
Jan 28th, 2015
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  1. _SECTION_BEGIN("SymbolsToolgfx");
  2. /* (Ver 7) By Panos Boufardeas 26/01/2015
  4. * This tool is used to easily draw symbols on a chart without having to use the default
  5. * AmiBroker Text tool. It can be useful for manually tracking elliott wave patterns, or otherwise.
  6. * this Afl runs for Amibroker Version 5.80 and above as we use the function PlotTextSetFont
  8. * How to use:
  9. * mouse Double-click to pick a color then choose a Symbol from a cell, then click once on the chart in desired location to draw.
  10. * In the lower right orner we have "R" and "D", these are symbol management tools.
  11. * Letter "R" This will release the current selected symbol so that it no longer plots when clicking on the chart.
  12. * Letter "D" Delete a single symbol on the chart by clicking it. Middle Mouse Button will also delete symbols.
  13. * Letter "L" The LazyBoy mode! This will automatically place characters in sequential order with each click.
  14. * Letter "+ -" will increase or decrease the symbol's size, You can also adjust this in parameters.
  15. * Default Front color is "colorAqua"
  16. * To edit or Add your favorite Symbols goto PART 4, PART 5, and PART 6
  18. * persistent static variables are:
  19. StaticVarSet( Yname + Position, y, 1 );
  20. StaticVarSet("st~Bar", Bar,1 );
  21. StaticVarSet("st~BarColor",BarColor,1);
  22. StaticVarSet("stf~Bar", fBar,1)
  23. */
  25. filename="<b>SymbolsTool Ver 7- \n 2x_FontSize, 2x_Delete, 1x_ColorId, LazyBoy </b>";
  26. Plot( C, "", colorWhite, styleBar, 0, 0, 0 );
  27. VarRemove = ParamTrigger("Static Var Remove", "Click here to Remove All");
  28. VarRemoveLazyBoy = ParamTrigger("Static Var Remove LazyBoy", "Click here to Remove LazyBoy");
  29. Fontsize = Param( " Font Size" ,14,1,600,1);
  30. DefaultSymbolSize =14; // <<<<<<<<<< Here edit the Default FontSize
  32. SetBarsRequired( -2, -2 );
  33. // Yname = "Y" + Name() + Interval() + GetChartID();
  34. Yname = "Y" + Name() + Interval();
  35. YLazyBoy = "YY" + Name() + Interval();
  37. CellHeight = 20;
  38. CellWidth = 20;
  39. GfxSelectPen( colorLightBlue );
  40. GfxGradientRect( 21,41,220, 220 , colorAqua, colorAqua ); // the Chassis Box
  42. /////// Static Var ////////////////////////////////////////
  43. Button_OnOFF = Nz(StaticVarGet("st~Button_OnOFF"),0);
  44. GetButtonRowPY = Nz(StaticVarGet("st~GetButtonRowPY"),0);
  45. GetButtonColPX = Nz(StaticVarGet("st~GetButtonColPx"),0);
  46. cellNumber = Nz(StaticVarGet("st~CellNumber"),0);
  47. colorID = Nz(StaticVarGet("st~ColorID"),36); // Default Front color is 36= "colorAqua"
  48. Bar = Nz( StaticVarGet( "st~Bar" ),0) ;
  49. BarColor = Nz( StaticVarGet( "st~BarColor" ),0) ;
  50. sCounter = Nz( StaticVarGet( "stf~Counter" ),0 ); printf( "\nLazyBoy-Counter : " + sCounter +"\n");
  51. fBar = Nz( StaticVarGet( "stf~Bar" ),0 );
  53. stepSize = 0.50; // GFX Symbol Size adjustment with +/- button
  54. SymbolSize = Nz( StaticVarGet( "st~SymbolSize"),DefaultSymbolSize ); printf( "\n Symbol Size =\t" + SymbolSize +"\n");
  56. for ( i = 2; i < 12; i++ ) // Horizontal Lines
  57. { // _TRACE("# cell = " + i);
  58. for ( Col = 0; Col < 12; Col++ ) // Vertical
  59. { // Horizontal
  60. GfxMoveTo( 20, i * CellHeight );
  61. GfxLineTo( 11 * CellWidth, i * CellHeight );
  62. // Vertical
  63. GfxMoveTo( Col * CellWidth, 41 );
  64. GfxLineTo( Col * CellWidth, 9 * CellHeight + 41 );
  65. }
  66. }
  68. function PrintInCell( string, row, Col )
  69. {
  70. GfxSetBkMode(1); // set transparent mode
  71. GfxSetTextColor( colorBlack );
  72. GfxDrawText( string, Col * CellWidth, row * CellHeight, (Col + 1 ) * CellWidth, (row + 1 ) * CellHeight, 1 );
  73. }
  75. function PrintInCellColor( string, row, Col, color )
  76. {
  77. GfxSetBkMode(1);
  78. GfxSetTextColor( color );
  79. GfxDrawText( string, Col * CellWidth, row * CellHeight, (Col + 1 ) * CellWidth, (row + 1 ) * CellHeight, 1 );
  80. }
  82. function DrawCircle(x,y,radius,BackColor)
  83. {
  84. GfxSelectSolidBrush( BackColor );
  85. GfxSelectPen( colorBlack );
  86. GfxCircle( x, y, radius );
  87. }
  89. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  92. function GetCellPosition( px, py )
  93. {
  94. // get Button Cell Position
  95. Col = floor( px / CellWidth );
  96. Row = floor( py / CellHeight );
  98. if ( Col >= 1 AND col <= 10 AND Row >= 2 AND row <= 10 ) // Button_OnOFF Only inside My cell area
  99. {
  100. StaticVarSet( "st~Button_OnOFF", 1 );
  101. StaticVarSet( "st~GetButtonRowPY", Row );
  102. StaticVarSet( "st~GetButtonColPx", Col );
  103. }
  104. ///////////// R = Reset Button_OnOFF ///////////////
  105. if (col == 10 AND Row == 10)
  106. { StaticVarSet( "st~Button_OnOFF",0 );
  107. StaticVarSet("st~ColorID",0);
  108. }
  109. ///////////// D = DeleteOnOFF ///////////////
  110. if ( NOT (col == 9 AND Row == 10) ) // DeleteOnOff
  111. {
  112. DeleteOnOff = StaticVarSet( "DeleteOnOff", 0 );
  113. }
  114. else if ( col == 9 AND Row == 10 )
  115. {
  116. DeleteOnOff = StaticVarSet( "DeleteOnOff", 1 );
  117. }
  118. }
  120. // Part 3://///////////////////////////////////////////////
  122. b = GetCursorMouseButtons();
  123. // retrieve co-ordinates in date/value units
  124. x = GetCursorXPosition(0);
  125. y = GetCursorYPosition(0);
  126. // retrieve co-ordinates in pixel units
  127. px = GetCursorXPosition(1);
  128. py = GetCursorYPosition(1);
  129. //////// return = 1, if mouse cursor is NOT in right blank bars and right scale
  130. dt = DateTime();
  131. Position = SelectedValue( BarIndex());
  132. NotRightScale= PX <=Status("pxchartright")-20 ;
  133. NotInRightBlankBars = IIf( x <= LastValue( DT ), 1, 0 );
  134. CursorOnBars= IIf(NotRightScale and NotInRightBlankBars ,1,0); // printf( "\n CursorOnBars "+CursorOnBars );
  136. //--------------------------------------------------
  137. Col = floor( px / CellWidth ); // printf("\n Col = floor( px / Cell " +col );
  138. Row = floor( py / CellHeight ); //printf("\n Row = floor( pY / Cell " +Row ) ;
  139. // iN_My_cell= ( Col >= 1 AND col <= 11 AND Row >= 2 AND row <= 10 ); // Only inside My cells
  140. iN_My_cell= ( GetButtonColPx >= 1 AND GetButtonColPx <= 11 AND GetButtonRowPY >= 2 AND GetButtonRowPY <= 10 );
  141. NOT_iN_My_cell_Area= ( Col > 11 );
  142. // NOT_iN_My_cell_Area= ( GetButtonColPx > 11 );
  145. if (Button_OnOFF )
  146. {
  147. GfxGradientRect( GetButtonColPX * CellWidth, GetButtonRowPY * CellHeight, ( GetButtonColPX + 1 ) * CellWidth, ( GetButtonRowPY + 1 ) * CellHeight, colorBrightGreen, colorGreen );
  148. }
  151. if( b & 8 ) // flag = 8 is set when window just received mouse click
  152. {
  153. if (b & 1 )
  154. {
  155. GetCellPosition( px, py ); /*Panos, retreves CellPosition Corectly*/
  157. if (Button_OnOFF)
  158. { CellNum=0; // Defines every row Number to start with ace
  159. if (GetButtonRowPY==2) {CellNum= 2- GetButtonRowPY + GetButtonColPX; } // =01
  160. if (GetButtonRowPY==3) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 7 + GetButtonColPX; } // =11
  161. if (GetButtonRowPY==4) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 16 + GetButtonColPX; } // =21
  162. if (GetButtonRowPY==5) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 25 + GetButtonColPX; } // =31
  163. if (GetButtonRowPY==6) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 34 + GetButtonColPX; } // =41
  164. if (GetButtonRowPY==7) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 43 + GetButtonColPX; } // =51
  165. if (GetButtonRowPY==8) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 52 + GetButtonColPX; } // =61
  166. if (GetButtonRowPY==9) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 61 + GetButtonColPX; } // =71
  167. if (GetButtonRowPY==10) {CellNum= GetButtonRowPY + 70 + GetButtonColPX; } // =81
  168. StaticVarSet( "st~CellNumber",CellNum);
  169. }
  171. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  172. // Pick a ColorID to Use from Row 9
  173. if (iN_My_cell)
  174. {
  175. if (cellNumber==71) {colorID =32;} //"colorRed";
  176. else if (cellNumber==72) {colorID =25;} //"colorOrange";
  177. else if (cellNumber==73) {colorID =42;} //"colorYellow";
  178. else if (cellNumber==74) {colorID =43;} //"colorBrightGreen";
  179. else if (cellNumber==75) {colorID =27;} //"colorGreen";
  180. else if (cellNumber==76) {colorID =29;} //"colorBlue"; colorLightBlue 37
  181. else if (cellNumber==77) {colorID =30;} //"colorBlueGrey";
  182. else if (cellNumber==78) {colorID =38;} //"colorViolet";
  183. StaticVarSet("st~ColorID",colorID);
  184. }
  186. // StaticVarSetText( "st~Symbol_"+i, Fonts ); θυμισου οτι το κομματι "Symbol runones" ανηκει εδω
  188. if ( Button_OnOFF AND NOT_iN_My_cell_Area AND CursorOnBars )
  189. {
  190. Position = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );
  191. // store Data Cursor Y Position,colorID,CellNumber + persistent for AmiBroker(5.90)
  192. if ( Bar[Position] == 0 AND NOT cellNumber == 88)
  193. StaticVarSet( Yname + Position, y, 1 );
  194. if ( Bar[Position] == 0 )
  195. {
  196. Bar[Position] = CellNum; //μεταφραση ειναι // bar[barIndex] = text
  197. StaticVarSet( "st~Bar", Bar, 1 );
  198. BarColor[Position] = colorID;
  199. StaticVarSet( "st~BarColor", BarColor, 1 );
  200. }
  201. }
  203. if ( cellNumber == 89 AND Button_OnOFF ) // "D" = DELETE ONE SYMBOL
  204. {
  205. if ( NOT_iN_My_cell_Area AND CursorOnBars )
  206. {
  207. Position = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );
  208. if ( Bar[Position] > 0 )
  209. {
  210. Say( "Symbol deleted" );
  211. StaticVarSet( Yname + Position, null, 1 );
  212. Bar[Position] = null; //μεταφραση ειναι // bar[barIndex] = text
  213. StaticVarSet( "st~Bar", Bar ); // _TRACE("#, Bar[Position] = " + Bar[Position]);
  214. BarColor[Position] = null;
  215. StaticVarSet( "st~BarColor", BarColor, 1 );
  216. }
  217. }
  218. }
  219. //--------Lazy Boy------------// Quick plotext Offering to Rensley--------------
  220. if ( cellNumber == 88 AND Button_OnOFF )
  221. {
  222. if ( NOT_iN_My_cell_Area AND CursorOnBars )
  223. {
  224. if ( sCounter < 10 )
  225. sCounter++;
  226. Position = SelectedValue(BarIndex());
  227. fBar[Position] = sCounter;
  228. StaticVarSet("stf~Counter", sCounter);
  229. StaticVarSet("stf~Bar", fBar,1);
  230. StaticVarSet( YLazyBoy+Position,Y,1 );
  231. if ( sCounter > 9 )
  232. StaticVarSet("stf~Counter",0);
  233. }
  234. }
  235. } //end if ( b & 1 )
  236. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  237. // GFX Symbol Size adjustment with +/- button
  238. if ( Col<11 )
  239. {
  240. if ( cellNumber == 79 ) StaticVarSet( "st~SymbolSize", SymbolSize + stepSize );
  241. if ( cellNumber == 80 ) StaticVarSet( "st~SymbolSize", SymbolSize - stepSize );
  242. }
  243. } // end if ( b & 8 )
  245. for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) //Quick plotext for Lazy Boy
  246. {
  247. if ( fBar[i] != 0 )
  248. { // shapePos[i] = StaticVarGet( Yname + i );
  249. shapePos[i] = StaticVarGet( YLazyBoy + i );
  250. PlotText("\n"+StaticVarGetText( "st~Elliot_" + fbar[i] ),i, shapePos[i], colorBlack,barcolor[i] );
  251. }
  252. }
  253. for ( i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
  254. {
  255. Text2 = StrExtract( "X,1,2,3,4,5,A,B,C", i - 1 );
  256. StaticVarSetText( "st~Elliot_" + i, Text2 );
  257. // _TRACE("#, st~Elliot_"+i +" = "+ Text2 );
  258. }
  259. //------end ----Lazy Boy----------------------------------
  262. // -2)-------- Display PlotText ( edit or Add your favorite Symbols here )
  263. FirstVisibleBar = Status( "FirstVisibleBar");
  264. Lastvisiblebar = Status("LastVisibleBar");
  265. bkcolor = colorDefault;
  266. shapePos = Null;
  267. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  268. // PART 4: StaticVarSetText( "st~Symbol_"+i, Fonts );
  270. //for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
  271. for ( i = FirstVisibleBar; i < Lastvisiblebar AND i < BarCount; i++ )
  272. {
  273. if ( b & 4 ) //------DELETE RED DOTS by pressing Middle mouse button
  274. {
  275. if ( x == dt[i])
  276. StaticVarSet( Yname + Position, null,1 );
  277. StaticVarSet( YLazyBoy+Position,null,1 );
  278. }
  280. shapePos[i] = StaticVarGet( Yname + i );
  281. if ( 0< bar[i] AND bar[i] <11 ) // 1st Row
  282. PlotTextSetFont(StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_" + bar[i] ),"Wingdings 2",SymbolSize,i,shapePos[i],barcolor[i],bkcolor );
  283. // _TRACE("#,bar[i]= " + bar[i] + ", shapePos[i] = "+ shapePos[i]+", y = "+y +" I = "+ i );
  285. if ( 10< bar[i] AND bar[i] <31 ) //Row 2,3
  286. PlotTextSetFont(StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_" + bar[i] ),"Arial",SymbolSize,i,shapePos[i],barcolor[i]);
  288. if ( 37< bar[i] AND bar[i] <41 ) //Row 4
  289. PlotTextSetFont(StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_" + bar[i] ),"Arial",SymbolSize,i,shapePos[i],barcolor[i]);
  291. if ( 30< bar[i] AND bar[i] <38 ) //Row 4
  292. PlotTextSetFont(StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_" + bar[i] ),"Wingdings 2",Fontsize,i,shapePos[i],barcolor[i]);
  294. if ( 40< bar[i] AND bar[i] <49 ) //Row 5
  295. PlotTextSetFont(StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_" + bar[i] ),"Wingdings",Fontsize,i,shapePos[i],barcolor[i]);
  297. if ( 50< bar[i] AND bar[i] <53 ) //Row 6
  298. if (bar[i] ==51 ) // Down Triangle
  299. PlotTextSetFont(StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_" + bar[i] ),"Wingdings 3",Fontsize,i,shapePos[i],colorRed);
  300. if (bar[i] ==52 ) // Up Triangle
  301. PlotTextSetFont(StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_" + bar[i] ),"Wingdings 3",Fontsize,i,shapePos[i],colorGreen);
  302. }
  304. PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle, colorRed, 0, shapePos,0,0);
  307. // -1)---- SET a Number ID for every single Fonts and run Once -----( edit or Add your favorite Symbols here)
  308. Symbolvar=StaticVarGetText( "st~Symbol_RunOnce");
  309. if ( Symbolvar == "" )
  310. {
  311. for ( i = 1; i < 53; i++ )
  312. { // Array -- run from 1st to 7th row and SET a Number for every one Font
  313. Fonts = StrExtract( "j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,i,A,B,C,W,X,Y,x,a,b,c,(i),(ii),(iii),(iv),(v),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),D,E,<,=,N,R,T,?,!,+,J,L,O,M,N,U,R,T,,,q,p", i - 1 );
  315. StaticVarSetText( "st~Symbol_"+i, Fonts );
  316. // _TRACE("#, st~Symbol_"+i +" = "+ Fonts );
  317. }
  318. //_TRACE("#, StaticVarSetText Symbol are NOT Set: "+i );
  319. StaticVarSetText( "st~Symbol_RunOnce", "RunOnce" );
  320. }
  321. else
  322. {
  323. // _TRACE("#, StaticVarSetText Symbols are all Set - Once:" );
  324. }
  327. for ( i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
  328. {
  329. // Array -- run from 1st to 7th row and SET a Number for every one Font
  330. Fonts2 = StrExtract( "X,1,2,3,4,5,A,B,C", i - 1 );
  331. StaticVarSetText( "st~Elliot_" + i, Fonts2 );
  332. // _TRACE("#, st~Elliot_"+i +" = "+ Fonts2 );
  333. }
  335. /////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----
  337. /////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----/////-----
  339. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  340. // PART 5: Just ONLY Draw Round Button Color, in the cells -----( edit or Add your favorite Colors here)
  341. // part5 and part6 it is just to draw in the cells (there is not any calculation here)
  342. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  344. // Row 8 = Draw Round Button Color
  345. DrawCircle(0.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorID); // Picked Color
  346. DrawCircle(1.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorRed);
  347. DrawCircle(2.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colororange);
  348. DrawCircle(3.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorYellow);
  349. DrawCircle(4.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorBrightGreen);
  350. DrawCircle(5.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorGreen);
  351. DrawCircle(6.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorBlue);
  352. DrawCircle(7.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorBlueGrey);
  353. DrawCircle(8.5 * CellWidth,9.5*CellHeight ,8,colorViolet);
  356. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  357. // PART 6: Just ONLY print FONTS / SYMBOLS in the cells ( edit or Add your favorite Symbols here)
  358. GfxSelectFont("Wingdings 2", CellHeight*0.75, 400 );
  359. for ( i = 1; i < 11; i++ )
  360. {
  361. Row1 = StrExtract( "j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,i", i - 1 ); // 1st Row
  362. PrintInCell( Row1, 2, i );
  363. Row4 = StrExtract( "D,E,<,=,N,R,T", i - 1 ); // 4th Row
  364. if( i < 8 ) PrintInCell( Row4, 5, i );
  365. // _TRACE("#, Row4 i = " + i);
  366. }
  368. GfxSelectFont("Arial" , CellHeight*0.60, 400 );
  369. for ( i = 1; i < 11; i++ )
  370. {
  371. ROW2 = StrExtract( "A,B,C,W,X,Y,x,a,b,c", i - 1 ); // 2nd Row
  372. PrintInCell( ROW2, 3, i );
  373. ROW3 = StrExtract( "(i),(ii),(iii),(iv),(v),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e)", i - 1 ); // 3rd Row
  374. PrintInCell( ROW3, 4, i );
  375. }
  377. PrintInCell( "?", 5, 8 ); // 4th Row
  378. PrintInCell( "!", 5, 9 );
  379. PrintInCell( "+", 5, 10 ); // JUST an example
  382. PrintInCellcolor( "+", 9, 9,colorBlue ); // SymbolSize Increase
  383. PrintInCellcolor( "-", 9, 10,colorBlue ); // SymbolSize Decrease
  384. PrintInCellcolor( "L", 10, 8,colorBlue ); // LazyBoy
  385. PrintInCellcolor( "D", 10, 9,colorBlue ); // DeleteOnOff
  386. PrintInCellcolor( "R", 10, 10,colorBlue ); // Release selected symbol
  387. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  388. GfxSelectFont("Wingdings", CellHeight*0.75, 400 );
  389. for ( i = 1; i < 11; i++ )
  390. {
  391. Row5 = StrExtract( "J,L,O,M,N,U,R,T", i - 1 ); // 5th Row
  392. PrintInCell( Row5, 6, i );
  393. }
  395. GfxSelectFont("Wingdings 3" , CellHeight*0.8, 400 );
  396. PrintInCellColor( "q", 7, 1, colorRed );
  397. PrintInCellcolor( "p", 7, 2, colorGreen );
  399. // Remove All Static variable
  400. if ( VarRemove )
  401. {
  402. StaticVarRemove( "st~*" );
  403. StaticVarRemove( "stf~*" );
  404. for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) { StaticVarRemove( Yname + i ); }
  405. }
  406. if (VarRemoveLazyBoy) StaticVarRemove( "stf~*" );
  408. RequestTimedRefresh( 0.1, True );
  409. // PART 7 Interpretation
  410. printf( "\n DeleteOnOff =\t" + StaticVarGet( "DeleteOnOff") );
  411. printf("\n<b> GetButtonCol-PX= "+StaticVarGet("st~GetButtonColPx")+ "\n GetButtonRow-PY = "+ StaticVarGet("st~GetButtonRowPY") );
  412. printf( "\n Button_OnOFF \t\t"+ StaticVarGet("st~Button_OnOFF"));
  413. printf( "\n CellNumber =\t" + cellNumber );
  414. printf( "\n <b> colorID =\t" + colorID+ "</b> ");
  415. TitlecolorID= writeif( colorID==32,"colorRed",Writeif( colorID==25,"ColorOrange", writeif( colorID==42,"ColorYellow", writeif( colorID==43,"ColorBrightGreen",
  416. writeif( colorID==27,"ColorGreen", writeif( colorID==29,"ColorBlue", writeif( colorID==30,"ColorBlueGrey", writeif( colorID==38,"ColorViolet",writeif( colorID==36,"colorAqua","No color Selected")))))))));
  418. _SECTION_END();
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