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- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- ===========================
- foreach efficient looping
- ===========================
- Description:
- Provides efficient looping through sparse data sets, such as connected
- players. Significantly improved from the original version to be a generic
- loop system, rather then purely a player loop system. When used for
- players this has constant time O(n) for number of connected players (n),
- unlike standard player loops which are O(MAX_PLAYERS), regardless of the
- actual number of connected players. Even when n is MAX_PLAYERS this is
- still faster.
- Legal:
- Version: MPL 1.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is the YSI foreach include.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alex "Y_Less" Cole.
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributors:
- ZeeX, koolk, JoeBullet/Google63, g_aSlice/Slice
- Thanks:
- JoeBullet/Google63 - Handy arbitrary ASM jump code using SCTRL.
- ZeeX - Very productive conversations.
- koolk - IsPlayerinAreaEx code.
- TheAlpha - Danish translation.
- breadfish - German translation.
- Fireburn - Dutch translation.
- yom - French translation.
- 50p - Polish translation.
- Zamaroht - Spanish translation.
- Dracoblue, sintax, mabako, Xtreme, other coders - Producing other modes
- for me to strive to better.
- Pixels^ - Running XScripters where the idea was born.
- Matite - Pestering me to release it and using it.
- Very special thanks to:
- Thiadmer - PAWN, whose limits continue to amaze me!
- Kye/Kalcor - SA:MP.
- SA:MP Team past, present and future - SA:MP.
- Version:
- 0.4.1
- Changelog:
- 16/07/12:
- Fixed a bug with "loadfs" blocking callbacks.
- Slightly reduced the memory consumption of constant strings.
- 25/05/12:
- Added a delay timer to remove players for "Kick" crashes.
- 05/01/12:
- Fixed multi-dimensional iterators.
- Made "Iterator:" support multi-dimensional arrays.
- 07/12/11:
- Underlying implementation tweak for more consistent code.
- Added Iter_Contains.
- 06/12/11:
- Minor fixes.
- 31/10/11:
- Changed the underlying loop code to be slightly faster.
- Added support for Iter_SafeRemove, prompting refactoring.
- 17/09/11:
- Fixed arrays under the new syntax.
- 28/04/11:
- Moved iterator identifiers to end of variables.
- Rewrote "foreach" to accept two syntaxes for "foreach (new i : Iter)".
- 16/08/10:
- Removed all the "2" versions of the functions.
- 14/08/10:
- Added Iter_Clear to reset an array.
- 06/08/10:
- Added special array declaration format.
- 18/12/09:
- Added Itter_Func2 functions for multi-dimensional iterators.
- Renamed foreact et al as keywords in the documentation.
- Changed licensing from GPL to MPL.
- 02/09/09:
- Fixed (again) for 0.3.
- Added free slot finding.
- 21/08/09:
- Updated to include random functions.
- Made entirely stand alone.
- Ported to 0.3 (separate version).
- Added automatic callback hook code.
- Removed debug information from stand alone version.
- 06/01/08:
- Added debug information.
- 09/10/07:
- Moved to system.
- 16/09/07:
- Added list sorting.
- Made this part of Y SeRver Includes, not Y Sever Includes.
- Made list sorting optional.
- Fixed version number.
- 08/09/07:
- First version.
- Functions:
- Public:
- OnPlayerDisconnect - Called when a player leaves to remove them.
- OnPlayerConnect - Called when a player connects to add them.
- Core:
- -
- Stock:
- Itter_ShowArray - Displays the contents of the array.
- Itter_AddInternal - Add a value to an itterator.
- Itter_RemoveInternal - Remove a value from an itterator.
- Itter_RandomInternal - Get a random item from an itterator.
- Itter_FreeInternal - Gets the first free slot in the itterator.
- Itter_InitInternal - Initialises a multi-dimensional itterator.
- Itter_ContainsInternal - Checks if a value is in an iterator.
- Static:
- -
- Inline:
- Itter_Create - Create a new itterator value set.
- Itter_Add - Wraps Itter_AddInternal.
- Itter_SafeRemove - Wraps Itter_SafeRemoveInternal.
- Itter_Remove - Wraps Itter_RemoveInternal.
- Itter_Random - Wraps Itter_RandomInternal.
- Itter_Count - Gets the number of items in an itterator.
- Itter_Debug - Wraps around Itter_ShowArray.
- Itter_Free - Wraps around Itter_FreeInternal.
- Itter_Contains - Wraps around Itter_ContainsInternal.
- API:
- -
- Callbacks:
- -
- Hooks:
- Itter_OnPlayerConnect - Hook for the OnPlayerConnect callback.
- Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect - Hook for the OnPlayerDisconnect callback.
- Itter_OnGameModeInit - Only exists to make the code compile correctly...
- Definitions:
- -
- Enums:
- -
- Macros:
- -
- Keywords:
- foreach - Command to loop an iterator.
- foreachex - Like foreach but without a new variable.
- foreach2 - Command to loop through an iterator array.
- foreachex - Like foreach2 but without a new variable.
- Tags:
- Iterator - Declare an iterator.
- Variables:
- Global:
- -
- Static:
- YSI_g_OPC - Records wether Itter_OnPlayerConnect exists for speed.
- YSI_g_OPDC - Records wether Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect exists for speed.
- Commands:
- -
- Compile options:
- YSI_ITTER_NO_SORT - Removed.
- FOREACH_NO_BOTS - Remove the bot iterators for smaller code.
- FOREACH_NO_PLAYERS - Remove all default code for player itteration.
- Operators:
- -
- Iterators:
- Player - List of all players connected.
- Bot - List of all bots (npcs) connected.
- NPC - Alias of Bot.
- Character - All players and bots.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- // Foreach is testing us.
- #if defined _FOREACH_INC_TEST
- #endinput
- #endif
- #if !defined _FOREACH_NO_TEST
- #tryinclude <YSI\y_iterate>
- // <foreach> exists - test which is newer.
- #if defined _inc_y_iterate
- // Foreach is newer.
- #undef _inc_y_iterate
- #define _FOREACH_NO_TEST
- #include <YSI\y_iterate>
- #endinput
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #if !defined _samp_included
- #error "Please include a_samp or a_npc before foreach"
- #endif
- //#include <YSI\y_debug>
- //#include <YSI\y_hooks>
- #if defined SendChat || defined FOREACH_NO_PLAYERS
- #define BOTSYNC_IS_BOT (true)
- #endif
- #if defined IsPlayerNPC
- #define _FOREACH_BOT
- #endif
- #if defined YSI_ITTER_NO_SORT
- #error YSI_ITTER_NO_SORT is no longer supported by foreach.
- #endif
- #define _Y_ITER_ARRAY: _:_Y_ITER_C0:
- #define _Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1) _:_Y_ITER_C1:_Y_ITER_C2:sizeof %1@YSII_Ag-1
- #define _Y_ITER_C0:%0[%1]@YSII_%4g%3) %0@YSII_%4g[%1]%3)
- #define _Y_ITER_C1:_Y_ITER_C2:%0[%1]@YSII_Ag%3) %0@YSII_Ag[]%3)
- #define _Y_ITER_C2:sizeof%0(%1)@YSII_Ag-1;_:(%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%3(%4)@YSII_Ag[%5])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%6);) -1;_:(%2=%3@YSII_Ag(%4,%5))!=-1;)
- #define _Y_ITER_C3:%0[%1]@YSII_Cg,%2[%3]@YSII_Ag[%4]={%5} _Y_ITER_C3:%0@YSII_Cg[%1],%0@YSII_Ag[%1][%4]
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- static stock
- YSI_g_sCallbacks = 0;
- #endif
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- forward Itter_OPDCInternal(playerid);
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Create2
- Params:
- name - Itterator identifier.
- size0 - Number of iterators.
- size1 - Number of items per iterator.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Creates a new array of itterator start/array pair.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- // If this ever changes, update the size reference in y_users.
- /*#define Iter_Create2 Itter_Create2
- #define Itter_Create2(%1,%2,%3) \
- new \
- %1@YSII_Sg[%2] = {-1, ...}, \
- %1@YSII_Cg[%2] = {0}, \
- %1@YSII_Ag[%2][%3]*/
- #define IteratorArray:%1[%2]<%3> %1@YSII_Cg[%2],%1@YSII_Ag[%2][%3+1]//,%1@YSII_Rg[%2][%3+1]
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Array:
- Iterator
- Notes:
- Creates a new itterator start/array pair.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iterator:%1<%2> _Y_ITER_C3:%1@YSII_Cg,%1@YSII_Ag[(%2)+1]={(%2)*2,(%2)*2-1,...}
- #define iterator%0<%1> Iterator:%0<%1>
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Init2
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator array to initialise.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_InitInternal.
- native Iter_Init(IteratorArray:Name[]<>);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Init Itter_Init
- #define Itter_Init(%1) \
- Itter_InitInternal(%1@YSII_Ag,sizeof %1@YSII_Ag,sizeof %1@YSII_Ag[]-1)
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Create
- Params:
- name - Itterator identifier.
- size - Number of values.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Creates a new itterator start/array pair.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- // If this ever changes, update the size reference in y_users.
- /*#define Iter_Create Itter_Create
- #define Itter_Create(%1,%2) \
- new \
- %1@YSII_Sg = -1, \
- %1@YSII_Cg = 0, \
- %1@YSII_Ag[%2] = {-1, ...}*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Add
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to add the data to.
- value - Value to add to the itterator.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_AddInternal.
- native Iter_Add(Iterator:Name<>, value);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Add Itter_Add
- #define Itter_Add(%1,%2) Itter_AddInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*#define Iter_AddSafe Itter_AddSafe
- #define Itter_AddSafe(%1,%2) \
- Itter_AddSafeInternal(%1@YSII_Sg, %1@YSII_Cg, %1@YSII_Ag, %1@YSII_Rg, %2)*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Free
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to get the first free slot in.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_FreeInternal.
- native Iter_Free(Iterator:Name<>);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Free Itter_Free
- #define Itter_Free(%1) Itter_FreeInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Remove
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to remove data from.
- value - Data to remove.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_RemoveInternal.
- native Iter_Remove(Iterator:Name<>, value);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Remove Itter_Remove
- #define Itter_Remove(%1,%2) Itter_RemoveInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Contains
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to check membership of.
- value - Value to check.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Checks if the given value is in the given iterator.
- native Iter_Remove(Iterator:Name<>, value);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Contains Itter_Contains
- #define Itter_Contains(%1,%2) Itter_ContainsInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_SafeRemove
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to remove data from.
- value - Data to remove.
- next - Container for the pointer to the next element.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_SafeRemoveInternal. Common use:
- Iter_SafeRemove(iter, i, i);
- native Iter_SafeRemove(Iterator:Name<>, value, &next);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_SafeRemove Itter_SafeRemove
- #define Itter_SafeRemove(%1,%2,%3) Itter_SafeRemoveInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,%2,%3,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Random
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to get a random slot from.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_RandomInternal.
- native Iter_Random(Iterator:Name<>);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Random Itter_Random
- #define Itter_Random(%1) Itter_RandomInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Debug
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to output debug information from.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_ShowArray.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- //#define Iter_Debug Itter_Debug
- //#define Itter_Debug(%1) Itter_ShowArray(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag)
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Count
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator to get a random slot from4.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Returns the number of items in this itterator.
- native Iter_Count(Iterator:Name<>);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Count Itter_Count
- #define Itter_Count(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg)
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_Clear
- Params:
- itter - Name of the itterator empty.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Wrapper for Itter_ClearInternal.
- native Iter_Clear(IteratorArray:Name[]<>);
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Clear Itter_Clear
- #define Itter_Clear(%1) Itter_ClearInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Cg,_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Create the internal itterators.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- new
- Iterator:Player<MAX_PLAYERS>;
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- new
- Iterator:Bot<MAX_PLAYERS>,
- Iterator:Character<MAX_PLAYERS>;
- //#define NPC@YSII_Sg Bot@YSII_Sg
- #define NPC@YSII_Cg Bot@YSII_Cg
- #define NPC@YSII_Ag Bot@YSII_Ag
- //#define NPC@YSII_Eg Bot@YSII_Eg
- //#define NPC@YSII_Rg Bot@YSII_Rg
- #endif
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Variables to optimise memory usage by only having one copy of each string.
- Note that only strings used more than once are put here because only they
- have any gain to being located in only one place.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static stock
- YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect[] = "Itter_OnPlayerConnect",
- YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect[] = "Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect",
- YSI_gsOnGameModeInit[] = "Itter_OnGameModeInit",
- YSI_gsSpecifier@[] = "",
- YSI_gsSpecifier@i[] = "i";
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- foreach
- Params:
- data - Data to itterate through.
- as - Variable to set value to.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Not exactly the same as PHP foreach, just itterates through a list and
- returns the value of the current slot but uses that slot as the next index
- too. Variables must be in the form @YSII_<gname>S for the start index and
- @YSII_<gname>A for the data array where <name> is what's entered in data.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- //#define foreach(%1,%2)
- // for (new %2 = %1@YSII_Sg; _:%2 != -1; %2 = %1@YSII_Ag[%2])
- #define foreach%1(%0) for(new Y_FOREACH_SECOND|||Y_FOREACH_THIRD|||%0|||)
- // This allows us to use "new" multiple times - stripping off ONLY whole words.
- #define new%0|||%9|||%1:%2||| %9|||%0|||%1|||%2|||
- // This one is called if the new syntax is required, but the state of "new" is
- // as-yet unknown. This attempts to call "%1" as a macro, if it starts with
- // "new" as a whole word then it will (and will also helpfully strip off the
- // "new" keyword for us).
- #define Y_FOREACH_THIRD|||%0|||%1|||%2||| %1=Y_FOREACH_FIFTH|||Y_FOREACH_FOURTH|||%1:%2|||
- // This is called if the "new" macro is called for a second time.
- #define Y_FOREACH_FOURTH|||%0=Y_FOREACH_FIFTH|||%1|||%2||| new Y_FOREACH_SIXTH;%0|||Y_FOREACH_SEVENTH|||%2|||
- // This is called when there are tags on the "new" declaration.
- #define Y_FOREACH_SEVENTH|||%9Y_FOREACH_SIXTH;%0|||%1|||%2||| new %0:%1=%0:_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);_:(%1=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%2@YSII_Ag[%1])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);
- // This is called when there aren't.
- #define Y_FOREACH_SIXTH;%0|||Y_FOREACH_SEVENTH|||%2||| %0=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);_:(%0=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%2@YSII_Ag[%0])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%2);
- //hta:%0=hta:%2@YSII_Sg;_:%0!=-1;%0=hta:%2@YSII_Ag[%0]
- //#define Y_FOREACH_FOURTH|||%0=Y_FOREACH_FIFTH|||%1|||%2||| new hta:%0=hta:%2@YSII_Sg;_:%0!=-1;%0=hta:%2@YSII_Ag[%0]
- // Move any tags from the second half to the first half.
- //#define hta:%0=hta:%1:%2;_:%3!=-1;%4=hta:%5:%6[%7] %0:%1=%2;_:%1!=-1;%1=%6[%1]
- // This is called if "%1" didn't have "new" at the start.
- //%1=%2@YSII_Sg;_:Y_FOREACH_NONEW:%1!=-1;%1=%2@YSII_Ag[%1]
- // This is the old version, but DON'T add "new" because that already exists from
- // the failed "new" macro call above.
- #define Y_FOREACH_SECOND|||Y_FOREACH_THIRD|||%1,%2||| %2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);_:(%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[%2])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);
- //#define Y_FOREACH_NONEW:new%0!=-1;new%1=%2[new%3] %0!=-1;%1=%2[%3]
- //#define Y_FOREACH_EIGHTH:%0[%1]@YSII_Sg;%2;%3=%4[%5]@YSII_Ag[%6] %0@YSII_Sg[%1];%2;%3=%4@YSII_Ag[%5][%6]
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- foreachex
- Params:
- data - Data to itterate through.
- as - Variable to set value to.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Similar to foreach but doesn't declare a new variable for the itterator.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define foreachex(%1,%2) foreach(%2:%1)
- //for (%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);(%2=_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[%2])!=_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1);)
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_OnPlayerConnect
- Params:
- playerid - Player who joined.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Adds a player to the loop data. Now sorts the list too. Note that I found
- the most bizzare bug ever (I *think* it may be a compiler but, but it
- requires further investigation), basically it seems that multiple variables
- were being treated as the same variable (namely @YSII_EgotS and
- @YSII_CgharacterS were the same and @YSII_EgotC and @YSII_CgharacterC were the
- same). Adding print statements which reference these variables seem to fix
- the problem, and I've tried to make sure that the values will never actually
- get printed.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
- {
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT
- if (!IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
- {
- Itter_Add(Player, playerid);
- }
- #if !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- else
- {
- Itter_Add(Bot, playerid);
- }
- #pragma tabsize 4
- Itter_Add(Character, playerid);
- #endif
- #else
- Itter_Add(Player, playerid);
- #endif
- if (YSI_g_sCallbacks & 2)
- {
- CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect, YSI_gsSpecifier@i, playerid);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
- #undef OnPlayerConnect
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerConnect Itter_OnPlayerConnect
- forward OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_OnFilterScriptInit
- Params:
- -
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Fixes a bug where callbacks are not detected when "loadfs" is used after the
- GM has already started. If this is a GM this is just never used called.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- public OnFilterScriptInit()
- {
- if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect) != -1)
- {
- YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 1;
- }
- if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect) != -1)
- {
- YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 2;
- }
- CallLocalFunction("Itter_OnFilterScriptInit", YSI_gsSpecifier@);
- return 1;
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
- #undef OnFilterScriptInit
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
- #endif
- #define OnFilterScriptInit Itter_OnFilterScriptInit
- forward OnFilterScriptInit();
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_OnGameModeInit
- Params:
- -
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- There are WIERD bugs in this script, seemingly caused by the compiler, so
- this hopefully fixes them. The OnFilterScriptInit code is written to be
- very fast by utilising the internal array structure instead of the regular
- Add functions.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- public OnGameModeInit()
- {
- // Clear everything.
- if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect) != -1)
- {
- YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 1;
- }
- if (funcidx(YSI_gsOnPlayerConnect) != -1)
- {
- YSI_g_sCallbacks |= 2;
- }
- if (!Player@YSII_Cg)
- {
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnGameModeInit, YSI_gsSpecifier@, Bot@YSII_Cg, Character@YSII_Cg, Player@YSII_Cg);
- #else
- CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnGameModeInit, YSI_gsSpecifier@, Player@YSII_Cg);
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- // Do the forward iterator list.
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- Bot@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
- Character@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
- new
- lastBot = MAX_PLAYERS,
- lastCharacter = MAX_PLAYERS;
- #endif
- Player@YSII_Cg = _Y_ITER_C3:0;
- new
- lastPlayer = MAX_PLAYERS;
- for (new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
- {
- if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
- {
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT
- // Had to do "if ! else" due to compile options.
- if (!IsPlayerNPC(i))
- {
- Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = i;
- ++Player@YSII_Cg;
- lastPlayer = i;
- }
- #if !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- else
- {
- Bot@YSII_Ag[lastBot] = i;
- ++Bot@YSII_Cg;
- lastBot = i;
- }
- #pragma tabsize 4
- Character@YSII_Ag[lastCharacter] = i;
- ++Character@YSII_Cg;
- lastCharacter = i;
- #endif
- #else
- Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = i;
- ++Player@YSII_Cg;
- lastPlayer = i;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- Bot@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
- //Bot@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
- Character@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
- //Character@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
- #endif
- Player@YSII_Ag[i] = MAX_PLAYERS + 1;
- //Player@YSII_Rg[i] = -1;
- }
- }
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT && !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- Bot@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
- Character@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
- #endif
- Player@YSII_Ag[lastPlayer] = MAX_PLAYERS;
- CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnGameModeInit, YSI_gsSpecifier@);
- return 1;
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
- #undef OnGameModeInit
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
- #endif
- #define OnGameModeInit Itter_OnGameModeInit
- forward OnGameModeInit();
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect
- Params:
- playerid - Player who left.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Removes a player from the loop data. No longer uses "hook" to ENSURE that
- this is always last. Previously I think that the order of evaluation in
- y_hooks meant that this got called before the user "OnPlayerDisconnect".
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
- {
- if (YSI_g_sCallbacks & 1)
- {
- CallLocalFunction(YSI_gsOnPlayerDisconnect, "ii", playerid, reason);
- }
- SetTimerEx("Itter_OPDCInternal", 0, false, YSI_gsSpecifier@i, playerid);
- return 1;
- }
- #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
- #undef OnPlayerDisconnect
- #else
- #define _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
- #endif
- #define OnPlayerDisconnect Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect
- forward OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason);
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_OPDCInternal
- Params:
- playerid - Player who left.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Called AFTER "OnPlayerDisconnect" so that using "Kick" inside a "foreach"
- loop doesn't crash the server due to an OOB error.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if !defined BOTSYNC_IS_BOT
- public Itter_OPDCInternal(playerid)
- {
- if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
- {
- return;
- }
- #if defined _FOREACH_BOT
- if (!IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
- {
- Itter_Remove(Player, playerid);
- }
- #if !defined FOREACH_NO_BOTS
- else
- {
- Itter_Remove(Bot, playerid);
- }
- #pragma tabsize 4
- Itter_Remove(Character, playerid);
- #endif
- #else
- Itter_Remove(Player, playerid);
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_ShowArray
- Params:
- start - Itterator start point.
- members[] - Itterator contents.
- size - Number of itterator values
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Pure debug function. Has regular prints not debug prints
- as it's only called when debug is on.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*stock
- Itter_ShowArray(size, members[])
- {
- static
- sString[61];
- new
- i,
- j = 10;
- printf("Start: %d", start);
- printf("Size: %d", size);
- while (i < size)
- {
- sString[0] = '\0';
- while (i < j && i < size)
- {
- format(sString, sizeof (sString), "%s, %d", sString, members[i]);
- i++;
- }
- printf("Array (%d): %s", j, sString);
- j += 10;
- }
- }*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_RandomInternal
- Params:
- count - Number of items in the itterator.
- array[] - Itterator data.
- size - Size of the iterator.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Returns a random value from an iterator.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_RandomInternal(count, array[], size)
- {
- if (count == 0)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- new
- rnd = random(count),
- cur = array[size];
- while (cur != size)
- {
- if (rnd-- == 0)
- {
- return cur;
- }
- cur = array[cur];
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_FreeInternal
- Params:
- count - Number of items in the itterator.
- array[] - Itterator data.
- size - Size of the itterator.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Finds the first free slot in the itterator. Itterators now HAVE to be
- sorted for this function to work correctly as it uses that fact to decide
- wether a slot is unused or the last one. If you want to use the slot
- straight after finding it the itterator will need to re-find it to add in
- the data.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_FreeInternal(array[], size)
- {
- for (new i = 0; i != size; ++i)
- {
- if (array[i] > size)
- {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_AddInternal
- Params:
- &start - Array start index.
- &count - Number of items in the itterator.
- array[] - Itterator data.
- value - Item to add.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Adds a value to a given itterator set. Now detects when you try and add the
- last item multiple times, as well as all the other items. Now simplified even
- further with the new internal representation.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_AddInternal(&count, array[], value, size)
- {
- if (0 <= value < size && array[value] > size)
- {
- new
- last = size,
- next = array[last];
- while (next < value)
- {
- last = next;
- next = array[last];
- }
- array[last] = value;
- array[value] = next;
- ++count;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_RemoveInternal
- Params:
- &count - Number of items in the itterator.
- array[] - Itterator data.
- value - Item to remove.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Removes a value from an itterator.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_RemoveInternal(&count, array[], value, size)
- {
- new
- last;
- return Itter_SafeRemoveInternal(count, array, value, last, size);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_SafeRemoveInternal
- Params:
- &count - Number of items in the itterator.
- array[] - Iterator data.
- back[] - Reverse iterator data.
- value - Item to remove.
- &last - Pointer in which to store the last pointer.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Removes a value from an itterator safely.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_SafeRemoveInternal(&count, array[], value, &last, size)
- {
- if (0 <= value < size && array[value] <= size)
- {
- last = size;
- new
- next = array[last];
- while (next != value)
- {
- last = next;
- next = array[last];
- }
- array[last] = array[value];
- array[value] = size + 1;
- --count;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_ContainsInternal
- Params:
- array[] - Itterator data.
- value - Item to check.
- size - Size of the iterator.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Checks if this item is in the iterator.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_ContainsInternal(array[], value, size)
- {
- return 0 <= value < size && array[value] <= size;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_ClearInternal
- Params:
- &count - Number of items in the itterator.
- array[] - Itterator data.
- size - Size of the iterator.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Resets an iterator.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_ClearInternal(&count, array[], size)
- {
- for (new i = 0, t = size + 1; i < size; ++i)
- {
- array[i] = t;
- }
- array[size] = size;
- count = 0;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_InitInternal
- Params:
- array[][] - Itterator array to initialise.
- s0 - Size of first dimension.
- s1 - Size of second dimension.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Multi-dimensional arrays can't be initialised at compile time, so need to be
- done at run time, which is slightly annoying.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_InitInternal(arr[][], s0, s1)
- {
- for (new i = 0, t = s1 + 1; i < s0; ++i)
- {
- for (new j = 0; j < s1; ++j)
- {
- arr[i][j] = t;
- }
- arr[i][s1] = s1;
- }
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Itter_PrevInternal
- Params:
- array[] - Itterator data.
- size - Size of the iterator.
- slot - The current slot.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Gets the element in an iterator that points to the current element.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- stock
- Itter_PrevInternal(array[], size, slot)
- {
- if (0 <= slot <= size && array[slot] <= size)
- {
- new
- last = size;
- //for (new next = array[size]; next != size; next = array[next])
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- new
- next = array[last];
- if (next == slot)
- {
- return last;
- }
- last = next;
- }
- }
- return size;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Iter_Begin
- Params:
- iter - Name of the iterator to get the start of.
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Gets a point BEFORE the start of the iterator (the theoretical beginning).
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Begin(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- #define Itter_Begin(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Iter_End
- Params:
- iter - Name of the iterator to
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Gets a point AFTER the end of the iterator (think "MAX_PLAYERS").
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_End(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- #define Itter_End(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Iter_First
- Params:
- iter - Name of the iterator to
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Gets the first element in an iterator.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_First(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1)])
- #define Itter_First(%1) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1)])
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Iter_Last
- Params:
- iter - Name of the iterator to
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Gets the last element in an iterator.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Last(%1) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- #define Itter_Last(%1) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1))
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Iter_Next
- Params:
- iter - Name of the iterator to
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Gets the element in an interator after the current one.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Next(%1,%2) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[(%2)])
- #define Itter_Next(%1,%2) (_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag[(%2)])
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
- Function:
- Iter_Prev
- Params:
- iter - Name of the iterator to
- Return:
- -
- Notes:
- Gets the element in an iterator before the current one. Slow.
- \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Iter_Prev(%1,%2) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),(%2))
- #define Itter_Prev(%1,%2) Itter_PrevInternal(_Y_ITER_ARRAY:%1@YSII_Ag,_Y_ITER_ARRAY_SIZE(%1),(%2))
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