

Mar 18th, 2013
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  1. [17:02:15] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i just cut my thumb
  2. [17:02:18] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: down to the bone
  3. [17:02:25] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and started laughing
  4. [17:02:29] heidi: lovely.
  5. [17:02:35] heidi: how'd you do that then?
  6. [17:02:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i was practicing drawing my knife, and it's spring assisted
  7. [17:02:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: so it flipped out of my hand
  8. [17:02:52] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: rofl
  9. [17:02:54] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: rofl
  10. [17:02:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and it's extremely sharp
  11. [17:03:06] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I could shave with it
  12. [17:03:11] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: sometimes i trim my eye brows with it hue
  13. [17:03:20] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but yeah
  14. [17:03:48] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that was like 10 minutes ago, i put a bandaid on it because it's the back of my thumb
  15. [17:03:54] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i hope it doesnt stop me from playing guitar
  16. [17:03:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that'd be inconvenient
  17. [17:04:24] heidi: >drawing your knife
  18. [17:04:32] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the song we're working on is simple enough that i could do all of the strumming with my index finger i think, but other songs i'm trying to learn require my thumb
  19. [17:04:33] heidi: live someplace violent?
  20. [17:04:38] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: nope
  21. [17:04:52] heidi: why would you need a spring-assisted knife then
  22. [17:05:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no one needs a spring assisted knife
  23. [17:05:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but it doesn't hurt
  24. [17:05:14] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: unless you cut your own thumb open
  25. [17:05:16] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:05:09 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] but it doesn't hurt
  26. [17:05:16] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: like me
  27. [17:05:18] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:05:09 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] but it doesn't hurt
  28. [17:05:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: hahahah
  29. [17:05:20] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:05:09 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] but it doesn't hurt
  30. [17:05:33] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's the first time it's happened thoug h
  31. [17:05:36] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i've had the knife for like 3 years
  32. [17:05:43] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and i carry it on me 100% of the time
  33. [17:05:48] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the only time i don't have it is when i shower
  34. [17:05:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: lol
  35. [17:05:59] heidi: where do you live where that isnt illegal?
  36. [17:06:01] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and my method for drawing it is unique, which is what allowed the mishap to happen
  37. [17:06:07] heidi: but more to the point
  38. [17:06:15] heidi: why do you feel you have to carry a weapon?
  39. [17:06:31] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: sometimes I need to open containers
  40. [17:06:35] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: hue
  41. [17:06:36] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or cut things
  42. [17:06:48] heidi: 100% of the time?
  43. [17:06:51] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: well
  44. [17:06:53] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: \every day yeah
  45. [17:06:58] heidi: i have knives at home
  46. [17:07:03] heidi: which is where i use them
  47. [17:07:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: this morning i went downstairs for breakfast, needed to cut open a bag
  48. [17:07:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: had a knife on me
  49. [17:07:22] heidi: >not having a knife in the kitchen anyway
  50. [17:07:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i wasn't in the kitchen
  51. [17:07:37] heidi: but its sooooooo faaaaaaaar
  52. [17:07:42] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  53. [17:07:48] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and to your point about self defense
  54. [17:07:59] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: just because I don't expect to need to defend myself doesn't mean it isn't a possibility
  55. [17:08:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i'd carry my gun around too if I could
  56. [17:08:23] heidi: oh yeehaa, we got a merifag
  57. [17:08:28] heidi: typical one too
  58. [17:08:35] heidi: >carrying guns
  59. [17:08:39] heidi: seriously
  60. [17:08:43] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: loling
  61. [17:08:46] heidi: id be afraid to walk around if everyone had guns
  62. [17:08:50] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: why wouldnt you carry a gun :o
  63. [17:08:57] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: rofl
  64. [17:09:00] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: guns aren't dangerous
  65. [17:09:12] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: huehuehue
  66. [17:09:17] heidi: yeah yeah yeah, guns dont kill, people do
  67. [17:09:22] heidi: im well aware of the arguments
  68. [17:09:38] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: well what you said implies you aren't
  69. [17:09:41] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: i think you aren´t, because if you were, you wouldnt argue about it
  70. [17:09:46] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: why would you be afraid of walking around if everyone carried a gun? that makes no sense
  71. [17:10:14] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:09:41 Twilight Sparkle is best princess] i think you aren´t, because if you were, you wouldnt argue about it
  73. are you seriously implying that this argument is pointless because you're automatically right? i hope you arent.
  74. [17:10:36] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the argument is pointless if you're already correct
  75. [17:10:43] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: there's nothing invalid about that
  76. [17:10:47] heidi: but you arent.
  77. [17:10:51] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: assuming all you have to gain is knowledge
  78. [17:10:51] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: well
  79. [17:10:53] heidi: not in my view
  80. [17:10:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: logic is on our side
  81. [17:11:05] heidi: if youd let me argue my point instead of shooting me down
  82. [17:11:19] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: lold
  83. [17:11:24] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: go for it, I never meant to shoot you down
  84. [17:11:29] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: also lol pun
  85. [17:11:33] heidi: hue
  86. [17:11:40] heidi: like i was saying
  87. [17:11:45] heidi: id be afraid to go out
  88. [17:11:49] heidi: BECAUSE
  89. [17:12:06] heidi: say for the sake of argument, someone wants to harm me
  90. [17:12:11] heidi: for whatever reason
  91. [17:12:25] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: if i want to harm you, i could do that with a knife as much as i could do it with a gun
  92. [17:12:33] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: he clearly is against knife carrying too
  93. [17:12:38] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: oh
  94. [17:12:39] heidi: ok seriously, you gotta let me finish too
  95. [17:12:39] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: better argument would be a metal pipe or wrench
  96. [17:12:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or hands
  97. [17:12:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or pencil
  98. [17:12:44] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but yeah go on
  99. [17:13:01] heidi: like i was saying before being so rudely interrupted
  100. [17:13:10] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: lol
  101. [17:13:13] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: hahah
  102. [17:13:19] heidi: without guns, i have a higher chance of survival
  103. [17:13:22] heidi: thats undeniable
  104. [17:13:26] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: wat
  105. [17:13:29] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that makes no sense
  106. [17:13:35] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: say 6 guys attack me with metal pipes
  107. [17:13:37] heidi: its much harder to kill someonewith a knife than with a gun
  108. [17:13:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's completely false
  109. [17:13:57] heidi: you stand i higher chance of surviving 6 guys with pipe than 6 guys with guns
  110. [17:14:03] heidi: true/false?
  111. [17:14:04] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no you do not
  112. [17:14:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's completely absurd
  113. [17:14:15] heidi: right
  114. [17:14:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: me with a gun vs. 6 guys with guns is WAY better than me with a pipe vs. 6 guys with pipes
  115. [17:14:22] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: obviously
  116. [17:14:33] heidi: seriously?
  117. [17:14:36] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: there's zero chance of me beating 6 guys with pipes if all i have is a pipe
  118. [17:14:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but there's a reasonable chance i will with a gun
  119. [17:14:50] heidi: i think you watch too many action movies
  120. [17:14:55] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: rofl
  121. [17:14:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: wat
  122. [17:15:02] heidi: you can drop one
  123. [17:15:05] heidi: maybe two
  124. [17:15:10] heidi: but youll still get killed
  125. [17:15:12] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: what are you basing this on?
  126. [17:15:16] heidi: common sense!
  127. [17:15:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: clearly not
  128. [17:15:20] heidi: numbers
  129. [17:15:23] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I actually shoot guns
  130. [17:15:42] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's possible for people to miss, if they miss you for one second, you win
  131. [17:15:45] heidi: which gives you a vast wealth in real gun combat, im sure
  132. [17:15:51] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if 6 guys with pipes make a mistake for one second, nothing happens
  133. [17:15:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you hit maybe one
  134. [17:15:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: in the head
  135. [17:15:59] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and still have 5
  136. [17:16:07] heidi: and how does that argument not apply to guns
  137. [17:16:20] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: are you serious
  138. [17:16:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: because if they miss for 1 second then you kill all 6
  139. [17:16:27] heidi: hahahaha
  140. [17:16:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the more effective the weapon, the more likely one person can win against many
  141. [17:16:44] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's just how it works
  142. [17:17:03] heidi: and the more likely it is for you to be on the opposite side
  143. [17:17:13] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i'd be more confident in me with a sword vs. 4 guys with swords than me unarmed vs. 3 guys unarmed, for example
  144. [17:17:32] heidi: thats silly.
  145. [17:17:34] heidi: thats really fucking stupid
  146. [17:17:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I also practice medieval martial arts, btw, and that hypothetical assumes everyone has at least some skill
  147. [17:17:53] heidi: so you'd win in a tank vs. 20 tanks?
  148. [17:18:04] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: possibly
  149. [17:18:08] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: depends on the technology
  150. [17:18:16] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the f15 has over 100 confirmed kills and zero losses
  151. [17:18:24] heidi: that a jet?
  152. [17:18:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: yeah
  153. [17:18:30] heidi: ok
  154. [17:18:31] heidi: now
  155. [17:18:35] heidi: youre in a f15
  156. [17:18:44] heidi: youre in a dogfight with 10 f15's
  157. [17:18:56] heidi: how long will it take you to lose
  158. [17:19:02] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's irrelevant
  159. [17:19:07] heidi: no it isnt
  160. [17:19:11] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the point is chances of winning, not the time it takes to lose
  161. [17:19:12] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:16:41 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] the more effective the weapon, the more likely one person can win against many
  162. [17:19:16] heidi: ok
  163. [17:19:20] heidi: let me rephrase
  164. [17:19:27] heidi: do you really expect to win?
  165. [17:19:33] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: of course not
  166. [17:19:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I don't expect to win unarmed vs. 3 unarmed guys
  167. [17:19:44] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or with a gun vs. 6 gunmen
  168. [17:19:52] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the odds are against you in every situation
  169. [17:19:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but the point is that your odds go up
  170. [17:19:57] heidi: so
  171. [17:20:00] heidi: lets stick to 1v1.
  172. [17:20:04] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: when you have a better weapon
  173. [17:20:24] heidi: right
  174. [17:20:40] heidi: assuming an equal level of skill between the two people
  175. [17:20:59] heidi: can you not see that it is easier to kill someone with a gun than with melee?
  176. [17:21:22] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: completely depends on the situation
  177. [17:22:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's far preferably, in melee range, to fight a gun wielder than a knife wielder
  178. [17:22:18] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's not even really debateable
  179. [17:22:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the question is
  180. [17:22:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: would a guy who wants to kill you be in melee range
  181. [17:22:29] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or not
  182. [17:22:33] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:22:18 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] that's not even really debateable
  184. if you have a certain skill in melee
  185. [17:22:53] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: even if you don't, the gun must be aimed at you to shoot you, which makes it easier to grab and push away
  186. [17:23:01] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: whereas a knife can come in and out rapidly at any angle
  187. [17:23:03] Twilight Sparkle is best princess: [17:21:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: completely depends on the situation
  189. <<< so you agree?
  190. [17:23:09] heidi: lets say a city pavement, since this argument started this way
  191. [17:23:13] heidi: im walking along
  192. [17:23:20] heidi: some guy decides to kill me
  193. [17:23:31] heidi: id feel safer if he had a knife or was unarmed
  194. [17:23:37] heidi: than if he had a gun.
  195. [17:23:42] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if you had a warning, then yeah
  196. [17:23:44] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you could just run away
  197. [17:23:44] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: gg
  198. [17:23:51] heidi: my point.
  199. [17:23:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the problem is, why would a guy who wants to KILL you give you a warning
  200. [17:24:03] heidi: not everyone is solid snake
  201. [17:24:08] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: lol
  202. [17:24:10] heidi: or a professional hitman
  203. [17:24:13] heidi: please
  204. [17:24:19] heidi: dont twist the parameters to suit you
  205. [17:24:26] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's nonsense
  206. [17:24:29] heidi: im speaking about your average mugger
  207. [17:24:34] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: muggers don't want to kill you
  208. [17:24:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: they want your money
  209. [17:24:47] heidi: fine then
  210. [17:24:54] heidi: let me rephrase
  211. [17:25:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: this all raises an important question: why does some random dude on the street want to end your life?
  212. [17:25:05] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: seems unlikely
  213. [17:25:17] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if someone has some reason to want you dead, then yeah a gun will be best
  214. [17:25:17] heidi: why would you need to carry a weapon?
  215. [17:25:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: they can shoot you from a distance
  216. [17:25:23] heidi: seems unlikely youd need it
  217. [17:25:31] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it is unlikely, but it's a possibility
  218. [17:25:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's more likely I'll need a weapon than someone will want to kill me
  219. [17:25:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: rofl
  220. [17:25:42] heidi: and its a possibility id come under attack
  221. [17:26:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if anyone in my general vicinity is trying to attack or kill anyone else in my general vicinity, then me having a weapon is beneficial
  222. [17:26:25] heidi: but if they have the same weapons and the same skills as you do, the benefit is moot
  223. [17:26:37] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no it isn't
  224. [17:27:13] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if someone 20 feet from me pulls a knife on a guy near him, and hypothetically I have the presence of mind to realize it's life or death, I can pull my gun from 20 feet away and shoot him before he can stab the third person
  225. [17:27:17] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: er
  226. [17:27:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: pulls a gun
  227. [17:27:20] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or knife
  228. [17:27:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or whatever
  229. [17:27:33] heidi: thats an awful lot of hypotheticals
  230. [17:27:38] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: so?
  231. [17:27:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're not giving any more realistic scenarios
  232. [17:27:48] heidi: i can suggest an equally implausible scenario to support my point of view
  233. [17:27:58] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: how is that implausible?
  234. [17:28:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: sometimes people attack other people for whatever reason
  235. [17:28:16] heidi: exactly
  236. [17:28:25] heidi: id prefer to be attacked with lower technology.
  237. [17:28:31] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: why would YOU be attacked?
  238. [17:28:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I meant that other people might get into an argument or some shit and it gets violent
  239. [17:28:43] heidi: why would YOU carry a weapon?
  240. [17:28:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i don't expect that to happen to ME
  241. [17:28:52] heidi: noone ever does
  242. [17:28:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: well
  243. [17:28:57] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: then i'll be prepared
  244. [17:28:59] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if i'm carrying a weapon
  245. [17:29:08] heidi: but so is everyone else!
  246. [17:29:13] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no
  247. [17:29:14] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: they aren't
  248. [17:29:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: they can, but most don't
  249. [17:29:28] heidi: and why not?
  250. [17:29:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: because of whatever reason they have to not do it, laziness, poorness, whatever
  251. [17:29:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: inconvenience
  252. [17:30:16] heidi: i still maintain that its riskier to live in a world where guns are more readily available
  253. [17:30:42] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: statistically, that is inaccurate
  254. [17:30:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and logically that makes no sense
  255. [17:31:05] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the less available something is legally, the more likely only criminals will have them
  256. [17:31:28] heidi: criminals will commit crimes with whatever they have
  257. [17:31:44] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: why do you think both the US and switzerland have some of the highest gun ownership in the world, and at the same time the lowest murder rate in the world?
  258. [17:32:01] heidi: >murder
  259. [17:32:07] heidi: nice cherrypicking
  260. [17:32:10] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  261. [17:32:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: what
  262. [17:32:22] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's what we're talking about
  263. [17:32:27] heidi: no.
  264. [17:32:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if you want to talk crime in general, the US does even better
  265. [17:32:38] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: compare the US and UK in crime rates
  266. [17:32:39] heidi: im not talking about the US at all mate
  267. [17:32:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's hilarious
  268. [17:32:52] heidi: why are you turning this into country rivalry
  269. [17:32:55] heidi: i dont give a shit
  270. [17:33:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: wut
  271. [17:33:05] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I'm not
  272. [17:33:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: [12:30:18 PM] heidi: i still maintain that its riskier to live in a world where guns are more readily available
  273. [12:30:44 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: statistically, that is inaccurate
  274. [17:33:24] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i brought statistics to the table
  275. [17:33:30] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you also opened the conversation with "hur dur mericans"
  276. [17:33:32] heidi: fine then
  277. [17:33:39] heidi: *citation needed*
  278. [17:33:50] heidi: gonna need some sauce on those stats then
  279. [17:33:56] heidi: lets examine them.
  280. [17:35:18] heidi: while you look, ill continue. like i was saying, criminals will commit crimes with whatever they have. but in a country where guns are more readily available, the average citizen has a higher potential to cause harm than in a country where firearms are restricted.
  281. [17:35:25] heidi: thats common sense.
  282. [17:36:01] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: lost power for a second
  283. [17:36:11] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: yeah
  284. [17:36:12] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's true
  285. [17:36:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's also true that when more people have means to defend themselves, more defenses will occur
  286. [17:36:41] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:33:50 heidi] gonna need some sauce on those stats then
  287. [17:36:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43828540,d.dmQ&fp=b1fee2a396897a33&biw=1920&bih=933
  288. [17:37:06] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: i'm not going to examine each piece of evidence with you individually
  289. [17:37:14] heidi: why not?
  290. [17:37:17] Buddhist !LogicOCed.:
  291. [17:37:18] heidi: sounds like fun.
  292. [17:37:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: waste of my time
  293. [17:37:28] Dani (dunno): because that's a pain in the ass
  294. [17:37:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's funny though because this conversation has been mostly moot
  295. [17:37:46] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: like
  296. [17:37:48] Dani (dunno): it's something that looks completely different depending on what side you're looking at it from
  297. [17:37:58] Dani (dunno): it's a silly argument
  298. [17:37:58] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:37:48 Dani (dunno)] it's something that looks completely different depending on what side you're looking at it from
  299. [17:38:00] heidi: this
  300. [17:38:11] heidi: were looking at it from fundamentally different sides.
  301. [17:38:16] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no we aren't
  302. [17:38:22] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're just giving logically invalid reasoning
  303. [17:38:38] heidi: how is it anything of what i said logically invalid?
  304. [17:38:46] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: we're both looking at it from the perspective of "what effects will increased gun availability have"
  305. [17:38:50] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: uh
  306. [17:38:58] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: almost everything you've said has been invalid
  307. [17:39:04] heidi: pick a single one
  308. [17:39:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you've said you have a higher chance of survival with lower tech weapons
  309. [17:39:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: etc
  310. [17:39:09] heidi: we'll debate only that one.
  311. [17:39:14] heidi: ok
  312. [17:39:24] heidi: let me expound upon that.
  313. [17:39:26] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no thanks
  314. [17:39:39] heidi: well this is a fine argument then isnt it
  315. [17:39:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I don't want to partake in the argument anymore
  316. [17:39:53] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: too much wasted time
  317. [17:40:01] Dani (dunno): honestly i'd personally say that regardless of gun availablity, the people who are planning crimes are going to commit crimes with them regardless
  318. [17:40:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's also a completely moot argument
  319. [17:40:10] heidi: >im right
  320. >youre logically invalid
  321. no im not, ill explain
  322. >no thinks, wasted time
  323. [17:40:14] Dani (dunno): guns are easy to get if you know the right people
  324. [17:40:15] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: yes
  325. [17:40:16] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that is what happened
  326. [17:40:24] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I am saying you're wrong and not giving you a chance to explain
  327. [17:40:27] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: because I don't care what you have to say
  328. [17:40:39] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if the conversation mattered to me, then there'd be an issue with this
  329. [17:40:44] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but the conversation doesn't matter to me
  330. [17:40:46] heidi: you are literally the worst kind of person.
  331. [17:40:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  332. [17:40:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: yeah
  333. [17:40:50] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: totally
  334. [17:41:01] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: like I've been trying to say
  335. [17:41:04] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the conversation is completely moot
  336. [17:41:20] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: because the question of whether or not people should be *allowed* to carry weapons is completely different from whether or not it's "good" that they do
  337. [17:41:26] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or good that they can
  338. [17:41:45] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: there's no logical argument you can make that says that I should not be allowed to carry a weapon
  339. [17:41:50] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I am not going to use it to commit a crime
  340. [17:42:23] reallyfatbaby: and to think, this all started because buddhist gored his thumb
  341. [17:42:37] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: even if the majority of people who have weapons commit crimes with them (obviously hilariously wrong), there would still be no valid argument that I should be disarmed
  342. [17:43:23] reallyfatbaby: that'd me more a case of dealing with the sanity of the population
  343. [17:43:27] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's funny that heidi will come away from this thinking "omagerd mericans r so closed minded"
  344. [17:43:35] reallyfatbaby: something in the water
  345. [17:43:38] heidi: whoops
  346. [17:43:42] heidi: had to restart
  347. [17:43:46] heidi: where were we
  348. [17:43:54] heidi: ah yes.
  349. [17:43:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: when in reality I could have just opted to not have the conversation in the first place, and he'd never have said "you're the worst kind of person", but the same effect would have been had
  350. [17:45:18] heidi: regardless of the content of your argument, the way in which you've conducted it shows that you are incredibly close-minded. while im willing to discuss something i feel strongly about, you obviously dont feel the same way unless its trying to convince me. otherwise you wouldnt have entered into the argument in the first place.
  351. [17:45:27] heidi: you sound petty and ignorant
  352. [17:45:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I'm not clsoed minded at all
  353. [17:45:31] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: closed*
  354. [17:45:34] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:41:45 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] there's no logical argument you can make that says that I should not be allowed to carry a weapon
  355. [17:45:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: yes
  356. [17:45:44] heidi: the very definition of closemindedness.
  357. [17:45:51] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  358. [17:46:04] heidi: if you dont let me make my argument, of course youre not going to get one
  359. [17:46:08] heidi: but whatever
  360. [17:46:12] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: there's no logical argument you can make that says 2+2=5 (assuming we use the same definition of those numbers, obviously)
  361. [17:46:29] Dani (dunno): there's a difference in ideology here.
  362. [17:46:37] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ideology is irrelevant
  363. [17:46:43] heidi: so you're saying that gun control policies have the same clear-cut views as maths?
  364. [17:46:49] heidi: because if you are
  365. [17:46:50] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no
  366. [17:46:54] Dani (dunno): it's relevant because it's causing the issue
  367. [17:46:58] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I didn't say anything about gun control policies
  368. [17:47:01] Dani (dunno): it's irrelevant to the actual topic
  369. [17:47:06] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: not in that general of a sense
  370. [17:47:24] heidi: so are you saying that weapon-carrying policies have the same clear-cut views as maths?
  371. [17:48:01] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I'm saying that the argument of whether or not it's okay to disarm all people in a society indiscriminately is as clear-cut as math
  372. [17:48:15] heidi: so why isnt policy the same the world over?
  373. [17:48:26] heidi: why doesnt the UK allow people to carry guns?
  374. [17:48:30] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  375. [17:48:34] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: this is why the conversation is pointless
  376. [17:48:37] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're very stupid
  377. [17:48:48] heidi: actually, mensa member here, but do go on
  378. [17:48:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: oh wow
  379. [17:48:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: IQ
  380. [17:48:58] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: counts for so much
  381. [17:48:59] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: derp
  382. [17:49:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the policies of the UK or any country are far, far removed from logic
  383. [17:49:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: which is obvious
  384. [17:49:11] heidi: but its not
  385. [17:49:14] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  386. [17:49:20] heidi: you say words like 'obvious' without backing them up
  387. [17:49:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: rofl
  388. [17:49:31] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: seriously
  389. [17:49:35] heidi: if it was obvious, their policies would match yours
  390. [17:49:46] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you are making the most amazing arguments
  391. [17:49:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that are so valid
  392. [17:49:50] Dani (dunno): the issue is, we don't live in a perfect world. we live in a world where 2+2 adds up to 5 for some, 4 for others and even 3 for others.
  393. [17:49:54] heidi: so are you.
  394. [17:50:02] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: [12:49:05 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the policies of the UK or any country are far, far removed from logic
  395. [12:49:09 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: which is obvious
  396. [17:50:06] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: [12:49:37 PM] heidi: if it was obvious, their policies would match yours
  397. [17:50:17] heidi: i really cant see what points youre trying to make, and its clear you feel the same way
  398. [17:50:24] heidi: its pretty clear weve run our course
  399. [17:50:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: rofl
  400. [17:50:37] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I'm making a really simple/obvious point
  401. [17:50:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and you're failing to grasp it somehow
  402. [17:50:54] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the fact that you don't already realize it proved that a conversation with you is pointless
  403. [17:50:55] heidi: lets play along
  404. [17:51:10] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're arguing that "if it's logical to do X, then all countries would do X, but they don't therefore X isn't logical"
  405. [17:51:18] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: do I really need to explain how idiotic of an argument that is?
  406. [17:51:18] heidi: try to explain it to me in retard language
  407. [17:51:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: really?
  408. [17:51:28] heidi: no, your original point.
  409. [17:51:34] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ?
  410. [17:52:00] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I don't think I ever said my original point on disarmament is "obvious"
  411. [17:52:12] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:49:03 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] the policies of the UK or any country are far, far removed from logic
  413. > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:49:07 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] which is obvious
  414. [17:52:13] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: what I said is "obvious" is that the policies of countries are far, far removed from logic
  415. [17:52:17] heidi: fine
  416. [17:52:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  417. [17:52:25] heidi: can you not see how that doesnt make sense?
  418. [17:52:26] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you say "fine" like those are even remotely close
  419. [17:52:34] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: like
  420. [17:52:36] heidi: youre using your personal views as a basis for an argument
  421. [17:52:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the mistake you just made was not reasonable/acceptable
  422. [17:52:43] heidi: a logical argument.
  423. [17:52:52] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you mistook two completely unrelated points
  424. [17:53:34] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: my personal views are based on logic
  425. [17:53:36] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: so yeah
  426. [17:54:18] heidi: haha
  427. [17:54:20] heidi: oh wow.
  428. [17:54:31] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ?
  429. [17:54:42] heidi: 'i feel this is obvious'
  430. [17:54:46] heidi: therefore it is obvious.
  431. [17:54:53] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: what are you even talking about?
  432. [17:54:57] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I never said anything liek that
  433. [17:55:29] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I actually have no idea where what you just said came from
  434. [17:55:30] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:49:07 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] which is obvious
  436. but its not obvious. YOU say its obvious
  437. [17:55:34] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ......
  438. [17:56:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: are you implying that the policies of the UK are not far removed from logical reasoning?
  439. [17:56:15] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I consider it obvious that they are
  440. [17:56:19] heidi: ah
  441. [17:56:23] heidi: now were reasoning, see?
  442. [17:56:48] heidi: i think that, on this particular issue, the uk makes more sense than US
  443. [17:56:57] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and that's relevant, how?
  444. [17:57:03] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:49:07 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] which is obvious
  445. [17:57:14] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: see, the problem here is you have poor reading comprehension
  446. [17:57:15] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:49:07 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] which is obvious
  447. [17:57:17] heidi: derp
  448. [17:57:18] heidi: quote wrong.
  449. [17:57:22] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or maybe you just substitute things you read for your own imagined ideas
  450. [17:57:28] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: to project onto me
  451. [17:57:28] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:56:03 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] are you implying that the policies of the UK are not far removed from logical reasoning?
  452. [17:57:30] heidi: fuck me
  453. [17:57:32] heidi: i cant quote
  454. [17:57:38] heidi: there we are.
  455. [17:57:48] heidi: im responding to this question right here.
  456. [17:58:10] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: [12:48:17 PM] heidi: so why isnt policy the same the world over?
  457. [12:48:28 PM] heidi: why doesnt the UK allow people to carry guns?
  458. [12:48:31 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ...
  459. [12:48:36 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: this is why the conversation is pointless
  460. [12:48:38 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're very stupid
  461. [12:48:50 PM] heidi: actually, mensa member here, but do go on
  462. [12:48:57 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: oh wow
  463. [12:48:57 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: IQ
  464. [12:49:00 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: counts for so much
  465. [12:49:01 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: derp
  466. [12:49:05 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the policies of the UK or any country are far, far removed from logic
  467. [12:49:09 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: which is obvious
  468. [17:58:18] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the policies of the UK OR ANY COUNTRY
  469. [17:58:36] heidi: so you're saying that the US is one of the few countries with a logical system?
  470. [17:58:48] heidi: thats the height of arrogance
  471. [17:59:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ............
  472. [17:59:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: holy
  473. [17:59:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: shit
  474. [17:59:11] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: how fucking stupid
  475. [17:59:12] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: can you be
  476. [17:59:19] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: what do you not understand about the word "any"?
  477. [17:59:36] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and
  478. [17:59:38] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: [12:48:03 PM] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I'm saying that the argument of whether or not it's okay to disarm all people in a society indiscriminately is as clear-cut as math
  479. [12:48:17 PM] heidi: so why isnt policy the same the world over?
  480. [12:48:28 PM] heidi: why doesnt the UK allow people to carry guns?
  481. [17:59:39] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: let's not forget
  482. [17:59:41] heidi: i understand pretty well.
  483. [18:00:05] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: your response to "this question is as clear cut as math" is "then why doesn't everyone understand it that way?"
  484. [18:00:07] heidi: its like arguing with a religious fanatic over here
  485. [18:00:15] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: rofl
  486. [18:00:20] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 18:00:05 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] your response to "this question is as clear cut as math" is "then why doesn't everyone understand it that way?"
  489. [18:00:22] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're the one arguing from popularity
  490. [18:00:28] heidi: everyone fucking understands math
  491. [18:00:42] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: hahahaha
  492. [18:00:46] heidi: if it was that clear-cut
  493. [18:00:49] heidi: there would be no discussion
  494. [18:00:58] heidi: but because there IS discussion
  495. [18:00:59] heidi: it cant be that clear-cut
  496. [18:01:05] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: ok maybe we're using two different definitions of "clear-cut"
  497. [18:01:08] heidi: how do you not get this?
  498. [18:01:13] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: because
  499. [18:01:16] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're talking like everyone in the world
  500. [18:01:18] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: is perfectly logical
  501. [18:01:20] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and i'm laughing at you
  502. [18:01:34] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: few people in the world are more than idiots
  503. [18:01:54] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: just because it's possible to come to a logically infallible conclusion on a topic doesn't mean anyone will
  504. [18:02:08] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: when you said "clear-cut", I thought you meant "unambiguous/infallble"
  505. [18:02:15] heidi: there we go assuming logical infallibility again.
  506. [18:02:21] heidi: i cant argue with this.
  507. [18:02:24] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: nothing is assumed
  508. [18:02:30] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 18:02:15 heidi] there we go assuming logical infallibility again.
  509. [18:02:34] heidi: *STATING
  510. [18:02:38] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: well
  511. [18:02:39] heidi: happy now?
  512. [18:02:43] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: yeah
  513. [18:02:47] heidi: good for you
  514. [18:02:53] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if you think it's impossible to come to a logically infallible conclusion on a real life topic
  515. [18:02:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: then you aren't fit for this conversation
  516. [18:03:03] heidi: hope you feel nice and warm in that logically unassailable tower you have there
  517. [18:03:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: what would even be the point of you having a conversation if you think you can't find the right answer? must be a pretty pointless thing
  518. [18:04:22] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: also you're implying that I said that I am infallible or something
  519. [18:04:23] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but I didn't
  520. [18:04:25] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: just because it's possible to come to a logically infallible conclusion on a topic doesn't mean anyone will
  521. [18:04:44] heidi: nono, you misunderstand. i firmly believe that gun availability is wrong. but because you're unwilling to consider other points of view, considering them logical fallacies solely by virtue of being on the opposite side of the argument, i cant argue with you.
  522. [18:04:55] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's not what I'm doing
  523. [18:05:16] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're making arguments from popularity and other pretty obvious logical fallacies
  524. [18:05:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: we have a lot of miscommunication
  525. [18:05:56] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: like
  526. [18:05:59] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the "clear-cut" thing
  527. [18:06:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: was a total misunderstanding I think
  528. [18:06:11] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:40:24 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] I am saying you're wrong and not giving you a chance to explain
  529. > [Monday, 18 March 2013 17:40:27 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] because I don't care what you have to say
  530. [18:06:18] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: well yeah
  531. [18:06:19] heidi: this right here
  532. [18:06:23] heidi: i cant argue with this
  533. [18:06:27] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: good
  534. [18:06:35] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I don't have arguments with christians about religion either
  535. [18:06:40] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: same thing
  536. [18:06:51] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I already know that they can't tell me anything that I'll learn from
  537. [18:07:02] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's not closed mindedness, it's efficiency
  538. [18:07:50] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: in otherwords, I can see their arguments in a concise enough format that I already know it has no impact on my preexisting opinions; none of the things they could say would validly refute anything I already think
  539. [18:07:56] heidi: see here is the fundamental difference between us. we both have strong views, but whereas im willing to consider the other point of view and then refute it, you cant even comprehend the possibility of an opposite view being correct or having merit.
  540. [18:08:06] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's not what I'm doing
  541. [18:08:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: at all
  542. [18:08:20] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: oh
  543. [18:08:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: wait
  544. [18:08:23] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that depends on the topic
  545. [18:08:41] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if you mean, specifically, the idea of indiscriminate disarmament
  546. [18:08:43] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: then yeah
  547. [18:08:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I do not respect any opposite view
  548. [18:08:58] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: just like anyone who says agnosticism is wrong, I do not respect
  549. [18:09:02] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I can logically prove these things
  550. [18:09:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the former with some axioms
  551. [18:09:15] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: if I gave you the axioms, you might agree with me
  552. [18:09:31] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: but I don't care if you agree with me so I'm not going to bother going through the process of explaining my reasoning
  553. [18:09:57] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: agnosticism is the best example though, because it requires no premises
  554. [18:10:00] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or assumptions in any form
  555. [18:11:05] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's very possible that we only disagree on an informational level, where the information you have leads you to believe one thing, and the information I have leads me to believe another, but this can only be true in the context of "what would be most beneficial for society as a whole", or something which I consider equally unimportant as that
  556. [18:11:30] heidi: > [Monday, 18 March 2013 18:08:49 Buddhist !LogicOCed.] I do not respect any opposite view.
  558. but see here, this is why i see no merit in arguing with you. not because of any admittedly valid content you may have in your argument, but because of the way you approach the argument in the first place.
  559. [18:11:43] heidi: we're done here.
  560. [18:11:46] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: no shit?
  561. [18:11:50] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I told you not to bother
  562. [18:11:51] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: 30 minutes ago
  563. [18:11:52] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: or more
  564. [18:11:54] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: like
  565. [18:12:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: you're talking to me like I'm a closed minded christian and you have to prove to me that I'm closed minded
  566. [18:12:09] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: when in reality
  567. [18:12:18] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I told you "don't bother telling me your argument, I don't care"
  568. [18:12:29] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's not closed mindedness, it's that I don't think it's worth my time to hear what you have to say
  569. [18:12:35] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: on the previous topic
  570. [18:13:01] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: also
  571. [18:13:07] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's not the way I approached the argument in the first place
  572. [18:13:16] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: that's the way I approached the argument after you proved to me that you have nothing valid to say
  573. [18:13:21] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: hue
  574. [18:13:52] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and you're trying to retroactively apply that statement to give yourself a sense of superiority
  575. [18:13:53] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: it's kinda funny
  576. [18:19:03] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: the epitome of reddit
  577. [18:26:54] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: I also never made the most important argument for carrying a gun
  578. [18:27:49] Buddhist !LogicOCed.:
  579. [18:27:50] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: summed up in this picture
  580. [18:33:46] Buddhist !LogicOCed.: and btw, heidi, even if I don't respect your reasoning, I respect your singing, and that's why we're here hue
  581. [18:34:11] heidi: lets stick to that only then.
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