
Lyra and Tarane talk

Nov 22nd, 2015
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  1. snuffshotMartyr [SM] began pestering frozenFire [FF]
  2. SM: Sorry Tarane
  3. SM: I died again
  4. SM: Promised I'd try not to do that
  5. FF: You what.
  6. FF: Urgh. Ok how many bodies do you have now.
  7. FF: Two?
  8. SM: Five.
  9. SM: Two dead
  10. FF: Original, Crystal, Dreamself and...?
  11. FF: Or did you get more.
  12. SM: And these two new ones I got post-deaths
  13. FF: Great. I guess.
  14. SM: Well, could be worse
  15. FF: YEah.
  16. FF: So where did you wake up this time?
  17. SM: Y'know the battlefield that Derse and Prospit are fighting over?
  18. SM: There
  19. FF: ...Huh.
  20. FF: Nice, I guess.
  21. FF: So you're stuck there? On a battlefield?
  22. SM: No. Making my way back
  23. FF: How?
  24. SM: I'm in one of the flying bodies right now
  25. SM: Could just make wings otherwise, anyway
  26. FF: So you died and then woke up in a body that can fly that's not your dreamself?
  27. FF: ...That sounds familiar.
  28. FF: ...Did you die on a slab of rock?
  29. SM: No
  30. SM: Some personification of the inevitability of our failure showed up, told me to make a wish, then turned my eyes into blood.
  31. SM: S'been a pretty normal day so far
  32. FF: Sometimes I think you're just making stuff up to justify injuries
  33. FF: Because that sounds ridiculous.
  34. SM: Ask Alex if you don't believe me
  35. SM: But come on, it's not ridiculous. S'not like there was a zombie apocalypse or anything
  36. SM: Oh wait
  37. FF: -_-
  38. FF: Oh whatever. I might ask Alex once I wake up because I'm on a guided tour of prospit for some reason.
  39. FF: Can one dream on prospit? Because I'm starting to believe what I see less and less.
  40. SM: Hallucinations
  41. SM: Fun stuff
  42. SM: Did I ever tell you about the time I drowned in tree sap?
  43. FF: No
  44. SM: That happened too
  45. SM: Then either myself or an invisible Alex from another timeline stabbed my pinky
  46. SM: This game isn't even ridiculous anymore, some of these events are just *stupid*
  47. FF: Right.
  48. SM: Anyway, how about you? Anything interesting happen since we last talked?
  49. FF: Nope.
  50. FF: Literally nothing, considering we last talked, oh, am hour ago.
  51. SM: Oh good that happened
  52. SM: Unless that was something I wasn't aware of sending, or Sabath rewrote what I thought I did send
  53. SM: Can you summarize for me?
  54. FF: "Screw Sabath, let's lose the game."
  55. FF: And on my part, "Don't die".
  56. SM: Good
  57. SM: Awesome
  58. SM: ... Sorry. Didn't mean to
  59. SM: The way he wanted me to survive wasn't worth it
  60. FF: You mean Alex or Inevitablity?
  61. FF: I'm guessing the latter.
  62. SM: Both, sort of
  63. SM: S'complicated
  64. FF: Because nothing can ever be simple.
  65. SM: Welcome to Sabath
  66. FF: Har.
  67. FF: Simplify it for me. I have time.
  68. FF: Nothing but gold here.
  69. SM: Alex and I fought zombies
  70. SM: I bled all over the place
  71. SM: After that, nose started bleeding, then eyes, then throat
  72. SM: Old dude shows up and says I'm about to die, and offers me a wish
  73. SM: I say no, because not letting him screw me over
  74. SM: Alex takes it
  75. SM: I die
  76. SM: Shoot, s'pose I made a mess all over his suit, too. Whoops
  77. FF: That wasn't so bad.
  78. FF: So you say no to a wish, give it to Alex, and hope you wake up in another body.
  79. FF: And you're concerned about his *suit*?
  80. SM: Suit might have cost him his life
  81. SM: Or Nickolai's
  82. SM: So yes
  83. FF: Explain?
  84. SM: To get it, he agreed to deliver a very-possibly-dangerous package to Nickolai
  85. SM: Failure to do so will result in him being filled with deadly spider poisons
  86. SM: The circumstances to him making that agreement are exactly as stupid as they sound
  87. FF: ...
  88. FF: ...
  89. FF: '...' is the only thing I have to say here.
  90. FF: Screw it I'm not even going to ask how. Or why.
  91. FF: Why does he need the suit again?
  92. SM: Partially for Faerzen's party
  93. SM: But that was a side effect, mostly
  94. SM: The real reason was because Lanased's clothes are like, magically warm or something, so it meant he could explore this frozen tunnel we needed to go down
  95. FF: Oh, right, the party.
  96. FF: Completely forgot about that.
  97. FF: Bluh.
  98. FF: Those clothes sound nice. Can't you alchemise something similar though?
  99. SM: No grist. No enemies
  100. SM: And until Lanased went full Queen, we had no reason to expect he'd be anything but as helpful as usual
  101. FF: grumble grumble
  102. FF: Bluh Ok.
  103. FF: Are you Still On the Battlefield?
  104. SM: Heading back to the cliff place
  105. FF: Oh. Okay.
  106. FF: Have fun.
  107. SM: It's Sabath
  108. SM: Try to be realistic
  109. FF: Safe travels.
  110. SM: ...
  111. SM: Tarane, what did I *just* say?
  112. FF: You'll be fine. You're traveling through a void, things should avoid you.
  113. SM: Assuming you're safe is a good way to get beat up
  114. SM: But I get the sentiment
  115. SM: I'll do my best
  116. FF: Yeah
  117. FF: See you later
  118. --frozenFire [FF] ceased messaging snuffshotMartyr [SM]--
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