
Wells is kidnapped, again

Jun 27th, 2015
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  1. 20:50 Chain Somewhere in a small little town on the outskirts of Europe, was Wells, travaling in a small quiet town, a very quiet town, one that anyone with a normal mind would go in the oppisate direction, but Wells being the type to not liek crowds, decided to go through, unknowing of the danger and familiar face watching him.
  2. 20:53 *** Dragomir is now known as Wells
  3. 20:53 Wells (This takes place in like, Poland, right?)
  4. 20:54 Chain [I would imagine]
  5. 20:54 Wells (Coolio, cuz the outskrts of Europe sounds like everywhere but where this takes place)
  6. 21:29 *** Bud2 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  7. 21:43 Wells walks casually walks about the area, his wardrobe is a lot more indicating that he is some kind of vagrant. He doesn't seem o be minding where he's going as he tinkers with a compass that doesn't seem to be working. "Last I buy something from one of those 'antique stores.'"
  8. 21:48 Chain The quiet of the town was broken, the faint sound of what can only be marching rings through the town, and its heading towards Wells
  9. 21:54 Wells drops his attention from the compass and looks around frantically. He backs away slowly from whichever direction the sound was originating. "Of all the times for WW3 to start, it had to be now, while I'm in the middle of the most popular continent for starting that shit."
  10. 21:56 Chain IN front of a small army of 15, 20 men in strange suits, was a familiar face, er, mask. Chain, one of the people Wells fought in that tournament. "Ah Wells, been awhile hasn't it? Glad You're here"
  11. 21:58 Wells blanked out for a second. " me a second....." A confident smirk comes to his face and he points to Chain. "Raul, right!?"
  12. 22:03 Chain "hehehe. Very. Funny. Now, how about you test something for us?"
  13. 22:22 Chain "Release the gas" The second he said that a small disk flew and landed near Wells, a scentless green gas blew out of it
  14. 22:23 Wells reached for his helmet upon the releasing of the gas, but much to his dismay, it was somewhere in the Atlantic, in pieces. "Ah shit."
  15. 22:26 Chain A pain washed over Wells, nothing like he felt before. His skin was burning and his insides were freezing, any coin he tried to summon grew heavier and heavier, untill no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move them. Whats worse the pain went on for quiet a bit.
  16. 22:32 Wells dropped to his knees, cringing intensely, his body on fire, strangely enough even his hair was acting up as every strand stood on end like goosebumps. He looked up to the small squadron of men, unable to question what they had done to him as tears streamed down hi face.
  17. 22:33 Chain "How does it feel? To go from a powerful Meta, to just a regular old human?"
  18. 22:35 Wells couldn't really talk back due to the intense pain, but his mind was wondering who the fuck ever thought throwing spare change was powerful.
  19. 22:37 Chain "Prepare the jet, we have a new subject to go to the Gulag"
  20. 22:43 Chain A solider ran up, hitting Wells in the face with his boot, knocking him out.
  21. 22:43 Wells [rude]
  22. 22:44 *** Chloran is now known as Wells_
  23. 22:44 Chain Hours past. He wakes up in a whitish tan room. A metal ring on his leg beeping, and something on his upper back, feels like its, surgically attached?
  24. 22:45 Chain His normal clothes now a tan sweat pants and shirt, the numbers 2376985 and a red star on it
  25. 22:50 Wells_ examines his clothes while still in a small daze. "I'm not the most fashionable, but this sorta stuff has to be illegal..."
  26. 22:55 Chain Although faintly, Wells can hear a voice coming from the cell across the hall, a woman?
  27. 22:55 *** Bud2 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  28. 22:56 Chain [the door was a small window with three bars, forgot to say]
  29. 22:57 Wells_ doesn't look forward to making friends considering his neighbor might be a women."Time to try my best to avoid making contact with whoever that is..." but he looks at his current surroundings, "I hate compromise..."
  30. 22:58 Wells_ approaches the door of his cell, "Uh...H-Hey you." He whispers loudly.
  31. 23:00 Boliva seemed to be humming. Wells had catched her attention. "Oh, you're the new one?" She hadn't seemed that interested in contact. "What is it?"
  32. 23:03 Wells_ responds to the girl's nonchalantness with his own, "U-Uh. Hate to be a Debbie Downer and all, but uh, doesn't it suck that we're in uh.....jail cells..."
  33. 23:06 Boliva "It's bad, yes, but... the feeling dies down, once you lose all faith of escaping. You'll accept it eventually." She mumbled, playing and caressing the picture of what seems to be a family. "But sometimes, there are things that you can never forget..." Her mental status didn't seem to be the best.
  34. 23:11 Wells_ smiles blankly at the girl. "You know what, you're totally right, I should make the best of this." He seemingly backs away from the door, back to the farther parts of the cell, only to angrily come back, "What are you, fucking stupid!?"
  35. 23:12 Wells_ "You may have nothing going on, but I have a life to get back to!"
  36. 23:13 *** Bud2 joined #covenger_rp
  37. 23:16 Boliva "I beg your pardon?" Her tone changed, as if someone attacked her. "I had a respectful job. I had a family. I had children. Two, beautiful children. I worked my entire life for what I wanted to be, and then I had it taken away because of these disgusting creatures, and then you're backtalking me as if you know what's good in life?"
  38. 23:22 Wells_ "Well you sure seem to know what's good since you've permanently checked into this swanky hotel with steel bar doors that lock from the outside."
  39. 23:22 Wells_ "Good taste"
  40. 23:26 Boliva "What, you think you'll get out? I've been here for years. Years. What makes you special? What, you think the world will stop spinning if you're not out there? You're disposable now. Like the rest of us. You're as valued here as the dirt on the ground." Boliva claimed this as if she knew his faith already. She went back to looking at the picture.
  41. 23:28 Boliva *fate
  42. 23:29 Wells_ laughs a bit, "Oh believe me, I dont matter in the grand scheme of things. But I have like...people home....and shit to do. Same for you I guess but that doesn't mean much now." He looks around his cell for anything he could make resource out of.
  43. 23:31 Chain the cell looked like one ripped from a stereotypical Insane Asylum, padded walls, weak old bed, no windows besides the one of the door
  44. 23:34 Boliva "It won't mean much to you, either." She kept scanning the picture. Over and over. It held some value to her. Her tone wen't quiet. "I'm sorry about that. I-I didn't mean to backlash like that. It's been quite a while I've ever, talked to somebody..."
  45. 23:39 Wells_ calms down as well. "Don't blame you. I'm not the most hopeful person anyway." His survey of the room is fruitless. There's virtually nothing he can make use of. "At least I can't kill myself here....looks like they do care..."
  46. 23:39 Wells_ "That's some A+ hospitality."
  47. 23:44 Boliva doesn't respond. The view of her was gone from her cell door, she's sitting in the corner of her cell. Humming could be heard, again. She wasn't in the best of condition.
  48. 23:45 Chain *Crrzzt!* Suddenly, the power shut off, two loud Clicks, and power returns, but both doors are slightly ajar
  49. 23:46 Wells_ stared at the door, "C-Cool it worked..."
  50. 23:48 Boliva Boliva goes silent. She doesn't want to push her luck, but it's so tempting. She slightly applies force attempting to push it, the door creaks open. "This can't be... I-Is this a dream?" She looks up at the light in the hallway separating the cells.
  51. 23:48 Boliva (g-god damn it)
  52. 23:50 Wells_ scoots out of the cell immediately, "I just talked to a girl without being utterly shamed and embarrassed in front of my high school peers, so no. It's not."
  53. 23:55 Chain A guard was walking towards the turn to them, they had to move
  54. 23:56 Boliva "We can get out through the hallway here and head left. If it's anything like the old Gulags, there should be a simple route for the higher-ups to get out." It's as if she planned this for her entire life. She walked out and pointed at the door gripping that picture she was looking at tightly.
  55. 23:59 Wells followed her instructions and continued on. "Old Gulags? Does she come to these places on the weekend or something?"
  56. 00:00 *** Wells_ quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  57. 00:00 Eyes One of the cells creaked open. A black, smokey substance leaked out of the door onto the ground. Three, Jet Black fingers pulled the door scratching it on contact. Strange, unintelligible whispers are heard. Quick, rapidly startling screechs can be heard, As if something behind that door was demonic. It was The Eyes.
  58. 00:02 Boliva gasps at the sight of The Eyes. "No... We have to go, now, quickly! don't look back! She immediately sprinted off as soon as she said it away from both the guard and The Eyes.
  59. 00:04 Chain the screams of the guard rings through out the building
  60. 00:07 Wells picks up the pace, "U-Uh. Delightful selection they decided to play in the background..." He resists the urge to look at whatever was causing havoc.
  61. 00:15 Eyes gets sight of both Boliva and Wells as soon as he's done with the guard. It's playtime. He starts breaking up into a black, violently spreading cloud. He darts for whatever Ventilation System nearby. This is going to be good.
  62. 00:18 Boliva "If I can remember correctly, there should be some kind of way to get through the entire Gulag without mention's notice." What she didn't know is that the Gulag's design had been slightly changed for new containment. "We might have to hold out, though... Guards are probably aware that we've escaped."
  63. 00:18 Chain The hallway was long, and they had a choice, left, or continue forward
  64. 00:21 Boliva "S-should we see if there are other people? They might be in danger." She peered into the other set of cells going down the hallway from the left gate entrance. "Greg or Anna might be down there..." She whispered, clearly she was one of the first of her family to be captured. She wasn't aware that Anna nor Greg were anywhere near here.
  65. 00:23 Wells smiles a bit, "Ahahahaha. Yeah I think I get it now. No. We continue. I don't think anyone else is here."
  66. 00:24 Chain the way in front of them seem to be at an end after a bit more running, but the wall opens up, an elevator behind it
  67. 00:26 Boliva She nodded. She looked at the elevator with excitement. "I can be free again... This is it..." She walks into what is now an elevator and steadily waits for Wells to come in.
  68. 00:28 Wells walks in, following her. He still can't summon anything close to a coin it seems. "Today is going to be fun it seems..."
  69. 00:31 Boliva "Do you have a family?" She asked out of the blue. She clearly wasn't hesitant to ask that question. "Do you miss them?" It was getting a bit awkward, sure, but what do you expect out of a 20 year old looking girl who's been apparently locked up for years?
  70. 00:31 Chain There are three buttons,a black star, a chain link, and a storm
  71. 00:36 Wells "Family?" Now that he thought of it, the 'Parents are dead shtick didn't fly anymore. "I have a daughter. And stuff..."
  72. 00:39 Boliva "Daughter? What's her name? Do you have a picture with you?" It's as if she had all these questions as soon as they met, simple stranger questions, but to her, it was everything. She pressed the Black Star button mistaked it for something like the top floor.
  73. 00:45 Wells "Datab.....D.B.......Debbie. Yup Debbie." He wasn't sticking with this at all. The name had no style to it. "Yup. She's around 3 right now. Real smart girl."
  74. 00:48 Chain The elevator started to move, the Russia National anthem played quietly
  75. 00:51 Wells "Fucking love this tune"
  76. 00:52 Boliva "I have a daughter, too. Her name is Anna. She was the sweetest little thing when she was just a baby... She never cried, she never made any hussle..." She ran her thumb across the picture she was holding, looking down at it with great care. "Then there was Greg... I never expected him to grow so fast."
  77. 00:55 Wells thought for a bit. "Ok. Hypothetical situation....IF we get out of this hell hole, just what do you plan to do from there?"
  78. 00:56 Boliva "I'd have to find them. Even if I spent a lifetime searching. That's all that matters to me." She was completely certain on what she wanted to do, and that was get back with her family. "I just hope that if I do find them, they wouldn't have forgotten about me..."
  79. 01:03 Wells "A lifetimes a pretty long time...I don't think kids would ever forget their mother. Those two don't seem to forget anything. They've been through some shit as far as I know..."
  80. 01:06 Boliva "Wait, you KNOW them?" Boliva looks at Wells suddenly. She looks like she has a few questions. "You know Anna and Greg Claskovic? One looking as if one would be on fire, and the other made out of metal?"
  81. 01:08 Wells "One kidnapped me against my will and took me to this very same country a while back, the other living under my, never head of em."
  82. 01:09 Chain [man, you are a sassy dick sometimes Wells]
  83. 01:09 Wells [all situations call for a snide remark]
  84. 01:09 Wells [and I'm all snide remarks]
  85. 01:10 Boliva "So you're aware of where they are? Where are they? Did they go far? Did they stay in Poland?"
  86. 01:11 --- Bud is back
  87. 01:12 Wells "Oh we're all stuck in this pretty shitty place, full of all kinds fucked up people."
  88. 01:12 Wells "It's called the U.S."
  89. 01:12 Wells "Neon City, Texas to be exact."
  90. 01:15 Boliva "Who's the one staying with you? Is Anna alright? She's not hurt, is she? Where's their father? Is he over there as well?" It's as if she was playing 20 Questions. Although this should be expected from a Mother.
  91. 01:17 Wells "How far up or down is this elevator....They're both fine. Completely fine. We survive this and I'll tell you everything."
  92. 01:18 Chain *Ding*
  93. 01:20 Boliva "Why not just tell me now? There's obviously something up here." She's getting moody. She notices that the elevator doors just opened indicated by the sound. She doesn't recognize any of what she sees. It's completely new to her. "What?"
  94. 20:46 Wells looked turned his attention to the opened elevator, "So uh...where do we go from here?"
  95. 20:47 Boliva "I...
  96. 20:47 Boliva [d-damn, premature post ;-;]
  97. 20:47 Isidora (OHMY)
  98. 20:49 McGoFuckYourself (THey have pills for that, y'know)
  99. 20:49 Chain It was a short hallway, 6 cell doors in total, a large black star in the front. Moans and screams can be heard from some of the cells. The doors at the end were locked, a black star on it.
  100. 20:49 Chain [dammit, mentioned the black star twice, sorry]
  101. 20:51 Wells [it only ensures that I pass the trivia quiz at the end of this]
  102. 20:51 Isidora (ohmy a black star)
  103. 20:53 Boliva "I... I don't know. It seem to have changed, usually this would be a simple route..." She scans the room. "Seems to be more containment... There's some doors over there that we could examine."
  104. 20:55 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  105. 20:55 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  106. 20:55 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  107. 20:56 Wells wasn't ready to choose a door leading to a pit of spikes or a vat of acid so he was reluctant to do anything. "Yeah I think you should have better....... intuition than me in this setting..."
  108. 20:59 Chain theres only one way to go, in the door, the rest were cells. In the first cell, it seemed to be, Greg? He was in similar clothes but both his shins, fists, and jaw were blazing red, like Sylums energy. He seemed mad at the very least, pounding the wall. He turned to Wells and Boliva, charging at them, thankfully the cell was strong enough to hold him
  109. 21:06 Wells continued down the passageway slowly eying the entity of very familiar likeness as he progressed along, keeping his distance from the cell door. "So this is the love child of the two most attractive people in Neon. Those looks could kill. With luck he might not even need them to get that done..."
  110. 21:10 Boliva keeps behind Wells looking at the twisted looking figures behind the cell doors. The one door with a Black Star. She wasn't certain about this. "There. That one. Let's see if we can open it. It might lead us out of here."
  111. 21:13 Wells "Anything you say Ma'am." He cautiously approached the door in an attempt to open, the best he could do as a means of defense was bracing for some sort of impact since he didn't know what to expect.
  112. 21:24 Chain The door opened, and lead to what seemed to be a employees lounge, empty. This place made no sense building wise, was there a reason? who knows. maybe there was a map or something, or a computer
  113. 21:29 Boliva peers in. "Seems... safe." Boliva's suspicion died down. She calmly walked into the room, but something wasn't right. Why would a lounge be so close to a containment area? "Look around the room. There might be something that can help us get out."
  114. 21:32 Wells walked in as well, "Better looking than everything else we've seen in this place at the very least. Maybe there's something to help us figure a way out of this prison." He came to a sudden realization," Just uh....why are we in this prison..."
  115. 21:39 Boliva "Transtsendentsii." She muttered. "They took my family, my peers, they took me to experiment on. It's been... long, before I saw another friendly face. They probably took you for whatever power you had."
  116. 21:45 *** Chain is now known as Cveta
  117. 21:45 Wells grips his fist thinking about his powerless state. "Sounds like a circus cult...I just want my powers back and to continue my vacation, if that's even possible now...Why am I always getting kidnapped..."
  118. 21:46 *** Cveta is now known as Chain
  119. 21:49 Boliva "Look for a functional terminal. We could find a way out of here." She inspects the room giving time to look for any specific detail or sign of escape.
  120. 21:56 Wells looks around the room, "Terminals, terminals, that's something I can work with...."
  121. 22:45 Wells rolls to see if there is a terminal
  122. 22:45 Wells "Please 20"
  123. 22:46 Wells crosses his fingers
  124. 22:55 Salesman As wells and Boliva searched, they found nothing, no map or terminals. nothing, the most this place had to offer were the seats and tables. no wait they're being drawn into the floor, now the room was large and empty
  125. 22:58 Wells frustratedly tapped his foot, "No dice it seems..."
  126. 23:01 Boliva "This isn't right... Why is the furniture drawn into the floor? It makes no sense... Unless... They planned this...?" That thought alone scared Boliva. It might be her becoming paranoid, but it had seemed like a likely situation.
  127. 23:04 Wells looked around, he was also beginning to feel a hand on his shoulder. "Ok ok....uh. I'm sure this was all coincidence. Are there any other ways to get out of here?"
  128. 23:10 Salesman The northern wall opened up, the light from it was to bright to see past, as Wells looked it seemed to be a mirror
  129. 23:12 Wells stared at the wall for a few seconds before dismissing it. "What are they gonna pull the same old trick where the wall crushes you?"
  130. 23:12 Wells "I'll give them props for adding the mirror"
  131. 23:13 Wells "How about we leave before the floor opens up as well."
  132. 23:17 Boliva "...T-that's not a mirror..." Boliva backed away from what seemed to be the reflection. She didn't say anything else. She wasn't prepared for this.
  133. 23:19 Wells dropped his sarcastic demeanor at her comment and looked back at the wall.
  134. 23:24 Salesman The details started to appear, the left arm bigger and muscular, the right leg as well. Both metal along with bits and pieces of its body. and it started to walk forward
  135. 23:28 *** Salesman is now known as Grells
  136. 23:28 Wells backed away a bit as well upon seeing the odd creature's full figure.
  137. 23:30 Boliva "It might be friendly, don't try to make any sudden movements..." Boliva was mostly certain this fucker was out for blood, but she didn't want to make it seem like they didn't have a chance against it.
  138. 23:31 Wells "What. What is it?"
  139. 23:33 Grells had a dead look in his eyes, no emotion. He squeezed his fist as small coins started to form out of his arm and other small metal parts, floating around him. He was creating his own ammo
  140. 23:41 Wells backs away even further. "Please don't fucking tell me this is what I'm seeing." He tries to use his own power, but to no avail.
  141. 23:43 *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  142. 23:43 Grells coins started to orbit faster, one flying at Wells but barley missing
  143. 23:45 Boliva "What do we do now?" All hope was lost for her. She kept thinking of possibilities, or just running around it, but she didn't see any good outcome. She only had one idea and it was crazy to even think about it, but it might work.
  144. 23:46 Wells "I can't fight fire with fire if I lost mine, so the only option I have is running. Anything better than that?"
  145. 23:48 Boliva stopped backing against the wall and calmly walked towards the monstrosity. "I don't know if this will work, but it's better than not trying..." She looked at Grells seeing if there were any signs of distress, trying her best not to provoke it. "Greg, sweetheart, it's Mother. Listen, please, you don't wan't to hurt mommy, do you?"
  146. 23:50 Grells reeled back and punched her right in the face with the metal fist
  147. 23:53 Boliva is knocked back immediately falling to the walls and floor. She lays there, knocked out.
  148. 23:54 Wells looked at the monster in shock, his mouth agape. "You....You can't just fucking do that!"
  149. 23:54 Wells grabbed Boliva and ran to the door with all his strength.
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