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  1. Feature: IN ORDER TO modify Form Body
  2. AS A System Administrator
  3. I WANT to be able to update form with sections, grids, cells, etc.
  6. @updateFormBody1
  7. # FORM - 689
  8. Scenario: Happy Path: 1 Section x 1 Grid
  9. Given I am authenticated
  10. And form "Behat HP" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  11. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  12. And I send a json:
  13. """
  14. {
  15. "Sections": [
  16. {
  17. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  18. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  19. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  20. "XPosition": 0,
  21. "YPosition": 1,
  22. "Grids": [
  23. {"Rows": 1,
  24. "Columns": 1,
  25. "Cells": [
  26. {"RowSpan": 1,
  27. "AttributeId": 20,
  28. "XPosition": 1,
  29. "YPosition": 1,
  30. "IsReadOnly": true,
  31. "IsRequired": true,
  32. "IsVisible": true,
  33. "IsEnabled": true
  34. }
  35. ],
  36. "XPosition": 0,
  37. "YPosition": 1,
  38. "IsReadOnly": true,
  39. "IsRequired": true,
  40. "IsVisible": true,
  41. "IsEnabled": true
  42. }
  43. ],
  44. "XPosition": 0,
  45. "YPosition": 1,
  46. "IsReadOnly": true,
  47. "IsRequired": true,
  48. "IsVisible": true,
  49. "IsEnabled": true
  50. }
  51. ]
  52. }
  53. """
  54. # Update FormBody
  55. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  56. And I should see a status response code "200"
  57. And I send a "GET" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  58. And I should see a status response code "200"
  59. # Section Properties:
  60. And the "Title" property inside of section equals "Create Section Title"
  61. And the "HelpDescription" property inside of section equals "Create Section Description"
  62. And the "XPosition" property inside of section equals "0"
  63. And the "YPosition" property inside of section equals "1"
  64. And the "IsReadOnly" property inside of section equals "true"
  65. And the "IsRequired" property inside of section equals "true"
  66. And the "IsVisible" property inside of section equals "true"
  67. And the "IsEnabled" property inside of section equals "true"
  68. #Grid Properties:
  69. Then the "Rows" form property inside of "Grids" equals "1"
  70. Then the "Columns" form property inside of "Grids" equals "1"
  71. Then the "XPosition" form property inside of "Grids" equals "0"
  72. Then the "YPosition" form property inside of "Grids" equals "1"
  73. Then the "IsReadOnly" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  74. Then the "IsRequired" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  75. Then the "IsVisible" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  76. Then the "IsEnabled" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  77. #Cell Properties:
  78. Then the "AttributeId" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "20"
  79. Then the "AttributeTitle" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "Address"
  80. Then the "AttributeHintText" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "Please enter full address of the client"
  81. Then the "AttributeFieldTypeId" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "14"
  82. Then the "AttributeDefaultValue" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  83. Then the "RowSpan" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  84. Then the "XPosition" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  85. Then the "YPosition" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  86. Then the "IsReadOnly" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  87. Then the "IsRequired" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  88. Then the "IsVisible" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  89. Then the "IsEnabled" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  95. @updateFormBody2
  96. # FORM - 689
  97. Scenario: Happy Path: 2 Section x 2 Grids
  98. Given I am authenticated
  99. And form "Behat HP" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  100. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  101. And I send a json:
  102. """
  103. {
  104. "Sections": [
  105. {
  106. "Title": "Section 1",
  107. "HelpDescription": "HD N 1",
  108. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  109. "XPosition": 0,
  110. "YPosition": 1,
  111. "Grids": [
  112. {"Rows": 1,
  113. "Columns": 1,
  114. "Cells": [
  115. {"RowSpan": 1,
  116. "AttributeId": 21,
  117. "XPosition": 1,
  118. "YPosition": 1,
  119. "IsReadOnly": true,
  120. "IsRequired": true,
  121. "IsVisible": true,
  122. "IsEnabled": true
  123. }
  124. ],
  125. "XPosition": 0,
  126. "YPosition": 1,
  127. "IsReadOnly": true,
  128. "IsRequired": true,
  129. "IsVisible": true,
  130. "IsEnabled": true
  131. }
  132. ],
  133. "XPosition": 0,
  134. "YPosition": 1,
  135. "IsReadOnly": true,
  136. "IsRequired": true,
  137. "IsVisible": true,
  138. "IsEnabled": true
  139. },
  140. {
  141. "Title": "Section 2",
  142. "HelpDescription": "HD N 2",
  143. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  144. "XPosition": 0,
  145. "YPosition": 2,
  146. "Grids": [
  147. {"Rows": 1,
  148. "Columns": 1,
  149. "Cells": [
  150. {"RowSpan": 1,
  151. "AttributeId": 22,
  152. "XPosition": 1,
  153. "YPosition": 1,
  154. "IsReadOnly": true,
  155. "IsRequired": true,
  156. "IsVisible": true,
  157. "IsEnabled": true
  158. }
  159. ],
  160. "XPosition": 0,
  161. "YPosition": 1,
  162. "IsReadOnly": true,
  163. "IsRequired": true,
  164. "IsVisible": true,
  165. "IsEnabled": true
  166. },
  167. {"Rows": 1,
  168. "Columns": 2,
  169. "Cells": [
  170. {"RowSpan": 1,
  171. "AttributeId": 23,
  172. "XPosition": 1,
  173. "YPosition": 1,
  174. "IsReadOnly": true,
  175. "IsRequired": true,
  176. "IsVisible": true,
  177. "IsEnabled": true
  178. },
  179. { "RowSpan": 1,
  180. "AttributeId": 25,
  181. "XPosition": 2,
  182. "YPosition": 1,
  183. "IsReadOnly": true,
  184. "IsRequired": true,
  185. "IsVisible": true,
  186. "IsEnabled": true
  187. }
  189. ],
  190. "XPosition": 0,
  191. "YPosition": 2,
  192. "IsReadOnly": true,
  193. "IsRequired": true,
  194. "IsVisible": true,
  195. "IsEnabled": true
  196. }
  198. ],
  199. "XPosition": 0,
  200. "YPosition": 2,
  201. "IsReadOnly": true,
  202. "IsRequired": true,
  203. "IsVisible": true,
  204. "IsEnabled": true,
  205. "FormRules": [ {
  206. "FormRuleTypeId": 3,
  207. "FormTargetId": 1,
  208. "Title": " FormRules FORM-689",
  209. "Description": "Form-689 Behat Rules"
  210. }
  211. ]
  212. }
  213. ]
  214. }
  215. """
  216. # Update FormBody
  217. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body/" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  218. And I should see a status response code "200"
  219. # And I send a "GET" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  220. And I send a "GET" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body/" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  221. And I should see a status response code "200"
  224. # Section Properties:
  225. And the "Title" property inside of section equals "Section 1"
  226. And the "Title" property inside of section equals "Section 2"
  227. And the "HelpDescription" property inside of section equals "HD N 1"
  228. And the "HelpDescription" property inside of section equals "HD N 2"
  229. And the "YPosition" property inside of section equals "1"
  230. And the "YPosition" property inside of section equals "2"
  231. # Grid Properties:
  232. And the "Rows" form property inside of "Grids" equals "1"
  233. And the "Columns" form property inside of "Grids" equals "1"
  234. And the "XPosition" form property inside of "Grids" equals "0"
  235. And the "YPosition" form property inside of "Grids" equals "1"
  236. And the "YPosition" form property inside of "Grids" equals "2"
  237. And the "IsReadOnly" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  238. And the "IsRequired" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  239. And the "IsVisible" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  240. And the "IsEnabled" form property inside of "Grids" equals "true"
  241. # Cell Properties:
  242. Then the "AttributeId" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "21"
  243. Then the "AttributeId" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "22"
  244. Then the "AttributeId" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "23"
  245. Then the "AttributeTitle" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "First Name"
  246. Then the "AttributeTitle" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "Middle Name"
  247. Then the "AttributeTitle" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "Last Surname"
  248. Then the "AttributeHintText" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "Please enter the legal first name or given name of the person"
  249. Then the "AttributeHintText" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "Please enter the legal middle name of the person, if avaiable"
  250. Then the "AttributeHintText" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "Please enter the legal last name or surname of the person"
  251. Then the "AttributeHelpDescription" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change."
  252. Then the "AttributeHelpDescription" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony."
  253. Then the "AttributeHelpDescription" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "The name borne in common by members of a family."
  254. Then the "AttributeFieldTypeId" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  255. Then the "AttributeDefaultValue" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "DefaultFirstName"
  256. Then the "AttributeDefaultValue" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals ""
  257. Then the "AttributeDefaultValue" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "DefaultLastName"
  259. Then the "RowSpan" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  260. Then the "XPosition" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  261. Then the "YPosition" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  262. Then the "XPosition" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "2"
  263. Then the "YPosition" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "1"
  264. Then the "IsReadOnly" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  265. Then the "IsRequired" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  266. Then the "IsVisible" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  267. Then the "IsEnabled" form property inside of "Grids" and "Cells" equals "true"
  268. # Attribute Field Parameters:
  269. And in the response I should see "Minimum Value"
  270. And in the response I should see "Maximum Value"
  271. And in the response I should see "Pattern"
  272. And in the response I should see "Password"
  273. And in the response I should see "Minimum Date"
  274. And in the response I should see "Maximum Date"
  278. @updateFormBody3
  279. # FORM - 689
  280. Scenario: Happy Path: Rules Validation
  281. Given I am authenticated
  282. And form "Behat HP" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  283. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  284. And I send a json:
  285. """
  286. {
  287. "Sections": [
  288. {
  289. "Title": "Section 1",
  290. "HelpDescription": "Update Form Body test",
  291. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  292. "Grids": [
  293. {
  294. "Rows": 1,
  295. "Columns": 1,
  296. "Cells": [
  297. {
  298. "RowSpan": 1,
  299. "AttributeId": 20,
  300. "XPosition": 1,
  301. "YPosition": 1,
  302. "IsReadOnly": true,
  303. "IsRequired": true,
  304. "IsVisible": true,
  305. "IsEnabled": true,
  306. "FormRules": [
  307. {
  308. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  309. "FormTargetId": 2,
  310. "Title": "Cell N 1",
  311. "Description": "cell rule N1" }
  312. ]
  313. }
  315. ],
  316. "XPosition": 0,
  317. "YPosition": 1,
  318. "IsReadOnly": true,
  319. "IsRequired": true,
  320. "IsVisible": true,
  321. "IsEnabled": true,
  322. "FormRules": [
  323. {
  324. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  325. "FormTargetId": 2,
  326. "Title": "Grid N 1",
  327. "Description": "Grid rule N1" }
  328. ]
  329. }
  330. ],
  331. "XPosition": 0,
  332. "YPosition": 1,
  333. "IsReadOnly": true,
  334. "IsRequired": true,
  335. "IsVisible": true,
  336. "IsEnabled": true,
  337. "FormRules": [
  338. {
  339. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  340. "FormTargetId": 2,
  341. "Title": "Section N 1",
  342. "Description": "Section rule N1"
  343. }
  344. ]
  345. }
  346. ]
  347. }
  348. """
  349. # Update FormBody
  350. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  351. And I should see a status response code "200"
  352. And I send a "GET" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  353. And I should see a status response code "200"
  354. # Section Rules:
  355. And the "FormRuleTypeId" form property inside of "FormRules" equals "1"
  358. #remove later:
  359. # Then the "FormRuleTypeId" form property inside of "FormRules", "" and "" equals "1"
  361. And the "FormTargetId" form property inside of "FormRules" equals "2"
  362. And the "Title" form property inside of "FormRules" equals "Section N 1"
  363. And the "Description" form property inside of "FormRules" equals "Section rule N1"
  365. Then the "MatchValue" form property inside of "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "DefaultFirstName"
  366. Then the "AnyOfCounter" form property inside of "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "0"
  367. Then the "AttributeId" form property inside of "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "21"
  368. Then the "ConditionTypeId" form property inside of "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "1"
  369. Then the "ComparisonId" form property inside of "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "1"
  371. Then the "Value" form property inside of "FormRules", "Matches" and "MatchBags" equals "DefaultFirstName"
  373. # Grid Rules:
  374. Then the "FormRuleTypeId" form property inside of "Grids" and "FormRules" equals "1"
  375. Then the "FormTargetId" form property inside of "Grids" and "FormRules" equals "2"
  376. Then the "Title" form property inside of "Grids" and "FormRules" equals "Grid N 1"
  377. Then the "Description" form property inside of "Grids" and "FormRules" equals "Grid rule N1"
  379. Then the "MatchValue" form property inside of "Grids", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "DefaultFirstName"
  380. Then the "AnyOfCounter" form property inside of "Grids", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "0"
  381. Then the "AttributeId" form property inside of "Grids", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "21"
  382. Then the "MatchValue" form property inside of "Grids", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "DefaultFirstName"
  383. Then the "ConditionTypeId" form property inside of "Grids", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "1"
  384. Then the "ComparisonId" form property inside of "Grids", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "1"
  386. Then the "Value" form property inside of "Grids", "FormRules", "Matches" and "MatchBags" equals "DefaultFirstName"
  389. # Cell Rules:
  390. Then the "FormRuleTypeId" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells" and "FormRules" equals "1"
  391. Then the "FormTargetId" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells" and "FormRules" equals "2"
  392. Then the "Title" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells" and "FormRules" equals "Cell N 1"
  393. Then the "Description" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells" and "FormRules" equals "cell rule N1"
  395. Then the "MatchValue" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "DefaultFirstName"
  396. Then the "AnyOfCounter" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "0"
  397. Then the "AttributeId" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "21"
  398. Then the "ConditionTypeId" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "1"
  399. Then the "ComparisonId" form property inside of "Grids", "Cells", "FormRules" and "Matches" equals "1"
  405. #---------------------------- Negative Scenarios --------------------------------------------------
  409. @updateFormBody4
  410. # FORM-723
  411. Scenario: User should not be able to update Form Body if Form was Published
  412. Given I am authenticated
  413. And form "PublishedForm" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  414. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  415. And I send a json:
  416. """
  417. {
  418. "PublishedOn": "2016-06-15T20:59:38.378Z"
  419. }
  420. """
  421. # When I update form publishedOn or deactivatedOn
  422. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/publish" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  423. And I should see a status response code "200"
  424. And I send a form json:
  425. """
  426. {
  427. "Sections": [
  428. { "Title": "El",
  429. "HelpDescription": "elena test 616",
  430. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  431. "XPosition": 0,
  432. "YPosition": 1,
  433. "Grids": [
  434. { "Rows": 1,
  435. "Columns": 1,
  436. "Cells": [
  437. { "RowSpan": 1,
  438. "AttributeId": 20,
  439. "XPosition": 1,
  440. "YPosition": 1,
  441. "IsReadOnly": true,
  442. "IsRequired": true,
  443. "IsVisible": true,
  444. "IsEnabled": true
  445. }
  446. ],
  447. "XPosition": 0,
  448. "YPosition": 21,
  449. "IsReadOnly": true,
  450. "IsRequired": true,
  451. "IsVisible": true,
  452. "IsEnabled": true
  453. }
  454. ],
  455. "XPosition": 0,
  456. "YPosition": 1,
  457. "IsReadOnly": true,
  458. "IsRequired": true,
  459. "IsVisible": true,
  460. "IsEnabled": true
  461. }
  462. ]
  463. }
  464. """
  465. And I update FormBody
  466. And I should see a status response code "403"
  467. And in the response I should see "Form has a published date"
  468. And in the response I should see "PublishedOn"
  471. @updateFormBody5
  472. # FORM - 689
  473. Scenario: Negative Scenario: Section: X position must be 0
  474. Given I am authenticated
  475. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  476. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  477. And I send a json:
  478. """
  479. {
  480. "Sections": [
  481. {
  482. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  483. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  484. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  485. "XPosition": 1,
  486. "YPosition": 1,
  487. "Grids": [],
  488. "XPosition": 2,
  489. "YPosition": 1,
  490. "IsReadOnly": true,
  491. "IsRequired": true,
  492. "IsVisible": true,
  493. "IsEnabled": true
  494. }
  495. ]
  496. }
  497. """
  498. # Update FormBody
  499. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  500. And I should see a status response code "400"
  501. And in the response I should see "The XPosition of each section must be 0."
  503. @updateFormBody6
  504. # FORM - 689
  505. Scenario: Negative Scenario: Section: Y position must be > 0
  506. Given I am authenticated
  507. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  508. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  509. And I send a json:
  510. """
  511. {
  512. "Sections": [
  513. {
  514. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  515. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  516. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  517. "XPosition": 1,
  518. "YPosition": 1,
  519. "Grids": [],
  520. "XPosition": 0,
  521. "YPosition": 0,
  522. "IsReadOnly": true,
  523. "IsRequired": true,
  524. "IsVisible": true,
  525. "IsEnabled": true
  526. }
  527. ]
  528. }
  529. """
  530. # Update FormBody
  531. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  532. And I should see a status response code "400"
  533. And in the response I should see "The YPosition of each section must be > 0."
  536. @updateFormBody7
  537. # FORM - 689
  538. Scenario: Negative Scenario: Y position must be unique for each section
  539. Given I am authenticated
  540. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  541. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  542. And I send a json:
  543. """
  544. {
  545. "Sections": [
  546. {
  547. "Title": "Section 1",
  548. "HelpDescription": "HD N 1",
  549. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  550. "XPosition": 0,
  551. "YPosition": 1,
  552. "Grids": [],
  554. "XPosition": 0,
  555. "YPosition": 1,
  556. "IsReadOnly": true,
  557. "IsRequired": true,
  558. "IsVisible": true,
  559. "IsEnabled": true
  560. },
  561. {
  562. "Title": "Section 2",
  563. "HelpDescription": "HD N 2",
  564. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  565. "XPosition": 0,
  566. "YPosition": 2,
  567. "Grids": [],
  569. "XPosition": 0,
  570. "YPosition": 1,
  571. "IsReadOnly": true,
  572. "IsRequired": true,
  573. "IsVisible": true,
  574. "IsEnabled": true,
  575. "FormRules": []
  576. }
  577. ]
  578. }
  579. """
  580. # Update FormBody
  581. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body/" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  582. And I should see a status response code "400"
  583. And in the response I should not see "The Yposition of each sectiion must be unique"
  589. @updateFormBody8
  590. # FORM - 689
  591. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Grid: X position must be 0
  592. Given I am authenticated
  593. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  594. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  595. And I send a json:
  596. """
  597. {
  598. "Sections": [
  599. {
  600. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  601. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  602. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  603. "XPosition": 1,
  604. "YPosition": 1,
  605. "Grids": [
  606. { "Rows": 1,
  607. "Columns": 1,
  608. "Cells": [
  609. { "RowSpan": 1,
  610. "AttributeId": 20,
  611. "XPosition": 1,
  612. "YPosition": 1,
  613. "IsReadOnly": true,
  614. "IsRequired": true,
  615. "IsVisible": true,
  616. "IsEnabled": true
  617. }
  618. ],
  619. "XPosition": 1,
  620. "YPosition": 1,
  621. "IsReadOnly": true,
  622. "IsRequired": true,
  623. "IsVisible": true,
  624. "IsEnabled": true
  625. }
  626. ],
  627. "XPosition": 0,
  628. "YPosition": 1,
  629. "IsReadOnly": true,
  630. "IsRequired": true,
  631. "IsVisible": true,
  632. "IsEnabled": true
  633. }
  634. ]
  635. }
  636. """
  637. # Update FormBody
  638. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  639. And I should see a status response code "400"
  640. And in the response I should see "The XPosition of each grid must be 0."
  643. @updateFormBody9
  644. # FORM - 689
  645. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Grid: Y position must be > 0
  646. Given I am authenticated
  647. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  648. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  649. And I send a json:
  650. """
  651. {
  652. "Sections": [
  653. {
  654. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  655. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  656. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  657. "XPosition": 1,
  658. "YPosition": 1,
  659. "Grids": [
  660. { "Rows": 1,
  661. "Columns": 1,
  662. "Cells": [
  663. { "RowSpan": 1,
  664. "AttributeId": 20,
  665. "XPosition": 1,
  666. "YPosition": 1,
  667. "IsReadOnly": true,
  668. "IsRequired": true,
  669. "IsVisible": true,
  670. "IsEnabled": true
  671. }
  672. ],
  673. "XPosition": 0,
  674. "YPosition": 0,
  675. "IsReadOnly": true,
  676. "IsRequired": true,
  677. "IsVisible": true,
  678. "IsEnabled": true
  679. }
  680. ],
  681. "XPosition": 0,
  682. "YPosition": 1,
  683. "IsReadOnly": true,
  684. "IsRequired": true,
  685. "IsVisible": true,
  686. "IsEnabled": true
  687. }
  688. ]
  689. }
  690. """
  691. # Update FormBody
  692. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  693. And I should see a status response code "400"
  694. And in the response I should see "The YPosition of each grid must be > 0."
  697. @updateFormBody10
  698. # FORM - 689
  699. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Grid: Y position must be unique for each grid in a section
  700. Given I am authenticated
  701. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  702. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  703. And I send a json:
  704. """
  705. {
  706. "Sections": [
  707. {
  708. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  709. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  710. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  711. "XPosition": 1,
  712. "YPosition": 1,
  713. "Grids": [
  714. { "Rows": 1,
  715. "Columns": 1,
  716. "Cells": [
  717. { "RowSpan": 1,
  718. "AttributeId": 20,
  719. "XPosition": 1,
  720. "YPosition": 1,
  721. "IsReadOnly": true,
  722. "IsRequired": true,
  723. "IsVisible": true,
  724. "IsEnabled": true
  725. }
  726. ],
  727. "XPosition": 0,
  728. "YPosition": 1,
  729. "IsReadOnly": true,
  730. "IsRequired": true,
  731. "IsVisible": true,
  732. "IsEnabled": true
  733. },
  734. { "Rows": 1,
  735. "Columns": 1,
  736. "Cells": [
  737. { "RowSpan": 1,
  738. "AttributeId": 21,
  739. "XPosition": 1,
  740. "YPosition": 1,
  741. "IsReadOnly": true,
  742. "IsRequired": true,
  743. "IsVisible": true,
  744. "IsEnabled": true
  745. }
  746. ],
  747. "XPosition": 0,
  748. "YPosition": 1,
  749. "IsReadOnly": true,
  750. "IsRequired": true,
  751. "IsVisible": true,
  752. "IsEnabled": true
  753. }
  755. ],
  756. "XPosition": 0,
  757. "YPosition": 1,
  758. "IsReadOnly": true,
  759. "IsRequired": true,
  760. "IsVisible": true,
  761. "IsEnabled": true
  762. }
  763. ]
  764. }
  765. """
  766. # Update FormBody
  767. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  768. And I should see a status response code "400"
  769. And in the response I should see "The YPosition of each item in a section must be unique."
  773. @updateFormBody11
  774. # FORM - 689
  775. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Grid: Each X,Y position on a grid must be covered by a cell (no gaps)
  776. Given I am authenticated
  777. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  778. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  779. And I send a json:
  780. """
  782. {
  783. "Sections": [
  784. {
  785. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  786. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  787. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  788. "XPosition": 1,
  789. "YPosition": 1,
  790. "Grids": [
  791. { "Rows": 3,
  792. "Columns": 1,
  793. "Cells": [
  794. { "RowSpan": 1,
  795. "AttributeId": 20,
  796. "XPosition": 1,
  797. "YPosition": 1,
  798. "IsReadOnly": true,
  799. "IsRequired": true,
  800. "IsVisible": true,
  801. "IsEnabled": true
  802. }, {
  803. "RowSpan": 1,
  804. "AttributeId": 21,
  805. "XPosition": 1,
  806. "YPosition": 2,
  807. "IsReadOnly": true,
  808. "IsRequired": true,
  809. "IsVisible": true,
  810. "IsEnabled": true
  811. }
  812. ],
  813. "XPosition": 0,
  814. "YPosition": 1,
  815. "IsReadOnly": true,
  816. "IsRequired": true,
  817. "IsVisible": true,
  818. "IsEnabled": true
  819. }
  820. ],
  821. "XPosition": 0,
  822. "YPosition": 1,
  823. "IsReadOnly": true,
  824. "IsRequired": true,
  825. "IsVisible": true,
  826. "IsEnabled": true
  827. }
  828. ]
  829. }
  830. """
  831. # Update FormBody
  832. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  833. And I should see a status response code "400"
  834. And in the response I should see "No cell objects are covering position 1,3 in a grid."
  839. @updateFormBody12
  840. # FORM - 689
  841. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Grid: No X,Y position on a grid can be covered by more than 1 cell (no overlap)
  842. Given I am authenticated
  843. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  844. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  845. And I send a json:
  846. """
  848. {
  849. "Sections": [
  850. {
  851. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  852. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  853. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  854. "XPosition": 1,
  855. "YPosition": 1,
  856. "Grids": [
  857. { "Rows": 1,
  858. "Columns": 1,
  859. "Cells": [
  860. { "RowSpan": 1,
  861. "AttributeId": 20,
  862. "XPosition": 1,
  863. "YPosition": 1,
  864. "IsReadOnly": true,
  865. "IsRequired": true,
  866. "IsVisible": true,
  867. "IsEnabled": true
  868. }, {
  869. "RowSpan": 1,
  870. "AttributeId": 21,
  871. "XPosition": 1,
  872. "YPosition": 1,
  873. "IsReadOnly": true,
  874. "IsRequired": true,
  875. "IsVisible": true,
  876. "IsEnabled": true
  877. }
  878. ],
  879. "XPosition": 0,
  880. "YPosition": 1,
  881. "IsReadOnly": true,
  882. "IsRequired": true,
  883. "IsVisible": true,
  884. "IsEnabled": true
  885. }
  886. ],
  887. "XPosition": 0,
  888. "YPosition": 1,
  889. "IsReadOnly": true,
  890. "IsRequired": true,
  891. "IsVisible": true,
  892. "IsEnabled": true
  893. }
  894. ]
  895. }
  896. """
  898. # Update FormBody
  899. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  900. And I should see a status response code "400"
  901. And in the response I should see "2 cells are covering position 1,1 in a grid"
  904. @updateFormBody13
  905. # FORM - 689
  906. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Cell: X position must be > 0
  907. Given I am authenticated
  908. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  909. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  910. And I send a json:
  911. """
  912. {
  913. "Sections": [
  914. {
  915. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  916. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  917. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  918. "XPosition": 1,
  919. "YPosition": 1,
  920. "Grids": [
  921. { "Rows": 1,
  922. "Columns": 1,
  923. "Cells": [
  924. { "RowSpan": 1,
  925. "AttributeId": 20,
  926. "XPosition": 0,
  927. "YPosition": 1,
  928. "IsReadOnly": true,
  929. "IsRequired": true,
  930. "IsVisible": true,
  931. "IsEnabled": true
  932. },
  933. { "RowSpan": 1,
  934. "AttributeId": 20,
  935. "XPosition": 1,
  936. "YPosition": 1,
  937. "IsReadOnly": true,
  938. "IsRequired": true,
  939. "IsVisible": true,
  940. "IsEnabled": true
  941. }
  942. ],
  943. "XPosition": 0,
  944. "YPosition": 1,
  945. "IsReadOnly": true,
  946. "IsRequired": true,
  947. "IsVisible": true,
  948. "IsEnabled": true
  949. }
  950. ],
  951. "XPosition": 0,
  952. "YPosition": 1,
  953. "IsReadOnly": true,
  954. "IsRequired": true,
  955. "IsVisible": true,
  956. "IsEnabled": true
  957. }
  958. ]
  959. }
  960. """
  961. # Update FormBody
  962. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  963. And I should see a status response code "400"
  964. And in the response I should see "The XPosition of each cell must be > 0"
  967. @updateFormBody14
  968. # FORM - 689
  969. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Cell: Y position must be > 0
  970. Given I am authenticated
  971. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  972. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  973. And I send a json:
  974. """
  975. {
  976. "Sections": [
  977. {
  978. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  979. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  980. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  981. "XPosition": 1,
  982. "YPosition": 1,
  983. "Grids": [
  984. { "Rows": 1,
  985. "Columns": 1,
  986. "Cells": [
  987. { "RowSpan": 1,
  988. "AttributeId": 20,
  989. "XPosition": 1,
  990. "YPosition": 0,
  991. "IsReadOnly": true,
  992. "IsRequired": true,
  993. "IsVisible": true,
  994. "IsEnabled": true
  995. },
  996. { "RowSpan": 1,
  997. "AttributeId": 20,
  998. "XPosition": 1,
  999. "YPosition": 1,
  1000. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1001. "IsRequired": true,
  1002. "IsVisible": true,
  1003. "IsEnabled": true
  1004. }
  1005. ],
  1006. "XPosition": 0,
  1007. "YPosition": 1,
  1008. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1009. "IsRequired": true,
  1010. "IsVisible": true,
  1011. "IsEnabled": true
  1012. }
  1013. ],
  1014. "XPosition": 0,
  1015. "YPosition": 1,
  1016. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1017. "IsRequired": true,
  1018. "IsVisible": true,
  1019. "IsEnabled": true
  1020. }
  1021. ]
  1022. }
  1023. """
  1024. # Update FormBody
  1025. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  1026. And I should see a status response code "400"
  1027. And in the response I should see "The YPosition of each cell must be > 0"
  1030. @updateFormBody15
  1031. # FORM - 689
  1032. Scenario: Negative Scenario - Cell: Rowspan must be >= 1
  1033. Given I am authenticated
  1034. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  1035. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  1036. And I send a json:
  1037. """
  1038. {
  1039. "Sections": [
  1040. {
  1041. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  1042. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  1043. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  1044. "XPosition": 1,
  1045. "YPosition": 1,
  1046. "Grids": [
  1047. { "Rows": 1,
  1048. "Columns": 1,
  1049. "Cells": [
  1050. { "RowSpan": 1,
  1051. "AttributeId": 20,
  1052. "XPosition": 1,
  1053. "YPosition": 1,
  1054. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1055. "IsRequired": true,
  1056. "IsVisible": true,
  1057. "IsEnabled": true
  1058. },
  1059. {
  1060. "RowSpan": 0,
  1061. "AttributeId": 20,
  1062. "XPosition": 1,
  1063. "YPosition": 1,
  1064. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1065. "IsRequired": true,
  1066. "IsVisible": true,
  1067. "IsEnabled": true
  1068. }
  1069. ],
  1070. "XPosition": 0,
  1071. "YPosition": 1,
  1072. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1073. "IsRequired": true,
  1074. "IsVisible": true,
  1075. "IsEnabled": true
  1076. }
  1077. ],
  1078. "XPosition": 0,
  1079. "YPosition": 1,
  1080. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1081. "IsRequired": true,
  1082. "IsVisible": true,
  1083. "IsEnabled": true
  1084. }
  1085. ]
  1086. }
  1087. """
  1088. # Update FormBody
  1089. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  1090. And I should see a status response code "400"
  1091. And in the response I should see "The rowspan of each cell must be > 0"
  1097. # Cell: No cell can be outside of, or extend past the bounds of the grid
  1098. @updateFormBody16
  1099. # FORM - 689
  1100. Scenario: Negative Scenario --> Cell: No cell can be outside of, or extend past the bounds of the grid
  1101. Given I am authenticated
  1102. And form "Behat NS" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  1103. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  1104. And I send a json:
  1105. """
  1106. {
  1107. "Sections": [
  1108. {
  1109. "Title": "Create Section Title",
  1110. "HelpDescription": "Create Section Description",
  1111. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  1112. "XPosition": 1,
  1113. "YPosition": 1,
  1114. "Grids": [
  1115. { "Rows": 1,
  1116. "Columns": 1,
  1117. "Cells": [
  1118. { "RowSpan": 1,
  1119. "AttributeId": 20,
  1120. "XPosition": 1,
  1121. "YPosition": 1,
  1122. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1123. "IsRequired": true,
  1124. "IsVisible": true,
  1125. "IsEnabled": true
  1126. "FormRules": [
  1127. {
  1128. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  1129. "FormTargetId": 2,
  1130. "Title": "CELL FORM Id = 5",
  1131. "Description": "cell"
  1133. }
  1134. ]
  1136. }
  1137. ],
  1138. "XPosition": 0,
  1139. "YPosition": 1,
  1140. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1141. "IsRequired": true,
  1142. "IsVisible": true,
  1143. "IsEnabled": true
  1144. }
  1145. ],
  1146. "XPosition": 0,
  1147. "YPosition": 1,
  1148. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1149. "IsRequired": true,
  1150. "IsVisible": true,
  1151. "IsEnabled": true
  1152. }
  1153. ]
  1154. }
  1155. """
  1156. # Update FormBody
  1157. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  1158. And I should see a status response code "400"
  1159. And in the response I should see "Cell Yposition or rowspan extends beyond the bounds of the grid."
  1165. # Cell: Any attributeId must exist, be not deleted, and be valid for the form
  1166. # 4 Scenarios:
  1167. # - Attr does not exist;
  1168. # - Deleted Attribute Id;
  1169. # - VLT Attr Id --> Not valid for current form:
  1170. # a) FormAttr
  1171. # B) Person Attr
  1173. @updateFormBody17
  1174. Scenario: AttributeId is DELETED
  1175. Given I am authenticated
  1176. And form "Deleted Attribute Id" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  1177. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  1178. And I send a json:
  1179. """
  1180. {
  1181. "AttributeTypeId": 1,
  1182. "Title": "",
  1183. "HintText": "Testing_Behat",
  1184. "HelpDescription": "Testing BE Create Attributes",
  1185. "FieldTypeId": 2,
  1186. "DefaultValue": 1,
  1187. "Encrypt": false,
  1188. "Unique": false
  1189. }
  1190. """
  1191. And I send a random "Title" prefix "BE_Behat_CreatePersonAttributeType_"
  1192. When I send a "POST" to "/attribute"
  1193. And I should see a status response code "200"
  1194. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "AttributeId"
  1195. And I send a "DELETE" to "/attribute/_CreatedId_" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "AttributeId" type "integer"
  1196. And I should see a status response code "204"
  1198. And I send a form json:
  1199. """
  1200. {
  1201. "Sections":
  1202. [
  1203. { "Title": "Behat Update Form Body NS",
  1204. "HelpDescription": "",
  1205. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  1206. "XPosition": 0,
  1207. "Grids":
  1208. [
  1209. {
  1210. "Rows": 1,
  1211. "Columns": 1,
  1212. "Cells": [
  1213. {
  1214. "RowSpan": 1,
  1215. "AttributeId": "xxxxx",
  1216. "XPosition": 1,
  1217. "YPosition": 1,
  1218. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1219. "IsRequired": true,
  1220. "IsVisible": true,
  1221. "IsEnabled": true
  1222. }
  1223. ],
  1224. "XPosition": 0,
  1225. "YPosition": 1,
  1226. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1227. "IsRequired": true,
  1228. "IsVisible": true,
  1229. "IsEnabled": true
  1230. }
  1231. ],
  1232. "XPosition": 0,
  1233. "YPosition": 1,
  1234. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1235. "IsRequired": true,
  1236. "IsVisible": true,
  1237. "IsEnabled": true
  1238. }
  1239. ]
  1240. }
  1241. """
  1242. And I send "integer" type value from DB row "AttributeId" to field "AttributeId" inside of cell
  1243. # Update FormBody
  1244. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  1245. And I should see a status response code "400"
  1246. And in the response I should see " does not exist or is deleted"
  1248. @updateFormBody18
  1249. Scenario: AttributeId is Invalid
  1250. Given I am authenticated
  1252. And form "Behat Invalid Attribute Id" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  1253. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  1254. And Aattribute "Person Behat Test attr" exists and AttributeTypeid equal "1"
  1255. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "AttributeId"
  1256. And Attribute "Invalid Attr" does not exist
  1257. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "InvAttributeId"
  1258. And I send a json:
  1259. """
  1260. {
  1261. "Sections":
  1262. [
  1263. { "Title": "Behat Update Form Body NS",
  1264. "HelpDescription": "",
  1265. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  1266. "XPosition": 0,
  1267. "Grids":
  1268. [
  1269. {
  1270. "Rows": 1,
  1271. "Columns": 1,
  1272. "Cells": [
  1273. {
  1274. "RowSpan": 1,
  1275. "AttributeId": "1",
  1276. "XPosition": 1,
  1277. "YPosition": 1,
  1278. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1279. "IsRequired": true,
  1280. "IsVisible": true,
  1281. "IsEnabled": true
  1282. }
  1283. ],
  1284. "XPosition": 0,
  1285. "YPosition": 1,
  1286. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1287. "IsRequired": true,
  1288. "IsVisible": true,
  1289. "IsEnabled": true
  1290. }
  1291. ],
  1292. "XPosition": 0,
  1293. "YPosition": 1,
  1294. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1295. "IsRequired": true,
  1296. "IsVisible": true,
  1297. "IsEnabled": true
  1298. }
  1299. ]
  1300. }
  1301. """
  1303. # Update FormBody
  1304. And I send "integer" type value from DB row "InvAttributeId" to field "AttributeId" inside of cell
  1306. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  1307. And I should see a status response code "400"
  1308. And in the response I should see " does not exist or is deleted"
  1312. # Rules: FormRuleTypeId must exist and not be deleted
  1313. @updateFormBody19
  1314. Scenario: RuleTypeId is Invalid
  1315. Given I am authenticated
  1316. And form "Behat Invalid Attribute Id" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  1317. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  1318. And I send a json:
  1319. """
  1320. {
  1321. "Sections":
  1322. [
  1323. { "Title": "Behat Update Form Body NS",
  1324. "HelpDescription": "",
  1325. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  1326. "XPosition": 0,
  1327. "Grids":
  1328. [
  1329. {
  1330. "Rows": 1,
  1331. "Columns": 1,
  1332. "Cells": [
  1333. {
  1334. "RowSpan": 1,
  1335. "AttributeId": "10000000",
  1336. "XPosition": 1,
  1337. "YPosition": 1,
  1338. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1339. "IsRequired": true,
  1340. "IsVisible": true,
  1341. "IsEnabled": true
  1342. }
  1343. ],
  1344. "XPosition": 0,
  1345. "YPosition": 1,
  1346. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1347. "IsRequired": true,
  1348. "IsVisible": true,
  1349. "IsEnabled": true
  1350. }
  1351. ],
  1352. "XPosition": 0,
  1353. "YPosition": 1,
  1354. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1355. "IsRequired": true,
  1356. "IsVisible": true,
  1357. "IsEnabled": true,
  1358. "FormRules": [ {
  1359. "FormRuleTypeId": 1000,
  1360. "FormTargetId": 1,
  1361. "Title": "Invalid RuleTypeId",
  1362. "Description": "Form-689 Behat Rules"
  1363. }
  1364. ]
  1365. }
  1366. ]
  1367. }
  1368. """
  1370. # Update FormBody
  1371. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  1372. And I should see a status response code "400"
  1373. And in the response I should see "FormRuleTypeId does not exist"
  1377. # Rules: FormTargetId must exist and not be deleted
  1378. @updateFormBody20
  1379. Scenario: FormTargetId is Invalid
  1380. Given I am authenticated
  1381. And form "Behat Invalid TargetId" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  1382. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  1383. # create a Target:
  1384. And I am calling "Form"
  1385. And I send a json:
  1386. """
  1387. {
  1388. "Title": "",
  1389. "Description": "FORM-708 Invalid TargetId",
  1390. "Matches": [
  1391. {
  1392. "AnyOfCounter":0 ,
  1393. "ComparisonId": 1,
  1394. "AttributeId": "21",
  1395. "ConditionTypeId": "1",
  1396. "MatchBags": [
  1397. {
  1398. "Value": "MatchBags: Test Value"
  1399. }
  1400. ]
  1401. }
  1402. ]
  1403. }
  1404. """
  1405. And I send a random "Title" prefix "FORM-741 Behat BE"
  1406. When I send a "POST" to "/target"
  1407. And I should see a status response code "200"
  1408. # save the created FormTargetId to studentTracBehat table in database.sqlite
  1409. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormTargetId"
  1410. And I send a "DELETE" to "/target/_CreatedId_" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormTargetId" type "integer"
  1411. And I send a json:
  1412. """
  1413. {
  1414. "Sections":
  1415. [
  1416. {"Title": "Behat Update Form Body NS",
  1417. "HelpDescription": "",
  1418. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  1419. "XPosition": 0,
  1420. "Grids":
  1421. [
  1422. {
  1423. "Rows": 1,
  1424. "Columns": 1,
  1425. "Cells":
  1426. [
  1427. {
  1428. "RowSpan": 1,
  1429. "AttributeId": "21",
  1430. "XPosition": 1,
  1431. "YPosition": 1,
  1432. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1433. "IsRequired": true,
  1434. "IsVisible": true,
  1435. "IsEnabled": true,
  1436. "FormRules":
  1437. [ {
  1438. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  1439. "FormTargetId": 1,
  1440. "Title": "Invalid Target Id",
  1441. "Description": "Form-689 Behat Rules"
  1442. }
  1443. ]
  1444. }
  1445. ],
  1446. "XPosition": 0,
  1447. "YPosition": 1,
  1448. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1449. "IsRequired": true,
  1450. "IsVisible": true,
  1451. "IsEnabled": true
  1452. }
  1453. ],
  1454. "XPosition": 0,
  1455. "YPosition": 1,
  1456. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1457. "IsRequired": true,
  1458. "IsVisible": true,
  1459. "IsEnabled": true
  1460. }
  1461. ]
  1462. }
  1463. """
  1465. # Update FormBody
  1466. And I send "integer" type value from DB row "FormTargetId" to field "FormTargetId" at "FormRules" array inside of cell
  1467. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing _CreatedId_ with rowName "FormId" type "integer"
  1468. And I should see a status response code "400"
  1469. And in the response I should see "FormTargetId does not exist or is deleted"
  1474. @updateFormBody21
  1475. # FORM - 791
  1476. Scenario: Happy Path: 1 Section x 1 Grid
  1477. Given I am authenticated
  1478. And form "Behat HP" exists and associated with ClientId "1" and AppId "1"
  1479. And I save CreatedId to DB at row name "FormId"
  1480. And I send a json:
  1481. """
  1482. {
  1483. "Sections":
  1484. [
  1485. {
  1486. "Title": "El",
  1487. "HelpDescription": "elena test",
  1488. "PageBreakBefore": true,
  1489. "Grids":
  1490. [
  1491. {
  1492. "Rows": 1,
  1493. "Columns": 1,
  1494. "Cells": [
  1495. {
  1496. "RowSpan": 1,
  1497. "AttributeId": 21,
  1498. "XPosition": 1,
  1499. "YPosition": 1,
  1500. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1501. "IsRequired": true,
  1502. "IsVisible": true,
  1503. "IsEnabled": true,
  1504. "FormRules": []
  1505. }
  1506. ],
  1507. "XPosition": 0,
  1508. "YPosition": 2,
  1509. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1510. "IsRequired": true,
  1511. "IsVisible": true,
  1512. "IsEnabled": true,
  1513. "FormRules":[
  1514. {
  1515. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  1516. "FormTargetId": 2,
  1517. "Title": "Grid FORM Id = 5",
  1518. "Description": "grid"
  1519. }
  1520. ]
  1522. }
  1523. ],
  1524. "SignatureWidgets":
  1525. [
  1526. {
  1527. "XPosition": 0,
  1528. "YPosition": 3,
  1529. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1530. "IsRequired": true,
  1531. "IsVisible": true,
  1532. "IsEnabled": true,
  1533. "FormRules":
  1534. [
  1535. {
  1536. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  1537. "FormTargetId": 1,
  1538. "Title": "Widget Rule Title",
  1539. "Description": "Widget Rule description"
  1540. }
  1541. ]
  1542. }
  1543. ],
  1544. "XPosition": 0,
  1545. "YPosition": 1,
  1546. "IsReadOnly": true,
  1547. "IsRequired": true,
  1548. "IsVisible": true,
  1549. "IsEnabled": true,
  1550. "FormRules": [
  1551. {
  1552. "FormRuleTypeId": 1,
  1553. "FormTargetId": 2,
  1554. "Title": "Signature Widget Rule",
  1555. "Description": "Signature Rule Description"
  1556. }
  1557. ]
  1558. }
  1559. ]
  1560. }
  1561. """
  1562. # Update FormBody
  1563. And I send a "PUT" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  1564. And I should see a status response code "200"
  1565. And I send a "GET" to "/form/_CreatedId_/body" replacing variable with CreatedId
  1566. And I should see a status response code "200"
  1568. Then the "XPosition" form property inside of "Signatures" equals "0"
  1569. And the "YPosition" form property inside of "Signatures" equals "3"
  1570. Then the "IsReadOnly" form property inside of "Signatures" equals "true"
  1571. And the "IsRequired" form property inside of "Signatures" equals "true"
  1572. Then the "IsVisible" form property inside of "Signatures" equals "true"
  1573. And the "IsEnabled" form property inside of "Signatures" equals "true"
  1576. Then the "FormRuleTypeId" form property inside of "Signatures" and "FormRules" equals "1"
  1577. Then the "FormTargetId" form property inside of "Signatures" and "FormRules" equals "1"
  1578. Then the "Title" form property inside of "Signatures" and "FormRules" equals "Widget Rule Title"
  1579. Then the "Description" form property inside of "Signatures" and "FormRules" equals "Widget Rule description"
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