

Jun 30th, 2013
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  2. 15:16 <Pilz> 10...
  3. <Pilz> 9...
  4. <Pilz> 8...
  5. - Antumbra changes nick to Caitriona
  6. <Pilz> 76543210...
  7. <Pilz> =======================================
  8. <Pilz> "It was...interesting meeting you."
  9. <Pilz> And with that, Seline, the Lady of Nightmares, returned to the Wake to continue her recovery.  The clouds over the Isle of Corvinus lift for the first time in years, and the people rejoiced.  It proves shockingly easy to convince the superstitious townspeople the Marquis was evil, and those who doubt your explanation are mollified by Catherine's swearing by your story.
  10. <Pilz> A few days after the Marquis dies, Miriam gives birth to a healthy baby boy.  The Village celebrates his birth, a small miracle which, like sunshine, hasn't happened on the island for years.  In the midst of this celebratory atmosphere, our heros go about their business.  With the death of the Marquis, the storms that normally surround the island have abeted and it won't be long before someone comes to check
  11. <Pilz> (Fluff what you've been up to, please.)
  12. 15:17 * Zakhar_Alkaev has mostly been getting caught up on his training. So long spent in a prison cell will restrict the physical training one can do, and he is more than eager to get caught back up. Aside from that, he's mostly been drinking and telling war stories.
  13. 15:18 * huge was working in the forge, making stuff for his newly found partners and helping the forgemaster for some items in exchange, after that, mostly training and keeping an eye on everyone(as good as a nearly blind man can), making sure nothing is out of the ordinary.
  14. 15:19 * Nerys had hardly left the sanctuary, barring one excursion to bribe HUGE with elektra in exchange for a staff and a captured wolf, reading her new grimoire and performing experiments.
  15. 15:21 * Caitriona , caught up in the shifting remains of the Flauros after cajoling Nerys into creating a few baubles of alchemical apparatus and Huge a thin wire of electrum, proceeds to spend a week floating around the island - tracing out a large three-dimensional pattern in the air with her equipment.  When she finally sets foot back on land, her hand is adorned with a twisting, writhing ring of tiny gears and metal eyes
  16. 15:23 <Pilz> Three days after the birth of Miriam's son, white sails are seen on the horizon.  A small merchant ship with a brave captain have arrived to investigate the possibility of unloading cargo on Corvinus.  The locals enthusiastically trade with him and his crew.  Having loaded up with fresh cargo and supplies, the captain offers you passage to Archangel, his next destination, if you agree to sign on as crew for t
  17. <Pilz> As you leave port, you pass an ironclad ship with red sails, on which a stylized I is inscripted.  The captain and deckhands hurry to get you out of there without any prompting, however, and the only contact you have with the crew of the ship is the sight of a man wearing spurs and a wide-brimmed hat, sitting on the deck of the ironclad ship reading a bible.  He waves to you as you go past.
  18. <Pilz> It is now five days into your journey on the sea.  The captain and crew are skilled at their work and your help is hardly needed, giving you plenty of much-needed relaxation time.  Now, we again pick up the tale...
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