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May 25th, 2015
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  1. Half of 2010 year:
  3. Eh, the question to developers – how do you imagine AC development now?
  5. Stef implemented many new features, fixed “countless bugs”. He started intensively to send commits since 08.2008, and since beginning of 2009 year he was practically the only active programmer (and the most worked developer in general). Drian, flowtron, eihrul were almost inactive in AC development in this period. Gradually, with each successive new feature, he was more self-confident in dev team and I think, that community perceived him more as rightful member of dev team. Especially, that he didn't have help then, improved code alone. I stopped also gradually to write on #assaultcube about bugs in code to the other devs, because I realised, that he will fix them quickly, and writing to others is rather pointlessly. I my opinion he had full right to be very important member of AC devs team because of his the whole work.
  7. Stef have vision of AC improvement, ideas, he could implement them and he had time and willingness for that. In dev team he knew the best playability of this game, because he played regularly – on public servers and in clans matches. Many his commits solved problems, which he met in AC or which members of community signaled him. I don't remember any thing made by him, which would be destructive, some were neutral for me, the most beneficial.
  9. So the question is - how do you imagine AC development now, won't it be stunted? Who will replace stef? Will current programmers be definitely more active or will new programmers join to dev team? Did you think about that, when you resigned stef? I know, nobody is irreplaceable, but sometimes replacement of someone is very difficultly.
  10. You risked development of AC, which should have the biggest priority, because of such weird competence dispute (at least, to a large degree thanks to stef, it is very complete and bug-free now). I read about this conflict, and I don't understand, how it could take effect the split, that is normal thing, the people in team have different opinions.
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