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a guest
Jun 6th, 2013
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  1. 15:29 - Dick: remove the thread.
  2. 15:29 - kat.inu: no
  3. 15:29 - Dick: im gonna report you for ddos.
  4. 15:29 - kat.inu: ddos?
  5. 15:29 - kat.inu: haha
  6. 15:29 - kat.inu: tracert you retard
  7. 15:30 - kat.inu: you are staying banned, permanently
  8. 15:30 - Dick: thanks
  9. 15:30 - Dick: ;)
  10. 15:30 - kat.inu: no problem
  11. 15:30 - kat.inu: we are ip range banning you later
  12. 15:30 - Dick: im proud about it
  13. 15:30 - kat.inu: good, now fuck off kid
  14. 15:30 - Dick: im changing ip
  15. 15:30 - kat.inu: ip range banning
  16. 15:31 - Dick: reported for offensive language.
  17. 15:31 - kat.inu: this means every ip will be detected
  18. 15:31 - Dick: fuck yeah
  19. 15:31 - kat.inu: you can not change the ip out of that range
  20. 15:31 - Dick: well, I change interenet.
  21. 15:32 - kat.inu: who gives a fuck?
  22. 15:32 - kat.inu: we will find you
  23. 15:32 - kat.inu: banning someone takes 2 secs
  24. 15:32 - kat.inu: /ban name 0 "Ban dodging"
  25. 15:32 - Dick: i play wit my neighbor internet
  26. 15:32 - kat.inu: then i will ban your neighbor too
  27. 15:32 - kat.inu: you idiot hahah
  28. 15:32 - kat.inu: you can't dodge it
  29. 15:32 - Dick: sure
  30. 15:32 - Dick: faggot
  31. 15:32 - kat.inu: hahaha
  32. 15:33 - kat.inu: enjoy the scammer tag too
  33. 15:33 - Dick: ;o
  34. 15:33 - Dick: I care.
  35. 15:33 - Dick: i have a good life.
  36. 15:33 - Dick: i don't care
  37. 15:33 - Dick: i reported you for ddosing
  38. 15:33 - kat.inu: where?
  39. 15:33 - kat.inu: can i read it?
  40. 15:33 - kat.inu: i want a good laugh
  41. 15:33 - Dick: im not ready.
  42. 15:33 - kat.inu: where are you going to report me?
  43. 15:34 - Dick: to jesus
  44. 15:34 - kat.inu: i am an atheist
  45. 15:34 - kat.inu: ddosing would work with ping -a by the way
  46. 15:34 - Dick: your mom
  47. 15:34 - kat.inu: not tracert
  48. 15:34 - Dick: it would
  49. 15:34 - Dick: if u know my ip
  50. 15:34 - Dick: etc shit
  51. 15:35 - kat.inu: eh
  52. 15:35 - kat.inu: you give us your ip by connecting to the server
  53. 15:35 - kat.inu: that is how the internet works
  54. 15:35 - kat.inu: everybody can see your ip by going to our banlist
  55. 15:35 - Dick: wow
  56. 15:35 - Dick: im famous
  57. 15:35 - kat.inu: not quite
  58. 15:36 - kat.inu: was anyone meant to buy that brother bullshit story?
  59. 15:36 - Dick: yes
  60. 15:36 - kat.inu: rofl
  61. 15:36 - kat.inu: did that work before?
  62. 15:36 - kat.inu: cause you are banned from tons of servers
  63. 15:37 - Dick: well, only at your server
  64. 15:37 - kat.inu: your tradebanned account shows up in 27 sourcebans databases
  65. 15:37 - Dick: ;o
  66. 15:37 - Dick: show m
  67. 15:37 - Dick: e
  68. 15:37 - kat.inu: no, you will report me for *le hacking and i cry
  69. 15:38 - Dick: ye i will
  70. 15:38 - kat.inu: to who if i may ask?
  71. 15:38 - Dick: why you are asking personal information
  72. 15:38 - Dick: i can report for that
  73. 15:39 - kat.inu: now you are making the joke too obvious
  74. 15:39 - kat.inu: it was not bad at first but now you blew it
  75. 15:39 - kat.inu: what's next? report for breathing?
  76. 15:39 - Dick: reported for breathing.
  77. 15:39 - kat.inu: why do you even want to come back?
  78. 15:39 - Dick: can I ?
  79. 15:40 - kat.inu: no
  80. 15:40 - kat.inu: but why change your ip just to be on the server?
  81. 15:40 - kat.inu: nobody liked you
  82. 15:40 - Dick: I don't need more pixel friends it's good to annoying peoples.
  83. 15:41 - kat.inu: but you are not annoying anyone
  84. 15:41 - kat.inu: you are just there and nobody cares
  85. 15:41 - kat.inu: you are not even annoying me
  86. 15:41 - Dick: because I do not take this seriously
  87. 15:42 - Dick: add 20 keys
  88. 15:42 - Dick: oops
  89. 15:43 - kat.inu: just do yourself a favor and let it be
  90. 15:43 - kat.inu: go on that other server running trade shoppa
  91. 15:44 - Dick: can I submit a support ticket
  92. 15:44 - kat.inu: to
  93. 15:45 - Dick: yes
  94. 15:45 - kat.inu: guess who it gets sent to :-)
  95. 15:45 - Dick: ok
  96. 15:45 - kat.inu: and no you can't
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