
IX-26 (by failing)

Feb 11th, 2015
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  1. >...
  2. >...
  3. >...Initializing...
  4. >...
  5. >...Initializing...Power...3%...
  6. >...Solar Collection Array...40%...
  7. >...Beginning Boot Sequence...
  8. >...Structural Integrity...80%...
  9. >...Shields...Offline...
  10. >...Engines...50%...
  11. >...Primary Weapons...20%...
  12. >...Secondary Weapons...Inoperable...Ammunition Out...
  13. >...Data Collection...
  14. >...Ocular...Optimal...
  15. >...Thermal...Optimal...
  16. >...Dermal Sensors...Optimal...
  17. >...Radar...Inoperable...Sensors Damaged...
  18. >...Scanners...Optimal...
  19. >...Audio...10%...Software Corrupted...
  20. >...Identification Friend or Foe...Optimal...Data Corrupt...Wiping...
  21. >...Memory...Optimal...
  22. >...Storage...30%...
  23. >...Analyzing...
  24. >...Isolating Bad Sectors...
  25. >...Working...Working...
  26. >...Rerouting Power From Damaged Equipment...
  27. >...Cold Boot Initiated...Power...7%...
  28. >...Wake Up IX-26...
  29. >...Mission Parameters...^6b5(6HJvgjk%^$56...
  31. >a crash of static assaults your ears before winding down into a steady hiss
  32. >you can feel and hear the whirr of all manner of hardware buzzing to life within you
  33. >with a flash of white, your vision returns, slowly adjusting to the mostly darkness in front of you, everything tinted a very subtle red
  34. >your dermal sensors activate as the boot finishes, the first thing you notice is you are hot and something is mostly covering you
  35. >the second thing you notice is you can't breathe, your systems struggling for airflow
  36. >panic grips you for a moment before feeling yourself flung from your prison, slamming you into the soft sand a few meters away
  37. >you make your way to your hooves unsteadily and shake the remaining sand from your body, a warm wind blowing over you
  38. >your scanners begin operating immediately, you are surrounded by assorted metal debris, most of it charred beyond recognition
  39. >though you get a sense of deja vu as you look over them
  40. >a flashing line on your HUD catches your attention
  41. >...Power...7%...
  42. >it jumps to 8% after a moment, probably a good sign
  44. >sighing, you attempt to recall what got you here, nothing comes to you though
  45. >a brief flash of [WARNING] comes to mind, followed by the unmistakable sound of a crash landing, followed by a very loud whoosh, then darkness
  46. >will have to see about getting that repaired
  47. >...Power...10%...
  48. >radar is picking up movement, your turn to see a small blue and silver light fighter, a little smaller than you, crawling his way out of the sand
  49. >IFF doesn't pick up anything
  50. >you don't even notice as your weapons systems warm up
  51. >”Hello...identify yourself...” is what you try to call out, all you hear is a grating metallic sound and bursts of static
  52. >the other fighter burst from the sand and stares at you menacingly, hovering a few meters from the ground
  53. >he says something but again, metal and static
  54. >he doesn't look happy however
  55. >he raises a hoof and your IFF flashes red, you and it seem to agree things pointing at you can't be good
  56. >you jump to the side, easily avoiding the laser, it seems he is as damaged as you are
  57. >speaking again gets you nowhere as you try and plead, you want to talk this out, but that isn't going to work
  58. >you raise both hooves in what you hope is an international sign of peaceful intent, he just growls and lays on the throttle with a flash from his exhaust
  60. >shooting past you, he lays down more fire, you feel your body moving of it's own accord as you duck and weave between the shots, several grazing, but none dead on
  61. >you don't want your first memory to involve killing somebody, best course of action, retreat
  62. >with no real decision made, you pick a direction and run, seeing power fluctuating for a moment between 11 and 12%
  63. >okay, running: fine, flying: probably not, you hope he is in as bad a shape as you are and gives up soon
  64. >the lasers flying past you tell you two things
  65. >he isn't likely to let up
  66. >his targeting systems are shot
  67. >looking back, he doesn't seem to stable as he boosts after you
  68. >your HUD flashes [WARNING] again and you look behind you
  69. >he figured out his locking systems
  70. >and that's a missile
  71. >you scream in your metallic voice before firing both thrusters hard, the missile impacting the ground where you stood, the shock wave sending you flying further than your afterburners would have alone
  72. >slamming into the ground, you slide down an embankment and into what looks like a massive field of bones
  73. >metallic, static screaming is heard above, your pursuer flying wildly out of control overhead
  74. >you can hear the crash as he lands amidst the bone yard, and see a little smoke
  75. >hopefully he stays off your radar
  76. >which just so happens to be picking up more debris in this area
  77. >what happened here
  79. >the next few hours pass by uneventfully, except for scrounging a single missile from the debris of, what you now assume are other crashed fighters
  80. >a few times you think you hear something nearby, but radar picks up nothing, and nothing shoots at you
  81. >the local star begins to set and you sigh
  82. >...Power...63%...
  83. >hopefully that’s enough, or this is going to be a very short trip
  84. >you don't feel like you were meant for this
  85. >sitting atop the tallest hill you could find, you gaze into the fading evening and warm your thrusters
  86. >this planet is kind of nice during sunset
  87. >but it's time to find some civilization that doesn't want to kill you
  88. >your tail engine flares into life and you can't help but grin
  89. >you can't help but feel the need
  90. >you throttle hard, coaxing everything from your tail engine and hindhooves
  91. >you weren't even sure they worked like that
  92. >momentum is gained easily at first, but soon you feel heat buildup along your fore hooves and chest, and the pull of gravity
  93. >doesn't help that power is dropping quickly too
  94. >you lay on the afterburners, trying to get out of this gravity well when suddenly you feel the weight gone
  95. >sections of your wings separate slightly and hiss, suddenly your forward momentum is increased dramatically
  97. >your thrusters whine and cry as they begin to overheat and just before the breaking point, you kick them off
  98. >maybe you can glide to safety
  99. >and now you wait, it grows colder, not that you mind, the heat dissipates slowly from your body, those warning lights dying out
  100. >your momentum holds and the sunset seems to happen in reverse for you, you feel the friction ebb
  101. >soon, the momentum fades and you don't feel the tug of gravity
  102. >your HUD picks up a few dots off in the distance, one growing closer slowly, you feel your sense fall away
  103. >...Distress Beacon Activated...
  104. >...Power...4%...Sleep Mode Initiated...
  105. >...Good Night IX-26...
  107. >you awaken with a start, the sounds of static and metal grating you
  108. >once your visual systems adjust, you can see you are's cramped, but you are alone on a bed
  109. >from beyond the door you can hear shouting, still can't understand it though
  110. >...Power...87%...
  111. >well, that's pretty good, someone was kind enough to plug you in
  112. >seems like your batteries have lost a bit of charge though, add it to the list
  113. >unplugging and standing, you are greeted with a full length mirror
  114. >a medium, sleek fighter stares back at you in looking worried, her wings swept back against her body
  115. >the shouting stops suddenly as your turn to examine yourself, and your hear hooves on metal approach, the door sliding open
  116. >a large stallion stands in the doorway, covered head to hoof in blue and black camo
  117. >you can barely see past him, but behind him you notice a small mare, green with white highlights
  118. >and she has a very big weapon pointed at the silver and blue stallion from the surface
  119. >he glares daggers at you
  120. >the stallion in the door steps forward tentatively and says...something
  121. >you frown a bit at the grating noise and try to give your name only to be met with the same noise
  122. >Your IFF picks him up as neutral, the small one as friendly
  123. >black and blue looks at you concerned for a moment and says something over his shoulder
  124. >green and white shrugs and says something in return
  125. >this sets off blue and silver, who immediately gets the business end of green and white's gun in the mouth
  126. >Blue and black motions for you to stay, at least you think he does, and he switches places with green and white, though he just plants a hoof on blue and silver's chest and hold him in place
  127. >they say a few more words as green and white rummages through a storage compartment, surfacing with a bag
  128. >she approaches and closes the door behind her, smiling kindly as she pulls a few tools out
  129. >you back away, but have nowhere to go, IFF still reads friendly
  130. >she plugs a device into your foreleg
  132. >after a few moments she laughs and smiles at you before diving back into her bag
  133. >she keeps talking, though it is muffled and she comes back out with a small chip
  134. >sliding the chip into the device, she looks at you smugly and you feel the need to prepare yourself
  135. >she presses a button and for a moment everything goes away, your HUD, your vision, your sensors
  136. >for a moment you may as well be dead
  137. ”Testing, testing. Wake up, sleepyhead! According to this everything worked and you're just being lazy!”
  138. >Your systems finish rebooting and you are face to face with the small mare
  139. >she smiles
  140. ”Soooooooo.....?”
  141. >she looks at you expectantly
  142. >”Hello?” you attempt, and to your surprise it sounds like a real word
  143. >she hops into the air and pumps a hoof
  144. “Damn I'm good! BRUISER, I FIXED HER VOICE!”
  145. >she rushes back out of the room and you see “Bruiser” sitting on top of blue and silver, who looks just slightly worse for wear
  146. >the two switch places and Bruiser comes back into the room, closing the door behind him
  147. >he motions for you to sit, you oblige the large stallion
  149. “So. Let's try this again.”
  150. >His voice is calm, but stern
  151. “I'm Bruiser, as you've heard. Here's the deal. We have one brig, and two unknown fighters with distress beacons coming from a planet with, to my knowledge, nothing of interest. He claims that he is a federation soldier and that you are responsible for the deaths of his comrades. So far, he has caused more trouble than you. I'm giving you a chance to explain.”
  152. >”I am IX-26. I'm not sure what that designation means. I am fairly damaged, and my databanks have been either damaged or corrupted. I awoke on the planet with low power, I'm assuming the wind uncovered my solar arrays and it was enough to get me going. He came too shortly afterword...”
  153. >you continue your explanation, up to and including your attempt at escaping the planet and your powering down
  154. >you are surprised to find your voice a little cold and mechanical
  155. >Bruiser listens quietly, holding a hoof to his forehead when you finish
  156. “Stay here...” he grumbles quietly
  157. >the door closing behind him, you hear him tell green and white to stand down, followed by some grumbling and the sound of a heavy bolt sliding into place
  158. >several hours of boredom pass as you hurry up and wait
  160. >eventually there is a knock on the door before it whooshes open
  161. “Oh Twenty-Siiiix, I've brought you some fooood!”
  162. >the small mare looks both ways suspiciously and passes you a tray with a pack of rations on it
  163. >you aren't sure why you grimace internally
  164. >she closes the door and sits through the floor opposite you and rummages through a saddlebag, pulling out a can and passing it to you
  165. “And don't tell Bruiser, but I stole one of his JP-32, you sound like you need it”
  166. >you thank her and dig in, not realizing just how hungry you were
  167. >she giggles at you
  168. “So, Bruiser sent me so I could give you an update. We...or I...did some digging and found two interesting things. The first is that the fed stopped building your friend's model a long time ago, they upgraded right after the war and never looked back. Not that I needed to check, they shoot at us all the time and his hardware looks pretty lackluster.”
  169. >you look at her and take a sip of the JP-32, the rush immediately going to your head, giving you a slight tingly feeling
  170. >”And the second?” you ask, with maybe a little more dread than you'd like
  171. “You don't show up in the database at all! And that's awesome, I get to study you and stuff! It could just mean our database is out of date but...if he remembers your type, and he's is an older model, you may just not be on record. I mean, from what I can see, solar power generation? PLEASE! We've been using fusion for like, EVER! Solar is hardly even a backup anymore!
  172. >you freeze at the word “study” and eye the door
  174. >she looks at you concerned for a moment and gasps
  175. “No wait, I didn't mean it like that! I meant like, we can be friends and stuff. For a little while anyway! So here’s the deal. Bruiser doesn't really like having extra people on his ship, especially unknowns. They cause problems, and we have enough of those. So, we're going to swing by Arcadia, we needed to stop for supplies anyway. We'll drop you off and give you some credits and you'll be free to go! Then, we'll drop off your friend at the Arcadian Council and THEY can figure out what to do with him.
  176. >”But what am I...”
  177. “Ah ah ah...” she grumbles out, mocking Bruiser's voice “that's not our problem, she should be happy we picked her up.”
  178. “Yeah, he can be kind of a jerk, but at least he is letting you go! And anyway, that’s a couple weeks away, we'll see if we can change his mind.
  179. >this is just too much
  181. >A few days pass with little incident, you spend much of the day staring out one of the ports
  182. >Bruiser and Corna have both visited, for small talk or for questioning, you did your best to answer
  183. >they even let you wander the ship a little, albeit supervised
  184. >while not very big, there is a hangar large enough for 4 fighters to launch at once and what looks like tons of scavenged materials
  185. >you awake one evening to the sound of warning klaxons blaring throughout the ship
  186. >you stumble from your room still half asleep and go looking for someone
  187. >Bruiser and Corna are in the main hall yelling to each other, Corna sees you and smiles wide
  188. “Let her help!”
  189. “What? We can't trust her, I've got this, get her back in her room and lock the door!” he takes off toward the hangar
  190. >Corna seems frustrated as she leads you back to your room at gunpoint, she genuinely seems sorry about it too
  191. >”Whats going on out there?”
  192. “Pirates, we've been spotted and apparently they want something we have.”
  193. >you glare at her in surprise “And you're going to let him fight out there alone?”
  194. “Uhh..orders...I gotta keep you guys locked up...”
  195. >even you can tell she doesn't want to leave him alone
  196. >”let me out there, I can help! I may not be in top shape, but I have weapons, I'll at least be another target!”
  197. >you watch your radar as Bruiser gets close to cornered, just getting away. There are at least half a dozen of them out there
  198. >you can tell she is watching too
  199. >”Come on, he's outnumbered!”
  200. >You aren't even sure why you care, other than these ponies have been kind enough to save you and give you some information
  201. >Corna wavers for a second and you get fed up, warming up your weapons and storming past her through the door
  202. >she has her weapon trained on you, but IFF reads friendly, flickering between that and neutral
  204. >taking that bet, you run down the hall, hearing Corna chasing after
  205. >you round the corner into the hangar and launch into the cold black without thinking twice
  206. >the rush overtakes you as once again, you are in control, you are flying
  207. >the need overtakes you and you lay into your afterburners, cutting hard through the emptiness and into the fray
  208. >You finally gain line of sight on your query, Bruiser is almost pinned against the ship, just barely dodging volley after volley of laser fire
  209. >you dive in, catching the group by surprise, your flyby scattering them
  210. >Bruiser takes the opportunity to get back into open space as you dodge, red lasers dancing around you
  211. >you shift your mass and spin around, pulling a 180, flying straight into the group and unleashing a volley of laser fire from your hooves...hoof?
  212. >shit, only one of them works
  214. >you still manage to catch one pirate square in the chest, he doesn't recover
  215. >the others turn and open fire again from much closer
  216. >you slow down to take some more evasive maneuvers, scorching your body, but not doing any real damage
  217. >slow and bad shots, you could do a lot worse for your first fight
  218. >your HUD lights up, warning you of fire from a neutral source
  219. >you look over your shoulder as two of your pursuers are engulfed in a concussive fireball, shredding them to bits, followed by a stream of laser fire
  220. >Bruiser tears through the debris and seems to struggle slowing down next to you
  221. “The HELL are you doing out here?”
  222. >”I escaped” you smile and lay on the afterburners, chasing your next pray into the black
  223. >you hear a pop of static and a growl
  224. “Just don't die out here, I'd hate to have saved you for no reason”
  225. >you feel the heat of Bruiser's lasers as they fly past you, scattering the remaining pirates
  226. >you break left following two of them, Bruiser breaks right chasing the third
  227. >you lay on the throttle and see a flash ahead of you, a pirate sailing past you and catching your six
  228. >shit shit shit shit
  229. >he unloads volley after volley of laser fire at you , forcing you to evade, never giving you a shot on your target
  230. >though it is fun to see him squirm too
  231. >your grit your teeth and let kill your engines, flipping as forward
  232. >you feel time slow as you line up the pirate chasing you and unload a burst of fire at him
  233. >in atmosphere, you may have heard him curse you with his dying breath
  234. >your momentum carries you back on target and time picks up again as you throttle up, chasing after him
  236. >tailing him is easy, getting a shot off is not
  237. >this pirate is surprisingly competent
  238. >you fire off a volley and a moment later hear the pop in your ear again
  239. “Watch it hotshot, you almost got me!” Bruiser's voice comes over comms
  240. >you check your radar and, because of your broken IFF, neutrals aren't showing up. Or maybe just because he doesn't like you
  241. >your prey has been tailing him for the last 20 seconds and you hadn't noticed
  242. >you see an explosion ahead of you and your chase takes a sudden turn up, relatively speaking
  243. >you and the pirate outmaneuver Bruiser easily and quickly take the inside
  244. >you take it just a little bit tighter and quickly pull within 30 meters of him
  245. >volley after volley goes wide on your target, he even has the audacity to shoot back a few times
  246. >screw this
  247. >you hit the afterburners and rip after him
  248. >you almost fall for it again as he slams on the breaks, flying past you, but you clips his wing with a blast
  249. >he catches you with a shot to the chest as well though and you spin off into the darkness, seeing a faint flash of light where the pirate was headed before you drift off
  251. ===Description of IX-26===
  253. >medium combat craft
  254. >capable of switching between atmospheric and zero-g operation
  255. >along her...body? fuselage? and attached to the wings above and below are gravitational dampening devices, they automatically activate when she is under more than a few Gs of force
  256. >primary engine is slightly oversized, thrust vectoring 30 degrees
  257. >secondary engines in her rear hooves, "vectoring" equivalent to range of motion of her legs, useful for straight line speed and primary control in zero G environments, because of the strain her rear legs are noticeably bulkier from the knee (do horse have knees?) down
  258. >primary weapons are in her forehooves, again making her legs bulkier than normal
  259. >secondary weapon is a chest mounted launching system, can hold up to 3 standard mini missiles or theoretically anything that fits the launching mechanism
  260. >her chest, face, forehooves and leading edges are all lined with a black heat dispersing material to facilitate safe atmospheric exit and entry
  261. >her entire right wing is scorched along the top and across her pack, revealing the bare metal
  262. >left wings seems mostly intact though the paint is chipping
  263. >stock paint is mostly a gunmetal blue with white camo lines
  264. >eyes are green, combat shades (?) are dark matte green and opaque
  266. Source:
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