
Anastasia: Enter

Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. [22:15] * Anastasia_Locke runs Sburb
  2. [22:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I examine my screen, waiting patiently for the camera thing Aurora had to appear.
  3. [22:16] <Jaczac> After a few minutes of annoying waiting.
  4. [22:17] <Jaczac> You see the camera appear on your screen, coming from seemingly nowhere in her room.
  5. [22:17] <originProtagonist> Oh, I see you now!
  6. [22:17] <bouncebackEschaton> So what exactly is this game?
  7. [22:18] <originProtagonist> Also, I can hear you when you talk, I think, so you don't need to type back to me.
  8. [22:18] <bouncebackEschaton> What am I doing?
  9. [22:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "Really?"
  10. [22:18] <originProtagonist> Yep!
  11. [22:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "Haha, cool!"
  12. [22:18] <originProtagonist> Aurora could hear me, and I can hear you!
  13. [22:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "Alright! What now, server?"
  14. [22:18] <originProtagonist> Ok, so, the tutorial for the game just drops you right in without any explanation.
  15. [22:19] <originProtagonist> Luckily, the player knew exactly what to do, and told me how to do it, they probably looked up a strategy guide, or something.
  16. [22:19] <Anastasia_Locke> "Okay..."
  17. [22:19] <originProtagonist> Anyways, I'm going to place three machine things, and a captchalogue card with holes in it.
  18. [22:19] <originProtagonist> The machines are pretty big, so where do you want me to put them?
  19. [22:20] <Anastasia_Locke> "Let me just push this chair aside and you can out them all in the middle of the living room."
  20. [22:20] <originProtagonist> Ok!
  21. [22:21] * Anastasia_Locke drags the armchair to the wall next to the TV
  22. [22:21] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I place the Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe and Alchemiter relatively close to one another, but still making it easy to navigate.
  23. [22:22] * Anastasia_Locke whistles
  24. [22:22] <Anastasia_Locke> "Pretty cool."
  25. [22:22] <originProtagonist> Told you they were big.
  26. [22:22] <originProtagonist> Alright, now, you need this captchalogue card with holes in it.
  27. [22:22] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I place the card on the floor at Ana's feet.
  28. [22:22] * Anastasia_Locke picks it up
  29. [22:23] <jaczac|DM> You notice the Cruxtruder looks... openable.
  30. [22:23] <originProtagonist> You should put that in the Lathe.
  31. [22:23] <Anastasia_Locke> "You got it!"
  32. [22:23] * Anastasia_Locke puts the card into the lathe
  33. [22:23] <originProtagonist> Now, Lefen was pretty insistent that no one would be able to just turn the wheely thingy and open it.
  34. [22:24] <originProtagonist> So what Aurora did, was she just picked up something big and dropped it on it!
  35. [22:24] <Anastasia_Locke> "Alright..."
  36. [22:24] <originProtagonist> Do you have any heavy object that you don't mind possibly breaking?
  37. [22:24] <Anastasia_Locke> "Hmm..."
  38. [22:25] <Anastasia_Locke> "Does it have to be heavy, or is high-force good enough?"
  39. [22:25] <originProtagonist> I don't see why high force couldn't work, let's try it!
  40. [22:26] * Anastasia_Locke decaptchas her police baton and thwacks the top
  41. [22:26] <jaczac|DM> It glances off, but moves the thing a tiny bit.
  42. [22:27] * Anastasia_Locke narrows her eyes
  43. [22:27] <originProtagonist> Awww.
  44. [22:27] <Anastasia_Locke> "This thing its going to open."
  45. [22:27] <Anastasia_Locke> "One more try."
  46. [22:28] <originProtagonist> Yeah! We'll make it work!
  47. [22:29] <Anastasia_Locke> "... Wait. It's stuck CLOSED?"
  48. [22:29] <originProtagonist> Yeah.
  49. [22:29] * Anastasia_Locke grabs the baton in both hands and readies for an underarm swing
  50. [22:30] * Anastasia_Locke casts Pushing Strike 1.
  51. [22:30] <Anastasia_Locke> 5 foot knockback
  52. [22:31] <jaczac|DM> You hit the underside of one of the crossbars in the circle handle thing and it swings all the way open, blasting a yellow cylinder and emitting a yellow pulsing orb into the air.
  53. [22:31] <Anastasia_Locke> "WOO!"
  54. [22:31] <jaczac|DM> roll 1d20
  55. [22:31] <`DICE> jaczac|DM rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=19 ]{19}
  56. [22:31] <originProtagonist> YEAH!
  57. [22:31] <originProtagonist> THAT WAS AWESOME!
  58. [22:31] <jaczac|DM> the dice slams into the roof and leaves a small hole.
  59. [22:32] <jaczac|DM> A timer begins ticking.
  60. [22:32] <Anastasia_Locke> "WOOHOO!"
  61. [22:32] <originProtagonist> WAY TO GO, ANA!
  62. [22:32] <jaczac|DM> it appears to be set to three minutes and 20 seconds
  63. [22:32] <jaczac|DM> it starts ticking
  64. [22:32] <Anastasia_Locke> "WHO NEEDS TO DROP CHAIRS ON THINGS!?"
  65. [22:33] <originProtagonist> CHAIRS ARE FOR WIMPS
  66. [22:33] * Anastasia_Locke notices the countdown
  67. [22:33] <Anastasia_Locke> "What's next?"
  68. [22:33] <originProtagonist> Oh yeah, there's a time limit.
  69. [22:33] <Anastasia_Locke> "Better hurry up then! What's the next step?"
  70. [22:34] <originProtagonist> Ok, so, you take the cylinder thingy, and you can either place that on the small platform thingy to make a cube thingy, or put it in the spinny thingy.
  71. [22:34] <Anastasia_Locke> "What's the cube do?"
  72. [22:34] <originProtagonist> I haven't found a use yet.
  73. [22:35] <originProtagonist> It just uses up the in game currency, which you start out with 20.
  74. [22:35] * Anastasia_Locke puts the dowel into the lathe
  75. [22:35] <Anastasia_Locke> "No reason to do that, then."
  76. [22:35] <originProtagonist> Now there should be a button to turn it on, and carve it into a thinner cylinder.
  77. [22:35] * Anastasia_Locke searches for a button
  78. [22:36] <originProtagonist> Oh yeah, also, that yellow pulsing orb thingy?
  79. [22:36] <originProtagonist> You apparently need to give it something.
  80. [22:36] <Anastasia_Locke> "Like what?"
  81. [22:37] <originProtagonist> The player specifically said "throw," but placing works just fine.
  82. [22:37] <originProtagonist> I dunno, I put that old artifact crystal in there.
  83. [22:37] <originProtagonist> Nothing really happened, except the orb started to look like it.
  84. [22:37] <Anastasia_Locke> "Your crystal, really?"
  85. [22:38] <originProtagonist> Yeah, this seemed like the best time to use the ancient gods' artifact.
  86. [22:38] <Anastasia_Locke> "Huh. I guess so."
  87. [22:38] <Anastasia_Locke> "I'll use..."
  88. [22:39] * Anastasia_Locke searches her Sylladex for an appropriately-sentimental object
  89. [22:39] <originProtagonist> I dunno if you get it back though.
  90. [22:39] <originProtagonist> That's why I didn't put in my save data.
  91. [22:39] <originProtagonist> Don't wanna lose that!
  92. [22:39] <Anastasia_Locke> "Hah, I guess not."
  93. [22:40] * Anastasia_Locke decaptchas the note Uncle Peter left her that morning, and tosses it into the floating orb
  94. [22:40] <Anastasia_Locke> (( ))
  95. [22:41] <Anastasia_Locke> ((That one))
  96. [22:41] <jaczac|DM> `roll dex
  97. [22:41] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20-1
  98. [22:41] <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=6 ]{5}
  99. [22:42] <jaczac|DM> It refuses to take the note. Perhaps something more tangible?
  100. [22:43] * Anastasia_Locke goes looking through her Sylladex again
  101. [22:44] <Anastasia_Locke> "Ah, why not?"
  102. [22:44] * Anastasia_Locke decaptchas a book and tosses it in
  103. [22:44] <jaczac|DM> ((what book?))
  104. [22:45] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Ninjas of Love))
  105. [22:46] <jaczac|DM> The sprite accepts the book.
  106. [22:46] <Anastasia_Locke> "Okay. Now what about this cylinder?"
  107. [22:46] <jaczac|DM> Suddenly it turns into a Ninja with a pink, heart headband on it.
  108. [22:47] <Anastasia_Locke> "Huh. Cool."
  109. [22:47] <originProtagonist> Cool book!
  110. [22:47] <originProtagonist> Ok, the cylinder thing, now that it's carved, gets put on the smaller platformy thingy.
  111. [22:48] * Anastasia_Locke does so
  112. [22:48] <originProtagonist> Now you should get a sword in the stone that you need to pull out.
  113. [22:48] <jaczac|DM> A bright light.
  114. [22:48] <jaczac|DM> A pause as the DM scrambles to find his notes.
  115. [22:48] <originProtagonist> Do you feel the dramatic pause too?
  116. [22:49] <Anastasia_Locke> "Yeah."
  117. [22:49] <originProtagonist> Cool.
  118. [22:49] <Anastasia_Locke> "So dramatic."
  119. [22:49] <originProtagonist> Ikr?
  120. [22:49] <jaczac|DM> The light subsides, and you see what appears to be a small box laying on the pedestal.
  121. [22:49] <originProtagonist> Oh...
  122. [22:49] <jaczac|DM> It is rough on one end, and appears to have a inner compartment.
  123. [22:49] <Anastasia_Locke> "That's... not a sword."
  124. [22:49] <originProtagonist> So I guess it's different for everyone?
  125. [22:49] * Anastasia_Locke tries to open the box
  126. [22:49] <originProtagonist> I dunno, mine made a pink sword.
  127. [22:50] <jaczac|DM> You successfully open the matchbox, revealing a single match.
  128. [22:50] <Anastasia_Locke> "So... ?"
  129. [22:50] <Anastasia_Locke> "Do I light it?"
  130. [22:50] <originProtagonist> I had to pull the sword out, so maybe you need to light it on fire?
  131. [22:50] <originProtagonist> It's worth a shot.
  132. [22:50] <Anastasia_Locke> "Seems easy enough."
  133. [22:51] <jaczac|DM> `roll dex
  134. [22:51] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20-1
  135. [22:51] <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=2 ]{1}
  136. [22:51] <jaczac|DM> about 45 seconds left.
  137. [22:51] <jaczac|DM> You snap the match almost in two.
  138. [22:51] <jaczac|DM> It barely manages to light though.
  139. [22:51] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh shoot."
  140. [22:52] <jaczac|DM> You enter, the flaming particles of a match disappearing in your hand.
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