

Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. Hira was oblivious. Oblivious to a lot of things, it's impossible to list them. But dammit, I'll try. Firstly, and the most obvious, he was oblivious to the secret war, the one the government doesn't want you to know about. It was secret mainly due to the fact he rarely, never, watched the news. Everyone else knew but him. He was still recovering from the shock of that Madeline girl being kidnapped, the monsters. Secondly, he was oblivious to the fact that eating bread made you fat, despite his favourite film talking about this. It might also have something to due with the fact he was half kick-ass cyborg and didn't put on weight but, eh, stones in the water. Thirdly, womans needs. Despite his cool kid, so close to smoking cigarettes and wearing leather jacket, composure, Hira was a mess in bed. And not the hot sexy kind. The kind who would take 5 minutes trying to find where to slip it in, and then spend a few minutes twitching inside like he was having a stroke. The list goes on, but to continue it would probably result in strenuous shouting, flung handbags, and dropped panties. But the most important one of them all, the one that really mattered in continuing plot, was that Hira was oblivious to the life beneath his feet, or in this case, directly in front of him. For a galactic space cowboy kick-ass cool guy who had the re-run of cougar town on record, he was really out of the loop.
  3. But when it came to weapons, fashionable ones, he was in the loop. The metaphorical spiky loop, so even that could be used as a weapon.
  4. He was currently looking for something that packed a punch, literally. A ring to adorn his finger so when he punched, it uh..packed. And where better to get an metal trinket, than an metal trinket shop. As he wandered over to the shop, he cast his mind into the infinite pool of thought process, and came to the conclusion that there were many better places to buy a ring designed for punching the shit out of people, one of those places being the PalTech R&D department, but after the last incident involving a RPG and the head scientists hovercar, they weren't exactly on the best of terms. There was also Chucks Cheap Chopping Cunts shack, but he wasn't so sure if he wanted a ring that could cut, it'd really mess with his spontaneous uh..keep it PG-13. So with those two options out the window, he was left with 'The trinket shop' a simple, fucking stupid name, for a simple store. Right? With one of those old fashioned leather pouches that jingled his coins when he walked, he started forward. After all, of course he'd shop here, he had to support the welsh local market, his mum was a quarter welsh, god bless her.
  6. In preparation for a cute girl, the male slicked his hair back before he pushed through the door. The shop was kind of dark, kind of stingy, but he didn't expect much from a place called 'The trinket shop', talk about it is what is says on the can, right? Right. Casting a glance around, he decided he would much rather have a ring from Chucks Cheap Chopping Cunts shack. He turned to leave, but his eyes caught a glimmer in the dark, a light that would echo through the cosmos, a shine that would put even Mr. Shine to shame. A cute girl. He quickly spun on the balls of his feet, and strode forward, the swagger oozing off of him like sweat. It might have been sweat. He rested one arm on the counter and lent forward, the other reaching out to tap at the small bell. 'DING' ... 'DING'
  8. "Oh, pardon me, I didn't see you there. Your radiant beauty must have blinded me. Also, sorry for that dinging sound, that must have been my heart. Dinging at the sight of you. The uh..Sight I didn't see, but I did see it.' He cleared his throat, standing back up straight. He'd beaten the worst of the worst, he'd beaten sever diarrhoea, yet he couldn't beat a girl. "Anyway I'm in the market for a ring, not for you! Though further down the line..Anyway, this ring has to pack a punch, you know? I hear you, thats right, you, make the best rings money can buy, and I need a really good one.' He had to flatter her, after all, these rings were trash. They looked more like haribos that had been covered in ash than anything. However, with the delivery of his request, perhaps the girl would think he knew about this weapon shop that he did not actually know about. Wouldn't that be interesting. Wouldn't it.
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