
Bionicle/ avatar crossover that needs to be a thing. (2)

Apr 18th, 2017
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  1. Many years had passed on the mysterious island of Mata Nui, through many generations of Toa as they battle the evil Makuta. But within those years, the Toa had become nothing but stronger. Through the time it would bring them new transformations. Amazing weapons, mask, and armor; a new greater power of Nuva.
  3. These Toa nuva would need all their power, all their skill, and all their wisdom in order to combat more dangerous threats.
  4. Like the Bohrok, hive-minded insectoid creatures, controlled by strange, parasitic creatures within their heads known as Krana. Who wished to do nothing more but to 'clench' away all life on the island.
  5. And the dreaded Rahkshi, which are non-truly living creatures but instead suits of armor controlled a slug-like species created by Makuta from their own essence. With each having one of the many powers Makuta possess as well as the ability to infect Masks wore by Toa, with only a single touch.
  7. They brought fear, destruction, and doom to Mata Nui.
  9. But a new alley joined the fight and helped to defeat Makuta.
  11. A young adventurous boy form the fire tribe, named Takua who hoped to someday become a great hero. He was the islands Chronicler, meaning that he would record any major event that was happening on the island. But during a day of seeking new stories to be recorded he had found something that was thought impossible.
  13. A 7th mask, made by The Great Spirit.
  15. Though at first he was frighten by the mask, as it seemed drawn to him. Through a perilous journey with his friend Jaller, he had learned what it truly meant for him. He accepted his duty, he joined in the unity, and fulfill his destiny. Upon placing the mask on, he was transformed into the 7th Toa, a bender of light.
  17. With his help, The Toa had bested the evil Spirit of Makuta once more.
  19. But though it was great victory, it was also a curse. As the six Toa grew old and died, the 7th Toa renamed Takanuva was given immortality by his mask of life. Though possessing the mind of a child, and forced to outlive his friends and family, the 7th Toa refused to allow himself to fail.
  21. Alone he would safeguard all of Mata Nui as evil Makuta tried to take advantage of Toa's reborn cycle. For many years he would do this, holding the line in protecting all the islanders from Makuta's evil schemes. Till when the Toa have fully return and they drive Makuta away.
  23. After what seemed like multiple life times though, Makuta laid in wait in the shadows as he had stuck down each of the newest Toa's, when they are alone. Leaving only Takanuva.
  25. Enraged by what had happened to his Toa family, and the cowardly tactics of his enemy, he battle Makuta alone and sealed both himself and the Makuta into the spirit realm to finally be rid of it.
  27. Thanks to his sacrifice, Mata Nui was free from Makuta forever. With the mantel of Toa being passed down, the islanders where finally met with real peace. Until a horrible discovery was made.
  29. The Great Spirit, Mata Nui, was dying.
  31. The poison that he had taken upon himself to save the islanders, was slowly killing him through the many centuries on the island. Finding this, was truly devastating for all of the islanders. Completely afraid and with no idea on what needed to be done, the tribes all tried in vain to do anything to save the Great Spirit, as he did for them. Even with all the villages Turaga's, the elder leaders, coming together to try and solve this...nothing was found.
  32. And hope was lost.
  34. That was till another island was discovered.
  36. It was named Voya Nui, and seemed to have just appeared out of nowhere after a great storm. Seeing that all other options were lost to them, the Toa all volunteered to travel to it, hoping to find a way to save the Great Spirit.
  38. That was marked as the greatest mistake they've ever made.
  40. The island was in fact a creation of Makuta, something to never be found as it was trapped in the spirit world, at first. The reason being was that it held the one item that could be use to save Mata Nui, it was a severed part of it's body much as the Mask that the first Kopaka found.
  42. This was the Ignika, also known as the, a mask of life. It held the Great Spirit's own life essence, meaning that it would be more than enough to save Mata Nui. When the Toa came to the island they were met with Voya Nui's own islanders. Finding that Makuta had kidnapped them during the many years he had been terrorizing the island.
  44. Keeping them all prisoner, with his 6 spawns acting as warlords to them. They were Skakdi, very brutal species from the spirit world. Each being tall and powerful and having a permanent, bestial smile on their faces.
  46. They called themselves 'Piraka', a word meaning "Thieves and Murderers" along the islanders of Mata Nui. They were made to be dark parodies of the Toa, each being able to control the same elements as them.
  48. Hakann, The Bully. Rash and egotistical controller of fire.
  50. Zaktan, The Snake. Cold and mysterious, leader of the Piraka and controller of air.
  52. Vezok, The Beast. Bitterest and nastiest controller of water.
  54. Thok, The Drifter. Brilliant and arrogant controller of ice.
  56. Reidak, the Tracer. Intelligent and cunning controller of Earth.
  58. Avak, The Trigger. Weapons expert and extremely trigger-happy controller of Stone.
  60. Each of them were cruel and monstrous. Not even trusting themselves and having plans to stab one another in the back. Their goal being that now Makuta was gone, stuck in the spirit word in a infinite battle with the 7th Toa, that they could steal the Mask of Life and rule over all of the spirit world.
  61. They enslaved the people trapped on the island, forcing them to worship them as kings as well as to work building their stronghold and draining the volcano, Mount Valmai, where the mask of life is supposed to be hidden.
  63. When the Toa had arrive on Voya Nui, the two groups immediately got in a fight. Though it was a fierce battle, the Piraka ended up the victors due to Toa's inexperience in fighting, as they had lived during a time of peace. They were senselessly slaughtered and made as examples. Stripped of their masks, weapons, and armor the Toa's bodies were strung up on pillars, for the other islanders to see.
  65. News traveled quickly on the Toa's deaths, back to the people of Mata Nui. All of them were devastated by the news, in that knowing the Piraka would find the Mask of life soon and that there was no way to stop them now with with the Toa gone.
  67. All hope was gone. In it's place was anger, fear, and uselessness.
  69. But anger was all that was felt for 6 children. Family and friends of the Toa.
  70. Enrage by cruel injustice done to the other islanders, and especially for what they had done to their heroes. Completely going against the village elders, and even their other family and friends, they travel to the island to get vengeance for what had happened...only to be met with a horrible storm.
  72. With only a small raft the 6 children, were met with the hardest of trips. Mimicking how the first people of their island had to deal with their own hardships. They only had each other to push through this, with no bending to help them.
  73. But they had something else, they had the memories of their Toa to give them strength. How each of them were close to them in the deepest of ways. To repay them with the honor and respect that they deserve. Something came from the stars, a deepen red light that was un-like anything seen before.
  74. It had struck the children's raft, and by extension the 6 themselves.
  76. Six heroes were born that day, as they were making their perilous journey into the darkest place you can imagine. They will brave the lightning...they will walk through the fire...they will stare into the eyes of evil, and they know that if they waver even once, they will die.
  78. They had become Toa.
  80. Jaller (of the Jaller family), former Captain of The Guard for his village and best friend to Toa of Fire, upon hearing his best friend's demise he was the one to stand up and proclaim that they should avenge them, and was extremely angered as he found out the village elders tried to hide the news from them. Now he has become transformed into dedicated and dutiful Leader; as a Toa of Fire.
  82. Hahli, a Chronicler just like the Toa of light once was, she was a shy but diligent young girl back at her village, her personality was what attracted her to become the student under the Toa of Water. The Toa taught her to be self-confident and even help her confess to her love for Jaller. She stood along side him when he proclaim that they should avenge the Toa. Now transformed into a kind and gentle Toa of water, she is ready to follow him to the darkest paths of Voya Nui.
  84. Matoro, he served as a interpreter for his village's elder. He was also Toa Kopaka's little brother. Being the only family he had, as their parents were lost during a wild Rahi attack, the young boy was crushed by the news of what had happened to his older brother. He was more than ready to go to the island alone, till he was met with his friends. Though he was quiet and kept to himself, and felt inferior to his friends because he was merely a translator, while they all had fighting skill. He was very protective of his friends, and wanted to help others. Now transformed into a confident and powerful Toa of ice, he could do so.
  86. Kongu, though former commander of the force to battle the wild Rahi, he wasn't any bit of a fighter. He was actually a skilled weaver and mapmaker, only taking command as he was able to calm the Rahi down and able to tame them enough to make them leave the village, catching the attention of the Toa of air who became his teacher. Upon hearing his friends idea of venturing to the island, he was already readying a boat for them, choosing to come with them so that he could honor his teacher. Now transformed into a focused Toa of air, he felt that he could do so.
  88. Nuparu, he was the youngest of the children that were trying to avenge the Toa, and he was also the son of the Toa of earth. When news came to him on his father's demise, he was coming home from inventing a new device to help his father's digging hobby. He found his mother with tears streaming down her face, being a usually friendly and inquisitive boy, he had no experience with the feeling of rage. He stowaway on the boat with the other five children and forced them to bring him along, telling them that he will carry his own weight. Now Transformed into a Toa of Earth, he can use his remarkably knack for innovation was uniquely impressive to do just that.
  90. Hewkii, a highly famed athlete on Mata Nui and was his village elder's right hand man. He was the one to expose the truth of the Toa's deaths. Although he himself did not personally know the Toa of Stone, he saw how much his village was sadden by his death. Knowing that he was one of the strongest of his tribe, he felt that he was the only one of them that had the courage and drive to do something. Upon hearing of his friends plan to avenge the Toa, he bid farewell to his bride to be and joined with the them. He was cheerful and down-to-earth, being the peace keeper and friend to all on their journey to to the island. As he transformed into a Toa of Stone, he became dedicated, now understanding the responsibility he had to uphold.
  92. These six new Toas, were unlike any before seen.
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