
Marcely's Bedwars default-config

Mar 22nd, 2016 (edited)
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  1. version: 5.4.5
  3. # 888b     d888 888888b.                 888                                              
  4. # 8888b   d8888 888  "88b                888                                              
  5. # 88888b.d88888 888  .88P                888                                              
  6. # 888Y88888P888 8888888K.   .d88b.   .d88888 888  888  888  8888b.  888d888 .d8888b        
  7. # 888 Y888P 888 888  "Y88b d8P  Y8b d88" 888 888  888  888     "88b 888P"   88K        
  8. # 888  Y8P  888 888    888 88888888 888  888 888  888  888 .d888888 888     "Y8888b.      
  9. # 888   "   888 888   d88P Y8b.     Y88b 888 Y88b 888 d88P 888  888 888          X88      
  10. # 888       888 8888888P"   "Y8888   "Y88888  "Y8888888P"  "Y888888 888      88888P'
  11. #                                                 ________ __
  12. #                                                / ____/ // /
  13. #                 .--.--..-----..----.          /___ \/ // /_
  14. #                 |  |  ||  -__||   _| __      ____/ /__  __/
  15. #                  \___/ |_____||__|  |__|    /_____(_)/_/
  17. # Thank you for your decision to use Marcely's Bedwars.
  18. # Did you get stuck at one point, or are you looking for a tutorial for setting up this plugin?
  19. # Then you might want to check out the Wiki:
  20. ############################################################################
  25. # The messages, which the plugin is sending to the player, will be taken of that file (located in the 'languages' folder)
  26. # If 'language-per-player' is also enabled then this language is also automatically the default language for players whose language hasn't been created
  27. language-file: english.yml
  29. # Enabling this will cause the plugin to load every messages file of the 'folder'
  30. # The plugin will then automatically send the message in the language of the player
  31. # The RAM usage will increase as every message from every language has to be kept in memory
  32. # A few messages, such as those in the scoreboard, may remain in the same language as 'language-file'
  33. language-per-user: false
  35. # An addition to "language-per-user": Players require the permission mbedwars.langperuser for it to work
  36. # "language-per-user" must be set to true as well when using this feature
  37. language-per-user-requires-permission: false
  39. # If this config is enabled then only people with the permission 'mbedwars.beta' will be able to join
  40. beta: false
  42. # If this config is enabled then the world's time will be fixed to 5000 (day light)
  43. # This effect is only noticable for playing players and spectators
  44. always-day: true
  46. # If this config is enabled then the world won't rain for playing players and spectators anymore
  47. no-rain: true
  49. # Enabling this config causes the plugin to save the players inventory before they enter an arena
  50. # Once they leave the arena their inventory will be replaced by the saved one
  51. # If disabled then their inventory won't change causing them to keep the items they got from bedwars
  52. # Because of that it's not recommended to disable it, unless you decide to e.g. use "inventory-clear" or don't want the plugin to replace the items from your hub
  53. inventory-backup: true
  55. # Enable/disable if it shall clear the players inventory after he left an arena
  56. # This config has no effect when "inventory-backup" is enabled
  57. inventory-clear: true
  59. # If this config is enabled, people can't change their gamemode to creative or enable flying
  60. anticheat-enabled: false
  62. # Setting this to false causes the "player x left the arena" message to not getting displayed when he forcefully left because he got destroyed
  63. leavemessage-at-end: true
  65. # Players will leave the round if they're using one of these commands
  66. hubcommands:
  67. - /hub
  68. - /spawn
  69. - /leave
  70. - /l
  72. # Decide whether you agree with sharing certain details that may be used for statistics of global interest
  73. # We use them to identify the aspects on which we should put more focus on (such as bugs etc) and to possibly share them with the community
  74. # Note that disabling this config won't disable the update checker and the depdendency downloader, as they are required for the general functionality of the plugin
  75. # We collect the following info:
  76. # Errors/warnings caused by this plugin, Server version (Same info as from "/version" command), Player counts (Total & playing Bedwars, current & max),
  77. # Created arena count, Used storage type (Only the type, no credentials), Configured language, IP/MAC (Used to aggregate clients by Country),
  78. # Active plugins (Used to identify errors caused by compatibility issues)
  79. metrics: true
  81. # Whether or not a player alone on a team (with a bed) is able to rejoin a game if they get disconnected/leave
  82. solo-rejoin-enabled: false
  84. # How many seconds a solo player has to rejoin before their bed will automatically be destroyed, and their team eliminated.
  85. solo-rejoin-time: 30
  87. # If this config is enabled, the player's name will be colored (works via packets (you won't see the color of players if they're in an other team))
  88. player-color: true
  90. # The server will automatically restart itself if this config is enabled and when an arena ends
  91. restart-oncearenaend: false
  93. # Players will get kicked if they're teleporting themselves more than 12 blocks away from their location while they're in a playing round
  94. # Admins will still be permitted to teleport
  95. kick-outofarena: true
  97. # Players will get kicked if they're teleporting themself within a lobby
  98. kick-outofarena-lobby: true
  100. # Disabling this will remove the message which is coming when a player is entering or leaving the server
  101. # If true, this plugin won't make any changes to these messages
  102. server-joinquitmessage-enabled: true
  104. # Setting this to false will (almost) completely disable the use of actionbar messages
  105. actionbar-enabled: true
  107. # Will hide players that aren't in the round from playing players
  108. # Spectators are also getting hidden
  109. # Spectators will only see themself and players inside the round
  110. tab-removenonplayers: false
  112. # Will hide playing players and spectators for non-playing players
  113. # Nobody will see spectators when this is enabled
  114. tab-removeplayers: false
  116. # With this config set to false, no mobs (animals and monsters) are going to spawn within the arenas
  117. # Most plugins shouldn't be affected by this
  118. natural-mob-spawning-enabled: false
  120. # Define the cases in which it's okay that a mob spawns
  121. # Complete list:
  122. # Note that not all spawn reasons exist in older versions
  123. natural-mob-spawning-reasons-whitelist:
  124. - SLIME_SPLIT
  125. - CUSTOM
  126. - EXPLOSION
  127. - COMMAND
  129. - SPAWNER_EGG
  130. - SHEARED
  131. - DEFAULT
  133. # This config is required if you are using upgrades, as it sets the radius of a base's size. The center point is the bed location
  134. upgrade-spawnsize: 15
  136. # If this config is disabled then the hunger level of the players won't change (Only ingame)
  137. hunger: true
  139. # Increasing this value will increase the amount of the damage players will take from falling
  140. fall-damage-multiplier: 1.0
  142. # Disabling this causes the player to not being able to interact with specific materials
  143. # These include: workbench, anvil, furnace, beacon, hopper and enchanting table
  144. interacting: false
  146. # The message that'll be sent when a player is receiving an achievement
  147. # Placeholders: {name}, {description}
  148. earnachievement-message:
  149. - '&7&m========================='
  150. - '&6           &l%Achievement_get_title%'
  151. - '&f{name}: '
  152. - '&d {description}'
  153. - '&7&m========================='
  155. # Disable/enable the auto teambalance in the lobby
  156. # It tries to make the teams as fair as possible
  157. teambalance: true
  159. # If this config is enabled then the configs which start with 'giveitems-on-' will work
  160. giveitems-on-enabled: false
  162. # Specify here which items should be given on round start
  163. # 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
  164. giveitems-on-roundstart:
  165. - wood_sword
  166. - apple
  168. # Specify here which armor items should be set to the inventory slots on round start
  169. # 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
  170. giveitems-on-roundstart-armor:
  171. - leather_boots
  172. - leather_leggings
  173. - leather_helmet
  175. # Specify here which items should be given on respawn
  176. # 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
  177. giveitems-on-respawn:
  178. - wood_axe
  179. - apple
  181. # Specify here which armor items should be set to the inventory slots on respawn
  182. # 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
  183. giveitems-on-respawn-armor:
  184. - leather_helmet
  186. # Specify here which potion effects the player shall gain after he respawns
  187. # "giveitems-on-enabled" has no effect to this
  188. # Usage: <potion effect name>:<duration in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec):<level>
  189. giveeffects-on-respawn:
  190. - DAMAGE_RESISTANCE:140:2
  191. - FAST_DIGGING:200:3
  193. # If false, players won't be able to move or drop the armor in their inventory
  194. armor-interactable: true
  196. # This command gets executed when a round starts
  197. executeon-roundstart: ''
  199. # Configure the way commands added to "blocked-commands" will be treated
  200. # You may choose between:
  201. #  - DISABLED: The config has no effect
  202. #  - BLACKLIST: The specific commands will be permitted
  203. #  - WHITELIST: All commands, apart from these, will be blocked
  204. blocked-commands-mode: BLACKLIST
  206. # These commands will be blocked / permitted for players and spectators
  207. # Configure the exact behaviour using the "blocked-commands-mode" config
  208. # Syntax: /<command>
  209. # Example: /tpa
  210. #  -> This will block all variants of "/tpa", including "/TpA" or "/tpa player123"
  211. blocked-commands:
  212. - /tpa
  213. - /sethome
  214. - /lock
  215. - /tpahere
  216. - /tpaccept
  217. - /enderchest
  219. # The armor is naturally visible when having the invisibility potion effect
  220. # This config allows you to hide the players armor when set to true
  221. invisibility-hides-armor: true
  223. # To retain visibility of the player in case "invisibility-hides-armor" is enabled, you may spawn further potion particles while a player is invisible
  224. # The greater the value, the more particles are being spawned
  225. invisibility-hides-armor-extra-particles-count: 4
  227. # You can optionally use rgb colors within your messages by enabling this config
  228. # Make sure that this feature is only supported in 1.16+ and that it can possibly cause a slighty larger CPU usage due to the needed parsing of the hex strings
  229. # To insert a rgb color, simply include a hex string of the following format: e.g. &#AB01DE
  230. # The whole hex string must have a length of 8 characters. It doesn't mather whether the characters are uppercased or not
  231. hex-support: true
  233. # Team chests can be opened by all players of the team, from any chest of the configured type inside the arena
  234. # Some people may prefer to use regular chests as team chests
  235. teamchest-enabled: true
  237. # Specify which chest variant shall be used as the team chest
  238. # You may decide between ENDER_CHEST and CHEST
  239. teamchest-block: chest
  241. # If true, players will not be able to purchase items from the shop outside of the arena
  242. # This could be useful for allowing players to edit their QuickBuy in lobbies
  243. block-purchases-outside-running-arenas: false
  245. # [FOR DEVS] Define whether MBedwars should respect other plugin's event cancellations
  246. # The events that are being affected by this config are: BlockPlace, BlockBreak, EntityDamage, EntityDamageByEntity
  247. # If this is set to true, then the plugin will not execute any actions if one of the events has been cancelled by another plugin
  248. # It is recommended to keep this at false, as it may otherwise cause unexpected behaviour
  249. # One purpose of this config is to fix potential conflicts with anti cheats
  250. respect-event-cancellations: false
  253. # ========== LOBBY ==========
  255. # The countdown time that should be set when using forcestart
  256. forcestart-time: 10
  258. # false: The force-start lobby item and the command "/bw forcestart" requires the minimum players count to be fulfilled
  259. # true: The force-start lobby item and the command "/bw forcestart" may be used, even if they are the only ones in the arena
  260. forcestart-ignoreminplayers: false
  262. # This calculation is being used when the countdown in the lobby is starting.
  263. # Changing this value to low is dangerous.
  264. # Placeholder: {teams}, {teamplayers}
  265. lobby-countdownstart-calculation: ({teamplayers} + {teams}) * 10 + 1
  267. # How many seconds a player has to wait before before being sent back to the lobby after
  268. # clicking the leave item. They can cancel the leave by clicking again in this time.
  269. # Set to 0 to make it instant
  270. lobby-leaveitem-time: 0
  272. # The percentage of players needed an an arenas lobby for the countdown to automatically shorten
  273. auto-shorten-countdown-percent: 70
  275. # The the amount of seconds the arena should wait to start once auto-shorten-countdown-percent is reached
  276. auto-shorten-countdown-time: 15
  278. # If true, particle animations will be played when a player joins or leaves an arenas lobby
  279. lobby-join-leave-particles: true
  281. # The expbar is being animated in case this config is enabled
  282. # Animations include the remaining time slowly decreasing on the exp bar
  283. # and the level displaying the amount of seconds left to start
  284. lobby-exbar-animation: true
  286. # If this config is enabled, the lines by the config 'lobby-printmapinfo-lines' will be printed in the lobby in the 10th second
  287. lobby-printmapinfo-enabled: true
  289. # The lines which will be printed before the game begins
  290. # Placeholder: {arena}, {madeby}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {teams}, {teamsize}
  291. # You can use ^# to create space
  292. lobby-printmapinfo-lines: []
  294. # This message will be displayed at the same time as the printmapinfo
  295. # Placeholder: {arena}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {author}
  296. lobby-countdowntitle-arena: '&b{arena}'
  298. # These titles which will be displayed at the given second until the game ends
  299. lobby-countdowntitles:
  300.   '0': '&4⓿'
  301.   '1': '&4➀'
  302.   '2': '&c➁'
  303.   '3': '&6➂'
  304.   '4': '&e④'
  305.   '5': '&e⑤'
  307. # If this config is enabled and if a player is changing than he will wear the dyed item 'lobby-team-onchange-wearcloth-material'
  308. lobby-team-onchange-wearcloth-enabled: true
  310. # The armor that the player will wear
  311. # 'lobby-team-onchange-wearcloth-enabled' has to be enabled for this
  312. lobby-team-onchange-wearcloth-materials:
  313. - leather_chestplate
  315. # If the stats should be shown in the endlobby
  316. lobby-endstats-enabled: true
  318. # If the time until the player is getting kicked should be shown in the endlobby
  319. endlobby-show-kick-time: true
  321. # How long the players should remain in the endlobby state until they get kicked out
  322. # Making the value of this config is dangerous and can cause unexpected and unwanted problems
  323. endlobby-countdown-time: 90
  325. # Whether or not players are able to fly in endlobby
  326. endlobby-flying: false
  328. # Setting this to true causes all remaining players and spectators to get teleported back to the lobby during the endlobby phase
  329. # By this their inventory gets cleared up, spectators get back visible, etc.
  330. # If set to false then the players and spectators are staying where they already are and don't get moved back
  331. # This set to false can be useful when using the lobbybreak feature
  332. endlobby-tptolobby: true
  334. # If the lobby should get destroyed after the arena starts
  335. # NOTE: If your lobby is outside of your arena, this config will have no effect
  336. lobbybreak-enabled: false
  338. # The radius at which the blocks will get destroyed with the lobby point being at the middle
  339. # 'lobbybreak-enabled' has to be enabled for this
  340. lobbybreak-radius: 15
  343. # ========== ARENA VOTING ==========
  345. # Set the maximum amount of arenas which should get voted
  346. arenavoting-maxarenas: 3
  349. # ========== AUTOMATED ARENA CLONING ==========
  351. # [BETA] This is a feature that automatically creates duplicates of arenas so that there are always arenas available for one to join
  352. # The whole system is basically fully automatic. After a cloned arena has gone through a match, it will be deleted and a new one is being generated
  353. # It works with both region and world arenas
  354. # In case your arena is a world, a new world is being temporarily created while the arena exists. This occurs with every cloned arena, meaning that you might experience a large increase in worlds count and RAM usage
  355. # If your arena is instead a region, then all cloned match areas are being collected in a single world. There's an offset with each one, meaning that they won't collide with each other
  356. # However, keep in mind that it makes sense to use this together with the "lobbybreak-enabled" config in case you've got arenas of the type region as the lobby itself is not being cloned
  357. # In case that config is enabled, the lobby of the cloned arena is being aligned to match the one that was copied using the copy of the playable area
  358. # If that config is disabled, then all players of the cloned arenas and the normal one will be brought into the one that has been configured
  359. # It could make sense to instead enable "tab-removenonplayers" as the players from the other arenas won't be seen with that
  360. auto-cloning-enabled: false
  362. # Define the names of the arenas that shall be excluded from auto cloning
  363. auto-cloning-excluded-arenas:
  364. - second-excluded-arena
  365. - first-excluded-arena
  367. # How many cloned arenas that are waiting for players (arenas in LOBBY state) shall be provided for each arena
  368. auto-cloning-lobby-arenas-count: 1
  370. # Which modes (players per team) shall be provided
  371. # Basically, you may auto assign certain players per team for cloned arenas
  372. # It only makes sense to have the same or less amount as specified within the "auto-cloning-lobby-arenas-count" config
  373. # An example would be:
  374. # auto-cloning-lobby-arenas-count: 4
  375. # auto-cloning-modes: [1, 2, 3, 4]
  376. auto-cloning-modes: []
  378. # Amount of clones of an arena that may exist during the same time
  379. # Use -1 to not have any limit
  380. auto-cloning-max-per-arena: -1
  382. # The prefix which the newly created worlds shall have
  383. # It is not recommended to change this after auto-cloning has been enabled. Or better yet, keep this config as it is
  384. # It is very important that you understand that these worlds are being deleted automatically and that you may lose something when acting careless
  385. auto-cloning-world-prefix: MBedwars-autoclone-
  388. # ========== BED ==========
  390. # If this config is enabled, players can destroy the bed of their team
  391. ownbed-destroyable: false
  393. # Set the block that should be destroyed in a round
  394. bed-block: bed_block
  396. # The plugin will automatically dye the beds to the corresponding team's color when enabled
  397. bed-block-dye: true
  399. # The itemspawner that'll be dropped when a player is destroying a bed
  400. bed-drops-type: gold
  402. # The amount of the materials that will be dropped once a player destroyed a bed (it'll take the material of the spawner by the config 'bed-drops-type')
  403. bed-drops-amount: 4
  405. # If it's possible to break the bed with TNT or other kinds of explosions (like a fireball, TNT Sheep etc.)
  406. bed-destroyableby-tnt: true
  408. # Enabling this config will it make so that players will not be able to break beds by hand
  409. # They then MUST use TNT or something that causes an explosion (like a fireball) to break it
  410. # Make sure "bed-destroyableby-tnt" is set to true, otherwise this config won't have any effect
  411. bed-onlydestroyablewith-tnt: false
  413. # Enabling this config will spawn a hologram above every living bed with the message of the config 'bed-hologram-message-alive'
  414. bed-hologram-enabled: true
  416. # The message which is being displayed as a hologram above the bed when it's not broken. 'bed-hologram-enabled' has to be enabled for this!
  417. # Placeholders: {teamcolor}, {team}, {heart}
  418. bed-hologram-message-alive: '{teamcolor}{team}'
  420. # Disabling this will cause that the player won't be able to interact with the bed block which you've placed during set-up
  421. # This will cause the 'You can only sleep at night' message to not appear
  422. bed-interactable: false
  425. # ========== SPAWNERS ==========
  427. # If this config is enabled, iron and gold will make particles once they spawn
  428. itemspawner-effect: true
  430. # If this config is enabled, iron and gold will make a sound when they spawn
  431. itemspawner-sound: true
  433. # If this config is enabled, all itemspawners will automatically center in the block you place them in.
  434. # Set this to false if you want to be able to set an exact position.
  435. itemspawner-auto-center: true
  437. # The height of the item spawner holograms
  438. spawnerhologram-height: 0.5
  440. # The animation speed of the item spawner holograms
  441. spawnerhologram-speed: 5
  443. # Enabling this will cause the holograms of the spawners that are located within the players base to get hidden
  444. # Use the config "upgrade-spawnsize" to specify the radius of the team spawn
  445. spawnerhologram-hide-playerbase: false
  447. # "Smart Item Sharing" is a system that causes dropped items to be shared between players equally
  448. # The vanilla minecraft system works by preferring one player while others don't obtain anything
  449. # This only works with items that itemspawners drop
  450. smart-item-sharing-enabled: true
  453. # ========== STATISTICS ==========
  455. # Display their statistics when they're writing /stats while they're inside an arena
  456. allowcommand-stats: true
  458. # Addition to "allowcommand-stats": Allow them to do that even when they're not in an arena
  459. allowcommand-stats-global: false
  461. # The statistic which the ranking order will be calculated by
  462. ranking-sortation: bedwars:wl
  464. # How frequently (in minutes) the rank of the player shall be calculated
  465. # Setting this to -1 will also completely disable the automatic calculation. You must use /bw tools recalcstats instead to update them
  466. recalculate-ranking-auto-period: 15
  468. # How should the playing time be displayed
  469. # Placeholders: {days}, {hours}, {minutes}, {seconds}. Will take them from the configs below
  470. display-counting-time: '{days} {hours} {minutes} {seconds}'
  472. # What it should insert for placeholders in "display-counting-time"
  473. display-counting-time-entry-days: '{value}d'
  474. display-counting-time-entry-hours: '{value}h'
  475. display-counting-time-entry-minutes: '{value}m'
  476. display-counting-time-entry-seconds: '{value}s'
  478. # If true, we will only insert the "display-counting-time-entry-*" placeholders when they're not equal to 0
  479. display-counting-time-entry-only-nonnull: true
  481. # Used to enable a system that prevents player from repeatedly obtaining stats by abusing the system
  482. # This includes playing a 1v1 with an alt and to make him leave immediately (whereby your main gets a win counted)
  483. stats-antiabuse-enabled: true
  485. # See "stats-antiabuse-enabled" to enable this feature and what it is about
  486. # With the ones in the following in particiular, stats don't get counted if the past x rounds were won within y minutes
  487. stats-antiabuse-count-round-min-duration: 5.0
  488. stats-antiabuse-count-wins-count: 2
  491. # ========== BLOCK BREAK/PLACE ==========
  493. # What should happen with weird/unusual block drops
  494. # (like web that drops string or ender chests that drop obsidian)
  495. # Possible options:
  496. #  - KEEP = Don't change the drops
  497. #  - REPLACE_WITH_BLOCK_MATERIAL = Replace the drops with the broken block
  498. #  - REMOVE = Remove the drops completely, so that they drop nothing at all
  499. unusual-blockdrops-handling: REPLACE_WITH_BLOCK_MATERIAL
  501. # Setting this to false cancels block spreading, this includes e.g.:
  502. # - Fire spreading / Fire breaking blocks. It does not prevent fire from existing in the first place
  503. # - Mushrooms spreading
  504. block-spreading-enabled: false
  506. # Setting this to false cancels block forming, this includes e.g.:
  507. # - Snow forming due to a snow storm (this may even happen even if no-rain is enabled)
  508. # - Ice forming in a snowy Biome like Taiga or Tundra
  509. # - Obsidian / Cobblestone forming due to contact with water
  510. # - Concrete forming due to mixing of concrete powder and water
  511. block-forming-enabled: false
  513. # If this config is enabled, leaves will not decay inside arenas
  514. prevent-leaves-decay: true
  516. # If this config is disabled, the configs which start with 'notbuildableradius-' won't work
  517. notbuildableradius-enabled: false
  519. # The radius in which players aren't to place/break blocks around shops and upgrade shops (0 = disable)
  520. notbuildableradius-dealers: 3
  522. # The radius in which players aren't to place/break blocks at team spawnpoints (0 = disable)
  523. notbuildableradius-teamspawn: 3
  525. # The radius in which players aren't to place/break blocks at itemspawners (0 = disable)
  526. notbuildableradius-itemspawner: 3
  528. # Prevents water from flowing into the notbuildableradius
  529. notbuildableradius-permit-block-liquidflow: true
  531. # If this config is enabled, and a player is buying for example wool, the wool will be dyed to his team-color
  532. dye-block: true
  534. # By default (this config set to true), only specific block materials are placeable. This includes the ones available in the shop.
  535. # You may add your own ones to the whitelist using the "placeableblock-whitelist" config.
  536. # However, you can completely disable the whitelist by setting this config to false. By this all materials become breakable & placeable.
  537. # Keep in mind that non-material related configs, such as "destroyblock-builtbyplayers", can still have an effect on limiting the blocks that are breakable.
  538. placeableblock-whitelist-enabled: true
  540. # In this config you're able to add blocks that players can place
  541. # Purchasable blocks are automatically in this list
  542. # Example: placeableblock-whitelist: wood, dark_oak_door, cake
  543. placeableblock-whitelist: []
  545. # If this config is disabled, players can't trample on wheat anymore
  546. destroyable-farmland: true
  548. # Players will be able to extinguish fire by left clicking on it
  549. destroyable-fire: true
  551. # This config will cause players to only be able to destroy blocks which have been placed by other players in the arena.
  552. # By which it's not possible to break the arena.
  553. destroyblock-builtbyplayers: true
  556. # ========== EXPLOSIVES ==========
  558. # TNT will get ignited automatically on place
  559. tnt-autoignite: true
  561. # The time in seconds until the TNT explodes
  562. # It's not recommended to modify the value too much as it might break the animation
  563. # Requires tnt-autoignite to be enabled
  564. tnt-fuse-time: 3.0
  566. # Explosions won't break any blocks if this config is disabled
  567. explosion-canbreakblocks: true
  569. # If this config is enabled then explosions will only break blocks placed by players
  570. # Make sure to also set "explosion-canbreakblocks" to true, otherwise this config won't have any effect
  571. explosion-canbreakblocks-breakby-player: true
  573. # Inter alia these blocks won't get broken by tnt or creepers
  574. explosion-blocks-blacklist: []
  576. # Entities that will not take damage from explosions
  577. explosion-entities-blacklist:
  578. - ITEM_FRAME
  580. # Increasing this value will increase how far the player will get pushed away from explosives such as tnt
  581. # It works by multiplying the velocity at the given axis with the value configured below
  582. # You may configure the knockback for the xz-axis and the y-axis
  583. # 0 = No knockback | 1 = Default | 2 = Knockback 2x greater | 3.5 = Knockback 3.5x greater | ...
  584. explosive-multiplier-knockback-y: 0.9
  585. explosive-multiplier-knockback-xz: 1.2
  587. # This amount is being added to the velocity at the y axis before it is being multiplied with the values above
  588. # 0 is the default vanilla value
  589. explosive-add-knockback-y: 0.8
  591. # The velocity at the given axis are being limited to the value configured below
  592. explosive-max-knockback-y: 2.0
  594. # Increasing this value will increase the amount of the damage players will get from explosives such as tnt
  595. explosive-multiplier-damage: 0.1
  597. # Increasing this value will increase how far the player will get pushed away from a fireball
  598. # It works by multiplying the velocity at the given axis with the value configured below
  599. # You may configure the knockback for the xz-axis and the y-axis
  600. # 0 = No knockback | 1 = Default | 2 = Knockback 2x greater | 3.5 = Knockback 3.5x greater | ...
  601. fireball-multiplier-knockback-y: 0.9
  602. fireball-multiplier-knockback-xz: 1.2
  604. # This amount is being added to the velocity at the y axis before it is being multiplied with the values above
  605. # 0 is the default vanilla value
  606. fireball-add-knockback-y: 0.8
  608. # The velocity at the given axis are being limited to the value configured below
  609. fireball-max-knokback-y: 2.0
  611. # Increasing this value will increase the amount of the damage players will take from a fireball
  612. fireball-multiplier-damage: 0.1
  614. # Configure whether or not the fireball shall fly straight
  615. fireball-fly-straight: true
  617. # This config defines the fly speed of a fireball
  618. # Setting this config too low can cause an error. Default is 1.0
  619. fireball-fly-speed: 2.0
  621. # If this config is enabled, the fireball is gonna fly at a constant speed
  622. # With this disabled, the fireball will accelerate over time as how it is in vanilla
  623. fireball-fly-speed-constant: true
  625. # The yield/size of the explosion that the fireball will cause
  626. fireball-yield: 3.5
  628. # Affects configs: explosion-blocks-blacklist, tnt-canbreakblocks-breakby-player
  629. # Setting this to true will allow only affected blocks to be destroyed by explosions, and not blocks covered by blast-proof blocks
  630. # Illustration: [D][O]  X
  631. # X is the explosion, [D] is a regular block and [O] is blast-proof. There is a chance [D] will be destroyed when this config set to false
  632. # This config requires additional complex math and may cause lag
  633. explosion-raycheck: true
  636. # ========== DEATH ==========
  638. # If this config is enabled, particles will be created at the location a player dies
  639. particles-ondeath: true
  641. # Tries to not to display the "You died!" screen when enabled
  642. death-skipscreen: true
  644. # When disabled: Will show it for half a second
  645. # When enabled: Player will respawn immediately
  646. # This feature is only available for 1.15 or newer
  647. # The config "config-skipscreen" has to be enabled for it to work
  648. death-skipscreen-advanced: true
  650. # Players will enter the spectator mode for a short time when they die
  651. death-spectate-enabled: true
  653. # Whether or not players should stay where they are when they die to spectate, or go to the spectator spawn point
  654. death-spectate-at-death-location: true
  656. # Addition to the "death-spectate-enabled" config:
  657. # Configure how long the player shall stay as a spectator
  658. death-spectate-time: 5
  660. # Will display the "respawn in" message as a title and not above the hotbar
  661. death-spectate-respawnmsg-astitle: true
  663. # When enabled: Players will instantly die when they touch water
  664. diein-water: false
  666. # When enabled: Players will instantly die when they reach a y level of about -70
  667. diein-void: false
  669. # When enabled: Players will instantly die when they touch the lower bottom of an arena
  670. # Will use y=0 as the lower part of the arena when the type of it is world
  671. diein-border-bottom: false
  673. # No items and exp will be dropped in case a player dies during a match
  674. # Note: This config has no effect in case "drop-only-itemspawner" is active
  675. no-drops: true
  677. # Players will only drop the spawner items that they were previously carrying
  678. # Experience will be dropped as well, in case he has any
  679. # This config has a greater priority than the "no-drops" config
  680. drop-only-itemspawner: true
  682. # Killers will automatically pick up the drops of their victims when enabled
  683. drops-killer-auto-pickup: false
  685. # If a player dies in the void shortly after their bed is destroyed, their death is rewarded as a kill to the bed destroyer
  686. # The time is defined by the config "rage_quit_auto_detect"
  687. reward-recent-deaths-to-bed-destroyer: true
  689. # If a player leaves to try and prevent a damager from getting a kill, the damager will get the kill anyway
  690. # This config will also detect if a player leaves after a bed is destroyed, and rewards the kill to the bed destroyer
  691. rage-quit-auto-detect: true
  693. # The time in seconds after getting damaged / his bed destroyed in which a player is considered to have rage quit, in case he leaves
  694. # This config is only relevant when "rage-quit-auto-detect" is enabled
  695. rage-quit-auto-detect-max-time: 15
  698. # ========== DEATH MESSAGE ==========
  700. # It'll completely remove the deathmessage. Any other 'deathmessage-*' won't have any affect if enabled!
  701. deathmessage-remove: false
  703. # If this config is enabled, death-messages by playing players won't be visible for players who aren't playing
  704. deathmessage-private: true
  706. # If this config is enabled, death-messages will be changed
  707. deathmessage-custom-enabled: true
  709. # How the custom deathmessages has to look like
  710. # Placeholder: {player}, {killer}, {team}, {teamcolor}, {killerteam}, {killerteamcolor}, {heartpercent} (0-100), {heartvisibleamount} (0-10), {heartamount} (0-20)
  711. deathmessage-custom-killed:
  712. - '&b%DeathMessage_Killed_1%'
  713. - '&b%DeathMessage_Killed_2%'
  714. - '&b%DeathMessage_Killed_3%'
  716. # Placeholder for any of these: {player}, {team}, {teamcolor}
  717. deathmessage-custom-void:
  718. - '&b%DeathMessage_Void_1%'
  719. - '&b%DeathMessage_Void_2%'
  720. deathmessage-custom-explosion:
  721. - '&b%DeathMessage_Explosion_1%'
  722. - '&b%DeathMessage_Explosion_2%'
  723. deathmessage-custom-fall:
  724. - '&b%DeathMessage_Fall_1%'
  725. - '&b%DeathMessage_Fall_2%'
  726. deathmessage-custom-fire:
  727. - '&b%DeathMessage_Fire_1%'
  728. - '&b%DeathMessage_Fire_2%'
  729. deathmessage-custom-default:
  730. - '&b%DeathMessage_Default_1%'
  733. # ========== PRIZE ==========
  735. # If this config is enabled prizes will be given to the winners & losers
  736. prize-enabled: false
  738. # The command that'll be executed for every player who wins a round
  739. # Uses also vault to identify if he earned money and will send him a message with the amount
  740. # Arguments: {name}, {uuid}
  741. prize-commands:
  742. - eco give {name} 15
  744. # The command that'll be executed for every player who loses a round
  745. # Arguments: {name}, {uuid}
  746. prize-loser-commands:
  747. - eco give {name} 5
  750. # ========== PERFORMANCE ==========
  752. # This config essentially allows you to regulate how often you want stuff to get updated
  753. # Options:
  754. #  - Very_Low: Animations will look worse but performance will be better
  755. #  - Low
  756. #  - Normal: Looking good and not having to sacrifice too much performance
  757. #  - High
  758. #  - Ultra: Animations will look great but might decrease performance
  759. #
  760. # Things it's affecting:
  761. #  - Animation fluency of itemspawner holograms
  762. #  - Time until the auto-merging system kicks in
  763. #  - Animation fluency of expbar in lobby
  764. #  - Period time until border gets updated/displayed
  765. #  - Period time until upgraded effects get updated
  766. performance: Normal
  768. # Change the regeneration speed of an arena
  769. # Only works for arenas who have region as the regeneration type
  770. # The value basically defines the percentage of a tick that'll be used to process it
  771. # 100% will consume the whole tick and by that cause lags. 1% won't cause any lag, but it'll take way longer for it to finish
  772. regeneration-speed-percentage: 15.0
  774. # How many arenas can get regenerated at the same time
  775. # The arena is getting added to a queue when the configured amount gets reached
  776. # World arenas always get regenerated at once to avoid the server from freezing -> this config only has effect on region arenas
  777. regeneration-amount-at-the-same-time: 2
  779. # Use a more optimized regenerator for region arenas
  780. # With this, we have noticed an ~40x improvement in the regeneration speed for larger arenas
  781. # Note that it will still use the legacy way for older stored region files. You will be warned in the console in that case
  782. regeneration-region-efficient: true
  784. # Also store and regenerate biomes for region arenas (1.15+ only)
  785. # !! Regeneration time increases by 30 times with this enabled!
  786. # Note that you must save the blocks again after you enabled this (/mbedwars arena saveblocks <arena>)
  787. # You may use "/mbedwars arena saveblocks *" (keep the star) to execute this automatically for all of your arenas
  788. # Also note that you must save the blocks again after you disabled this, otherwise you won't notice a difference for the arenas with biomes included
  789. regeneration-region-store-biomes: false
  791. # Will store & regenerate worlds using the SlimeWorldManager when enabled.
  792. # SlimeWorldManager does not have to be faster than our format. You might want to test between region, world and swm and check what fits you the best.
  793. # Only works for arenas whose type is "world". You can check whether or not an arena is using the format using "/bw arena info <arena name>".
  794. # Make sure that the world is already loaded by SWM, otherwise the plugin will keep it in our format.
  795. # Furthermore, disabling SlimeWorldManager causes arenas that currently are in use of the format to break.
  796. # To migrate to or from the format use "/bw arena saveblocks <arena name>". Make sure that your arena is clean, you might want to run "/bw arena regenerate <arena name>" beforehand.
  797. slimeworldmanager-enabled: true
  799. # A border at the corner of region arenas will be displayed if this config is enabled
  800. border: true
  802. # Define whether you want to use an alternative border renderer that uses a lot less traffic
  803. # The disadvantage is that it won't look as pretty
  804. # "border" must be set to true for this to function in the first place
  805. border-efficent-alternative: false
  808. # ========== INGAME/ROUND TIMER ==========
  810. # If this config is enabled then an arena will automatically stop after a countdown has stopped
  811. timer-enabled: true
  813. # The amount of time until an arena will end by itself (in seconds)
  814. timer: 1800
  817. # ========== SPECTATING ==========
  819. # If this config is enabled, people who aren't playing can spectate a running game
  820. spectating: true
  822. # If this config is enabled, players who join as spectator will get the message specified in the messages-file as 'Spectator_HowToQuit'
  823. spectator-joinmessage: true
  825. # Dead players will automatically enter the spectator mode if this config is enabled
  826. spectator-autojoin: true
  828. # The types of speed that the player can choose with the ChangeSpeed item
  829. # Each type should be build like this: <name>:<speed>
  830. # The default speed is 1, the max value is 10
  831. spectator-changespeed-types:
  832. - '&21:1.0'
  833. - '&a2:1.5'
  834. - '&63:2.0'
  835. - '&c4:2.5'
  836. - '&45:3.0'
  838. # If spectators should have the night vision effect
  839. spectator-nightvision: false
  841. # With this config enabled, spectators may right click ingame players to spectate within their POV
  842. spectator-permit-other-player-view: true
  845. # ========== SPECIAL ITEMS ==========
  847. # If this config is enabled, players won't be able to buy special items, unless they're allowed to buy them.
  848. # The permission for each special item is: mbedwars.specialitem.<special item id>
  849. # List of IDs:
  850. specialitem-requiredpermission: false
  852. # The material of the item for each special item
  853. teleporter-item: sulphur
  854. minishop-item: monster_egg:villager
  855. rescueplatform-item: slime_block
  856. tntsheep-item: monster_egg:sheep
  857. magneticshoes-item: chainmail_boots
  858. trap-item: stone_plate
  859. bridge-item: ink_sack:4
  860. guarddog-item: monster_egg:wolf
  861. fireball-item: fireball
  862. magic-milk-item: milk_bucket
  864. # If this config is enabled, players will have to wait a few seconds until they will be teleported
  865. teleporter-countdown-enabled: true
  867. # The time the player will have to wait until he will be teleported (in seconds)
  868. teleporter-countdown: 5
  870. # The speed of the MiniShop
  871. minishop-speed: 0.2
  873. # The width of the rescue platform
  874. rescueplatform-width: 2
  876. # The material that will be placed when using the rescue platform
  877. rescueplatform-material: slime_block
  879. # If players should take damage when landing on the rescue platform
  880. rescueplatform-nodamage: true
  882. # If the rescue platform should get destroyed automatically after a specified time
  883. rescueplatform-autobreak-enabled: false
  885. # The time in seconds when the rescue platform should get destroyed
  886. rescueplatform-autobreak-time: 10
  888. # The difference in the y-coordinate between the player and the spawning rescue platform
  889. # It's recommended to have it at least at -2, otherwise it's likely that the player won't reach it
  890. rescueplatform-y-difference: -2
  892. # The speed of the TNT Sheep
  893. tntsheep-speed: 0.33
  895. # Adjusts the damage dealt by a TNT Sheep
  896. tntsheep-damage-multiplier: 1.0
  898. # The time in seconds until the TNT on the TNT sheep explodes
  899. # It's not recommended to modify the value too much as it might break the animation
  900. tntsheep-fuse-time: 5.0
  902. # The maximum length of the bridge
  903. bridge-maxlength: 16
  905. # Whether or not the player actually needs "bridge-material" in his inventory to build a bridge
  906. # Setting this to false will also cause them to not be taken from the inventory
  907. bridge-needsmaterials: true
  909. # The material that will be placed
  910. # It'll also take this block from the players' inventory when "bridge-needsmaterials" is enabled
  911. bridge-material: stained_clay
  913. # The time a player has to wait until he can use the tracker again (0 = instantly)
  914. tracker-delay: 10.0
  916. # Specify here which potion effects the player shall gain after stepping on an enemy trap
  917. # Usage: <potion effect name>:<duration in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec):<level>
  918. effects-given-on-trap-trigger:
  919. - SLOW:160:3
  920. - BLINDNESS:80:2
  922. # Wether traps are resistant to explosions or not
  923. traps-resistant-to-explosions: false
  925. # The entitytype of the guarddog
  926. # Full list of types:
  927. guarddog-type: WOLF
  929. # The amount of health with which the guarddog will spawn
  930. guarddog-health: 20
  932. # If this is true, guard dogs will remain around it's team's bed to fight off enemies
  933. guarddog-stay-at-base: true
  935. # If this is true, guard dogs won't take damage from teammates
  936. guarddog-prevent-team-damage: true
  938. # Can be used to increase, or decrease the damage dealt by guard dogs
  939. guarddog-damage-multiplier: 1.0
  941. # How many seconds a guard dog will live for. Set to -1 to make them live forever (until killed by a player).
  942. guarddog-alive-duration: -1
  944. # The text displayed over a guard dog's head when a player looks at them
  945. # Placeholders: {team-color} {team} {seconds-lived} {seconds-left}
  946. guarddog-display-name: ''
  948. # Set how long magic milk lasts
  949. magic-milk-duration: 25
  952. # ========== GUIS ==========
  954. # The material of each team in the select team gui
  955. gui-selectteam-teammaterial: wool
  957. # The order in which teams will display on the team select GUI
  958. gui-selectteam-sortation: []
  960. # The lore lines of each team material in the select team gui
  961. # Placeholders: {eachplayer}, {players}, {allplayers}, {maxplayers}, {teams}, {maxplayersperteam}
  962. gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore:
  963. - '&7%Members%:'
  964. - '{eachplayer}'
  966. # Same as the "gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore" config, only that this one is being disabled when there are no members in the team
  967. gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore-empty:
  968. - '&7%No_Members%'
  970. # The {eachplayer} placeholder for the config gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore
  971. # Adds new lines between the original line that included the {eachplayer} placeholder for each member of the team
  972. # Placeholders: {name}
  973. gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore-eachplayer: '&7- &f{name}'
  975. # The background material in the select team gui
  976. gui-selectteam-backgroundmaterial: air
  978. # If the select team gui should be centered
  979. gui-selectteam-centered: true
  981. # The text that will be used for the items within the achievements GUI, varying between if the achievements has been earned or not
  982. # Available placeholders: {name}, {description}, {earn-date}
  983. gui-achievements-text-unearned:
  984. - '&c{name}'
  985. - ' &7&l????'
  986. gui-achievements-text-earned:
  987. - '&a{name}'
  988. - ' &f{description}'
  989. - ''
  990. - '&7&o{earn-date}'
  992. # The materials that will be used in the achievements GUI, varying between if the achievements has been earned or not
  993. gui-achievements-material-unearned: ink_sack:8
  994. gui-achievements-material-earned: ink_sack:10
  996. # The background material in the achievements gui
  997. gui-achievements-backgroundmaterial: air
  999. # If the achievements gui should be centered
  1000. gui-achievements-centered: false
  1002. # The background material in the spectator teleport gui
  1003. gui-spectatortp-backgroundmaterial: air
  1005. # If the spectator teleport gui should be centered
  1006. gui-spectatortp-centered: false
  1009. # ========== CUSTOM MOTD ==========
  1011. # If this config is enabled, this plugin will change the motd
  1012. motd-enabled: false
  1014. # Type in here the name of your arena to make more multiple placeholders possible
  1015. motd-arena: ''
  1017. # How the motd has to look like (motd-enabled has to be true)
  1018. # Placeholders: {arena}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {status}, {statusname}
  1019. motd-line1: '&bBedwars &3{arena} {status}'
  1020. motd-line2: '{players}/{maxplayers}'
  1023. # ========== SIGN ==========
  1025. # Configurations for the antispam at a sign you can create with "/bw spawn joinarenasign <arena>"
  1026. sign-antispam-enabled: true
  1027. sign-antispam-delay: 1.0
  1029. # The text of the lines by the sign you can create with "/bw spawn joinarenasign <arena>"
  1030. # Placeholders: {arena}, {status}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {teams}, {teamsize}
  1031. sign-line1: '&9{arena}'
  1032. sign-line2: '&7------------------'
  1033. sign-line3: '{status}'
  1034. sign-line4: '&e{players}&7 / &e{maxplayers}'
  1036. # A block will be placed under each sign with the material of 'signblock-material' and the color of 'signblock-color-*' if this config is enabled
  1037. signblock-enabled: false
  1039. # The material of the block
  1040. signblock-material: stained_clay
  1042. # The color of the block at the specific states
  1043. signblock-color-stopped: RED
  1044. signblock-color-lobby: YELLOW
  1045. signblock-color-running: ORANGE
  1046. signblock-color-reseting: RED
  1048. # The text of the lines of the stats sign which you can create with "/bw spawn rankingsign <place>"
  1049. # Placeholders: {player}, {rank}, {kd}, {wl}, {winstreak}, {wins}, {loses}, {kills}, {deaths}, {bedsdestroyed}, {roundsplayed}, {playtime}, {finalkills}
  1050. statssign-line1: '&8&m--&r &8#{rank} &8&m--'
  1051. statssign-line2: '&l{player}'
  1052. statssign-line3: '&c&l{wl}'
  1053. statssign-line4: W/L
  1056. # ========== SCOREBOARD ==========
  1058. # If this config is disabled, players aren't getting a scoreboard (black box at the right from their screen)
  1059. scoreboard-enabled: true
  1061. # The look of the heart on the scoreboard during different team states
  1062. # The placeholder is available as {heart} in the eachteam line of the scoreboard
  1063. # Placeholders: {playersremaining}
  1064. scoreboard-heart-alive: '&c❤'
  1065. scoreboard-heart-bed-gone: '&c{playersremaining}'
  1066. scoreboard-heart-dead: '&7❤'
  1068. # This placeholder is available as {team-indicator} in the eachtime line of the scoreboard.
  1069. # Can be used to indicate the players team
  1070. scoreboard-team-indicator-placeholder: '&7You'
  1072. # Whether the ingame scoreboard should display empty teams or not
  1073. scoreboard-ingame-display-emptyteams: false
  1075. # The order in which teams will display on the scoreboard
  1076. eachteam-sortation:
  1077. - RED
  1078. - BLUE
  1079. - LIGHT_GREEN
  1080. - YELLOW
  1081. - CYAN
  1082. - WHITE
  1083. - PINK
  1084. - GRAY
  1087. # ========== CHAT ==========
  1089. # If this config is enabled, every title-message will be sent to the player in the chat
  1090. # Read more about titles right here:
  1091. title-inchat: false
  1093. # Bukkit plugins listen to so called "events". The order of each plugin is determined by priorities.
  1094. # This config changes the priority in which the plugin listens to the chat event.
  1095. # You may choose between the priorities: LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST, MONITOR (not recommended)
  1096. # LOWEST gets called first, MONITOR the last.
  1097. # If you aren't having any conflicts with other plugin (because your e.g. not using a chat plugin), then you should leave this config as it is.
  1098. chat-event-listener-priority: HIGH
  1100. # If this config is enabled, player will have to write <teamchat-public-prefix> to write with other teams
  1101. # The chat prefix will get disabled if there is only one person on the team
  1102. teamchat-enabled: true
  1104. # What prefix players have to write before their message to chat with other teams
  1105. # Examples:
  1106. # Hello mates - only visible for team mates
  1107. # @hello others! - visible for everyone
  1108. teamchat-public-prefix: '@'
  1110. # The prefix that will be added to the message to make the people know that he's writing globally
  1111. # With "customchatmessage-enabled" set to true: Replaces {public-prefix} placeholder with this one (allowing you to add it anywhere in the message)
  1112. # It being set to false: Adds this behind the message written
  1113. teamchat-public-prefix-msg: '&7[ALL] '
  1115. # Whenever a player sends a message, the plugin is going to hint them once every few days on how write globally
  1116. # The messages that will get send are "TeamChat_Enabled_Hint" and "TeamChat_Disabled_Solo_Hint" (found in the messages file)
  1117. teamchat-hint-enabled: true
  1119. # If this config is enabled, chat-messages are getting changed as specified at customchatmessage-message
  1120. customchatmessage-enabled: false
  1122. # Change the chat-messages (customchatmessage-enabled has to be enabled for this)
  1123. # You may use PlaceholderAPI placeholders as well. Note that not all may work due to the chat being an async operation.
  1124. # We'd recommend to just use the following placeholders:
  1125. #  - {teamcolor} - The color code of the player's team
  1126. #  - {public-prefix} - The value of "teamchat-public-prefix-msg" if he wrote globally or empty
  1127. #  - {team} - The name of the player's team
  1128. #  - {team-initials} - The initials of the player's team
  1129. #  - {chat} - Whatever would have been shown before MBedwars would change it (Contains everything, such as the player's name, the message, etc.)
  1130. #  - {essentialsgroupmanager} - Players group (Requires EssentialsGroupManager)
  1131. #  - {name} - The display name of the player
  1132. #  - {message} - The message that has been written
  1133. customchatmessage-message: '{public-prefix}&7[{teamcolor}{team}&7] &f{chat}'
  1135. # What should be used for the {team} placeholder if the player isn't in a team
  1136. customchatmessage-message-placeholder-team-none: /
  1138. # What should be used for the {teamcolor} placeholder if the player isn't in a team
  1139. customchatmessage-message-placeholder-teamcolor-none: '&c'
  1141. # If this config is enabled, custom-chat-messages are only getting changed for playing players
  1142. customchatmessage-onlyfor-players: true
  1144. # If this config is enabled, chat-messages by an spectator are getting changed as specified at customchatmessage-message
  1145. # Affects even without "customchatmessage-enabled" being enabled
  1146. customchatmessage-spectator-enabled: true
  1148. # If this config is disabled, chat-messages by an spectator will only be visible for other spectators
  1149. customchatmessage-spectator-public: false
  1151. # Change the chat-messages by a spectator (customchatmessage-spectator-enabled has to be enabled for this)
  1152. # You may use PlaceholderAPI placeholders as well. Note that not all may work due to the chat being an async operation.
  1153. # We'd recommend to just use the following placeholders:
  1154. #  - {chat} - Whatever would have been shown before MBedwars would change it (Contains everything, such as the player's name, the message, etc.)
  1155. #  - {essentialsgroupmanager} - Players group (Requires EssentialsGroupManager)
  1156. #  - {name} - The display name of the player
  1157. #  - {message} - The message that has been written
  1158. customchatmessage-spectator-message: '&7<Spectator> &f{chat}'
  1160. # If this config is enabled, messages by players who aren't playing won't be visible for players who are playing
  1161. chat-others-unvisible: false
  1163. # If enabled then messages by playing players will be hidden for players who aren't playing (except spectators) in the same arena
  1164. chat-playing-private: false
  1167. # ========== ENTITY TYPE ==========
  1169. # The name of the dealer you can spawn with "/bw spawn dealer" or within "/bw arena setupgui"
  1170. # It's possible to have multiple lines by simply splitting the lines through a \n
  1171. # Note that "/bw reload" won't have any effect. You must restart your server after a change
  1172. dealer-title: '&eDEALER'
  1173. upgradedealer-title: '&6UPGRADES'
  1175. # The title of the GUI when opening it
  1176. dealer-title-gui: '&e%ItemShop%'
  1177. upgradedealer-title-gui: '&e%UpgradeShop%'
  1179. # Whether or not it should open the shop when you click on a villager that you didn't spawn with "/bw spawn dealer"
  1180. villager-interact-openshop: true
  1182. # Run a command when you interact a villager that you did not spawn with "/bw spawn dealer". Leave it empty to disable
  1183. # Placeholders: {player}, {playeruuid}, {entityid}
  1184. villager-interact-runcommand: ''
  1186. # True: The console will execute 'villager-interact-runcommand'
  1187. # False: It'll act like if the player wrote the command
  1188. villager-interact-runcommand-asop: false
  1190. # You can change the hologram types for the dealer, hub and teamselect here.
  1191. # Wiki entry:
  1192. # You can choose between:
  1193. #  - Villager
  1194. #  - NPC[<UUID from owner of skin>]
  1195. #  - NPC[self]
  1196. #  - ArmorStand{<Parameters>}
  1197. entitytype-dealer: Villager
  1198. entitytype-arenasguistatue: Villager
  1199. entitytype-teamselect: Villager
  1200. entitytype-upgradedealer: Villager
  1203. # ========== PLACEHOLDERS ==========
  1205. # Will enable the support for PlaceholderAPI
  1206. # By this you're able to:
  1207. #  1. Use other placeholders within MBedwars by adding them e.g. inside message
  1208. #  2. Use MBedwars placeholders in other plugins that support PAPI
  1209. # Wiki page and a list of all placeholders:
  1210. placeholderapi-enabled: true
  1212. # This string will be used for the provided PAPI placeholders whenever the player is not inside an arena
  1213. placeholderapi-not-inside-arena: /
  1215. # Create custom mode placeholders to how many players are in certain arenas
  1216. # Example: Config -> 'bigArena: [teams=12]' PAPI Placeholder -> '%mbedwars_players-in-mode-bigArena%'
  1217. # Read more about arena pickers:
  1218. player-picker-placeholder:
  1219.   all: '[]'
  1220.   quads: '[players_per_team=4]'
  1221.   doubles: '[players_per_team=2]'
  1222.   trios: '[players_per_team=3]'
  1223.   solos: '[players_per_team=1]'
  1225. # Create custom mode placeholders to how many players are in certain arenas
  1226. # Example: Config -> 'bigArena: [teams=12]' PAPI Placeholder -> '%mbedwars_players-in-mode-bigArena%'
  1227. # Read more about arena pickers:
  1228. # The format of the dates which are being used
  1229. dateformat: MM.dd.yyyy
  1231. # The value that %mbedwars_playerarena-current-team-color% returns if a player does not have a team
  1232. placeholderapi-no-team-color: ''
  1234. # How player names should be formatted throughout the plugin
  1235. # AUTO - Returns the player nick if one exists, otherwise returns the player's name
  1236. # DISPLAY_NAME - Returns the player's display name
  1237. # REAL_NAME - Returns the player's unformatted name
  1238. players-public-displayed-name: AUTO
  1240. # The ip for the placeholder {ip} in the scoreboard
  1241. ip-display:
  1243. # Allows you to display all of the teams, in the current arena, in a horizontal line.
  1244. # To use this feature, simply add this placeholder into the ingame scoreboard config file: {teamsleft}
  1245. # Placeholders: {team}, {teamcolor} {playersremaining}
  1246. scoreboard-ingame-teamsleft: '{teamcolor}▣'
  1247. scoreboard-ingame-teamsleft-bed-gone: '{teamcolor}{playersremaining}'
  1248. scoreboard-ingame-teamsleft-dead: '{teamcolor}X'
  1251. # ========== PLUGIN: PvPLevels ==========
  1253. # Enabling this will give players a specified amount of exp if they do something special like breaking a bed
  1254. # Requires of course the plugin PvPLevels
  1255. pvplevels-enabled: true
  1257. # The amount of exp that'll be given for doing an event
  1258. pvplevels-exp-win: 100
  1259. pvplevels-exp-lose: 60
  1260. pvplevels-exp-beddestroy: 20
  1261. pvplevels-exp-killplayer: 5
  1262. pvplevels-exp-killplayer-final: 7
  1263. pvplevels-exp-killplayer-lastinteam: 8
  1266. # ========== PLUGIN: DKCoins/NickAPI (Coins) ==========
  1268. # Enabling this will give players a specified amount of coins if they do something special as breaking a bed
  1269. # Obviously requires DKCoins or NickAPI installed
  1270. coins-enabled: true
  1272. # The amount of coins that'll be given for doing an event
  1273. coins-give-win: 100
  1274. coins-give-lose: 60
  1275. coins-give-beddestroy: 20
  1276. coins-give-killplayer: 5
  1277. coins-give-killplayer-final: 7
  1278. coins-give-killplayer-lastinteam: 8
  1281. # ========== AUTOMATIC JOIN ==========
  1283. # If this config is enabled, people will automatically join an arena if they're joining the server.
  1284. # IMPORTANT: It's NOT recommended to use this with BungeeCord. We recommend you to use the BungeeCord Addon!
  1285. autojoin-enabled: false
  1287. # Specify the arena they will enter (autojoin-enabled has to be enabled for this)
  1288. # Did you enable "voting" and would like to make people automatically spectate the active match?
  1289. # Or did you enable "voting" and would like to auto-start a new arena with your active Cloud System?
  1290. # Then you might want to insert the following: %best_prefer_non_voting[status=3 | type="voting"]%
  1291. # Read more about arena pickers:
  1292. autojoin-arena: ''
  1294. # Enable this if you don't actually want to make the player automatically join an arena,
  1295. # but instead would like to only send him back using the below configs
  1296. # If this config is set to true, then the config "autojoin-arena" has no use
  1297. autojoin-only-send-back: false
  1299. # Specify the way how the player should be send back.
  1300. # You can choose between 'Kick', 'BungeeCord' and 'Nothing'.
  1301. autojoin-way: Kick
  1303. # Make sure to fill this if you chose BungeeCord above.
  1304. # Remember: This won't work with the BungeeCord Add-On
  1305. autojoin-way-bungeecord-lobby: name_of_lobby
  1308. # ========== CLOUDSYSTEM ==========
  1310. # If config is enabled, this plugin will send the arena data which has been specified in the config 'cloudsystem-arena' to the CloudSystem
  1311. # Currently supported CloudSystems: CloudSystemIO, CaveCloud, CloudNetV2, CloudNetV3, TimoCloud, ReformCloud
  1312. # Wiki page:
  1313. cloudsystem-enabled: false
  1315. # Specify here which arena should be send to the CloudSystem
  1316. cloudsystem-arena: ''
  1318. # What the extra field should be.
  1319. # If the config does not have an extra field, the motd will be set with the extra.
  1320. # You can choose between:
  1321. #  - NONE
  1322. #  - ARENA
  1324. cloudsystem-extra: ARENA
  1327. # ========== STORAGE ==========
  1329. # Define where exactly player-data (and some general data) shall be stored at
  1330. # Viable options are:
  1331. # - LOCAL
  1332. # - MYSQL
  1333. # - MARIADB
  1334. # - MICROSOFT_SQL
  1335. # - MONGODB
  1336. # Note that you may always migrate using the "/bw tools migrate service" command
  1337. storage-type: LOCAL
  1339. # The settings of your SQL database
  1340. sql-host: localhost
  1341. sql-port: 3306
  1342. sql-database: mbedwars
  1343. sql-user: root
  1344. sql-password: '123456'
  1346. # Do not change it unless you actually know what you are doing. Things might break if you are not cautious
  1347. # This config has no effect for MICROSOFT_SQL
  1348. sql-parameters: ?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8&allowMultiQueries=true&serverTimezone=UTC
  1350. # These configs are explicit to MICROSOFT_SQL
  1351. sql-mssql-encrypt: true
  1352. sql-mssql-integrated-security: false
  1354. # The settings of your MongoDB database
  1355. mongodb-host: localhost
  1356. mongodb-port: 27017
  1357. mongodb-use-ssl: false
  1358. mongodb-database: mbedwars
  1359. mongodb-authenticate: false
  1360. mongodb-user: root
  1361. mongodb-password: '123456'
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