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Oct 18th, 2013
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  1. Name: Valentine (real name Baudelaire)
  3. Gender: Male
  5. Race: Diamond Dog
  7. Class: Rogue
  9. Skills:
  10. -Burrowing: Diamond dogs can dig tunnels and holes with ease, setting traps, moving unseen and fleeing in unexpected directions.
  11. -Backstab: weapon. recharge 1; strikes the enemy from behind. No counterattack damage except on critfail if used from Stealth. Crits on a 9+. Kills helpless targets.
  12. -Disguise: Pretends to be someone else. Min 6+ allows the user to pass as a generic person (a guard, a noble, a commoner, etc); 8+ allows the user to pass as a specific person; a crit allows the user to mimic different races and/or genders.
  13. -Stealth: become hidden. Enemies cannot attack you until you reveal yourself. An attack used in stealth Autocrits. Can be used at DC8 in combat.
  14. -Escape Artist: automatic, recharge 3; break free of all immobilizing effects (grabs, roots, freeze traps etc.) and also removes helplessness.
  16. Special Talent: +2 to Sneak
  18. Hits/Wounds: 5/5
  20. Equipment:
  21. -Shortsword
  22. -Small shield
  23. -Crossbow
  24. -30 bolts
  25. -Black fur coat concealing light plate armor
  26. -Peaked hood and bandanna, usually around the face
  27. -Leather gloves, leggings and boots
  28. -Wooden trinket in the shape of a heart - never explains significance
  29. -Lantern
  30. -100 bits
  32. Character Traits:
  33. Baudelaire was a master thief on the list of Equestria's most wanted, until he was finally captured and hung. Revived by an aspiring necromancer in the hopes that he would become his minion, he travels Equestria under the name of Valentine, concealing his ghastly appearance by wrapping himself up. He prefers to stay out of trouble, and is looking especially for a way to either die permanently or to come back to life fully, if at all possible.
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