
[FR/Satyr] Hope's siblings Chapter 1: Fatherhood

Aug 18th, 2013
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  1. >Day Daddy in Equestria.
  2. >A heavy silence fills the room as all of Fluttershy's animals were removed from the cottage for the time being.
  3. >Fluttershy is sitting across from you, Lyra, and Hope.
  4. >Your daughter keeps trying to get off the couch and go talk to her possible half sister.
  5. >”Hope, dear, please sit down.”
  6. >Lyra refuses to let her stand.
  7. >You place a hand on Hope's leg and look your daughter in the eyes.
  8. >She has wanted to have something like this happen for a long time, someone who is like her and you.
  9. “It's okay Hope, we just want to wait for Fluttershy's son to show up. Please listen to your mother.”
  10. >The little satyr nods and pulls herself back into her seat, holding your hand.
  11. >Ivy is looking at you hold Hope's hand, fidgeting with her own as she does.
  12. >”How have you been Anon? It's been so long since I've seen you two. I meant to visit earlier, but it's been a bit hard you see.”
  13. >Fluttershy's comment causes your free hand to grip a bit.
  14. >Lyra slides her hoof in your hand, pressing her head against your side.
  15. >”WE have been good Fluttershy. How about yourself? It must be hard being a single mother...”
  16. >The spite in her voice is clear, even Hope can tell.
  17. >Your daughter grips your hand a bit harder and pulls her legs to press against the couch.
  18. >Although you would have made the same comment, you don't want Hope or your possible daughter to get caught in the middle of this.
  19. >”It has been... Without a father figure, Timber has been... feeling quite lonely. Big Mac and Caramel try to help, but he just doesn't want anything to do with them.”
  20. >Hope speaks, but her words come out as soft mumbles.
  21. “What was that honey?”
  22. >She looks up at you, voice quivering.
  23. >”I-It's because they're ponies. I wouldn't want a pony to try and replace dad either...”
  24. >She sniffles and slides closer to you.
  25. “I know honey... I know.”
  26. >You stroke her head, trying to comfort your still young child.
  27. >As you embrace your daughter, the Satyr opposite her speaks up.
  28. >”Hope... C-Can I ask something?”
  29. >Ivy is hiding behind her hair as she tries to meet your daughter's gaze.
  30. >Lyra would object, but has realized her folly with the -single mother- comment.
  31. >With no objections, your daughter speaks freely.
  32. >”What is it?”
  33. >”U-Um... What's it like having our father in your life? A-As a... dad.”
  34. >The shy girl is now staring at the floor, trying to squeeze her body closer together.
  35. >Hope seems to calm a bit after Ivy spoke.
  36. >”Dad is great. He makes sure I don't get hurt or if I do, he makes sure to get me to the doctor's right away. He still plays with me, even the -girly- stuff. Whenever I have trouble with homework or bring back bad grades, he doesn't get mad either!”
  37. >The little Satyr goes on and on about the two of your's relationship, as well as her mother and her's.
  38. >This seems to raise the heavy air in the room, calming both girls down and allowing you to finally think of what to do.
  39. >If she is your child, you have an obligation as her parent to at least try and be a part of her life.
  40. >If not, then that means here are other humans around and Hope may finally get her wish of being surrounded by a species other than pony.
  41. >However, given the chances of there being another human after all these years and the girls age...
  42. >This girl, Ivy, she deserves better than this.
  43. >To be caught in the middle of a fight that she is only involved in because she was born.
  44. >Fluttershy is the one at fault here, not her.
  45. >You just pray Lyra can see it this way.
  46. >As you continue your silent contemplation, the door opens and a pair of hooves clip clop into the house.
  47. >”M-Mom? I-I *sniff* I got another scratch.”
  48. >The voice of a little boy travels through the near silent house.
  49. >”M-Mom? Wh*hic*-Where are you?”
  50. >He enters the room in tears, clutching his right arm, which has a large scrape running over the entire bare upper part of it.
  51. >This must be Timber.
  52. >His face... it looks like some of the old photo's of you as a child from your parent's albums.
  53. >He stands at maybe your stomach in height, his hair is a darkish pink and spikes back a bit.
  54. >He has Fluttershy's eyes and his coat is a lighter shade of his sisters.
  55. >The boy, Timber, looks at you, tears streaming down his eyes.
  56. >”M-Mom? Wh-Who's this?”
  57. >”In a moment dear, we need to treat that wound.”
  58. >Fluttershy stands, grabbing a large bag.
  59. >She moves to her son and pulls out a roll of gauze and some alcohol.
  60. >The boy lets go of his arm and sticks it out, clenching his eyes as his mother dabs the alcohol lightly all over it.
  61. >He yelps and whimpers as the mare dresses the wound, following it with a quick peck.
  62. >”There there, it's all right.”
  63. >Fluttershy hugs the boy, who hugs her back.
  64. >”Now, what happened?”
  65. >He sniffles and starts to speak, hiccuping as he does.
  66. >”I-I was *hic* walking home, a-and I*hic*-I fell down a hill and scraped my a*hic*arm.”
  67. >He's lying.
  68. >You remember that look, the same look Hope had when she was being bullied in school.
  69. >It only took you seeing her like that once for you and Lyra to raise hell.
  70. >Back when you first became a father, you made a promise to yourself that no one would harm your children.
  71. >No one.
  72. “Don't lie to your mother. She can't help you if you do.”
  73. >He looks to you, eyes weak and full of fear.
  74. >”I-I'm not lying sir.”
  75. >You stand and step next to him, placing a hand on his good shoulder.
  76. “Listen to me son, bullying doesn't just go away. You need to deal with it or it will haunt you for as long as it can. Please, tell her what happened.”
  77. >Timber sniffles once more and pulls himself back.
  78. >He starts to speak, choking out the words.
  79. >”I-I was walking h-home a-and then Goldy a-and his friends made m-me follow him to the creek. H-He started to make fun of me a-and when I told him to stop *sniff* h-he pushed me down th*sniff*the hill, and threw rocks at me-e-e”
  80. >Timber is crying again, harder.
  81. >Fluttershy grips her son, stroking the back of his head.
  82. >You look to Lyra.
  83. >She isn't as angry, more empathetic for the boy.
  84. “Thank you for telling us. Fluttershy?”
  85. >The mare looks to you while continuing to console her son.
  86. >”Y-Yes Anon?”
  87. >Lyra stands, taking her place next to you.
  88. >”Who is Goldy?”
  89. >Hoofsteps are coming from behind you.
  90. >Either Hope or Ivy has moved to be closer with her veritable sister.
  91. >”Goldy is Diamond Tiara's son... H-He is...”
  92. “A brat?”
  93. >Diamond Tiara.
  94. >Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  95. >Fluttershy nods and lets go of her now calm son.
  96. >Timber wipes his nose before looking up at you.
  97. >”W-Who are you mister?”
  98. >Lyra pushes her hoof back into your hand and nods.
  99. “I'm your father... Hi there Timber.”
  100. >You're not sure what you expect him to do.
  101. >Being told after who knows how many years that his father is in front of him, and with another family no less.
  102. >”N...No.”
  103. >Ivy speaks up, from behind you.
  104. >”What do you mean Timber?”
  105. >The boy huffs, tears welling up again as he scowls a bit.
  106. >”I-I don't have a dad!”
  107. >He runs off, Fluttershy tries to grab him.
  108. >”Timber! Sweetie!”
  109. >A door slams and you can hear dead bolts set.
  110. >Fluttershy is about to head upstairs, but stops and looks to you and Lyra.
  111. >”I-I know we have a lot to talk about, b-but can it wait until later? I need to speak with Timber... please...”
  112. >You could definitely use a break right about now.
  113. >With everything you have been presented today, you need to think on what to do and discuss this with your wife.
  114. “All right, we can stop by again tomorrow. Lyra, are you okay with that?”
  115. >She huffs before taking a deep breath and staring Fluttershy dead in the eyes.
  116. >”We're going to talk about everything tomorrow Fluttershy. Understood?”
  117. >The tone she just used may have been the most serious one you've heard from her.
  118. >”Of course... I know we will.”
  119. >The mare is about to take off when Ivy calls out.
  120. >”M-Mom? I-If father and his family are leaving, can I walk them home... please?”
  121. >Fluttershy gives her daughter a soft smile and nods.
  122. >”Only if it's okay with them... Anon?”
  123. >It would be nice to talk with your daughter in private, see what her understanding of the situation is.
  124. >Lyra seems a bit annoyed at the thought, but accepts.
  125. >Hope is looking at you with those large eyes she gives you when she really wants something, like she did when you bought her signature hair clips.
  126. “I don't think it will be a problem.”
  127. >The two girls squeal softly.
  128. >Hope jumps up and hugs you.
  129. >”Thank you dad, thank you thank you!”
  130. >Ivy walks next to Hope and fiddles with her fingers while looking down.
  131. >”Th-Thank you... Mr. Anon.”
  132. >She may not be comfortable calling you father or dad when talking to you, but she clearly wants to.
  133. “You don't have to be so formal with me Ivy.”
  134. >She shakes her head.
  135. >”B-But it would be rude if I wasn't Mr. Anon.”
  136. >Lyra lets out an unintended light giggle.
  137. >She catches herself and coughs.
  138. >Hope on the other hand lets out an open giggle.
  139. >”But he's your dad too, right? You should call him that or it will be weird!”
  140. >You had wondered how Hope would react to the situation once you told her.
  141. >Looks like she already caught on to a bit and isn't bothered by it.
  142. >Her mother though...
  143. >”Hope, I-...”
  144. >Lyra catches herself before she says another thing to upset Hope.
  145. >”What mom?”
  146. >”I... think we should stop by aunt Bon bon's...”
  147. >She has something planned, and you have an idea as to what.
  148. “That seems like a good idea. Hope, Ivy?”
  149. >The two girls nod and follow you and your wife out as Fluttershy goes to talk to her son.
  152. >”I can't believe the nerve of her! Being so... so... so loose with this!”
  153. >Lyra is pacing around your hotel room.
  154. >Now that you two are alone, she is venting all the anger she had stored from the brief visit with Fluttershy.
  155. “I know honey, it was like she was treating as a game!”
  156. >You are as well.
  157. >Ivy and Timber may be your children, and you will treat them as such, but Fluttershy has done something disgustingly selfish and horrid.
  158. >”Exactly! I-I just... ugh!”
  159. >Your wife throws herself on the bed and places a pillow over her mouth to let out a scream.
  160. >The pillow must be quite thick since only a muffle escapes it.
  161. >Once she is finished, she places her head on your lap.
  162. >”Those poor kids... The girl is clearly jealous of Hope and wants you in her life and the boy... oh the poor boy... I wonder how long he's been treated like that, how long Fluttershy has let it go on.”
  163. “They have names dear... Ivy and Timber.”
  164. >She buries her head into your lap, tearing up.
  165. >”I know dear... I know.”
  166. >You run your hand over her cheeks, trying to comfort her.
  167. >”A-... Anon... you never...”
  168. “No, I never touched Fluttershy. Certainly not after we were married or living in Canterlot.”
  169. >”O-Okay... I'm just scared... I-I mean, I don't... I'm being stupid, but I don't want to lose you... to have our family torn apart.”
  170. >She is crying into your lap.
  171. “Lyra, look at me.”
  172. >She does so with tear filled eyes.
  173. “No matter what happens I will always love you, you will always be my wife, and we will always be a family.”
  174. >You pull her up and hug her.
  175. “Got that little miss?”
  176. >She returns your hug and kisses your cheek.
  177. >”I-I know, I'm just being stupid, hormonal... I-It's almost that time of the month...”
  178. >Kissing your wife again, you remember she hates having to deal with her monthly rush of hormones during her altered heat.
  179. >”Dear... Anon... I know you want to be a part of Ivy and Timber's lives, of your children's lives... but please remember you have a daughter who needs you too.”
  180. >Her comment stings you.
  181. >You pull her off and look at her, no longer with comforting eyes.
  182. “I would never try to leave Hope. Nor will they ever replace her. I love my daughter, I would do ANYTHING for her. Lyra, I love you too, but please, never question my devotion to Hope. She is the most important thing in this, or any world to me!”
  183. >Lyra's eyes fill with regret.
  184. >”I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I-I'm scared... I know you are a better person than what my fear is making me think you are, b-but I can't help it! Fluttershy was obsessed with you for so long and now... my stupid head is telling me she may have a way to finally make you hers. I'm sorry.”
  185. >You pull the mare close, chuckling.
  186. “Yeah, your head is stupid.”
  187. >She punches you before pulling herself off.
  188. “If it thinks for even a moment I would try to leave the perfect mare, perfect woman for me... it has to be pretty stupid.”
  189. >Your wife smiles a bit before hitting you once more.
  190. >”Well you have to be pretty stupid too to call your -perfect- woman stupid.”
  191. “Just your head. I know you are normally quite intelligent.”
  192. >You kiss her once more.
  193. >She returns the kiss, slower.
  194. >Her eyes lock with yours, biting her lower lip a little.
  195. “Lyra... I've had a lot thrown at me today. I know you can't help it, but not tonight.”
  196. >She huffs and scooches away from you, facing the wall.
  197. >It only takes a moment for her to retake her spot on your lap, ears lowered.
  198. >”I'm sorry...”
  199. >You kiss her forehead before stroking her horn.
  200. >She shivers before taking a light bite at your pants.
  201. “Just because I'm not in the mood, doesn't mean I can't help you deal with your urges.”
  202. >You slide your free hand down to her marehood and stroke her waiting lips.
  203. >”I love you Anon...”
  204. “And I love you Lyra, so much.”
  205. >The mare gasps and moans as you continue to rub her horn and marehood in tandem.
  208. >”So dad may stay here?!”
  209. “Uh huh! Aunt Bon bon suggested it and mom and dad said we might!”
  210. >Ivy is smiling as you two sit atop aunt Bon bon's guest bed.
  211. >Aunt Bon bon left to go ask Fluttershy if Ivy can spend the night with you here.
  212. >It's great having another girl your age and species to talk to.
  213. >”But what about your grandpa and grandma?”
  214. “I'll miss them, but they were being rude to my mom and dad... I made them sad when I told them.”
  215. >You pull your legs closer and look down to your sister's hooves.
  216. >They are a little thinner than yours and seem softer.
  217. >”W-What happened?”
  218. “Grandma and grandpa were spoiling me and I let them. Dad always said that he never wants me to come out like a spoiled brat.”
  219. >Thinking that you may be one makes you sniffle.
  220. >Your dad was the best, you don't want him to hate you.
  221. >”D-Did you let them do it on purpose?”
  222. “No! I-I just thought they were showing me what a person who lives in Canterlot is supposed to be like! L-Like that dad was trying to get us to be that way one day.”
  223. >”Well if you didn't do it on purpose, it can't be your fault! Right?”
  224. “Yeah... yeah!”
  225. >You hug your sister and smile.
  226. >”I-It'd be nice if you and dad and your mom stayed... I don't have a lot of friends here and it gets lonely.”
  227. “Because no one can relate to being a half human?”
  228. >She nods and chuckles.
  229. >”Yeah, I always thought humans came from here and went extinct. I never asked mom about them much.”
  230. “Nope. Dad said that he came from another world. He said this world is better because there aren't as many idiots trying to hurt each other.”
  231. >Ivy giggles and nods.
  232. >”That makes sense... except... here ponies hurt those that are different.”
  233. “Not in Canterlot. I went to school with species who weren't human or pony and we all got a long just fine, except for a few bullies. Dad took care of them though.”
  234. >Ivy's smile fades, pulling her legs close and looking down.
  235. >”I wish I grew up like you... I got picked on a lot because I was different from the other foals.”
  236. “Like your little brother?”
  237. >”Our... and yeah.”
  238. >Her reminder causes you to nod.
  239. >Even though you haven't spoken with him yet, he is still your little brother.
  240. >It feels nice... having a big sister.
  241. “Well, maybe we could all go to Canterlot instead? It doesn't matter to me, so long as we stick together.”
  242. >Ivy smiles and nods.
  243. >”Right, together. U-Um... can I ask you something?”
  244. “Anything sis!”
  245. >Ivy blushes and she crosses her legs a bit.
  246. >”H-Have you ever seen dad's... thing?”
  247. “What thing?”
  248. >She blushes harder, legs squirming a bit.
  249. >”H-His thing... b-between his legs?”
  250. >What thing could she be talking about?
  251. “Uh, I don't think so. There's a thing there?”
  252. >Ivy nods and shivers a bit.
  253. >”I-It's called a penis and only boys have it... I-I was wondering what dad's looked like... What a human one looked like.”
  254. “What do you mean Ivy? There's more than one kind of penis?”
  255. >Your sister gives off a weird smile and nods.
  256. >”U-uh huh, there's one for every animal and species. I-I've seen a lot of them. N-Never a human one though.”
  257. >This is all confusing.
  258. “Wait, if there is a thing there... how do guys go to the bathroom?”
  259. >Your sister giggles and shakes her head.
  260. >”They use their thing to go to the bathroom.”
  261. “Ewwwwwww! Why would you want to know what that looks like then?”
  262. >”Because i-it's used for more than just going to the bathroom... i-it's used for sex.”
  263. “What's secks?”
  264. >Ivy's small smile is gone, replaced with a look of shock and slight fear.
  265. >”Y-You don't know what sex is?”
  266. >You shake your head and feel weird, like you are supposed to know this stuff already.
  267. >Ivy knows it and she is only a little older than you, right?
  268. “No, am I supposed to? I-Is it normal not to know?”
  269. >”I-I thought it was normal to know. M-Mom always said it was!”
  270. “My mom never talked about that stuff! About sex and penis. C-Can you tell me Ivy? Please? I don't want to be the only one who doesn't know!”
  271. >Ivy looks away, gasping and shivering some more.
  272. >She moves her hands down to take off her shorts.
  273. >”O-Okay, b-but I want you to do me a favor too.”
  274. “Sure! You name it!”
  275. >She takes off her panties next, leaving her bottom half naked.
  276. >”Y-You have to tell me what dad's penis looks like.”
  277. “All right, deal.”
  278. >She smiles a bit, running a hand down to touch between her legs.
  279. >”O-Okay, now take off your shorts and do as I do.”
  280. >You follow your big sister's instructions, wanting to know about this stuff your parents never taught you.
  283. >Day Daughters in Equestria
  284. >The sound of one of the town's many bells rings.
  285. >It pulls you from your sleep.
  286. >You try to pull your body up, but the weight of one satisfied and sleeping mare keeps you down.
  287. >Her horn is still sparkling a bit.
  288. >The sight causes you to smile and rub her belly.
  289. >”Mmm, more~”
  290. >You chuckle at your wife's sleep talk and pull your hand up to your head.
  291. >”I said more~”
  292. >Oh, she's awake.
  293. “Don't you think you've had enough honey?”
  294. >She kisses your lips, suckling your lower lip before opening her eyes.
  295. >”Never enough~”
  296. >Stretching, you kiss her back, more controlled.
  297. “Come on, Hope and Ivy are probably waiting for us.”
  298. >Lyra's eyes go wide, as if she had forgotten her own daughter existed.
  299. >”Right, ugh... I hope Bon bon didn't mind watching them last night.”
  300. “Don't worry, we'll make it up to her.”
  301. >You kiss your wife one more time before getting up and going to shower.
  302. >Lyra follows you, intending to have a little -parental- fun.
  305. >Over two hours have passed due to your extended shower.
  306. >You are definitely going to have to make this up to Bon bon now.
  307. >Lyra is being extra affectionate today.
  308. >Makes sense given you two haven't gone that long since before Hope was born.
  309. >”Mmm, I missed our -showers- together.”
  310. >She coos while pressing her head into your hand.
  311. >You stroke her cheek while chuckling.
  312. “Too bad we can't go on vacation more often. We could use more time to ourselves.”
  313. >Your wife giggles in a way you haven't had the joy of hearing for years.
  314. >Too bad you can't enjoy it longer. Bon bon's house is just up ahead.
  315. >There's a note attached to the front door.
  316. “Dear Anon and Lyra; had to go into work. Hope and Ivy should be upstairs. If they broke anything, I am expecting you two to pay for it. Love, Bon bon.”
  317. >”At least she doesn't seem mad.”
  318. “Is it really a good idea to leave two pre-teens alone like this?”
  319. >”Well Hope doesn't have a wild side and Ivy seems like a sweet enough girl, I'm sure they can be trusted alone.”
  320. >Your wife is right, Hope has always been well behaved.
  321. >You open the door and call out.
  322. “Hope! Ivy! We're here!”
  323. >You hear some shuffling and then a cough.
  324. >”O-One sec dad! We just need to get changed!”
  325. >Hope sounds fine and the house looks like nothing has been touched.
  326. >”I told you.”
  327. >You pet your smug wife and head into Bon bon's living room.
  328. >The two girls emerge not even five minutes later, cheeks burning red.
  329. >”Girls, are you two coming down with something? You seem a bit hot.”
  330. >Hope looks confused before feeling her cheeks.
  331. >”I don't feel sick...”
  332. >Ivy hides behind her hair and touches her cheek as well.
  333. “Hmm, did you two spend the whole day in the room? You should have cracked the door, it's been pretty warm today.”
  334. >Hope looks as if something had just dawned on her.
  335. >”Ohhh, like at home when we wake up in the summer... So staying in one room all day does the same thing?”
  336. >Nod and pet the silly girls head.
  337. “What did you think would happen? No ventilation means the hot stays in.”
  338. >Something smells strange.
  339. >You don't want to point fingers, but it might be the smell of hot animal fur on Ivy.
  340. >Lyra smells it too, letting off a small chuckle before looking to the two girls.
  341. >”Um, did you two shower today? You smell a bit... ripe.”
  342. >The girls cheeks turn redder.
  343. >”I-I forgot... I'm sorry mom.”
  344. >Petting your daughter again, you give her a small nudge towards the bathroom.
  345. “Be quick, Ivy may need to shower as well.”
  346. >Hope nods and rushes for the bathroom.
  347. >Ivy is left alone with you and Lyra.
  348. >She seems to be uncomfortable.
  349. “Ivy... do you want to talk?”
  350. >She shakes her head, smiling a bit.
  351. >Lyra notices the child's hesitation and adds.
  352. >”Well, we can talk about anything you want. Anon or I can answer some questions, if you have them.”
  353. >The girl thinks for a moment before opening her mouth.
  354. >”D-...D-... Daddy?”
  355. >She seems on the verge of tears just by saying the one word.
  356. “Yes Ivy?”
  357. >She swallows before taking a deep breath.
  358. >”... A-Are you going to leave me and Timber when your vacation is over?”
  359. >Lyra seems torn by this comment, as if she is hurting the girl herself.
  360. “No Ivy, I won't. You're my children, like Hope. I want to be a part of your lives, even if I wasn't before now. Even if I only get to see you every once in a while... You are my daughter.”
  361. >You take a knee and give the frightened girl a smile.
  362. >She runs towards you, a few tears streaming down her cheeks as she hugs you.
  363. >”I-I always wanted you to be here. I always wanted to have my dad be with me!”
  364. >You return the girls hug, stroking up and down her back.
  365. >A quick glance at Lyra shows she is smiling herself.
  366. “I'm here now. I'll try to be with you.”
  367. >You spend the next twenty minutes talking with your daughter, answering questions she has about humans.
  368. >”So their technology was a lot more advanced than ours and they were able to do impossible things like fly to the moon?”
  369. “It wasn't impossible, just difficult. I'm sure that Equestria will be on the same level as Earth is... even if they are making inconsistent jumps.”
  370. >How can a world have working DJ tables but not even a single video game?
  371. >Not even pong.
  372. >Hope emerges from the bathroom, cheeks returned to their normal hue.
  373. >She smiles and rushes to hug you and her mom.
  374. >Ivy hugs you once more before running to the bathroom.
  375. >”Soooo?”
  376. >Lyra giggles at the little Satyr's curiosity.
  377. >”If you're wondering if you'll be seeing her often. The answer is yes.”
  378. >Hope squeals and hugs her mother, as if she was the one who made it all happen.
  379. “We're going to try and work a schedule out with Fluttershy so you can see your brother and sister.”
  380. >There was your biggest obstacle... Fluttershy.
  381. >From what Ivy has told you, she may very well still be obsessed with you.
  382. >She talks about you all the time to Hope's siblings.
  383. >Add that to her past actions...
  384. >You may have to take Ivy and Timber with you one day to keep them safe.
  385. >For now, let your family and new found children have their peace.
  386. >It won't last long if things get messy and they should enjoy it as much as possible.
  387. >Hope sits next to you, placing her hand dangerously close to your manhood.
  388. >The girl knows better though, plus she isn't sexually active in any way.
  389. >It will be a very awkward time trying to explain to her both human and pony sexual needs.
  390. >But you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.
  391. >Just enjoy your sweet innocent daughter as she is.
  392. >She can't be your innocent girl forever, but you will cherish the years she has left.
  393. >... Her hand moved closer.
  394. >A quick lift has it in your hand, away from your crotch.
  395. >Must have been a slip...
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