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Sep 9th, 2015
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  1.     spells = {
  2.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Poison Field", id = 2285, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 3, level = 14, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 0, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  3.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Poison Bomb", id = 2286, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 2, level = 25, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  4.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Poison Wall", id = 2289, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 4, level = 29, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 5, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  5.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Fire Field", id = 2301, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 3, level = 15, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 1, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  6.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Firebomb", id = 2305, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 2, level = 27, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 5, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  7.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Fire Wall", id = 2303, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 4, level = 33, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 6, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  8.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Soulfire", id = 2308, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 3, level = 27, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 7, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  9.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Fireball", id = 2302, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 5, level = 27, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  10.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Great Fireball", id = 2304, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 4, level = 30, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  11.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Energy Field", id = 2277, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 3, level = 18, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 3, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  12.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Energybomb", id = 2262, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 2, level = 37, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 10, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  13.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Energy Wall", id = 2279, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 4, level = 41, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 9, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  14.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Explosion", id = 2313, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 6, level = 31, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 6, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  15.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Sudden Death", id = 2268, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 3, level = 45, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 15, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  16.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Icicle", id = 2271, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 5, level = 28, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  17.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Avalanche", id = 2274, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 4, level = 30, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  18.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Stone Shower", id = 2288, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 4, level = 28, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  19.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Thunderstorm", id = 2315, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 4, level = 28, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  20.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Stalagmite", id = 2292, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 10, level = 24, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 3, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  21.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Holy Missile", id = 2295, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 5, level = 27, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  22.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Antidote Rune", id = 2266, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 1, level = 15, exhaust = 1000, maglvl = 0, vocs = {3, 7} },
  23.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Intense Healing Rune", id = 2265, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 1, level = 15, exhaust = 1000, maglvl = 1, vocs = {3, 7} },
  24.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Ultimate Healing Rune", id = 2273, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 1, level = 24, exhaust = 1000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {3, 7} },
  25.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Convince Creature", id = 2290, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 1, level = 16, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 5, vocs = {3, 7} },
  26.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Animate Dead", id = 2316, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 1, level = 27, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {3, 7} },
  27.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Desintegrate", id = 2310, allowfaruse = 0, charges = 3, level = 21, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {3, 7} },
  28.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Destroy Field", id = 2261, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 3, level = 17, exhaust = 1000, maglvl = 3, vocs = {3, 7} },
  29.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Chameleon", id = 2291, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 1, level = 27, exhaust = 1000, maglvl = 4, vocs = {3, 7} },
  30.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Magic Wall", id = 2293, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 3, level = 32, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 9, vocs = {3, 7} },
  31.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Wild Growth", id = 2269, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 2, level = 27, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 8, vocs = {3, 7} },
  32.         { type_ = "rune", name = "Paralyze", id = 2278, allowfaruse = 1, charges = 1, level = 54, exhaust = 2000, maglvl = 18, vocs = {2, 6} },
  33.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Death Strike", words = "exori mort", level = 16, mana = 20, vocs = {2, 6} },
  34.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Flame Strike", words = "exori flam", level = 12, mana = 20, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  35.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Energy Strike", words = "exori vis", level = 12, mana = 20, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  36.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Whirlwind Throw", words = "exori hur", level = 15, mana = 40, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  37.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Fire Wave", words = "exevo flam hur", level = 18, mana = 25, vocs = {4, 8} },
  38.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Ethereal Spear", words = "exori con", level = 23, mana = 25, vocs = {1, 5} },
  39.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Energy Beam", words = "exevo vis lux", level = 23, mana = 40, vocs = {3, 7} },
  40.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Great Energy Beam", words = "exevo gran vis lux", level = 29, mana = 110, vocs = {1, 5} },
  41.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Groundshaker", words = "exori mas", level = 33, mana = 160, vocs = {1, 5} },
  42.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Berserk", words = "exori", level = 35, mana = 115, vocs = {4, 8} },
  43.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Energy Wave", words = "exevo vis hur", level = 38, mana = 170, vocs = {4, 8} },
  44.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Rage of the Skies", words = "exevo gran mas vis", level = 55, mana = 650, vocs = {1, 5} },
  45.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Fierce Berserk", words = "exori gran", level = 70, mana = 340, vocs = {1, 5} },
  46.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Hells Core", words = "exevo gran mas flam", level = 60, mana = 1200, vocs = {4, 8} },
  47.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Divine Missile", words = "exori san", level = 40, mana = 20, vocs = {1, 5} },
  48.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Divine Caldera", words = "exevo mas san", level = 50, mana = 160, vocs = {3, 7} },
  49.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Eternal Winter", words = "exevo gran mas frigo", level = 60, mana = 1200, vocs = {3, 7} },
  50.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Ice Strike", words = "exori frigo", level = 15, mana = 20, vocs = {2, 6} },
  51.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Ice Wave", words = "exevo frigo hur", level = 18, mana = 25, vocs = {1, 5, 2, 6} },
  52.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Terra Strike", words = "exori tera", level = 13, mana = 20, vocs = {2, 6} },
  53.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Terra Wave", words = "exevo tera hur", level = 38, mana = 210, vocs = {1, 5, 2, 6} },
  54.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Wrath of Nature", words = "exevo gran mas tera", level = 55, mana = 770, vocs = {2, 6} },
  55.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Light Healing", words = "exura", level = 9, mana = 20, vocs = {2, 6} },
  56.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Antidote", words = "exana pox", level = 10, mana = 30, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  57.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Intense Healing", words = "exura gran", level = 11, mana = 70, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  58.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Heal Friend", words = "exura sio", level = 18, mana = 140, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7} },
  59.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Ultimate Healing", words = "exura vita", level = 20, mana = 160, vocs = {2, 6} },
  60.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Mass Healing", words = "exura gran mas res", level = 36, mana = 150, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7} },
  61.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Divine Healing", words = "exura san", level = 35, mana = 210, vocs = {2, 6} },
  62.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Wound Cleansing", words = "exana mort", level = 30, mana = 65, vocs = {3, 7} },
  63.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Light", words = "utevo lux", level = 8, mana = 20, vocs = {4, 8} },
  64.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Find Person", words = "exiva", level = 8, mana = 20, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  65.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Magic Rope", words = "exani tera", level = 9, mana = 20, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  66.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Levitate", words = "exani hur", level = 12, mana = 50, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  67.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Great Light", words = "utevo gran lux", level = 13, mana = 60, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  68.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Magic Shield", words = "utamo vita", level = 14, mana = 50, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  69.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Haste", words = "utani hur", level = 14, mana = 60, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7} },
  70.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Charge", words = "utani tempo hur", level = 25, mana = 100, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
  71.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Swift Foot", words = "utamo tempo san", level = 55, mana = 400, vocs = {4, 8} },
  72.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Challenge", words = "exeta res", level = 20, mana = 30, vocs = {3, 7} },
  73.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Strong Haste", words = "utani gran hur", level = 20, mana = 100, vocs = {8} },
  74.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Creature Illusion", words = "utevo res ina", level = 23, mana = 100, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  75.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Ultimate Light", words = "utevo vis lux", level = 26, mana = 140, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  76.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Cancel Invisibility", words = "exana ina", level = 26, mana = 200, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  77.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Invisibility", words = "utana vid", level = 35, mana = 440, vocs = {1, 5} },
  78.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Sharpshooter", words = "utito tempo san", level = 60, mana = 450, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7} },
  79.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Protector", words = "utamo tempo", level = 55, mana = 200, vocs = {3, 7} },
  80.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Blood Rage", words = "utito tempo", level = 60, mana = 290, vocs = {4, 8} },
  81.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Train Party", words = "utito mas sio", level = 32, mana = 60, vocs = {4, 8} },
  82.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Protect Party", words = "utamo mas sio", level = 32, mana = 90, vocs = {8} },
  83.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Heal Party", words = "utura mas sio", level = 32, mana = 120, vocs = {7} },
  84.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Enchant Party", words = "utori mas sio", level = 32, mana = 120, vocs = {6} },
  85.         { type_ = "instant", name = "Undead Legion", words = "exana mas mort", level = 30, mana = 500, vocs = {5, 1, 2, 5, 6} },
  86.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Conjure Arrow", words = "exevo con", level = 13, mana = 100, vocs = {2, 6} },
  87.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Food", words = "exevo pan", level = 14, mana = 120, vocs = {3, 7} },
  88.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Poisoned Arrow", words = "exevo con pox", level = 16, mana = 130, vocs = {2, 3, 6, 7} },
  89.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Conjure Bolt", words = "exevo con mort", level = 17, mana = 140, vocs = {3, 7} },
  90.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Conjure Sniper Arrow", words = "exevo con hur", level = 24, mana = 160, vocs = {3, 7} },
  91.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Explosive Arrow", words = "exevo con flam", level = 25, mana = 290, vocs = {3, 7} },
  92.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Conjure Piercing Bolt", words = "exevo con grav", level = 33, mana = 180, vocs = {3, 7} },
  93.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Enchant Staff", words = "exeta vis", level = 41, mana = 80, vocs = {3, 7} },
  94.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Enchant Spear", words = "exeta con", level = 45, mana = 350, vocs = {5} },
  95.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Power Bolt", words = "exevo con vis", level = 59, mana = 800, vocs = {3, 7} },
  96.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Poison Field", words = "adevo grav pox", level = 14, mana = 200, vocs = {7} },
  97.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Light Magic Missile", words = "adori min vis", level = 15, mana = 120, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  98.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Fire Field", words = "adevo grav flam", level = 15, mana = 240, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  99.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Fireball", words = "adori flam", level = 27, mana = 460, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  100.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Energy Field", words = "adevo grav vis", level = 18, mana = 320, vocs = {1, 5} },
  101.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Stalagmite", words = "adori tera", level = 24, mana = 400, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  102.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Great Fireball", words = "adori mas flam", level = 30, mana = 530, vocs = {1, 5, 2, 6} },
  103.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Heavy Magic Missile", words = "adori vis", level = 25, mana = 350, vocs = {1, 5} },
  104.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Poison Bomb", words = "adevo mas pox", level = 25, mana = 520, vocs = {1, 5, 2, 6} },
  105.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Firebomb", words = "adevo mas flam", level = 27, mana = 600, vocs = {2, 6} },
  106.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Soulfire", words = "adevo res flam", level = 27, mana = 600, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  107.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Poison Wall", words = "adevo mas grav pox", level = 29, mana = 640, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  108.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Explosion", words = "adevo mas hur", level = 31, mana = 570, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  109.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Fire Wall", words = "adevo mas grav flam", level = 33, mana = 780, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  110.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Energybomb", words = "adevo mas vis", level = 37, mana = 880, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  111.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Energy Wall", words = "adevo mas grav vis", level = 41, mana = 1000, vocs = {1, 5} },
  112.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Sudden Death", words = "adori gran mort", level = 45, mana = 985, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  113.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Antidote Rune", words = "adana pox", level = 15, mana = 200, vocs = {1, 5} },
  114.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Intense Healing Rune", words = "adura gran", level = 15, mana = 240, vocs = {2, 6} },
  115.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Ultimate Healing Rune", words = "adura vita", level = 24, mana = 400, vocs = {2, 6} },
  116.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Convince Creature", words = "adeta sio", level = 16, mana = 200, vocs = {2, 6} },
  117.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Animate Dead", words = "adana mort", level = 27, mana = 600, vocs = {2, 6} },
  118.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Chameleon", words = "adevo ina", level = 27, mana = 600, vocs = {1, 2, 5, 6} },
  119.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Destroy Field", words = "adito grav", level = 17, mana = 120, vocs = {2, 6} },
  120.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Desintegrate", words = "adito tera", level = 21, mana = 200, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7} },
  121.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Magic Wall", words = "adevo grav tera", level = 32, mana = 750, vocs = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7} },
  122.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Wild Growth", words = "adevo grav vita", level = 27, mana = 600, vocs = {1, 5} },
  123.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Paralyze", words = "adana ani", level = 54, mana = 1400, vocs = {2, 6} },
  124.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Icicle", words = "adori frigo", level = 28, mana = 460, vocs = {2, 6} },
  125.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Avalanche", words = "adori mas frigo", level = 30, mana = 530, vocs = {2, 6} },
  126.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Stone Shower", words = "adori mas tera", level = 28, mana = 430, vocs = {2, 6} },
  127.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Thunderstorm", words = "adori mas vis", level = 28, mana = 430, vocs = {2, 6} },
  128.         { type_ = "conjure", name = "Holy Missile", words = "adori san", level = 27, mana = 350, vocs = {1, 5} }
  129.     }
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