
PNCCG Setlist

Nov 11th, 2012
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  1. |Quantum Warrior|1|ELNO|Warrior|Light|4||2000|0|Capable of manipulating particles at a sub-atomic level, this warrior's sword breaks up the very structure of its victims.|
  2. |Sky Swimmer|2|ELNO|Aqua|Water|4||1800|2100|The Olympians have their own Olympics, too. Where did you think the name came from?|
  3. |Pull Golem|3|ELNO|Rock|Earth|3||1000|2200|A golem with such great mass, its gravitational field can sabotage physical movements.|
  4. |Top Idol Agua|4|ELNO|Aqua|Water|5||2200|500|A marooned sea stallion that can skirt the floors of the ocean with ease.|
  5. |De-Ranger|5|ELNO|Warrior|Earth|4||1400|800|A woodlands ranger that hunts for survival. Taking every precaution, he sees his targets, then strikes when least expected.|
  6. |Flame Warwolf|6|ELNO|Beast|FIRE|3||1400|400|A Daring, Agressive beast whose fur is patterned like a raging wildfire. With claws forever ablaze and a thirst for blood, Nothing escapes it alive|
  7. |Shade Ninja|7|ELNO|Warrior|DARK|4||1800|100|A Ninja who thrives in the dark. Caution is taken as he is known to literally appear out of nowhere|
  8. |Wind-Melded Dragon|8|ELNO|Dragon|WIND|4||1700|0|A Dragon whose hide is bleached white from the intrusive Combination of his own speed and the Wind. They say that The hide of this dragon is extremely valuable.|
  9. |Glutton Ray|9|ELNO|Fish|WATER|6||2400|0|A Stingray that lives on the bottom of the Ocean, Victims of it's poison often watched in fear as they were literally eaten alive by this gigantic Glutton|
  10. |Draco-Tank MK XXIV|10|ELNO|Machine|FIRE|8||2850|2400|This Tank was crafted from an mysterious metal Mixed with the Scales of Countless slain Dragons. Nobody has ever seen this type of tank and lived to tell the tale|
  11. |Aetherial Abomination|11|ELNO|Psychic|Dark|8||3000|3000|The infinite expanses of the imagination can forth many beautiful, perfect and fantastic things. This is not one of them.|
  12. |Deathnether Geist|12|ELNO|Zombie|Dark|8||3000|2500|A dying man needs to die, as a sleepy man needs to sleep, and there comes a time when it is wrong, as well as useless, to resist.|
  13. |Primeval Valley Colossus|13|ELNO|Rock|Earth|8||2900|3400|A truly bountiful valley does not need guardians, for it will rise up to protect itself.|
  14. |Grimlock Hellspark Dragon|14|ELNO|Dragon|Fire|4||1950|1600|It will burn it's anathema until it is nothing but ashes. Then, it will burn the ashes until they are nothing but dust. It will even burn the dust until the area surrounding it is reduced to nothing.|
  15. |Grand Mistress Shinrin|15|ELNO|Spellcaster|Earth|8||3000|2500|Undying beauty is the quality of a goddess, and the will of a goddess is carried out without opposition.|
  16. |Psychotic Illusion|16|ELNO|Psychic|Dark|4||1900|1500|The doctors convinced him that the malicious entity that was out to kill him wasn't real, but they never told him about the other thirteen patients it killed before him.|
  17. |Eraser of Sentience|17|ELNO|Psychic|Dark|5||2500|1800|Error. File not found. All attempts of recording data on this anomaly have been unsuccessful, and no previous data has been documented. |
  18. |Exosolodon|18|ELNO|Fish|Water|4||1950|1750|These sharks don't care about forbidden magic or advanced technology. When their prey responded with such advancements, the only things that changed about them was the amount of teeth that they sunk into their prey's bodies, and the amount of random objects that filled their stomach.|
  19. |Wyrmslayer Hammerhead|19|ELNO|Fish|Water|6||2550|2150|After the dragons conquered the skies, they looked to the ocean as a new frontier to dominate. The sharks did not oppose this, because by the time the dragons learned that it was a stupid idea, the majority of them were already dead and lining the stomachs of their underwater slayers.|
  20. |Tune Harbinger|20|ELNO|Fiend/Tuner/Effect|LIGHT|3||1000|1400|You can return 1 Normal Monster you control to your hand; Special Summon this card from your hand, then Special Summon 1 Normal monster from your hand or Graveyard whose level is equal to or less than half the Returned Monster's level.|
  21. |Hatred D.|21|ELNO|Warrior/Effect|DARK|1||0|0|FLIP: Target 1 card on the field; Return it to the hand|
  22. |Aruna, Reborn Wisdom|22|ELNO|Spellcaster/Tuner/Effect|LIGHT|2||100|400|During your Standby phase: You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. You must control no monsters to activate and resolve this effect.|
  23. |Slyph|23|ELNO|Fairy/Tuner/Effect|WIND|1||100|100|If this card would be Sent to the Graveyard due to an opponent's card(By battle or by card effect): Add it to the hand.|
  24. |Clairvoyance|24|ELNO|Psychic/Effect|LIGHT|6||2000|1000|Once per turn, When your opponent activates a Card effect: Reveal 1 random card in your opponent's hand, if the revealed card is the same type of card whose effect is activating, Negate that card's effect until the End phase.|
  25. |Burning Phoenix|25|ELNO|Beast/Effect|Fire|7||2500|1200|You can Banish 3 Normal Monsters (from your Graveyard): Special Summon this card (from your hand). This card is treated as a Normal Monster. You can only control 1 "Burning Phoenix".|
  26. |Power Hydrant|26|ELNO|Machine/Effect|Water|3||1400|1400|You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1 WATER monster in your Graveyard. This card can attack directly, in that case, the damage inflicted is halved. When a WATER monster inflict battle damage, select 1 Monster your opponent controls and decrease its ATK by an equal amount.|
  27. |Blazing Radiator|27|ELNO|Machine/Effect|Fire|3||1600|1000|This card can be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 FIRE monster in your Graveyard. If your opponent activates a card effect, inflict damage equal to the Level of the highest level FIRE monster you control x100.|
  28. |Lonely Seagull|28|ELNO|Winged Beast/Effect|Water|2||800|0|While this is the only Attack-position monster you control, it cannot be destroyed. When you take Battle Damage from a battle involving this card, you can Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard with ATK equal to or less than the damage you took.|
  29. |Crystal Chrysaora|29|ELNO|Fish/Tuner/Effect|Water|3||500|500|When this card is Summoned, select 1 monster on the field. Gain Life Points equal to its ATK.|
  30. |Quicksand Camel|30|ELNO|Beast/Effect|Earth|4||400|1900|FLIP: Decrease the ATK and DEF of 1 monster on the field by 500. As long as it remains face-up on the field, it cannot destroy EARTH monsters you control in battle. If an EARTH Monster is Normal Summoned, you can flip this card Face-Down.|
  31. |Clarity Dragon|31|ELNO|Dragon/Effect|Light|8||2900|1600|If this card is Tribute Summoned using only monsters that were Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Flipped Face-Up, Destroy 2 Face-Up Cards on the field.|
  32. |Bogeyman|32|ELNO|Fiend/Effect|Dark|6||1500|0|When this card is Normal Summoned, equip 1 Spell or Trap card on either side of the field to this card. It cannot be chained to this card's effect. While equipped, double this card's original ATK. If this card destroys a monster in battle, destroy all cards equipped to this card and equip 1 Spell or Trap card on either side of the field to this card.|
  33. |Numb Body|33|ELNO|Zombie/Effect|Dark|2||800|1500|FLIP: Special Summon 1 "Numb Body" from your Deck or Graveyard. You can banish this card from your Graveyard: select 1 face-up monster: change it to face-down Defense Position.|
  34. |Weeping Bat|34|ELNO|Zombie/Effect|Dark|4||1500|2000|You can discard this card from your Hand. If discarded in this way, if your opponent declares an attack, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard and change the attack target to this card. You can only Activate the effect of "Weeping Bat" Once per Turn.|
  35. |Normal Rival Pair Eight|35|ELNO|Warrior/Effect|Wind|4||1600|0|Once per turn; You can Banish 1 Normal Monster from your Graveyard: This card gains 400 ATK until the End Phase.|
  36. |Extra Rival Pair Nine|36|ELNO|Warrior/Effect|Wind|6||2400|0|Each time a Normal Monster is Special Summoned to your field: Draw 1 card.|
  37. |Radiant Aegisguard Valkyrie|37|ELNO|Thunder/Effect|Light|4||1600|1600|While you control another Thunder-type monster, this card cannot be attacked. While you control another Thunder-type Monster, The effects of other monsters you control cannot be negated. You can only control 1 "Radiant Aegisguard Valkyrie".|
  38. |Dematerialization Cannon|38|ELNO|Machine/Effect|Fire|4||1500|1950|When this card battles with a Monster that is unaffected by card effects, destroy it without applying damage calculation (regardless of effects.)|
  39. |Majestic Immortal Nursemaid|39|ELNO|Fairy/Effect|Light|3||1400|1000|When you gain Life Points, you can Special Summon this card from your hand: it gains 500 ATK and DEF. When this card destroys an opponent's monster in battle, gain 500 Life Points.|
  40. |Vermillion Spark|40|ELNO|Thunder/Effect|FIRE|1||0|0|This card is treated as a Normal Monster while on the Field or in the Graveyard. When this card is Special Summoned: Inflict 300 Damage to your opponent, then gain 500 Life Points|
  41. |Iron Placoderm|41|ELNO|Fish/Effect|Earth|4||1400|1400|Each time an EARTH monster declares an attack, switch the ATK and DEF of all monsters on the field.|
  42. |Frost Spellbreaker|42|ELNO|Spellcaster/Effect|Water|4||1200|2000|The effect of all your opponent's Normal Spell cards becomes "Decrease the ATK of 1 Monster on the field by 1000." If the ATK of this card is 0, this effect is negated.|
  43. |Lord of the White Flame|43|ELNO|Pyro/Ritual/Effect|LIGHT|5||2000|500|Must first be Ritual Summoned. Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner monster from your hand.|
  44. |Black Flame Phoenix|44|ELNO|Pyro/Ritual/Effect|DARK|7||2500|2100|Must first be Ritual Summoned. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Special Summon 2 "Dark Ash Tokens" (DARK/Pyro/1/0/0). During your Standby Phase: You can Destroy 1 "Dark Ash Token"; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.|
  45. |Deathfire Phoenix|45|ELNO|Winged-Beast/Synchro/Effect|DARK|7||2200|1400|1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Normal monsters. When this card is Synchro Summoned: Target 1 Level 6 or lower Effect monster in your opponent's Graveyard; Special Summon it to your side of the field in Face-up Defense Position. The effect of "Deathfire Phoenix" can only be activated Once per turn. |
  46. |Deep Doom Shark|46|ELNO|Fish/Synchro/Effect|WATER|6||1900|1000|1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters. Once per turn: you can Return 1 monster you control to the owner's hand; This card gains ATK equal to half that monster's original ATK until your opponent's next End Phase. |
  47. |Rampaging Dark Ox|47|ELNO|Beast-Warrior/Synchro|EARTH|8||3000|2200|1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.|
  48. |Death Valley Devil|48|ELNO|Fiend/Synchro/Effect|Earth|6||1900|1900|1 Tuner + 1 or more EARTH or FIRE non-Tuners. FIRE Monsters you control gain 500 ATK. EARTH Monsters you control gain 800 DEF. During either player's turn, you can discard 1 card: Effects that increase ATK increase DEF instead, and vice-versa, until the End Phase.|
  49. |Blazing T.|49|ELNO|Insect/Synchro/Effect|FIRE|6||1300|2000|1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters. Once per turn: You can Double this card's ATK. During each of your End Phases, Banish other monsters from your hand, field, or Graveyard whose Combined ATK is equal to or Greater than this card's ATK, if you do not, Destroy this card and take Damage equal to this card's ATK.|
  50. |Trade of the Weak|50|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-play|||Tribute 1 Normal Monster you control and reveal 1 Normal Monster in your hand; Special Summon 1 Normal Monster with a different name whose level is Equal to or less than the Revealed Monster's Level from your Deck.|
  51. |Rite of the Ancients|51|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Ritual|||This card can be used to Ritual Summon any Ritual Monster in your hand. You must tribute monsters on your side of the field or in your hand whose level is equal to or higher than the Ritual Monster's Level|
  52. |Black Cat of Ill Omens|52|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||Each player draws 1 additional card during each of their Draw Phases. During the Turn player's End phase, if they have 5 or more cards in their hand: that player takes 500 Damage for each card in their hand. You can only control 1 "Black Cat of Ill Omens".|
  53. |Quick Twister|53|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-play|||Target 1 Spell/Trap card on the field; Return it to the top of the owner's Deck|
  54. |Greed Thunder|54|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell|||||Target 1 Monster on the field; Destroy it and Draw 1 card. You cannot activate this card while you control a Set card.|
  55. |Wild Lands|55|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Field|||Effect Monsters cannot be destroyed by battle, but Monsters attacking them inflict Piercing Battle Damage|
  56. |Vanilla Pudding|56|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Field|||Each time a Normal Monster is destroyed, the owner draws 1 card. A player can destroy this card by discarding 2 cards and paying 1000 Life Points.|
  57. |Nomads Rite|57|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-play|||Special Summon 1 Normal Monster from your hand|
  58. |Uniformed Resistance|58|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-play|||When a Level 4 or lower Normal Monster is Special Summoned; Target 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster in your Graveyard: Special Summon it.|
  59. |Inundation Pool|59|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||For each WATER Monster in your Graveyard, reduce the first 300 damage you take each turn to 0.|
  60. |Twin Burial|60|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 Monster on the field. Both players can send 1 Monster from their Deck to their Graveyard with the same Attribute as that monster.|
  61. |Widen Stance|61|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 Monster on the field. It gains 800 ATK and DEF. If it is attacked by a WIND monster, destroy it without damage calculation, then you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field.|
  62. |Lab Research Sarcophagus|62|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell|||||Banish 1 Monster in your deck, face-down. During your 3rd Standby Phase after activation, Special Summon the banished monster.|
  63. |Cage Deathmatch|63|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Field|||This card is treated in your Hand and on your Field as a Continuous Spell. Monsters cannot attack the turn they are Normal or Special Summoned. Monsters can only attack the monster in the column in front of them. If there is no opposing monster, it may attack directly. You cannot attack directly the turn you activate this card.|
  64. |Cascading Destruction|64|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell|||||Banish 3 cards from your Graveyard: Destroy 1 Monster on the field. If a card effect is chained to this card, except "Cascading Destruction", you can banish 1 card from your Graveyard to activate this effect again (as the next chain link) (this effect can chain to Spell Speed 3 cards).|
  65. |Silence|65|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell|||||Activate only during your Main Phase 1. Until your opponent's next End Phase, you cannot attack. Your opponent cannot activate or set Spell/Trap cards from their hand.|
  66. |Dramatic Entrance|66|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Destroy 1 Normal Monster you control: Special Summon 1 Normal Monster from your hand that has 2 more Level Stars than the destroyed monster.|
  67. |Reaper's Verdict|67|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Activate this card when a Normal Monster you control would be destroyed: it is not destroyed, and instead gains 500 ATK and DEF.|
  68. |Deitic Ascension|68|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Tribute 1 Level 1 Normal Monster you control: Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher Normal Monster from your hand or deck. |
  69. |Neogenesis|69|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Equip|||Select 1 Normal Monster in your Graveyard: Special Summon it and equip this card to it. When this card is destroyed, the equipped monster is also destroyed.|
  70. |Ashes of Duality|70|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell|||||You can only activate 1 "Ashes of Duality" per turn. You cannot Normal Summon this turn. Activate one of the following effects, Your opponent activates the other: -Target 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster in either player's Graveyard; Special Summon it and Draw 1 card. -Target 1 Level 4 or lower Effect monster in your Opponent's Graveyard; Special Summon it and Draw 1 card.|
  71. |Flare from the Fifthteenth Dimension|71|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-play|||Target 1 Banished Monster; Special Summon it. It's effects are Negated.|
  72. |Angelic Reflection|72|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Activate this card when a DARK Normal Monster you control is destroyed: Special Summon 1 LIGHT Normal Monster from your hand or Graveyard.|
  73. |Geosylphian Resound|73|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Activate this card when a EARTH Normal Monster you control is destroyed: Special Summon 1 WIND Normal Monster from your hand or Graveyard.|
  74. |Pyrohydronic Cascade|74|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Quick-Play|||Activate this card when a FIRE Normal Monster you control is destroyed: Special Summon 1 WATER Normal Monster from your hand or Graveyard.|
  75. |Abyssal Rebirth|75|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Select 1 DARK Normal Monster in your Graveyard: Special Summon it to your side of the field.|
  76. |Sinful Harmony|76|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Discard 1 Level 5 or higher monster: destroy all monsters your opponent controls whose Level is lower than the Discarded Monster's.|
  77. |Cycle of Despair|77|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||Discard 1 card: destroy all face-up monsters your opponent controls.|
  78. |Like a Boss|78|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Field|||If a monster would be destroyed, a player can decrease its DEF by 1500 instead. Then, if it's in Attack Position, it is changed to Defense Position, and cannot change battle position for the rest of the turn.|
  79. |Strength of Diversity|79|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Continuous|||All monsters you control gain 100 ATK for each monster in your Graveyard with a different attribute than it. You can only control 1 "Strength of Diversity".|
  80. |Gauntlet of Savagery|80|ELNO|Spell Card|Spell||Equip|||The equipped monster gains 800 ATK. If the equipped monster is a Normal Monster, it can attack the opponent directly if they control no Attack Position monsters.|
  81. |Taxidermized Animal Attack|81|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||Destroy 1 Normal Monster you control and 1 monster your opponent controls. Then, you can Special Summon 1 Normal Monster from your Hand in Defense Position.|
  82. |Chaos Tear|82|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||Pay 1500 Life points to target 1 card on the field; Negate it's effect until the End Phase of this turn. You can only Activate 1 "Chaos Tear" per turn.|
  83. |Wall Rage|83|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Continuous|||When this card is Activated, it is treated as a Normal Monster card and Special Summoned to your side of the field in face-up Defense position(EARTH/Rock/4/0/2000), It is still treated as a Trap card.|
  84. |Counter Shot|84|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||When your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card. Target 1 Spell/Trap card your opponent controls; Destroy it.|
  85. |Sudden Crippling Strike|85|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||When your opponent Summons an Effect monster: Discard 1 card to target that monster; Your opponent can Discard 1 Monster to negate this effect, if not, the Target's ATK and DEF becomes 0 and it's effects are Negated.|
  86. |Flaming Fissure|86|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Continuous|||When a FIRE monster attacks an opponent's monster, increase its ATK by 100 for each Level difference between the two monster. When a FIRE monster is destroyed, all other monsters you control gain ATK equal to its level x100.|
  87. |Barrage of the Atoned|87|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||Send up to 2 Normal Monsters from your hand to the Graveyard: Draw cards from your Deck equal to the amount of Normal Monsters sent by this card's effect. You cannot enter your Battle Phase the turn you activated this card.|
  88. |Abstract Algorithm|88|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Continuous|||Each time a monster is sent to the graveyard, the owner returns card from the bottom of their Graveyard to the bottom of their Deck equal to its level. Each time a monster is summoned, the controller must Send a number of cards from the top of their Deck to the Graveyard equal to its level.|
  89. |Large Trapping Net|89|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||Banish up to 2 monsters in your Graveyard. Take control of 1 monster on the field whose Level is equal to the combined levels of those monsters, until the End Phase.|
  90. |ABANDON DUEL!|90|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||When your opponent declares a Direct attack while you have Life points Less than or Equal to Half the opponent's Life points and your opponent has dealt Damage to you this turn: Negate the Attack and inflict damage to your opponent Equal to the Combined ATK of all Effect monsters your opponent controls. You can only Activate "ABANDON DUEL!" Once per Duel|
  91. |Mist Slash|91|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Counter|||Discard 1 WATER Monster: negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card and banish it.|
  92. |Wind Scourge|92|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Counter|||Discard 1 WIND Monster: Negate the Summon of an opponent's monster and shuffle it into their deck.|
  93. |Asphyxiate|93|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap|||||Destroy a number of Spell/Trap cards on the field equal to the number of Monsters your opponent controls.|
  94. |Walking on Air|94|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Continuous|||Activate only when you control a WIND monster(s). You take no Battle Damage and your monsters can't be destroyed by battle. Destroy this card during your opponent's 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation.|
  95. |Shatterflash|95|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Normal|||Activate this card when a Normal Monster you control is selected as an attack target: destroy all attack position monsters your opponent controls.|
  96. |Overwhelming Force|96|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Normal|||Return 1 monster on the field to it's owner's hand. |
  97. |Vitality Rend|97|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Normal|||Select 1 Monster on your opponent's side of the field: inflict damage to their Life Points equal to the ATK of the selected monster.|
  98. |Spiteful Demise|98|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Normal|||Activate this card when a Monster you control is destroyed: destroy 1 Monster card and 1 Spell or Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field.|
  99. |Pariah of the Century|99|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Counter|||Pay 1000 Life Points: negate the activation of an Effect Monster's effect and destroy it. |
  100. |Dismay|100|ELNO|Trap Card|Trap||Normal|||Your opponent cannot declare an attack this turn.|
  101. |Afterlife Devil|1|SPC1|Fiend/Xyz/Effect/Fusion|LIGHT|4||1900|1200|2 Level 4 monsters. Once per turn: You can Increase or Decrease this card's Rank by 1. When this card destroys a monster by battle: Detach 1 Xyz material to target 1 monster in your Graveyard whose Level is equal as this card's Rank; Special Summon it.|
  102. |Tundra Tumbler|2|SPC1|Rock/Xyz/Effect/Fusion|Earth|3||1600|2600|2 Level 3 Monsters. This card is also treated as a WATER monster. While this card has Xyz Material, any opponent's monster that declares an attack is changed to face-down defense position at the end of the damage step. Once per turn, you can detatch 1 Xyz material from this card: Return 1 Set card on the field to the top of its owner's deck.|
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