
The Conqueror's Garb

May 10th, 2015
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  1. Prompt:
  2. >having natural chitin, changelings' combat "armor" usually consists of unprotective but visually dazzling garments
  4. "Isn't this all a bit too much?"
  5. >It was morning still, and on the eve of a great battle
  6. >"Nonsense, Anon. My lineage has worn the Conqueror's Garb for generations. It's most important relic in the Royal Armoury. Our entire history has been documented in it."
  7. "How does that even work?"
  8. >She looked sternly at him, and he knew well that had she been someone else, she would have been frowning
  9. >"I take offence at your ignorance. But I'll explain the basics of it. The Conqueror's Garb is the royal armour. Each time a great event happens to our hive, be it a major battle or a conquest, a new part is added to the Garb. Usually taken from our vanquished enemies. It is a Queen's greatest honour to be able to add her own pieces to the Conqueror's Garb. And so it has been ever since Grand Queen Umbra slaughtered the armies of the Empress of Mareli, and claimed the Imperial Amulet for her own hive."
  10. >Chrysalis had lit up during her monologue, her voice now raised and almost theatrical
  11. >As of she was reciting poetry with fierce passion
  12. "But you could probably drop at least one feather boa."
  13. >If the look she gave him next was any indication of her ferociousness in combat, he was glad that he was on her side in the upcoming battle
  14. >She could have commanded statues to walk, the earth to shake, and a pegasus to seek higher education
  15. >"What!?"
  16. >She levitated a boa in front of him
  17. >"This is made from genuine pegasus feathers. I earned this after the Sack of the Twin Skycities of Winterdeep. I cannot throw away my own victories! What will the troops think?"
  18. "But do you need to wear both of them?"
  19. >"They were twin cities."
  20. "Couldn't you have made something less... tacky? Like a wallet?"
  21. >"There's already five wallets glued onto the Conqueror's Garb. I'm the Queen, I don't even carry money."
  22. >Outside the Royal Tent, shouts could be heard as the changeling soldiers were forming ranks and formations
  23. "Why does it have a codpiece?"
  24. >"My grandmother had a strange sense of humour. At least it's in dragon leather."
  25. "And I take it you can't remove that thing either?"
  26. >"That would be a severe offence towards my people and my ancestors. That codpiece tells a story, and has been put in place by a representative of the Faith. It's sacred."
  27. "Can you even fly with this thing?"
  28. >"No. That's why my mother added ropes made from the intestines of Golden Law, the Minotaur King, and his family."
  29. "Ropes?"
  30. >"To tie my legs to teams of dedicated fliers."
  31. "... I give up. This is all too much. I'll be in my tent, I have to get ready for battle."
  32. >"That's a good little soldier."
  33. "Just... before I leave. Why are we actually fighting the Zebras? They've never been particularly hostile towards us."
  34. >"I never told you? I just feel like I need some slimming stripes to tie this whole look together."
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