
The Strange War 2.0: Finding the Guidestone

Jan 12th, 2016
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  1. [18:21] IcePickLobotomy 03:30 January 3rd, Brazil. 30 Miles outside the Salvador Exclusion Zone. The city is burning, fire raging in the distance as it tears itself apart in a terror-filled orgy of desperation and violence. The checkpoints were overran hours ago, the soldiers torn apart or fleeing with the refugees across the roads and deeper into the countryside in a vain attempt to spare themselves from the...
  2. [18:21] IcePickLobotomy ...plague. But that's not your concern. You are not here to save the city, but to take something from it.
  3. [18:21] Hunter "So. De Santos eh?"
  4. [18:21] Hunter "Know how to use a gun?"
  5. [18:24] De_Santos blinks, pulling a pair of binoculars off his dark-circled brown eyes.
  6. [18:25] De_Santos "Uh." He bites into parched, caffeine-stained lips and one rolex-equipped hand pats a bulge under the jacket. "...Y-yeah."
  7. [18:25] Hunter "Not very confident with it eh?"
  8. [18:25] Yi-Ying pulls the brown coat she's wearing closer to her, giving the American a shaky nod
  9. [18:26] Yi-Ying "I-I had s-some training"
  10. [18:26] Hunter "Well. You may have to use it."
  11. [18:26] Hunter "So I suggest you get familiar with it."
  12. [18:26] De_Santos tries to shrug- A gesture hindered by the duffel bag slung across his shoulders.
  13. [18:27] De_Santos "Haven't shot a-anyone with it...Yet. "
  14. [18:27] Hunter "Huh
  15. [18:27] Hunter "
  16. [18:27] Hunter "Well. Hopefully y'all don't need to, eh?"
  17. [18:27] Yi-Ying "Was just an a-aid ..."
  18. [18:27] Yi-Ying nods
  19. [18:27] Hunter "So china girl."
  20. [18:27] Hunter "Why are you here?"
  21. [18:28] De_Santos eyes Yi-Ying's coat, biting into his lips again- His short brown hair is slick with sweat.
  22. [18:28] Yi-Ying shuffles uncomfortably from all the attention she's getting
  23. [18:28] Yi-Ying "I-I wa-was a new h-hire ... For the embassy ..."
  24. [18:29] Hunter "Yea. And?"
  25. [18:29] Yi-Ying "T-then suddenly the plague hit and we were told to evacuate ..."
  26. [18:29] De_Santos picks on this a moment too late, and averts his gaze one moment too quick, bringing a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it sheepishly.
  27. [18:29] Yi-Ying "A-and ... And ..."
  28. [18:30] Hunter "All's i hear that I got to bring this egg head into this hellhole."
  29. [18:30] Yi-Ying shook and goes silent
  30. [18:30] Hunter "And go treasure hunting."
  31. [18:30] De_Santos nods again, rubbing his neck harder.
  32. [18:30] Hunter "This kinda blows."
  33. [18:30] De_Santos "I....Yeah. Michael De Santos, Consultant."
  34. [18:30] IcePickLobotomy Colonel Hargrave barges out of the tent, carrying a briefcase with him. "Right, going to make this short, as time is at a premium." He sets it down on top of ammunition crate.
  35. [18:31] De_Santos nearly salutes, eyes quickly darting to the suitcase as he instinctively takes a step back.
  36. [18:32] De_Santos His hand shoots up halfway, only to shakly come back down. "Morning sir."
  37. [18:32] Hunter tries to look disinterested and not peeved as he waits for the briefing to begin."
  38. [18:33] Yi-Ying eyes the colonel silently
  39. [18:35] IcePickLobotomy He nods at De_Santos"The situation is bad, government forces have lost control of the city and the quarantine measures have failed. Riots are running rampant and deserters are shooting anything that moves. Your objective, is to make your way to this," He passes around a aerial photo of a warehouse "Facility, and secure the artifact. Once you have we will bring in a landing craft to evacuate...
  40. [18:35] IcePickLobotomy and the objective. Secure additional intel and materials at your discretion. Lieutenant Hunter has overall command once you are deployed into the field."
  41. [18:35] Hunter "Yreeeaaa...."
  42. [18:35] Hunter "About that."
  43. [18:36] Hunter "Whats up with the china girl?"
  44. [18:36] Hunter "I get the deal with the egg head. But. Yea. She's a paper pusher."
  45. [18:36] IcePickLobotomy "She has access to the facility. Without her we can't move the artifact."
  46. [18:37] Yi-Ying nods
  47. [18:37] Hunter "And I'm guessing that china does not trust us with the info."
  48. [18:37] Hunter "Kinda wish they sent someone less...."
  49. [18:37] Hunter "Uhhhhh."
  50. [18:37] Hunter "Civilian."
  51. [18:38] De_Santos De_Santos quirks his lips at this, but remains silent. "Sir?"
  52. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy Hargrave nods "I as well, but we are on a strict time limit. The President has ordered a firebombing of the city in 12 hours in order to contain the plague. Yes Doctor?"
  53. [18:38] Yi-Ying "S-sorry"
  54. [18:39] Hunter "Well, we should be apologising to you."
  55. [18:39] Hunter "Like jesus. Look at that shit hole."
  56. [18:39] Hunter "I wouldn't be surprised if the dead rose like in some grade B horror movie."
  57. [18:39] De_Santos "Is the security of the facility compromised?"
  58. [18:41] IcePickLobotomy "If it has than you are to liquidate any persons who have breached the facility. If any of the original research personal are still alive than attempt to recover them at your discretion. He opens the briefcase, revealing half a dozen syringes filled with a reddish-brown liquid.
  59. [18:42] Yi-Ying "L-liquidate!?"
  60. [18:42] De_Santos IcePickLobotomy "And if they are infected?"
  61. [18:42] Hunter "Yea. I don't think anyone's that stupif."
  62. [18:43] De_Santos De_Santos lowers his head. "Standard protcol?"
  63. [18:43] IcePickLobotomy "Then do them a favor and make it quick."
  64. [18:44] IcePickLobotomy "And yes, presidential orders, This is beyond top-secret, any of you breathe a word about this operation to anyone at any point and no one will find your body."
  65. [18:44] Hunter "So twelve hours. Huh. Totally can make it back in time for anniversary dinner."
  66. [18:45] IcePickLobotomy "Now, before I send you off." He motions to the syninges "Experimental Immunoboosters, they should provide you with 6 hours of safety from infection."
  67. [18:45] De_Santos And then something strange happens- De_Santos blinks, as if realization is dawning on him- And then nods slowly.
  68. [18:47] Yi-Ying "A-ah ..."
  69. [18:47] Hunter "Experimental huh?"
  70. [18:49] IcePickLobotomy "Very, a half dose is worth more money than any of us could even hope to make over our entire lifetimes." He smiles "Don't drop 'em."
  71. [18:49] -->| scya ( has joined #Adeva3IC
  72. [18:49] Hunter shrugs.
  73. [18:49] Hunter "Better then nothing."
  74. [18:50] Hunter "Let's get this over and done with."
  75. [18:52] Yi-Ying "Y-yeah"
  76. [18:52] De_Santos De_Santos casually reaches for the syringe. "Yes. Let's."
  77. [18:53] De_Santos His voice is weirdly devoided of emotion- His hands shaking less.
  78. [18:53] Hunter takes note of the sudden change in demeanor for De Santos.
  79. [18:53] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@70BC76CB.D0BD394D.E164C3F6.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  80. [18:55] |<-- Yi-Ying has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  81. [18:55] =-= Yezar is now known as Yi-Ying
  82. [18:56] Yi-Ying reaches for the syringe
  83. [18:56] Hunter takes one of the syringes.
  84. [18:57] De_Santos There is a weird automatism to De_Santos' movements as he rolls up his sleeve and injects the syringe- The man barely shudders, blinking and biting into his lips.
  85. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy Whatever was in the contents, it makes you feel good. Your senses and focus sharpen, whatever fatigue you felt vanishing.
  86. [18:58] Hunter casually pulls up his sleeve and injects the syringe.
  87. [18:58] Yi-Ying quickly injects herself with the syringe ... perhaps a little too smoothly for someone whoses supposed to be just an aid
  88. [18:59] IcePickLobotomy The colonel motions to a awaiting Huey. The pilot starts up the rotors. "Good luck and God's speed all of you."
  89. [19:00] Hunter grabs his weapon and equipment and heads to the helo.
  90. [19:02] De_Santos De_Santos puts on a helmet on, gulping as he does so- Some of the ease flowing off him.
  91. [19:03] Yi-Ying picks up a sling bag and joins the trio
  92. [19:05] IcePickLobotomy The pilot leans back and gives you all a thumbs up before lifting off. The sky is dark, clouds mixing with smoke to obscure the moon and stars. Down below the city has gone dark, power being weeks dead. Fire rage all over, consuming entire neighborhoods. Groups and crowds of people mills about, most heading to the nearest way away. Others rove in small bands down the streets. Other areas are...
  93. [19:05] IcePickLobotomy ...empty of human life save for the bodies left to rot.
  94. [19:06] Hunter "Well. Don't really think this is a problem. Everyone else is running away."
  95. [19:07] De_Santos De_Santos whips out a notebook from his pocket and starts scribbling down notes, eyes narrowing as he watches the city slip by.
  96. [19:08] IcePickLobotomy Yi-Ying: You can see the embassy from here. It's untouched by the fires, and a few windows show light inside. You forgot to turn off the generator when you fled, or even turn off the lights.
  97. [19:09] Yi-Ying "A-ah the lights ..."
  98. [19:09] |<-- De_Santos has left (Ping timeout: 127 seconds)
  99. [19:10] -->| Arkalest ( has joined #Adeva3IC
  100. [19:10] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  101. [19:10] Hunter "What about em?"
  102. [19:12] =-= Arkalest is now known as De_Santos
  103. [19:12] De_Santos "They.......Haven't cut the elecricity?"
  104. [19:14] Yi-Ying "B-backup generators"
  105. [19:16] IcePickLobotomy The helicopter banks gently, arching away from the embassy and to the docks. It's dark and empty. You see one or two flashlights down below, and even a small barrel-fire in a alleyway, but most have left this area. The naval blockade still holds, shelling any boats that attempt to leave without authorization.
  106. [19:19] Yi-Ying "H-how would they recover from this ..."
  107. [19:19] De_Santos pulls his binoculars up and looks at the waters to see if there's any bodies.
  108. [19:20] IcePickLobotomy De_Santos: Ruined bodies and wreckage litter the bay and harbor. Some little more than broken remnants, people who'd been torn apart by shells. Others are whole, but malformed. Victims of the plague.
  109. [19:21] De_Santos "........................... Fuck."
  110. [19:21] De_Santos bites into his lips, fingers curling around the binoculars.
  111. [19:21] De_Santos "Fucking hell, what the fuck are they doing?"
  112. [19:21] Yi-Ying "They?"
  113. [19:22] De_Santos The man makes an anyry one-handed gesture in the direction fo the naval barricade.
  114. [19:23] Yi-Ying I-it has to be done ... if the plague escape ..."
  115. [19:24] De_Santos " No."
  116. [19:24] De_Santos "I meant...Fuck, why aren't they burning the bodies down? Why aren't they scooping up the fucking things in the goddam water?"
  117. [19:24] Yi-Ying "They ... maybe they haven't thought that far yet?"
  118. [19:25] De_Santos 's tone is a weird mixture of piqued, almost as if the matter offends him personally.
  119. [19:25] IcePickLobotomy The helicopter banks again, slowly circling a larger warehouse. The two Cobra gunships go low, their turrets sweeping across the area as they search for anyone in the landing zone.
  120. [19:26] De_Santos "That's not a fucking excuse. We-" He stops himself mid-sentence. "There /are/ plans for this, and ti's standard contain-and-protect."
  121. [19:28] IcePickLobotomy A few of Hunter's men turn from their conversations, now paying attention to the Doctor.
  122. [19:29] De_Santos Feeling their gazes on his back causes De_Santos to let the binoculars hang from his neck- He turns around and starts scribbling into the notebook with precise, angry movements. "It's basic logic."
  123. [19:29] De_Santos "Body gets into body of water. Water gets contaiminated. Animals- Or god forbid, people- Drink the water."
  124. [19:29] IcePickLobotomy "Doc, people don't drink saltwater."
  125. [19:29] De_Santos His hand describes a circle as he gestures at the streets below. "We all die."
  126. [19:30] Yi-Ying "But we do eat the fishes from the oceans ..."
  127. [19:30] De_Santos narrows his eyes at the marine who spoke.
  128. [19:30] De_Santos "I am talking in general."
  129. [19:31] IcePickLobotomy "Err, righ-" He's cut off by the rapid-fire chatter of a gun. One of the cobras lighting up as it pours a brief stream of fire into the warehouse.
  130. [19:31] De_Santos "OH shit."
  131. [19:32] De_Santos quickly pockets the notebook, eyes widening and knuckles going wide as he grabs the nearest handlebar
  132. [19:32] IcePickLobotomy A few moments pass before it opens up again. You hear the pilots voice crackle onto the radio. "Sit sanitized. Proceed with landing. We will remain on over-watch."
  133. [19:32] IcePickLobotomy *Site
  134. [19:33] De_Santos It takes a few good seconds for De_Santos to let go of the handlebar, fingers slowly unclenching- He breathes in slowly. "A...Alright."
  135. [19:34] Yi-Ying "W-what was that!?
  136. [19:36] === Cornuthaum ( has invited you to [#172expe].
  137. [19:37] IcePickLobotomy The helicopter slows to a stop before descending to the ground. The pilot sets it down gently, Hunter and his men leaping out, guns ready, as they start to secure the immediate area.
  138. [19:38] De_Santos De_Santos hesitates for a second before badly slinking off the chopper, duffel bag clanking behind hm- He reaches to touch his helmet, swallowing as he does so.
  139. [19:40] Yi-Ying follows suit
  140. [19:40] IcePickLobotomy The landing site is a parking lot beside the warehouse itself. It's a tall wide building, a row of broken windows near the top of it. The flashlights of the soldiers are the only means of light in the area, the beams dancing to and fro as the check and clear the area. Hunter and a squad of his men motion for Yi-Ying and De_Santos to come to the entrace. The large door locked shut, save for a...
  141. [19:40] IcePickLobotomy ...keypad that still has power.
  142. [19:41] Yi-Ying reaches for the keypad, quickly typing in the password
  143. [19:43] IcePickLobotomy The door slides open, and the lights flick on with a low humm. The inside of the wareshouse is only half-full, the back end filled with shipping containers, pallets of machinery, and the like. Laying in near the center is a body in a pool of blood. They've been almost torn in half by the cobra's guns, bits of flesh and bone scattered about the area.
  144. [19:45] Yi-Ying "W-what are we after?"
  145. [19:46] De_Santos slowly pulls out his pistol..
  146. [19:46] De_Santos And then flicks the safety off, filling the upper part of the body with a whole magazine.
  147. [19:47] IcePickLobotomy De_Santos: The first round blows a much larger hole in the body than it should have, but the ensuing erruption of pus and rotted flesh mixed with blood tell the rest of the story. Lesions and the start of tumors on the young woman's body tell the story.
  148. [19:48] De_Santos quirks his lips, hand twitching slightly- And he turns around, looking for one of Hunter's men.
  149. [19:48] IcePickLobotomy She is very, very, dead.
  150. [19:48] De_Santos "Does anyone here have any fucking lights?"
  151. [19:48] Yi-Ying "... why?"
  152. [19:49] IcePickLobotomy One of the men flips a breakerbox, and the rest of the overhead lights come on, bathing the interior in a harsh florescent light.
  153. [19:50] De_Santos "I mean, fuck- Do you guys have anything we can use to set this on fire when we are out?"
  154. [19:51] IcePickLobotomy "Does it matter? They're loading up 3 dozen B-52's with napalm to clean this up in less than a day."
  155. [19:51] Hunter "Lets just stay focused."
  156. [19:51] Hunter "China girl lead the way."
  157. [19:52] De_Santos switches out his magazine with trembling hands- Eyes still fixed on the body.
  158. [19:54] Yi-Ying "R-right"
  159. [19:54] Yi-Ying "B-but what is it that you are after?"
  160. [19:54] IcePickLobotomy Yi-Ying: You spot the cargo elevator, it's not hard considering the hazard yellow coloration. You fish out the key to the ignition. You hadn't had time to clean off the now dried blood on it.
  161. [19:55] Yi-Ying sets off at a slow pace for the cargo elevator
  162. [19:55] Hunter "Look I have no idea either."
  163. [19:55] Hunter "And I don't want to know."
  164. [19:56] Yi-Ying "I-I am just an aide!"
  165. [19:57] De_Santos De_Santos: is seemingly too distracted, looking at the walls and muttering to himself- But he follows nonetheless, gun aimed at the floor, safety on.
  166. [19:57] Hunter "Yea and you aren't supposed to know either."
  167. [19:57] IcePickLobotomy Hunter: The lights flicker. The buzz of the insects drown out the sounds, the oppressive heat of the jungle presses down on you, squeezing the air from your lungs. The smell of thunder and rain mix with the sickly sweet hint of rot. And then it's gone, as soon as it came.
  168. [19:58] Hunter "Huj
  169. [19:58] Hunter "That was kinda weird."
  170. [19:58] Hunter "Sweared I smelt something
  171. [19:58] Hunter "
  172. [19:58] Yi-Ying "W-what?"
  173. [19:58] Hunter "Nothing. Lets just get it done fast."
  174. [20:00] IcePickLobotomy The elevator, and power, still work. It slowly sinks into the ground. Bare concrete giving way to currogated metal flooring and steel walls lined with pipes that hiss and rattle. A series of soft blue lights tint everything in kind. The corridor is wide and tall, with a set of large double doors at the other end.
  175. [20:01] Hunter "Sergeant take point."
  176. [20:01] De_Santos De_Santos stands back, and gestures for Hunter and Yi-Ying to move forward, nervously checking behind his shoulder.
  177. [20:01] Hunter "China girl. Follow the sergeant."
  178. [20:02] Hunter "The rest of you tactical formation."
  179. [20:02] Hunter "Cover the egg head."
  180. [20:02] IcePickLobotomy "Yes sir." The squad point man slowly creeps forward, eyes searching carefully for traps and tripwires as he creeps down the corridor before reaching the doors at the other end. "Looks clear sir."
  181. [20:03] Hunter "Advance."
  182. [20:04] IcePickLobotomy The door is a solid windowless steel bulkhead. Another keypad waiting Yi-Ying's input.
  183. [20:04] Yi-Ying reaches for the console, typing away at the keypad
  184. [20:05] IcePickLobotomy Yi-Ying: A lullaby, the one your mother would hum to your younger brother late at night, echoes forth from the depths of your mind.
  185. [20:05] IcePickLobotomy One so old that you'd forgotten it until this moment.
  186. [20:05] Yi-Ying pause, lookiing around for the source of the lullaby
  187. [20:06] Hunter "Get on that keypad. The rest of you stay sharp."
  188. [20:07] Yi-Ying "I-its nothing"
  189. [20:07] Yi-Ying finishes the combination of the lock and step back
  190. [20:07] De_Santos De_Santos looks at Yi-Ying supsiciously.
  191. [20:09] IcePickLobotomy The door slowly slides open, motors laboring away to move the 4 inch thick steel plating. The inside reveals a lab, computers idling on several benches, but it's what stands at the center that captures your attention.
  192. [20:09] Yi-Ying "A sound ... I thought I heard something"
  193. [20:11] IcePickLobotomy A stone obelisk, some 12 feet tall, 4 feet wide, and 1.5 feet thick. The stone if pitch black, and shines like polished marble. Against the base are 4 pod-looking things, the fronts covered by tarps. Wires and tubing run from them back to the computer set into the wall.
  194. [20:11] Hunter "I holy shit.:
  195. [20:11] Hunter "Jesus
  196. [20:12] Hunter "We ain't going to be movinh that thing."
  197. [20:12] De_Santos "We won't need to."
  198. [20:12] De_Santos De_Santos: gestures at the lab. "Cover me."
  199. [20:13] Yi-Ying examines the obelisk and then turn her attention towards the computer
  200. [20:14] Hunter "Well you heard him. Cover him."
  201. [20:15] IcePickLobotomy Yi-Ying: On closer sinpection of the obelisk, there appears to be writing inside. Lines suspended into the rock in a sort of 3-d writing system. Even the slightest movement of your head shifts the words and sentances that form.
  202. [20:15] De_Santos Yi-Ying: "Don't look at t."
  203. [20:15] De_Santos It's not a suggestion.
  204. [20:15] De_Santos It's an order.
  205. [20:15] De_Santos 's eyes are utterly focused on the computers- Hand and shoudlers shaking slightly under the duress of not twitching.
  206. [20:17] IcePickLobotomy De_Santos: The computers are not locked. Inside is documentation, mostly information they seem to have gotten out of the obelisk, this guidestone, they call it.
  207. [20:17] Yi-Ying is too enraptured by the obelisk, she reach out and place her palm on its surface
  208. [20:17] De_Santos "Oh Jesus fuck don't you DUMB BITCH"
  209. [20:17] IcePickLobotomy Fragments of mathmaticly formula, chunks of chemical equations, parts of things that humanity has no word for
  210. [20:18] IcePickLobotomy Yi-Ying: You feel the cool smothness of the stone on your fingertips before De_Santos grabs your hand away
  211. [20:18] Hunter "Jesus woman."
  212. [20:18] Hunter "Qhat the fuck is wrong with you."
  213. [20:19] De_Santos 's grip on Yi-Ying 's wrist is vise-like, and his eyes are wild, filled with fear- An animalistic repulsion, something atavic.
  214. [20:19] Hunter "Corporal. Secure that woman."
  215. [20:19] De_Santos His other hand is struggling not to remove the gun from its holster. "You." He hisses.
  216. [20:19] De_Santos "DO it again, and I'll fucking blow your brains out, plague or not."
  217. [20:20] Hunter "De Santos. Shut up. We have a time line to follow."
  218. [20:20] IcePickLobotomy "Yes sir." Two of the soldiers step forward and grab Yi-Ying and pin her arms behind her back as they force her to the floor.
  219. [20:21] Yi-Ying "It ... holds ... everything"
  220. [20:22] Hunter "Sigh."
  221. [20:22] Hunter "She snapped."
  222. [20:22] Hunter "Disarm her and check her for anything extra."
  223. [20:23] IcePickLobotomy One of the men begins a through search for weapons and anything else, leaving whatever he finds on the table.
  224. [20:24] IcePickLobotomy "Hey, Doc? You think we should remove the tarps?" One of the men prods the covered pod.
  225. [20:24] Hunter "Let's not."
  226. [20:24] De_Santos " No."
  227. [20:24] IcePickLobotomy "Sir? She's got a microcamera and a few rolls of film."
  228. [20:24] Hunter "Right."
  229. [20:24] Hunter "Sigh."
  230. [20:24] Hunter "Destroy the camera and keep the film."
  231. [20:25] Hunter "Cuff the bitch and we'll drag her back for the spookies to deal with."
  232. [20:25] Yi-Ying "You have ... no idea ... what's inside"
  233. [20:26] Yi-Ying "The power ... the knowledge hidden witihin"
  234. [20:26] Hunter "Look."
  235. [20:26] Hunter "Lady."
  236. [20:26] De_Santos Yi-Ying: "And you have no. Idea. On what it'll do to us."
  237. [20:26] Hunter "Look at this face."
  238. [20:26] Hunter is unamused.
  239. [20:26] De_Santos De_Santos slowly hoslters his gun.
  240. [20:26] Hunter "At the fucking moment."
  241. [20:26] Hunter "I want to go home."
  242. [20:26] Hunter "I have a fiancee."
  243. [20:27] Yi-Ying "It can show it to you ... anything"
  244. [20:27] Hunter "That I want to fucking spend time with."
  245. [20:27] Yi-Ying "The answer to /everything/"
  246. [20:27] Hunter "Yes."
  247. [20:27] Hunter "And I."
  248. [20:27] Hunter "Don't care."
  249. [20:27] Hunter "At all.C
  250. [20:27] Hunter points at a empty box.
  251. [20:28] Hunter "See this box?"
  252. [20:28] De_Santos slowly walks over to Yi-Ying, swallowing and then kneeling down.
  253. [20:28] Hunter "This would be where I keep a fuck."
  254. [20:28] Hunter "If I had any."
  255. [20:28] Hunter "And you."
  256. [20:28] Hunter "Get back to doing whatever it is you arensupposrd to do."
  257. [20:28] De_Santos Centimers away from her face. His breath is stained with caffeine, with a sugary scent- An something stronger, antispetic. His eyes are wide, dark cicrcles around them. "Look."
  258. [20:29] IcePickLobotomy Hunter: A few of your men are suppressing laughter as they check over the area.
  259. [20:29] De_Santos "This..This shit?" He gestures at the boxes. "This fucking shit right here, girl?"
  260. [20:29] Hunter "De Santos."
  261. [20:29] De_Santos "That's...This shit is nothing to be trifled with. This isn't just another fucking ICBM."
  262. [20:29] Hunter is perfectly calm
  263. [20:29] Hunter "De Santos."
  264. [20:30] Yi-Ying "The knowledge ... all of it"
  265. [20:30] Hunter "Sigh."
  266. [20:30] De_Santos "And what do you think we'll do with it?"
  267. [20:30] Hunter "Fucking morons."
  268. [20:30] De_Santos De_Santos:' quirked lips slowly curl upwards. "You know."
  269. [20:30] Hunter "STOP FUCKING AROUND."
  270. [20:30] De_Santos "You know what'll happen. This shit's bigger than any of us."
  271. [20:30] Hunter "JESUS."
  272. [20:31] De_Santos He stands up. "Right, Hunter."
  274. [20:31] De_Santos The man shoots one last pitying glance at Yi-Ying. ".....I guess. Keep covering me."
  275. [20:31] Yi-Ying goes silent and look at the object
  276. [20:31] Hunter "Gag the spy."
  277. [20:32] De_Santos sets about copying any and all important things on the computers, and then glances at the tarps.
  278. [20:35] Yi-Ying "..."
  279. [20:40] De_Santos Hunter: You can see De_Santos shoulders slump as his mouth hangs slightly open- He's sitting down on a chair, looking at a computer screen.
  280. [20:40] De_Santos ".............Fucking nazis."
  281. [20:41] De_Santos He hisses this, before turning towards you. "Hunter? Come here."
  282. [20:41] Hunter signals his guys to keep an eye on De Santos as he approaches.
  283. [20:41] Hunter "Yea?:
  284. [20:42] De_Santos Hunter: The man ushers you close. "THis facility?"
  285. [20:42] Hunter "Yea?"
  286. [20:42] De_Santos "Not gonna bullshit you. Top of the line. Very important."
  287. [20:42] Hunter "And?"
  288. [20:42] De_Santos His tone is very strained. "There's something under those tarps. Somthing very valuable and also very frail. Your men are probably gonna freak out when they see it."
  289. [20:43] De_Santos "No, it's not a weapon. And I need your help to get those into the cargo elevator. There are rails."
  290. [20:45] Hunter "Right then. You heard the egg head. One of you keep watch over china. The rest of you. Move out mysterious object onto the elevator."
  291. [20:47] IcePickLobotomy One of the men grabs Yi-Ying's key and uses it to start the rail system. Motors growl to a start as the obelisk slowly rises from the ground.
  292. [20:52] Yi-Ying suddenly starts looking around the room
  293. [20:54] IcePickLobotomy De_Santos: Your eyes are drawn to the Guidestone, tempting you to gaze into it.
  294. [20:54] De_Santos bites his lips.
  295. [20:54] De_Santos ":......Aw, fuck this. Hunter? Get the tarps on the elevator. I am gonna do something stupid."
  296. [20:55] Hunter "Sigh."
  297. [20:55] De_Santos And then he removes his pistol and hands it to a soldier- Before trotting over to the Gudiestone, muttering curses under his breath.
  298. [20:55] Hunter "The tarps are what we are here for tight?"
  299. [20:55] Hunter "Wait."
  300. [20:55] Hunter "The tarps are what we are here for right?"
  301. [20:55] Hunter motions one dude to secure the doctor.
  302. [20:56] De_Santos nods.
  303. [20:56] De_Santos "Grab me when I am done."
  304. [20:56] Hunter "Then no."
  305. [20:56] Hunter "No stupid."
  306. [20:56] Hunter "We leave."
  307. [20:56] IcePickLobotomy One of your men steps forward to block the doctor.
  308. [20:57] De_Santos swallows, eyes locked on the Guidestone.
  309. [20:57] De_Santos ":..Yeah, but...Have you got demolitoon charges?"
  310. [20:58] Hunter "Got em. Yea."
  311. [20:58] De_Santos "Wire the computers."
  312. [20:58] Hunter "Set charges."
  313. [20:58] Hunter "Now did anyone snuck out a rocket launchet or something?"
  314. [20:58] Hunter "Don't want to leave that stone thing here."
  315. [20:59] De_Santos "It's coming with us."
  316. [20:59] De_Santos "And you can't blow it with a rocket. It can survive much more."
  317. [21:00] Hunter Gah.
  318. [21:00] Hunter "Right
  319. [21:00] Hunter "Find another tarp and cover it I guess."
  320. [21:02] IcePickLobotomy One of the men ducks into a storage room and returns with a very, very, large tarp. "Found it." he motions for a few of his comrades to help him cover the Guidestone.
  321. [21:03] Hunter "Right. Don't touch the block."
  322. [21:03] IcePickLobotomy Hunter, De_Santos: That's when you feel the temperature rise sharply, a red light fills the room and the two men restraining Yi-Ying are thrown to the walls. The light vanishes, as does Yi-Ying, leaving only a pile of clothing in her place.
  323. [21:03] Hunter "I am not paid for this shit."
  324. [21:03] De_Santos ":......................"
  325. [21:03] Hunter "Are we ready to leave? Now?"
  326. [21:04] De_Santos opens his mouth.
  327. [21:04] De_Santos then closes it.
  328. [21:04] Hunter "Yes. Yes. I know. We need to leave. Now."
  329. [21:04] De_Santos ".....yeah. Forget about..." De_Santos waves at the obelisk while still staring. "That.
  330. [21:04] De_Santos And then he grabs the nearest marine and runs off towards the exit.
  331. [21:05] Hunter "So we are leaving the stone thing?"
  332. [21:05] Hunter "Right."
  333. [21:05] Hunter "Head for the lift. Tactical advance."
  334. [21:05] IcePickLobotomy The Obelisk, pods, all covered in a tarp, slowly trundle along the floor heading to the lift.
  335. [21:06] Hunter "Sigh."
  336. [21:06] Hunter "This is bullshit."
  337. [21:06] De_Santos "I AGREE."
  338. [21:06] De_Santos The shout comes from the cargo lift.
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