
r9k pasta

Jul 12th, 2016
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  2. Listen, bitch. I've been on 4chan for 12 years. I've visited more chat rooms, played more group games, been on more voice chats, and met more anons IRL than I could possibly remember. No matter who you are or how shit your knowledge of 4chan culture is, if you're a woman you are ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT GUARANTEED automatic attention and preferential treatment from every single male in the vicinity. There are no exceptions to this. Some femanons take the smart route and make it clear that they have no intention of flirting with anyone. These are the ones who become lasting and contributing members of the group. But most of you don't do this. And for every single femanon who does, there are ten more who tear the group apart with their whiny, narcissistic, histrionic bullshit. Just because they can. Just because they already have a boyfriend, or want a specific male in the group to notice them, or have already decided that every male is completely beneath them. You have done this for 12 years on 4chan alone, and you have the gall to tell me you can't easily get a boyfriend? You, who destroys communities and turns members against each other, you dare EVEN IMPLY that you lack male attention from us, let alone the outside world?
  4. The. Fucking. Nerve.
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