
Colloidal Silver YouTube Comment Reply

Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. Update: I uploaded some of the full studies in PDF format to, but I didn't realize at the time you had to have an account to view or download them. All you have to do to get an account is go to, click 'sign in' in the upper right corner and it will say "Not a member yet? Get an Adobe ID" click that, fill out the info, and you will have an account.
  3. Or just go to (I had to shorten it because the link is super long)
  5. Original post:
  6. This article has nothing to do with colloidal silver taken orally. The article discusses pharmaceutically manufacturer nano-sized particles of silver used in dentistry. I'd advise you to actually read the study you posted, because it contradicts what you're saying. First, you cannot make silver in 5 nanometers in your own house.
  8. Second, the study uses rats and not humans. From the study: "Methods: Silver nanoparticles of an average size of 5 nm were synthesized with
  9. ammonia (SNA) or polyvinylpyrrolidone (SNP)" That is _NOT_ colloidal silver. The conclusion of the study was that both of SNA and SNP were not cytotoxic at 25 mg/mL or lower concentrations. Which, again, has absolutely nothing to do with colloidal silver. Neither of these compounds are colloidal silver or could be compared in anyway to colloidal silver.
  11. The final sentence of the study states "However, for safe clinical use, further studies establishing others points of its toxicologic profile are recommended." Meaning that 25mg per ml of Silver nanoparticles bound to ammonia or polyvinylpyrrolidone were not cytotoxic to rats, but more studies need to be done to determine if this is true.
  13. Here is the full text of the study you quoted
  15. Let's look at some actual studies of colloidal silver.
  17. _Antimicrobial silver: uses, toxicity and potential for resistance._
  18. (This article discusses the potential for microbial resistance with overuse of silver supplements, just like like the antibiotic resistance we're seeing happen today with pharmaceutically produced antibiotics, as well as the negative impacts on the environment and their fragile ecosystems.)
  20. Full text of the study:
  22. _Silver-resistance, allergy, and blue skin: truth or urban legend?_
  23. (This article is more positive in it's outlook with the conclusion that "Although toxicity, resistance and chronic skin changes are a theoretic concern, the lack of reported side effects despite widespread silver use is reassuring." But where are they getting their data?
  24. Most of the study talks not specifically about colloidal silver being used as an antibiotic replacement, but as a topical treatment for use in burns, etc and the two forms they mention are silver nitrate and silver sulfadiazine. These are two forms you would have to buy and could not make at home without the proper equipment.
  26. When they do get into oral colloidal silver, their message gets a bit confused. "Silver absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is estimated
  27. to be around 10% with 2โ€“4% being retained in tissues [18]. On a patient with argyria [turning blue], East et al. demonstrated that she absorbed about 18% of a single dose of colloidal silver [44]. However, this was not compared to other subjects due to the risk of colloidal silver exposure. Oral mucosal absorption of silver has been reported but not quantified [45]." So, they say that a woman absorbed 18% of an unknown amount of colloidal silver, but they didn't say the amount which caused her to turn blue, AND they didn't want to replicate it for fear of other patients turning blue, which means they were concerned enough about the effects being detrimental to not test it out on other human beings.
  29. Link to full text of the study:
  31. This was essentially the jist of me posting this video. So, let's look at reference 44 for more answers. Reference 44 points to the following study:
  33. _Silver retention, total body silver and tissue silver concentrations in argyria associated with exposure to an anti-smoking remedy containing silver acetate_
  34. (Link shortened to because it's very long and might break in some browsers)
  36. "Summary
  38. This paper describes a comprehensive study of silver content in a subject suffering from argyria associated with the excessive use of an oral anti-smoking remedy containing silver acetate. Using neutron activation analysis and a radioactive tracer it was possible to measure directly total body silver content, the tendency to retain silver and silver concentrations in various tissues. The findings are discussed in relation to previous knowledge of the disease and indicate that the uptake of silver may be substantial following the use of oral silver preparations."
  40. Link to full study:
  42. Here is what she took to turn herself blue:
  43. "Silver retention
  45. Silver retention was studied after administering a radioactive silver tracer using a shadowshield, whole body counter (Boddy, 1967). Since the subject had used a silver-containing, anti-smoking lozenge, this mode of silver ingestion was reproduced as closely as possible. Each lozenge consisted of 60 mg silver acetate, 10 mg ammonium chloride and 0025 mg cocarboxylase
  46. in an appropriate matrix designed to be dissolved slowly in the mouth."
  48. I've never heard of taking silver for an anti-smoking cure, but a supplement containing silver and ammonium would probably not be allowed on the market today (this study is from 1979).
  50. For people who are making home made colloidal silver, do you know how many milligrams you are actually getting per dosage? Or is it just guesswork?
  52. If you're taking it in premade capsules/tablets/tinctures or whatever other delivery form, how many mg is the common dose on the label of the bottle? When I did a web search for silver supplements, they sold it listed as PPM (parts per million) which I don't believe is legal to list this as a dosage under FDA regulations. You're supposed to list the amount in milligrams, grams, or something using the imperial measurement system.
  54. According to this site:
  56. "One thousandth of a gram is one milligram and 1000 ml is one liter, so that 1 ppm = 1 mg per liter = mg/Liter. PPM is derived from the fact that the density of water is taken as 1kg/L = 1,000,000 mg/L, and 1mg/L is 1mg/1,000,000mg or one part in one million."
  58. I tried using Wolfram Alpha or other online calculator tools to try and figure out this product, for example: Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol for Immune Support - 10 ppm, 4oz (118mL)
  61. Their marketing says "SIZE MATTERS: The smaller the particle size, the easier it is for the body to absorb and eliminate. Sovereign Silver features an unprecedented particle size of 0.8 nm/0.0008 microns, verified by 3rd party. No other silver can prove the same.
  63. BE SAFE: Our tiny particle size yields greater surface area, making our 10 ppm product more effective than competing brands of much higher ppm. Taken 7 times a day for 70 years, Sovereign Silver still falls below the EPA's RfD for silver."
  65. So, apparently, they don't want to list the actual amount you're getting -- but, not only that and more shockingly, they admit that it's less than the EPA's set dangerous limit for silver consumption. So is that enough to kill bacteria, but not kill you? Since there's no studies I could find on that, I can only refer people back to the article I linked above from Quackwatch:
  66. So, what are our conclusions?
  67. 1) We don't know how much silver is required to kill bacteria/fungus/whatever else is claimed by the manufacturer.
  68. 2) Silver can be deadly and turn you permanently blue after taking it for an undetermined amount of time.
  69. 3) Silver is not a mineral people normally consume in their average diet, so there is no RDA for it. Thus, the risk to benefit ratio is completely unknown. Are you willing to risk your life, health, and making yourself look like a smurf by your fear of "big pharma" and whatever snake oil salesman tells you.
  70. REMEMBER: The FDA does not regulate what dietary supplement makers can claim the benefits of their products can do, as long as they say it doesn't cure a disease. So, they can make claims of any kind and it will never be subjected to any testing to determine if those claims are valid. The FDA also does not test how much of the ingredients are in ANY supplement, or if they are contaminated with any ingredients.
  71. 4) Silver is a heavy metal that stays in the body and does not get excreted out like minerals you would find in a multivitamin for example. That's why it builds up in your skin and can cause argyria.
  73. I posted this video 10 years ago and I still get comments almost daily on this video, and as you can see, it has over 1mil views. It is still my opinion that the value of taking oral colloidal silver is not beneficial and should be reviewed by the FDA for potential toxicity. I also just recently saw a supplement that claimed to have 24k gold flakes in it at around 2mg. IMO, these are just marketing tactics. Silver applied topically for wound healing or burns might have some justification, and at a visit to a recent Walgreens I saw a product for just that purpose with silver in it.
  75. I myself take many dietary supplements, along with prescription drugs for allergies and acid reflux that I have. I believe many supplements are beneficial, and I typically try and buy them from quality manufacturers, like NOW Foods (I have no financial ties to them). They make their products in GMP (good manufacturing practices) FDA certified facilities using USP (United States Pharmacopeia) grade ingredients ( ). There are other good manufacturers out there, like Optimum Nutrition, Swanson Vitamins, and others. But I'm not a guinea pig and just assume whatever the manufacturer of supplements say is true. I take the time to research them and look at what _real_ experts in the field, like Will Brink (you can find his channel here on Youtube, Brinkzone or have to say about them. He mainly deals with supplements for athletes though. Also don't rely on reviews, as a lot of those can be made up. Use sites like and to check if reviews on Amazon are real or generated by spambots and can or can't be trusted.
  77. Finally however, I also believe people should be able to put whatever they want into their own bodies as long as they aren't hurting anyone else and are aware of the consequences of their actions. Read the articles I linked to in my original post and make up your own mind. Also, read the full text of the studies I posted in this post. If you think colloidal silver is somehow superior to Rx antibiotics, I believe you are sadly mistaken -- and if you take it for a long enough time you will turn blue and be the subject of staring and ridicule wherever you go. There are other ingredients that can help kill bacteria like olive leaf or tea tree oil (do not drink, for topical use only). There are much better supplements out there for health, and my first recommendation for a place to look that covers both conventional treatments and alternative health is the Life Extension Foundation. You can see their health protocols here:
  79. Good luck and I hope you find the treatment solution that will benefit you. I know what it feels like to be chronically sick and there are no quick fixes out there. But, don't give up, and you can get better.
  81. --pogue
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