
The Trickster and the Harlequin- Happy Birthday Claire

Mar 18th, 2012
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  1. You awake to Celestia’s wonderful sunrise. Last night’s party was enjoyable, and the aftermath was no less than weird. Not a lot is recallable after leaving Applefuck and Fluttersuck at the cottage. You feel something stir in bed, you look down to see Rainbow Dash hugging your chest for dear life.
  3. Shut the fuck up brain.
  4. You notice you are still fully clothed, so that’s a good sign. Not that Dash would try to rape you. She is more interested in saving you from rape. Suddenly you feel a hoof connect with your cheek.
  5. ‘turn off the sun…’ comes a mumbling voice from above you.
  6. You reach up and lift Harley off your head.
  7. >What is it about your hair that she finds so comfortable?
  8. I don’t know brain. Still cute, huh?
  9. >….yes.
  10. You slowly slink out of bed, leaving Harley in Dash’s arms, so neither one has to wake up. As you walk downstairs, you remind yourself to thank everyp0ny in town for everything they did for you and Harley.
  12. You walk into the kitchen to make a breakfast that could make Discord himself turn good for, when you look at the calendar. It was a simple one you made up for yourself; you use it to count the days you have been here, and to remind you of the special days on earth. You examine it, and frown. Today is Claire’s birthday, the second one since you came to P0nyville. You are reminded of how much you miss your family, especially Claire. You want to tell them that you are okay, that you love them very much. You want to tell Claire that P0nyville is real, and show her your daughter, her niece. You can’t help but to shed a few tears while sitting at the dining table.
  13. ‘Daddy…?’ Harley says. You look up to see her standing in the doorway, and you wipe away your tears. ‘What’s wrong daddy?’
  14. ‘Harley, have I ever told you about my family?’
  15. ‘No daddy.’
  16. ‘Come, sit down. I’ll make us some breakfast and I will tell you about them.’
  17. You fix some pancakes from the left over batter for Harley, and make some eggs on toast for yourself. As you are cooking, Rainbow dash makes her way downstairs. As she enters the kitchen, she gives you a shamed look, not looking at your face.
  18. ‘Umm…Lokie…about last night?’ she says
  19. ‘yes?’
  20. ‘I’m sorry I broke into your house. I must have been really drunk… I can explain why I was in your bed, just please don’t be angry?’
  21. ‘Okay…’ you want to mess with your bro for a bit.
  22. ‘I….uh…I really sorta…’ you notice her eyes welling up with tears. Oh god, now you feel bad.
  24. ‘Wait, Dash…’ you say, walking over to her. ‘I’m sorry Rainbow. Last night, we did get drunk, but I refused to let you go home. I said you could sleep in my room next to me…’ she sniffs back some tears ‘I’m the one who should be asking you not to be angry with me. I’m a terrible person.’
  25. She wraps her forhooves around you, hugging you like no tomorrow. ‘I forgive you Lokie. I can never be angry at you.’
  26. ‘Thank you. Care for some breakfast?’
  27. ‘Yes please.’ She gives you her winning smile.
  28. >Wonder what she wanted to tell you.
  29. Be quiet brain.
  30. >I know what it is.
  31. Seriously brain, stop it.
  32. >I really sorta….wanted to break your neck in your sleep but I was too drunk to do it.
  33. ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP BRAIN!!!’ you scream aloud. Rainbow and Harley both look at you like you are crazy.
  34. >Ha Ha, you got in trouble.
  35. You ignore your brain, and continue cooking breakfast. You make an extra plate of eggs and toast for Dash, and set the plates down for everyone.
  37. While Harley and Dash eat breakfast, you run upstairs and grab a photo frame from Harley's new room . You walk back into the kitchen and sit back at the table, Harley and Rainbow both have wicked looking smiles on their faces.
  38. ‘What are you two smiling about?’ you ask
  39. ‘Nothing Daddy.’ Harley says
  40. ‘Nope, nothing Lokie.’ Rainbow says.
  41. ‘Fine. And Harley, Why were you in my bed this morning?’
  42. ‘The same reason Dashie was in your bed.’ Rainbow poked Harley in the forehead at this. ‘Fine, I woke up early and came to wake you up, but when I came in I saw you and Dashie in bed sleeping soundly. I didn’t want to disturb you, so I climbed up and fell asleep again.’
  43. ‘Okay, but why on my head?’
  44. ‘I like being up there. It makes me feel safe.’ That makes you smile a bit. You can make your daughter feel safe. You place the photo frame on the table in front of Harley.
  45. ‘Harley, this is your Aunt Claire.’
  47. She looked over the photo in great detail. It was of you and Claire, your younger sister by three years, in the fields back home.
  48. ‘My mom, your grandma, was taking a photo of me before I left for college, and Claire was sneaking up behind. She was always sneaking up on me; she said wanted to be like Pinkie Pie.’
  49. ‘What do you mean by that dad?’ Harley asked.
  50. ‘Back on Earth, Everyp0ny from P0nyville is famous.’
  51. ‘Even me?’ her eyes lit up.
  52. ‘Yep. You are famous.’ You give her a smile, but sigh again ‘But yeah, she was sneaking up and mom didn’t tell me till at all. Then when Claire was about to jump, Mom said “Now say Sneak Attack”. Claire jumped on my back as the photo was taken.’ You started to look upset again.
  53. ‘What is she like?’ You notice Harley said “is” instead of “was”, which made you feel better.
  54. ‘She was just like Pinkie Pie really. Not the whole ninja thing, but was really happy all the time. When they first brought her home, I didn’t know what she was. But she always smiled at me. When she was a bit older, I used to carry her on my shoulders and she fell asleep a lot. When I got into college, she was so excited for me. I finally made something for the family, but I wanted her to do better. She had a wonderful brain, and a better outlook on life. She can be anything in life, but most of all happy.’
  56. ‘Then why were you crying daddy?’ Rainbow was shocked to hear I was crying, it was against the bro code to cry with a bro.
  57. ‘Ever since I came here, I have been keeping a calendar to remind me how long I have been here as well as to remind me of when my birthday is. But today…’ your eyes started to water again ‘Today is Claire's birthday, her second one since I came to P0nyville. And every year, it just reminds me that I may never get to see Claire again.’ You can’t hold it in anymore, and you lose it. And luckily, you are not alone. Rainbow has started to weep again, and Harley is all out crying. After some good crying, you collect the plates and start to clean up. Harley and Rainbow helped clean the dishes, which was nice of them.
  59. Your day was spent answering questions from Harley and Rainbow about the family back home.
  60. ‘What was your life like before you came here?’ Harley asked.
  61. ‘I was studying to be a teacher.’ You say ‘I wanted to be a good example to Claire, and so I studied hard to be smart. I didn’t think I would find someone special, so I decided that I would help change children’s’ lives through my schooling.’
  62. ‘Why didn’t you think you couldn’t find a special somep0ny?’
  63. ‘Umm… Well? The thing is, the last person I loved, fell in love with someone else while saying she loved me. Some scars are physical, like the burn on my back, but there are some that are emotional. These scars are not seen, and make it hard for you to live. And these scars are always hurting. I don’t know if I can find someone special.’
  64. Harley looked over to Rainbow, to see her looking visibly upset. ‘Don’t be so dramatic Daddy. You never know who will fall out of the sky.’ This made Rainbow Dash smile again.
  65. ‘Well, seeing the p0nies of this world and how they act, I can see why I may have a little hope left. But this is neither the time nor the place to discuss my love life, you have to clean your room.’
  66. ‘Uuurrrggghh….’
  67. ‘Oh grow up’ Rainbow says ‘I can help you guys out if need be.’ Harley started to jump up and down again. ‘Calm down, miss bouncey.’
  69. Rainbow, Harley, and you re-arrange Harley’s new room, placing her new toys in her room. Dash runs off home to grab some paint, and she brings back some Wonderbolts posters to post up in Harley’s room. You paint Harley’s bed white with a mixture of red and black swirls and spirals, while Dash painted the roof like the night sky.
  70. ‘Wow Dash, you really are an artist. Why didn’t you tell me?’ you ask
  71. She starts to blush ‘I guess I can paint a bit. I’m better with weather.’
  72. ‘Don’t sell yourself short. It’s a masterpiece, and I’m glad you were here to paint it for us.’
  73. Her wings suddenly stiffened, and she fell conveniently onto the pile of blankets. She must have a cramp from all the flying she does.
  74. After all the painting, you bathe Harley who had decidedly covered herself in yellow paint and had Dash throw her up to the ceiling. Now there is a Harley-shaped splat on her ceiling.
  75. ‘It’s a con…steli…shun.’ She said.
  76. After the bath, you shower as well. Rainbow jumps in after you, claiming needing a cold shower. When all clean, you take Harley down to the park with a big bouncy ball.
  78. ‘Have you decided what kind of pet you want from Fluttershy?’ you ask
  79. ‘I dunno…Rainbow, do you have a pet?’ Harley replies, running after the ball which was just smaller than her.
  80. ‘Yeah, I have Tank the tortoise.’ Rainbow said with a laugh ‘Pinkie hooked him up with a propeller so he can fly with me.’
  81. ‘Can I have a penguin?’ she asks, rolling with the ball under her.
  82. ‘I don’t think Fluttershy has penguins.’
  83. ‘A piranha?’
  84. ‘Oh god no…’
  85. ‘A monkey.’
  86. ‘I have enough trouble with you as it is.’
  87. ‘Well, I don’t know then…’ she started to get upset.
  88. ‘How about I ask Fluttershy if you can visit and play with her pets?’
  89. She began to bounce up and down on the ball now ‘Yay…Yay…Yay’
  90. ‘Very excitable, isn’t she?’ Rainbow asks.
  91. ‘Yeah, but she crashes very fast.’
  93. By the time Harley has had enough of running around the park, its already time for dinner. You invite Rainbow to stay, which she accepts but says she should get home after dinner to feed Tank and get ready for the weather. You cook up a vegetable lasagne and chow down. After dinner, you say goodbye to Rainbow, and sat down to watch a kid’s movie with Harley. At the end of the first one, she was knocked out, so you decided to place her in bed. You kiss her on the forehead and whisper ‘Goodnight my special little jester.’ And walk out of her room.
  94. You sit down on the couch, and pour yourself a glass of Applejack Daniels. You think of everything that has changed since moving, whether it is a good thing of bad thing. As a single tear rolled down your cheek into your drink, you say ‘Happy Birthday Little Midget. I miss you everyday.’
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