
Death Arena (Short)

Jun 12th, 2012
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  1. >set up fluffy pony death arena for amusement
  2. >starve two fluffy ponies with the intention of making them fight over single strand of spaghetti
  3. >place them in box and wait for blood
  4. >each blinks at the other, considering the tiny amount of nourishment between them
  5. >"Yoo eat sketties, fwiend, yoo hungwy!"
  6. >"Nuu, new fwiend, yoo need sketti mowe!"
  7. >"Pwease don't be hungwy, ow I cwy!"
  8. >"We bofe eat sketti, sketti haff two ends!"
  9. >they do that Lady-and-the-Tramp shit where they adorably nuzzle after slurping either end of the spaghetti up
  10. >fluffy ponies give each other hugs
  11. >begin to frolic and take turns using each other as ball
  12. >"I wuv you, fwuffy fwiend!"
  13. >"I wuv you too, fwiend!"
  14. >apparently species has no in-born instinct to fight directly even over resources, resulting in sharing
  15. >could be effective survival mechanism in times of scarcity
  16. >not right now though
  17. >throw arena, ponies and all out of window
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