
Update for 8/7

Aug 7th, 2018
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  1. Here's your song:
  3. 1. I watched EVO all weekend. It was a lot of fun. Sunday finals were incredible. I got nothing done.
  5. 2. Today I watched Blindspotting for my weekly movie and it was extremely good. I very strongly recommend it and honestly it hit pretty hard with me. Watch a trailer and if the subject matter interests you, please see it.
  7. I've been enjoying my movie days a lot and it's a nice change of pace from just sitting inside playing games all the time.
  9. 3. Octopath continues. Certain characters are obviously completely overpowered given the right ability combinations but it's okay, I'm still enjoying it. I have two stories down and most have their final stuff available with a couple of stragglers. I'll probably finish that up in the next two weeks.
  11. 4. I've been wanting to start streaming again but streaming the upcoming stuff I want to play would require me to either cut the resolution I play at to 1080p and to turn off HDR and that isn't happening at all so I would instead have to buy a Live Gamer 4k because it's the only "affordable" capture card on the market that does what I'd need. Home noise tends to be very volatile during the times I could stream though so it's not really the best idea unless I don't use a mic so in other words I'm just really wishy-washy on the whole thing.
  13. 5. I got my ultraHDMI N64 back and the results are...decent enough I suppose. It's always going to be a 480i at best console sharpened a bit and processed up to 1080p and then scaled up to 4k on my TV which is...not the best idea really. It can look fairly hard on the eyes depending on the game (Majora's Mask being a particularly hard one) but then I look at the output I get in OBS if I streamed it and it looks fantastic. So in this case, I'd recommend doing rgb mod and play through OSSC for most people if you're going to play on a smaller screen. The 4k upres is just one step too much I think. Still, it's very nice and things are playable. I guess if I can't decide on what to do for streaming new games I could always just do some N64 streams of whatever.
  15. 6. It might seem out of character for me but I kind of want to slow way down on spending money next year. We'll see what gets announced but I'd like to cut buying new games down to like 1 per month or even less until Black Friday (even 1 per month is probably a lot to many people), unless I just can't help myself. I'm not hurting for money at all but it might be a good idea to build up a bit for a year and get stuff at Big Discount later for once.
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