."
  65. >She smiles up at you.
  66. >"Anon, I have something to tell you."
  67. >Your eyes dilate, as you sit in silence, waiting for her to continue.
  68. >"I've liked you for a long time now," she confessed, her eyes half-way shut.
  69. >"These feelings have been developing for a while now since we've been hanging out so much. I've wanted to tell you for a while, I've just never got up the courage to confess my feelings. I can understand if you don't reciprocate my feelings, and I hope this won't ruin out friendship if you don't." She said the last bit kind of pained, a small tear running down her face.
  70. >You sit there, somewhat shocked at your friend's confession, but it quickly subsides, as you tighten your hold around her.
  71. "I like you too..." you say. She lets out a small cry of joy, and looks up at you.
  73. >You plant a small kiss on her head, and rock gently back and forth for a few minutes in silence, both of your eyes closed, enjoying each other's company.
  74. >Finally, Pinkie breaks it.
  75. >"Um, Anon, there's also a reason I invited you to get undressed," she states, looking up at your slyly.
  76. >You slightly-limp dick tightens fully again, as you wait to see where Pinkie's going.
  77. >"I've also been... wanting you, for the last couple of months."
  79. >You look down at her, and smile seductively, feeling your dong fully expand.
  80. "Well then, it would be rude to keep you longing, now wouldn't it?"
  81. >Her eyes open wide, and her a huge smile breaks across her face.
  82. >Just looking at her expression makes your heart melt.
  83. >You're going to enjoy this for more than just lustful reasons.
  84. "So, how do you want to start this off?"
  85. >She giggles mischievously, and points at the middle of the bed.
  86. >"You can start by laying there."
  87. >You obey, and wait for Pinkie to make the next move.
  88. >She crawls up to you, to where your dick is touching her stomach,
  89. >She puts her right index on your chest, and works it down to your dick.
  90. >You shutter slightly, and she softly grabs your cock, giving it a couple of slow strokes.
  91. >She then goes down on you unexpectedly, taking in your entire 8-inch erection in one swift movement.
  92. >You moan in response, and wonder how the fuck did she did it?
  93. >You then remember you've never seen Pinkie gag once in the 5 years you've known her, and you've seen her down an entire tray of food in one breath.
  94. >You figure she lost her gag reflex when she was little, but that wasn't important right now.
  95. >She then began to work your dick in her mouth, sliding it up and down your shaft slow and calculated.
  96. >She does this for several minutes, before suddenly changing her pace, blowing you at full speed.
  97. >You cry in pleasure loudly, and Pinkie looks up at you smiling.
  98. >She takes your cock out of her mouth for a moment, and asks "You like that?"
  99. >You can only nod in response.
  100. >Satisfied with how she's doing, she pops your dick back in her mouth, going at the same quick pace she was before.
  101. >You soon begin to lightly thrust in time with her hips. She continued at her pace, except now, she was moaning slightly as well.
  103. >After another couple of minutes, Pinkie slowed back down, blowing you at a much slower pace.
  104. >She began to deep throat you frequently as well, making you flinch slightly every time.
  105. >You can feel that you're not far off from cumming.
  106. "Pinkie, I'm almost there," you manage to blurt out.
  107. >She looks up at you slyly, and picks up her pace again, sliding your dick almost completely out of her mouth before almost swallowing it again.
  108. >You last for another minute before you feel yourself ready to burst.
  109. "Pinkie! I'm CUUUUUUMING!" you shout as you explode into her mouth.
  110. >She slows down to a crawl, getting every last drop out of you she can.
  111. >When you finally finish, she stops completely, gulping down your cum like it was water. A little has leaked out of her mouth, so she pulls off, and wipes her mouth with her hand, before licking the cum off it.
  112. >She runs her tongue across the head of your dick, getting the last bit of cum she can.
  113. >You lay panting for a minute, being in a pure euphoric state.
  114. >When you finally sit up, Pinkie stands up, and straddles you.
  115. >"You turn," she says smirking.
  116. >She pushes you back onto the bed, and crawls to where her pussy is directly above your head.
  117. >You have to arch your head a little to reach it, but you don't mind.
  118. >You give her pussy a quick test-lick, and she shudders slightly in response. You then steady her hips with your hands, and go to work.
  119. >You slide you tongue up her lips several times, before beginning to suck and kiss on it.
  120. >Pinkie moans in response, and you notice she's arched her head backwards.
  121. >You smile, and roll your tongue to penetrate her.
  122. >When you've pushed your tongue into her opening, she yelps a little, and you pull it out slightly.
  123. >You continue to fuck her with your tongue for a couple of minutes, before going back to licking.
  124. >You pay extra attention to her clit, licking it almost exclusively.
  126. >Pinkie begins to moan louder and louder as you continue to lick her clit.
  127. >Another two minutes latter, she cries out in pleasure, her orgasm flowing out of her and onto your face.
  128. >You don't mind at all, in fact you open your mouth to catch a little.
  129. >Her body shivers as she orgasms, before collapsing over top of you, barley catching herself with her hands.
  130. >She stays there panting for a half a minute, then springs back up.
  131. >"Time for the finale," she says in between breaths. "You wanna be on top, or bottom?"
  132. "I'll stay on bottom," you respond.
  133. >She aligns herself on top of you, almost every part of your bodies touch except your feet, as you're a good few inches taller than her.
  134. >She looks at you with love in her eyes and a smile on her face, you return the look.
  135. >She kisses you briefly on the lips, before sitting up slightly, and aligning your dick with her pussy.
  136. >She looks a little nervous, and says "It's my first time Anon, so be gentle."
  137. >You know what that means, and you kind of dread it. You don't want to hurt her, but you have to in order to continue.
  138. >You nod, and begin pushing your dick into her pussy.
  139. >She falls on your chest, and tightly wraps her arms around you, a pained look appearing on her face.
  140. >A sad look enters your face, as you ask if she's ready.
  141. >She nods, and you shove your dick into her pussy, ripping her hymen.
  142. >She grits her teeth, her arms tightening around your back, and a muffled wail comes from her mouth.
  143. >She stays like this for a minute, before looking up at you and nodding.
  144. >You begin to pump your dick in and out of her pussy slowly, both of you being inexperienced.
  145. >Both of your breaths become heavy, and slightly faster as you continue.
  146. >You slightly experiment while making love, varying the speed, how far you push into her pussy, how far you take it out, all of which cause positive reactions from Pinkie.
  148. >You finally settle on a medium speed, pumping your dick in and out of Pinkie's pussy at a medium speed, which seems to be fine for Pinkie.
  149. >She begins to moan louder than before, and you can tell she's close to her climax.
  150. >As if reading your mind, she states "Anon, I'm close."
  151. >You smile, and begin pumping as fast as you can.
  152. >You can hear the slapping of flesh as your legs collide because of your current speed, while Pinkie bounces on top of your chest.
  153. >You hear her moan louder than before in between sharp breaths. You can feel yourself getting close as well, and soon the two of you are breathing in sync again.
  154. >After another 30 seconds, Pinkie practically screams in pleasure, as you feel her orgasm a second time, her juices flowing onto your dick.
  155. >You continue to pump, and about 10 seconds latter, you too climax with a loud groan.
  156. >Panting, you fall on your side, still holding Pinkie. You slip the covers overtop the both of you, and embrace her harder under the warm blankets.
  157. >Pinkie, has her eyes closed as she breaths, exhausted from her two orgasms. You're about to drift off to sleep, when she speaks.
  158. >"Anon?" she asks tentatively.
  159. "Hm?" you mumble back.
  160. >"That.... was amazing. Thank you so much for being my first,"
  161. "Thanks for being mine," you reply.
  162. >Pinkie gets up slightly, a look of pure joy crossing her face.
  163. >"Really? I was your first?" she practically shouts.
  164. >You nod in response. It's true, she was your first.
  165. >She collapses back onto your chest, laughing joyfully, and hugging you harder than ever.
  166. >She eventually looks up at you, and kisses you on the lips.
  167. >"I love you," she says, her voice matching her words.
  168. "I love you too," you say sincerely.
  169. >You kiss her back, and stay lip-locked and cuddling for around 10-minutes, before both of you fall asleep together.
  170. >You did't know it, but this was the start of a long, and very happy life together.
  172. /fin.
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