
A Game of Chess

Aug 31st, 2016
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  1. CC: ok!
  2. CC: things are looking bleak! but just when the light is fading
  3. CC: the king calls forth allies!
  4. CC: three knights made of rock emerge from the west on C3, C2 and C6!
  5. CC: they meet with the last remaining scavenger from the castle and move to save their king!
  6. CC: um! im using rocks for the knights, since im out of black knight pieces
  7. VM: Okay, so this is howw it's ending then?
  8. VM: Despite the fact you noww havve a total of four knights on the board? You think to continue?
  9. VM: Seeing as howw nothing has changed. My queen in C5 to your neww knight in C6.
  10. VM: If wwe must continue in this manner so be it
  11. VM: I sacrifice an immediate vvictory for a safer one. Your "movve".
  12. CC: haha! oops! i forgot i was still in check!
  13. CC: ganymede is the first of the knights to fall! and so instantly as well!
  14. CC: io screams in fury for her lost lover!
  15. CC: but the honourable thebe holds the line, and bursts through the gates of the castle just before an arrow is fired into the kings chest!
  16. CC: knight to E3!
  17. VM: Wwell there goes my flawwless vvictory.
  18. VM: Fine, I guess I'll play into your narrativve then.
  19. VM: My bishop in A1 to Io in C3 she is reacquainted wwith Ganymede in the afterlife.
  20. VM: The reinforcements are failing, time is running out. The black king and queen cowwer behind their wwalls
  21. CC: try as io might, she cannot defend against the power of the white walkers!
  22. CC: thebe looks on from the gates. she shakes her head in grievance. the king feebly attempts to console her.
  23. CC: "in all my past lives... ive never seen such power"
  24. CC: suddenly, from beyond the hill. reinforcements!
  25. CC: the scavenger from A4 rides forth and skewers the bishop which struck down io!
  26. CC: "dont worry!" the scavenger calls out. "well defend these grounds if its the last thing we do!"
  27. VM: And the scavenger too falls slain but naught by the pawwn in B4.
  28. VM: Your forces fall before me yet you still hide? Thebe too shall fall as too your wwalls.
  29. VM: Revveal yourselvves and the only blood left to spill shall be yours
  30. CC: haha oh crap!
  31. CC: man this was such a shitty rescue operation!
  32. CC: the king... the king backs away in horror as the supposed hero falls
  33. CC: as he moves to G1 he utters a lonely phrase...
  34. CC: "gods help us..."
  35. VM: Knight in G5 to pawwn in F3
  36. VM: Your wwalls crumble and the last line of defense begins to break.
  37. VM: The knight readies himself for a final bloww.
  38. VM: Check
  39. CC: noooo! the queen cries out!
  40. CC: she would rather expose herself to the dangers of the world than to see her true love diiiie!
  41. CC: she cuts through the knight, and exchanges glances with her beloved as she accepts her fate
  42. VM: Wwhich indeed comes, swwiftly and painfully
  43. VM: D5 to F3
  44. CC: the king runs forth to F2, screaming as he sees the queen get devoured alive
  45. CC: thebe wrestles with the monster. "no, stay back you fool!" she screams.
  46. VM: Bishop in F3 to pawwn in E2.
  47. VM: The Eastern wwall falls.
  48. CC: the king roars in rage!
  49. CC: thebe, try as she might, cannot hold back the kings vengeance!
  50. CC: and the king charges at the bishop in E2, blind to danger!
  51. VM: I wwill not let you get awway so easily.
  52. VM: You wwill see all that you had burn and die as promised.
  53. VM: All of this could havve been avvoided, but you refused.
  54. VM: H4 to G3.
  55. CC: um! wow! ok!
  56. CC: the king moves to e3! continuing his fit of rage!
  57. CC: some power must have been unearthed within him upon seeing the death of his love!
  58. VM: G3 to G2
  59. CC: hehe! uhh! is everything ok vox?
  60. CC: the king... charges further into the blizzard!
  61. CC: d3 to d4!
  62. VM: G2 to G1.
  63. VM: A reckoning shall not be postponed indefinitely.
  64. CC: um! ok vox!
  65. CC: you won!
  66. CC: the king collapses and lets the white walkers bring him to his wife!
  67. CC: thebe rides off, telling tales to the other rock people, and the battle will be taught throughout the rest of their history!
  68. VM: Oh noww that's just not sporting, you really should let the game finish before givving up.
  69. VM: After all it's a little unfair considering you decided to bring in "reinforcements."
  70. VM: And besides you wweren't evven in check. If you givve up you havve no chance of wwinning, but if you keep going to the bitter end there's alwways a slivver of hope.
  71. CC: the reinforcements died! i was just having a bit of fun!
  72. CC: i dont care about winning, this is getting sad!
  73. VM: But the story wwasn't ovver.
  74. VM: And most stories havve sad endings in the real wworld.
  75. CC: umm! but our story doesnt have to have a sad ending!
  76. CC: um! king to D5!
  77. VM: There's that fighting spirit!
  78. VM: The original queen backs off to get some breathing room, leavving the wwhite king to his rampage!
  79. CC: king to E6!
  80. VM: The neww born queen takes dowwn the remains of Castle Black.
  81. VM: G1 to E1.
  82. VM: The dance is nearly done, the end is drawwing close, the story neatly finished.
  83. CC: king to E7!
  84. CC: he charges at the head of the white walkers!
  85. CC: thebe stands fast against the monster in front of her!
  86. VM: Tsk.
  87. VM: This may end up a viscious cycle.
  88. VM: Although there is alwways another wway.
  89. VM: I castle.
  90. VM: And the wwhite king escapes through a pre-prepared passagewway.
  91. CC: you just want to kill thebe dont you!
  92. CC: running away from an opponent isnt a fun story!
  93. CC: thebe to F5!
  94. VM: Rook to D5.
  95. VM: Clearly you'vve nevver read an escape novvel.
  96. VM: Flight can easily be exciting.
  97. VM: Especially, as here, it is done wwhen planned ahead and comes unexpected to the enemy. Leavving them bewwildered wwhilst you can fulfill your plans.
  98. CC: your plans are just to kill everyone on the board!
  99. CC: thebe to g3!
  100. VM: The vvoid born queen cuts dowwn Thebe she joins her sisters in the rivver Styx.
  101. VM: All that stands noww is the black king his subjects dead, his soldiers dead, his wwife dead. All that is left is death.
  102. VM: The wwhite king calls out. I offered you an ultimatum, the livves of you and your wwife that your subjects may livve. You denied me and noww here wwe are. The last page.
  103. VM: Zugzwwang.
  104. CC: alright fine! kill him then!
  105. CC: jeez!
  106. VM: Zugzwwang.
  107. CC: i dont know what that means just kill him!
  108. VM: One shouldn't act before their time.
  109. VM: The black king must movve evven if he wwould prefer not to.
  110. VM: Zugzwwang.
  111. CC: E8!
  112. VM: And the vvital queen does her duty.
  113. VM: The black king is struck dowwn.
  114. VM: The story comes to a close.
  115. CC: finally! jeez that didnt have to get so intense!
  116. VM: Hey, wwell wwhen I get into something I really get into it.
  117. VM: Sorry if that wwas too intense, I thought you enjoyed the narrativve in chess?
  118. CC: i do!
  119. CC: its ok! actually thanks for playing with me!
  120. CC: it just got really dark!
  121. VM: Heh that wwas one of the more enjoyable chess games I'vve had.
  122. VM: Funnily enough the fact that you cheated half wway through solvved one of my major quarrels wwith chess.
  123. VM: So yeah Celia that wwas pretty fun. I'd be happy to play again sometime.
  124. CC: haha see i told you itd be good!
  125. CC: next time ill be ok if we make it dark again!
  126. CC: i just wasnt prepared!
  127. CC: it kind of reminded me of the brief stories youve told me of your campaigns and those still seem kinda cruel to me :c
  128. VM: Cruel is relativve. But yeah I'm sorry if that wwas a little much.
  129. VM: Also, wweren't you basing the narrativve on a famous Earth story? A Game of Murder or something?
  130. VM: It's a touch unfair to be annoyed at me for murdering in a story based on "A Game of Murder."
  131. CC: haha no im almost positive i got that all from my own head!
  132. CC: thebe, ganymede and io are all legends though!
  133. CC: thebe is my favourite and you killed her >.<
  134. VM: Awwww poor Ganymede and Io, they wwere lovvers and you didn't care about them?
  135. CC: aha ganymede and io are cool! it was pretty funny how they died right away!
  136. CC: i dont know their stories all that well! tbh i dont know any of this stuff as well as it probably seems!
  137. VM: Oh so you wwere pulling narrativve from Earth mythology?
  138. CC: yeah!
  139. CC: again i dont really know that stuff all that well!
  140. CC: i used to think it was all actual history! the books i were reading on it made it sound real
  141. VM: I'm afraid I'vve got to be heading off noww Celia
  142. VM: Talk again soon?
  143. CC: for sure vox!
  144. CC: take care!
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