
Faunus and Firearms

Jan 20th, 2016
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  1. Faunus and Firearms #1
  3. [Panel 1: We open with a shadowy room. People are sitting at a table, their faces obscured by the dark. An overhead lamp is the only source of illumination. The table is cluttered with papers and all sorts of maps. A few figurines of random Rwby Characters can be seen amongst the mess.]
  4. [Suddenly, one of the shadowy people speaks up.]
  5. The DM:
  6. Well, it appears we are ready to begin. Did everyone buy equipment ?
  7. Merc's Player:
  8. Did you really have to make me buy my own legs ? It's one of my race's key defining features.
  9. Cinder's Player:
  10. At least he didn't make you buy your clothes.
  11. Emerald's Player:
  12. Earl, you spent an hour buying multiple designer outfits, I'm surprised you had enough to buy a bow and arrow.
  13. Cinder's Player:
  14. What's wrong with a bow ?
  15. Merc's Player
  16. We are in a setting in which the average 15 year old can purchase and own machinegun machetes ducktaped to chainsaws. You really think that's gonna cut it ?
  17. Cinder's Player:
  18. Hey now, the bow also turns into a pair of swords.
  19. [Panel 2: We zoom in on a figure of Ruby Rose, her weapon taking center focus]
  20. Emerald's Player:
  21. Everything turns into something in this setting. "High Powered Sniper Scythe" ? This is getting ridiculous, do you have weapon fetish or something ? Not that I'm complaining or anything...
  22. The Dm:
  23. Quiet you ! Ready or not, we're starting now !
  24. [Panel 3: A view of Remnant from space, allowing you to see all the kingdoms and continents]
  25. The DM:
  26. In the far off realm of Remnant, a great Evil brews. Monsters known as Grimm ravage the countryside, massacring villages and even whole towns. Even worse, a Mysterious Cabal secretly rules all 4 kingdoms under its hidden tyrannical fist.
  27. [Panel 4: Zoom in on Remnant, just barely passed the atmosphere]
  28. The DM:
  29. But all hope is not lost, A resistance group, called the White Fang, is the last remaining hope for peace and democracy. Can they liberate the people from oppression ? Or will they fall into the darkness of Grimm ?
  30. [Panel 5: Cinder, Emerald and Merc are standing in the middle of the road. You can see Amber approaching them from the distance]
  31. The DM:
  32. You are standing in the middle of a country road. You've been traveling for sometime now. A young maiden is currently riding towards you. She seems distraught about something.
  33. Cinder:
  34. I prepare to ambush.
  35. The DM:
  36. I'm sorry, what ?
  37. Cinder:
  38. It's obvious we're a trio of bandits, who else sits in the middle of the road in fuckall nowhere watching young girls passing by ?
  39. [Panel 6: A shot of all 3 "Bandits" in various states of contemplation]
  40. Merc:
  41. He does have a point....
  42. Emerald:
  43. Ooh, an evil campaign, I've never played one of those.
  44. Cinder:
  45. I call dibs on the horse !
  46. The DM:
  47. *Sigh* Very well, roll for initiative.
  48. [Panel 7: Amber getting off her horse and approaching Illusion!Emerald]
  49. Cinder:
  50. Unnatural 15.
  51. Merc:
  52. 18 !
  53. Emerald:
  54. Unnatural 21 !
  55. The DM:
  56. Looks like you're up first "Emerald".
  57. Emerald:
  58. I cast an illusion. Then I rush down our " Good Samaritan "
  59. [Panel 8: Amber Backdashing Away]
  60. Emerald:
  61. 16.
  62. The DM:
  63. No luck, she notices your movements in the sand.
  64. Emerald:
  65. That's bullshit, but I believe it.
  66. [Panel 9: Emerald firing her twin pistols]
  67. Emerald:
  68. Did I at least hit her ?
  69. The DM:
  70. Did you beat her AC of 19 ?
  71. Emerald:
  72. I'm starting to think we made a grave mistake...
  73. [Panel 10: A large textbox reading: SEVERAL FUTILE COMBAT ROUNDS LATER...]
  74. [Panel 11: Emerald and Mercury looking up Amber]
  75. Merc:
  76. This is ridiculous, it's the first encounter and half the party is nearly dead. A bit early for a total party kill, ain't it ?
  77. The DM:
  78. To be fair, I didn't count on you attacking a harmless girl.
  79. Emerald:
  80. "Harmless" my ass. We've barely made a dent in her.
  81. [Panel 12: a large textbox reading: SEVERAL MORE COMBAT ROUNDS LATER]
  82. [Panels 13&14: Emerald about to be coup de grace'd by Amber only for her to take an arrow to the back]
  83. [Panel 15: Cinder preparing the Bug Glove]
  84. Cinder:
  85. So you know how in this setting you said that the magic-
  86. The DM:
  87. Semblance
  88. Cinder:
  89. -Semblance is powered by the user's life ener-
  90. The DM:
  91. Aura
  92. Cinder:
  93. -Aura ?
  94. The DM:
  95. Yes Earl, if you cast life drain you'll absorb her power.
  96. [Panel 16: Cinder draining Amber]
  97. Cinder:
  98. Yes....YES ! UNLIMITED POWE-
  99. The DM:
  100. Suddenly, a drunken warrior servers the connection.
  101. [Panel 17: Qrow grabbing Amber and booking it]
  102. Qrow:
  103. I'll be taking that Maiden of Power now, thank you.
  104. Cinder:
  105. Wait, no ! That's mine ! GIVE IT BACK ! JESS, DAVID, STOP HIM !
  106. Emerald:
  107. I don't know about you, but "Mercury" and "Emerald" are looting the horse.
  108. Cinder:
  109. You guys are the worst.
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