Partial Possession: Rainbow Dash chapter 5

Jul 19th, 2015
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  1. >You can almost see Celestia's giant white ass from here.
  2. >"Oh, Rainbow!" You hear a timid voice call out. You look to see Flutters flying up to you, and you float down
  3. >You can actually somewhat control your descent. Somehow, wings feel a lot more comfortable
  5. >You lean to the side and start strafing, faster and faster until you smack into the side of a building
  6. >Fluttershy looks at you for a moment. "U-um, good job!"
  7. >She totally loves it.
  8. >Rainbow pushed off it and goes back to floating, rubbing the side of her face. You feel alive. Living sucks
  9. >You want to die again.
  10. >"Ow. So, what's up, 'Shy?"
  11. >She floats up next to you. "My day has been going well. How are you two?"
  12. >"I'm great!"
  13. "Not bad. Today's been good!"
  14. >She clapped her hooves together. "Good! I'm glad to hear it."
  15. >You grin at the sight, and Rainbow takes over control again, doing a loop around her childhood friend
  16. >What a majestic fag-bird.
  17. >"So, 'Shy, what'll you be up to today?"
  18. >"Oh, nothing. What about you?"
  19. >She sighed. "I'm booored."
  20. >Fluttershy looked up to the sky. "What would you like to do, Anon?"
  21. >You
  22. >with muh dik
  23. >sexually
  24. >Now that your primordial reptile brainstem has been sated by that display of prickery, you actually think for once
  25. "I have no fingers and I must vidya."
  26. >Fluttershy brightened up. "So you were a griffon? Diamond Dog? Dragon?"
  27. "Let's go fuck around in the everfree forest."
  28. >The cute one reared back, and the other raised an eyebrow. "Anon, why would we do that?"
  29. "Worst case scenario, one of you guys dies. I'm okay with that."
  30. >You lower yourselves to the ground, and Rainbow sighed. "Yeah? Well I'm not!"
  31. "But Rainbow, then Twilight would have to build ANOTHER lich-changeling-jar! That'd piss her off!"
  32. >"Pfft." She suppressed a grin.
  33. "And Flutters, it would be an EXPEDITION! A sort of safari in discovering new species of animal!"
  34. >Fluttershy looked to the ground, as if actually considering it. "Well...if you want too..."
  38. >You started towards it, eventually the ground dried enough to walk on. You heave a deep breath as you touch down
  39. >You hadn't really noticed it, but you were starting to get tired.
  40. >You looked into the shaded woods in front of you, the path slowly becoming less and less defined
  41. >Fluttershy audiably gulped, and you sat down, wraping a arm around her shoulder.
  42. "No worries! We've got this! C'mon, you guys used to go in there all the time!"
  43. >Fluttershy blinked. "How did you know that?"
  44. "Why are you such a pussy?"
  45. >"Because I want to live."
  46. "Douché."
  47. >"Um, I think it's pronounced tou--"
  48. >You stand up and drag her by the hoof into the shade. Dash giggles. "Don't worry, 'Shy! I'll protect ya!"
  49. >She sighed in bitter acceptance. You intuitively know that you will hear that often in the years to come.
  50. >After a few minutes, the forest suddenly took a darker tone, most of the sunlight blocked off by dense treetops
  51. >Occasionally you come across glowing life, mushrooms and various tree-dwelling lizards
  52. >Fluttershy slowly begins to ease up, and starts to enjoy the trip even more than you
  53. >You happily listen to her talk about the differences between average specimens and everfree variants
  54. >She suddenly stops and halts you, walking around a large blue flower. "Poison joke! Don't touch it."
  55. >You immedietly start to reach for it, and Rainbow wrests control at the last minute, throwing you into the air
  56. >"What the hell, Anon?!"
  58. >Fluttershy pulls you down from the air and gives a stern glare. "No, Anon! Bad!"
  59. "But praaanks!"
  60. >You stick your bottom lip out, and her stare softens. "W-well..."
  61. >Rainbow pushes her away. "Uh, no! No thanks, I've had enough poison joke for a lifetime!"
  62. >While they're distracted by eachother, you reach for the flower and pull it by the stem
  63. >All is quiet for a moment, neither of them daring to move.
  69. "Hey guys, what's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?"
  70. >They are silent
  71. "This one time, I went in the forest, and I found a bunch of mushrooms, and I ate them."
  72. >You can feel Rainbow making a confused expression, and Fluttershy looks even more worried.
  73. "They weren't hallucinogenic or anything. It was just a box of shiitake mushrooms. Sitting under a tree."
  74. >A bead of sweat drifts down your brow.
  75. "So like, what's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?"
  76. >Rainbow starts to move the flower, and you immediately hold it closer to your body, stopping her dead
  77. "This one time I was was a horse, and I was looking at another horse, and I was like, I'm not gay, but I'd totally do her."
  78. >Fluttershy leans back subtly, and Rainbow takes increasingly unsteady breaths
  79. "This one time I was doing a thing, and I--"
  80. >Dash stops you, taking over your mouth. "Anon, you dont have to--"
  81. >You shove the flower in her mouth. Aint no bitch be interrupting you.
  82. >You bite into it, and then spit it out.
  83. "I regret nothing."
  84. >She places her hooves on the side of her head. "Oh no. Nononononono!"
  85. >You feel the warp overtaking you
  86. >Fluttershy takes your hooves and pulls you to your feet. "Dash! We need to get you to Zecora quickly, before it takes hold!"
  87. >Dash barely lets her finish the sentence before locking arms and bolting down the path, carrying her best friend in one arm
  88. >As you start to feel your organs rumble beneath you, you see a light before you
  89. >The both of you hit the ground, and bang on the door. Zecora opens it, bewildered.
  90. >"Why so spastic?! Is it something drastic?!"
  91. >Rainbow is too busy gasping for breath after sprinting, and Fluttershy gestures wildly with her hooves. "Poison joke!"
  92. >Zecora lowered her head and heaved a sigh. "Is it that time again? How long has it been?"
  93. >You nod and grin
  94. "I fucked up!"
  98. >She appeared unsurprised. "It is not so bad, stop acting so mad."
  99. >"I could lose my wings, doc!" Rainbow fell to the ground in front of her, grabbing her front leg. "Never again..."
  100. >"It is temporary, you whining fairy."
  101. "Hah. Even Zecora thinks you're a faggot."
  102. >Zecora pulls her hoof back and raises a wary eyebrow. "Excuse me, but what the--"
  103. >Dash coughs. "I'm also being posessed."
  104. >The zigger nods. Faux-wise bitch. "Ah, yes, I have the physical fix for this spiritual mix."
  105. >Fluttershy nervously looked side to side. "What do you mean?"
  106. >"To make him pass on, I--"
  107. >The three of you scream "NO" at once, causing her to jump back
  108. >"Son of a bitch, I've forgotten my rhyme. As I am a witch: You'll pay for this crime."
  109. >Rainbow gulped. "W-what kind of pay?"
  110. >"Every day from dawn till dusk, you pester me with this 'trust'."
  111. >"W-what...?"
  112. >"Earlier the pink one came to whine, claiming to be in need of lime!"
  113. >Rainbow inched back, and Zecora kept on. "As if I had a knick or knack or rhyme or snack for every party she has shat!
  114. >"And if I knew that I would not have given friendship back!"
  115. >Fluttershy started to raise her hoof, and Zecora shushed her.
  116. >"And at that time, I was only to find, it was for you who had gotten in trouble as if it were mine!
  117. >"You have princesses at your side, and yet it is me you must confide?!
  118. >"In short, my 'sweet cohort', I DONT look forward to your friendship reports!"
  119. >She was breathing deeply, her face more red than white or black. Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, and Zecora immedietly shut it
  120. >"I aint fixing your shit today!"
  121. >She slammed the door in your face.
  122. >
  123. "PffhahAHAHAHAHAHA"
  124. >Your laugh echos through the forest, and you stand up, walking back towards the exit of the deepwoods
  125. >Rainbow mentally curls into a ball, and Fluttershy rushes after you. "What are we gonna do?!"
  126. "Keep laughing! Hahahaha!"
  127. >You start to wind down your laugher, and wipe a tear off your face
  128. >except you don't
  133. >You're still laughing
  134. >Why are you laughing so hard? This is starting to hurt
  135. >You try to take a deep breath and find out you can't. You cough a few times and immedietly start cackling again
  136. >Shit.
  137. "Haha-f-fluttersHAHAHA, Fluttershy, I can't stop!"
  138. >You continue your mad fit, nearly falling on the ground, holding your belly.
  139. >Fluttershy frowns. "You are being very mean right now!"
  140. "Hahahaha!"
  141. >Your frenzied laughter, finding your voice to become scratchy and strained
  142. "It's the poison joke! Hahahaha"
  143. >A look of realization dons on her, and she nods, helping you up. "Come on, we'll find something!"
  144. >A painfully long journey later, you're out of the everfree and inside ponyville
  145. >Each pony shoots you a odd glace or frightened face as they keep a wide berth
  146. >"F-Fluttershhahaha!" Rainbow tries to speak, "Why are they looking at me like t-hahaha!"
  147. >She grits her teeth. "Don't worry, Dashie, just keep moving."
  148. >You make it to the castle, nearly keeling over into the grass more than once
  149. >Fluttershy keeps a good hold of you, though, and you make it up the steps. She rings the doorbell, and a moment later came the pop
  150. >Twilight opened the door, looking refreshed. She yawned for a moment. "Ahh, hey Fluttershy, how are--SWEET CELESTIA"
  151. >She jumps when she sees you, and you fall to the floor, kicking your legs in the air
  152. "That was genuinely funny! Hahaha, but not that funny. Hahaha!"
  153. >Fluttershy quickly explained the situation. You think. you couldn't hear, you were laughing too hard
  154. >Eventually you run out of breath, though, and you wake up covered in purple light.
  155. >"I swear, you two together cause too much trouble to handle."
  156. >You immedietly start giggling, although it is subdued.
  157. >"Oh, Anon's awake." You feel your mouth moving for you
  158. >Oh yeah, you're sharing a body.
  159. >You take a better look around. You're sitting on a couch, and Twilight and Fluttershy are in front of you
  160. "Heya."
  166. >Fluttershy sighed and put a hoof to her chest. "Thank goodness you're safe. The both of you!"
  167. >You stop and try for once in your life to actually genuinely smile, before the giggles take over
  168. >"This stopped being funny around 30 minutes ago, Anon."
  169. >Twilight cleared her throat to get your attention. It somewhat worked. "I'm afraid that's not all."
  170. >She wheels a mirror in front of you
  171. >Your mane is black, and you have black spots all over you
  173. >You raise your hooves in the air and give a celebratory "HOO"
  174. >You crack up again, and keep giggling harder until Twilight zaps you, calming it back down
  175. >"Poison joke, huh? Thought it would be funny, is that right?"
  176. "Hey, to be fair..."
  177. >You stop for a moment, getting a breath
  178. "Pranks."
  179. >You begin chuckling again
  180. >Rainbow wheezes and grabs her ribcage. "My lungs haven't ached this much since my first rainboom."
  181. >Twilight rolls her eyes. "Rainbow, you're just as much to blame! Going to the everfree, really?"
  182. "Hey, she only did it on the possibility of annoying you, so I think it's justified!"
  183. >Rainbow begins the cackling again and Twilight zaps a second time, causing you to wince.
  184. >"Look, I can't spend all day zapping you. You have to stay calm and try not to break out again."
  185. >She turns around and heads back to her study
  186. "What if we do?"
  187. >"Try not to die."
  188. "Oh, like that worked the first time!"
  189. >You begin laughing harder, and a zap curves directly from the doorway into your face, feeling like a kick in the snout
  190. "Then again, I didn't try all that hard on the first go round."
  191. >Silence
  192. >Right, kid's show.
  193. >You jump off the couch, and start walking to the door, and Fluttershy throws a hoof up
  194. >"Wait! What if you start laughing again?!"
  195. >Your smile barely holds back a chuckle. "You'll just have to hit me! Don't worry, it's not like it'll mess up her face."
  196. >Your laughter begins again and you barely contain it
  197. >You're going to have to stop being funny.
  198. >implying you ever were
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