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Jul 9th, 2016
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  1. In the other thread some folks were talking about getting together to go out and fighting evil beings innawoods. Well /к/1 have a story about doing just that.
  3. >Be 18 fresh outta high school no job, have all summer to fuck around >joke with cousin about going out and hunting monsters
  4. >after much deliberation we decide to go looking for nasties.
  5. >we tell our parents we’re going on a camping trip
  6. >cousin finds a few guys with spooky stories on the internet, a select few are down with us coming by to have a look
  7. >Not really expect anything, but pack up sks and a few hundred rounds of chink surplus ammo
  8. >My cousin, his friend James, and I hop in my cousins truck and head up to the upper peninsula, since we had two leads from that area.
  9. continued.
  11. >first place is a joke, dude suspects a baddy of some sort is tormenting him
  12. >Shit is just coyotes
  13. >Next day head to next place
  14. >now shit gets serious
  15. >landowner dude tells us story about how he and his friends were camping way back in the woods and that he was stalked by some sort of humanoid near an old abandoned house innawoods
  16. >landowner leads us out to the place, packing a 30-30
  17. > the forest seems unusually silent, we set up camp
  18. >that night I wake up to the sounds of shooting
  19. >Jim is outside with his Mossberg shooting into the dark
  20. >says he couldn’t sleep and saw something scurrying around on all fours checking out the camp
  22. Michigan
  24. >calm dude down, we sleep in shifts.
  25. >next morning we find blood near the camp
  26. >lf it bleeds, we can kill it
  27. >eat breakfast and walk around for hours until we come to an abandoned house
  28. >We decide to check it out
  29. >Check out ground floor, and upstairs first, don't find anything but old furniture and shit
  30. >we need to go into the basement
  31. >basement is pitch fucking dark
  32. >draw straws, I get the short one
  33. >l have to go in first
  34. >on the third step down a gut wrenching scream rings out from the basement.
  35. >l fall on my ass from fright, and slide down a few steps before catching myself
  36. >a humanoid figure on all fours is bounding up the steps, it has dark brown skin, and razor teeth
  37. >try to shoulder sks
  38. >it gets a few steps infront of me before I can shoulder my weapon
  39. >Cousin hits it with .357 fucker is hardly phased
  40. >l kick it, knocking it back just enough to shoulder my sks and magdumpthe thing
  41. >After much convulsing the thing stops moving.
  42. >and I shit you not, the thing turned to dust It turned to dust right in front of my god damn eyes.
  44. the fucking thing was screaming the whole time, it was unlike anything I had ever heard
  46. >we let the landowner know what happened and we left >we don't really talk about it anymore.
  47. >sometimes while I work, or go to school I get the feeling that I was born to protect people from things like that.
  49. I haven't gone looking for monsters since, but I feel like working, and going to college is a waste of my time, and that I was put on Earth to hunt these things.
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