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The Last Will of Starswirl ch1 draft

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Dec 1st, 2013
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  1. Chapter One
  2. --------------------------
  3. Discovery
  5. * * *
  7. Twilight Sparkle wandered through the Everfree Forest. She stopped and looked around finding that the same thing awaited her in every direction, more twisted trees and murky shadows. The woods were quiet in ways that made her uncomfortable. No birds tweeting, no rabbits running through the underbrush, just silence. She pulled out a map and let a small build of magic come through her horn just to give off some light. She had been sent out to cover this year’s trail for the annual Running of the Leaves, how had she ended up out here?
  9. Thick treetops covered the skies. It was dark, but she could tell it was still daylight. She still had time to get back to Ponyville and straighten this all out. She just had to figure out where she was going. She turned herself around. This way, this way would lead her home. She folded her map back into her pack and continued trotting forward slowly. With each step the woods seemed more sinister. Long shadows stretched across the long abandoned paths. The tree’s branches reached their twisted fingers out trying to touch her. Then she started hearing something.
  11. It was quiet, but she knew she heard it. A light crunch of fallen leaves underneath another moving creature. She might not have heard it but the eerie silence of the woods hadn’t been broken in what felt like hours to her. She wasn’t alone out here. She stopped and listened. There it was again, a light crunch, maybe a twig snapping. It was closer this time. Her face sweating she turned looking anywhere she could. She readied herself for anything. These woods were known to be timberwolf territory. Then from right behind her ears a sound came.
  13. “Hiya!”
  15. Twilight felt like she had shot a mile in the air, but she didn’t even clear the top of the trees. Turning around rapidly she found herself face to uncomfortably close face with a large pair of blue eyes and a puffy pink mane. She relaxed.
  17. “Pinkie? What are you doing out here?” Twilight asked.
  19. Pinkie just stood there for a moment, almost processing the question. Twilight just stood waiting. After a few moments suddenly the answer came. Rapidly.
  21. “Oh! Well I saw you going into the Everfree so I decided to follow you! I figured you had to be doing something fun right, because why else would you just wander into some spooky forest! I got bored though, so I decided to surprise you!”
  23. Twilight let out a frustrated sigh.
  25. “You mean you KNEW I was going into the Everfree? Pinkie, I didn’t mean to end up out here. Wait… Do you know the way back to Ponyville?”
  27. Pinkie started hopping up and down.
  29. “Do I know the way back to Ponyville? Do I?”
  31. She stopped and looked at Twilight.
  33. “Uhm. No, actually. I think that way?”
  35. She pointed vaguely in the same direction Twilight had been walking before. Twilight let out another frustrated sigh. So now they were both lost in this place. Well, at least i’ll have something to eat if we end up stranded out here. Oh man, I shouldn’t think that. Bad time for jokes, even private ones.
  37. They wandered the silent grounds for what felt like hours. The trees themselves almost seemed to be repeating over and over like they were going in circles, but they hadn’t diverged from the same straight line they’d been trotting the entire time. Eventually they found a small cave off to the ride of their path. Twilight made an arrow mark pointing the direction they had been walking so they could get back on track after a break, then the two set up a small woodpile inside the cave’s entrance. Twilight used a quick burst of magic to light the fire and the two ponies relaxed.
  39. The woods were dark now, it was surely nighttime. Twilight had thankfully brought a few bits worth of food out with her just in case and the two split this small reserve. It must have started raining as the trees began to slowly drip individual droplets of water down on the entire forest. Just one of the many strange things about the Everfree Forest. No weather ponie had organized for this sudden rain, but it had come nonetheless. Weather controlled itself in this dark place. It was a mystery that had always perplexed Twilight, but she knew better than to meddle in dark magics. Dark magic was corrupted the mind.
  41. Under the soft glow of the fire, the gentle sound of the rain moving through the trees she found herself falling asleep. She let herself rest. She would find a way out of the forest soon, but she had been walking for hours. Just a little shut-eye. Just a few minutes. That’s all she needed.
  43. “Twilight?” Pinkie said.
  45. She didn’t bother opening her eyes. Sleepily, she responded.
  47. “...Yes Pinkie?”
  49. “Uhm, did you have anybody else with you out here? Like, friends maybe?”
  51. “No Pinkie. It’s just us.”
  53. “Then, who’s eyes are those?”
  55. Twilight shot up to her feet. Pinkie was looking deeper into the cave where two large glowing green eyes watched them. She began to sweat.
  57. “P-Pinkie…”
  59. “Uh huh Twilight?”
  61. “Run!”
  63. They both began to run from their campsite as fast as they could. Twilight had only seen eyes like that in her books but she knew they were unmistakable. She looked back behind her as she began to hear huge feet stomp in the ground. Out from the cave a giant wooden monster came, it’s eyes glowing with dark magic. A Timberwolf.
  65. “Stick close Pinkie! We’ve gotta lose it!”
  67. Lose it, why did that remind her of? Her bag. She had forgotten her bag. No time to think about that now. This had become a matter of life or death now, she could come back for the few books she had in there. The map, on the other hand, might seriously be a problem.
  69. Pinkie ran closer and the two started running through the thickest part of the forest, the Timberwolf quickly found itself unable to follow between such close trees and stopped, but the two little ponies just keep running. After what felt like a few miles of distance and once they couldn’t see the monster’s eyes behind them the two stopped. They just stood in the darkness and breathed.
  71. They were even more lost than before. They were never going to find a way out of these woods now. They were never going to find anything remotely close to a landmark to get them out of this mess. They were doomed.
  73. “Twilight, what’s that?” Pinkie said between rough breaths.
  75. Twilight looked up where pinkie was pointing. On one of the trees a large mark had been engraved. A reverse clockwise swirl surrounded by stars. She knew the symbol immediately but wasn’t sure what to make of it. She walked closer to the tree and felt something inside her. The magic in the air felt, different. Stronger somehow. She touched a single hoof to the tree and the symbol began to glow a faint blue.
  77. “Twi?”
  79. Oh right, Pinkie. Right.
  81. “This symbol Pinkie… this is the mark of Starswirl the Bearded.”
  83. Starswirl. The first great mage. In ages long since past he had been the first scholar of the art of magic. His writing had been the basis of almost all of ponykind’s knowledge of the inner working of magic. It could be said that he was the original Element of Magic. But what was this mark doing out here in the Everfree Forest of all places?
  85. Twilight felt magic building up in her, more than she had ever felt before. This mark was communicating with her in some way. She felt a connection between her and this unknown entity. She couldn’t see it, but Twilight began to glow herself. A faint blue light began to coat the trees around them in all directions. Her magic and this strange magic were interacting. She felt herself adjusting her own powers to match it, setting herself to the same wavelength. Finally she felt the magic become one and the ground began to shake.
  87. She stepped back disconnecting herself from the symbol as she heard the rumble of something deep underground. The ground around the large tree was vibrating, and it began to recede. She heard ancient mechanisms at work underground, the grinding of old gears against each other. The land around the tree moved back revealing the entrance of a stone spiral staircase surrounding the tree’s trunk.
  89. “Oh wowie, a secret tunnel!” Pinkie was hopping up and down with excitement.
  91. Twilight wasn’t as jumpy as her, but she had to admit, she was suddenly excited too. She had found something. Something serious. This secret entrance had been marked by the symbol of Starswirl. It could be anything. She channeled her magic into a lightsource and stepped down the first of the stairs.
  93. “Wait for me!” Pinkie said, and followed along behind her.
  95. The stairs went down and down, they seemed to carry on indefinitely. There was only room for one pony at a time, so Pinkie just stuck close behind Twilight. She was making enough sound that Twilight was sure she was still following anyways. Twilight’s mind rushed with thoughts of what could be waiting at the bottom of this tunnel. A secret archive of Starswirl the Bearded? Could she be about to uncover the lost knowledge of her idol? She couldn’t even think about how lost they were. How they’d get home. None of that mattered anymore.
  97. Finally, they reached the bottom. It was a small chamber made of the same stone as the stairs. It was empty besides a single table sitting on the opposite wall and a large engraving of the same symbol as before along one of the walls. Twilight couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed. This was what she had found hidden? A broom closet? Then she noticed something on the table.
  99. Blowing away thick layers of dust and cobwebs she found a small pile of papers. The writing was old, very old. It was in a language she recognized as a forgotten language of Equestria, but she knew with the right books she could translate it. Under that she found sketches of strange magical circles. Finally at the bottom a map. A map of the Everfree Forest.
  101. “Pinkie, there’s a map here! We can go home!”
  103. Pinkie shot into the air jumping for joy, as high as she could in this enclosed space anyways, and cried out a quick hurrah with a burst of confetti from seemingly nowhere. Twilight had learned not to question how Pinkie did what she did. Pinkie was an odd case.
  105. Twilight double checked the chamber to be certain she wasn’t leaving behind any papers. Satisfied she had gotten everything she stuffed them into a small bits pouch she had kept on her. The papers might crumble up a bit, but it’s the best she could do for now. It’s not like the papers were in very good condition anyways and she could work on restoring them at home in the library. They ascended the stairs the same way as before and after a while came out to the same dark treetops they had been met with before.
  107. She looked at the new map and found that the path had been made very clear. Somehow whoever had drawn this map, she secretly hoped Starswirl himself, had managed to sketch in every single tree. The path to where Ponyville now lie was very clearly set out for them. There was even a shortcut she never could have guessed, they just had to make a quick pass through a cave and they’d be right outside. The two began walking with newfound optimism. At least they did until they found the shortcut.
  109. The map led them to the cave they’d take. The same cave there was now a worn out fire setting at the front of. This was the same cave they had camped out in previously. The same cave the Timberwolf was sleeping in before.
  111. “Wait, we’re going back in?” Pinkie looked at Twilight with the closest she same to genuine concern.
  113. “I… I don’t know what else to do. This map doesn’t have literally the whole forest marked. It’s just a quick reference for how to get from that chamber back to town. It says we go through this cave. I… I don’t think we have a choice Pinkie.”
  115. They both looked at the cave, then at each other. Each waited for the other to come up with another idea, to have a burst of inspiration. None came. Eventually they turned back towards the mouth of the cave and began slowly walking. Maybe the Timberwolf would still be outside. At night. Even though they weren’t nocturnal at all.
  117. Twilight kept the light from her horn as dim as she could, but she couldn’t stumble through the cavern blindly. That’d be even more stupid that wandering in here in the first place. They each attempted to tread as lightly as they could. The cavern had to be huge as eventually they couldn’t even see the walls around them. The faint purple light lit nothing but the two little ponies and the rough ground beneath them for a few feet. At least they’d be able to make sure they weren’t walking off any ledges or anything.
  119. Eventually they came to an area where a large hole had been worn through the stone ceiling, revealing a perfect full moon directly above them in the sky. It was sometime around midnight then, Twilight concluded. They had been out here all day. Hopefully nobody had done anything drastic like sending out a search party.
  121. Actually, a search party probably be helpful right now. The moonlight shone into the chamber revealing a pack of Timberwolves sleeping around the grounds in front of them. Pinkie quietly squeaked something inaudible.
  123. “P-Pinkie, just… try to keep your voice down and move slowly. We’ve gotta get past them. The map says the way out’s just ahead.” Twilight whispered.
  125. Pinkie nodded silently and the the two began to creep along the spaces between the slumbering beasts. They carefully stepped around the loose stones and occasional twigs making sure to let off as little sound as they could. They were making progress quickly. They passed one Timberwolf, now they passed another. They were halfway there.
  127. She could see the exit of the cave just around the corner now. Moonlight shone through the gaping hole and revealed a much more sparse Everfree. She could hear the faint calls of birds and the sound of the wind blowing through the branches. They were close to civilization now, she knew it. Finally they were past the Timberwolves and at the entrance. The wind felt good as it blew through Twilight’s mane. They were going to be alright. She was going to get back to her library, to Spike, and she was going to figure out what these old scrolls sa-
  129. The scrolls. Starswirl’s scrolls. They weren’t on her leg where she had secured them!
  131. She looked back and felt her heart skip a beat. The pouch had fallen off right between two of the Timberwolves. She could still see it.
  133. “Pinkie… keep going that way. Ponyville is just about a mile up the road. I’ve… i’ve gotta go back.”
  135. “What?!” Pinkie said, still in a half whisper.
  137. “Those papers from the hidden room. I dropped them. I’ve gotta go back for them.”
  139. “Twilight that’s crazy, come on. Let’s just go!”
  141. Twilight shook her head and turned around and began slowly trotting back towards the beasts. Pinkie stood at the entrance of the cave not moving. She was waiting for Twilight.
  143. The trip backwards was just as tense as it was forwards. She was within distance that she could feel the unnatural breathing of the dark monster’s lungs. She crept past a single one, then another. She was approaching the center of the chamber now. The moon was starting to waver and providing less light than before, but she could still see the outlines of the Timberwolves. She was almost within reaching distance of the pouch. Just a little closer, just a little more…
  145. A twig snapped beneath her hoof. A loud crunch reverberated throughout the cavern. She felt herself stop breathing. Four pairs of glowing eyes opened suddenly.
  147. She grabbed the pouch with her magic and strapped it onto her foreleg.
  149. “Pinkie, run!”
  151. She put everything she had into sprinting out of the cavern. Each hoof hit the floor of the cavern with the sound of a cannon being fired. Within moments the Timberwolves had figured out there was an intruder in their home and were chasing the two ponies. She just had to get to the border of Ponyville, she could make it. The little town had been enchanted with the magic of Celestia herself and was protected from dark forces like these. She just had to get close enough.
  153. The stomping behind them came closer and closer with each moment but they kept running. Faster and faster until suddenly she felt like she was floating. No, she had just left the ground. They had run off a ledge.
  155. Twilight and Pinkie tumbled down a sharp slope, spinning and spinning. Twilight didn’t know where she was anymore. She saw glimpses of the shining moon laughing at her, she saw the eyes of the beasts behind them, she saw Pinkie’s panicked face. Eventually she felt herself stop on a flat surface. They were at the bottom of a gorge, standing in shallow water.
  157. They were surrounded by Timberwolves. Backed up against a cliff wall.
  158. Twilight and Pinkie just looked at each other.
  160. “I’m sorry Pinkie.” Twilight said.
  162. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight though. There were at least four Timberwolves, she couldn’t possibly overpower them all. She could try though. She could maybe earn Pinkie a chance to escape. She could at least do that much. She channeled the magic around her through her horn, let it fill her, and then she released.
  164. The began to fire bursts of magical energy at the monsters, weaponizing the energy of the Everfree itself. Each shot burned her horn but she kept firing as fast as she could. The glowing eyes continued to draw closer, barely noticing the purple flames. They were getting bigger and bigger. She felt the breath of the beasts against her and Pinkie, who stood there almost immobile. This was it, this was the end.
  166. Pinkie grabbed onto Twilight. A final embrace?
  168. No. Suddenly something felt wrong. She felt dizzy, drunk almost. Her magic suddenly felt wrong. Uncontrollable.
  170. Her vision went blurry and suddenly she saw bright colors and lights. Shapes and sounds filled her mind. For a few moments she stopped thinking and just let in what was around her. She felt like she was in a vortex between time. Between space. She was nowhere and everywhere.
  172. Then Pinkie and Twilight were standing at the top of the gorge, looking down on four timberwolves who were staring at an empty space.
  174. “P-Pinkie what did you… do?”
  176. “Me? That was amazing Twilight! I didn’t know you could teleport multiple people like that! That was crazy!”
  178. She couldn’t. She couldn’t do that. Teleportation only worked in short ranges, only within visual distance, and only with a single person. Whatever had happened wasn’t her.
  180. “I… but I didn’t. Nevermind, let’s go Pinkie!”
  182. They ran back out of the forest and into the meadows outside Ponyville. They could see a few lights still on in the streets of the little town. They were home, they were home!
  184. Pinkie and Twilight went separate ways once they were in Ponyville Square, each heading towards their own homes. They needed rest.
  186. That night Twilight wrote a letter to the Princess. She couldn’t sleep. She told the Princess what she had found in the forest. The strange chamber. The drawings. The map. She tried to remember every detail but her mind was fuzzy from the weird teleportation.
  188. Only a few minutes after sending it, a letter returned. Much sooner than usual.
  190. ‘To my Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle,
  192. You are mistaken. You have found a source of dark magic. You are to investigate this matter no further. The Everfree Forest is dangerous and it is for your own good you abandon this discovery. It can only lead to more danger.
  194. Princess Celestia’
  196. * * *
  198. A week had past since the letter had arrived, and Twilight still couldn’t manage to keep her mind off of it. Not just the letter, everything that had happened that night out in the Everfree Forest. But Celestia knew best, like she always did, and it was only right that Twilight listen to her warning and forget about the old chamber in the woods.
  200. The chamber marked with the seal of Starswirl the Bearded.
  202. No, forget it Twilight. Just forget it.
  204. “Twilight?”
  206. She sat at her desk, a quill floating freely in the air held in a magical grip, staring at the blank parchment in front of her. She had work to do. The Running of the Leaves was days away and she still hadn’t finished organizing it. She would begin to write out plans to send to the mayor but after a few words she just wouldn’t find it in her to keep going. Another crumbled up parchment to throw into the wastebin.
  208. Then she’d look at those dusty old scrolls sitting on her shelf. Waiting for her. The map to the secret chamber, the strange summoning circles, and the undeciphered documents of Starswirl himself. Well, she didn’t know that Starswirl had written them, but somewhere deep down she just felt like that HAD to be the case.
  210. Forget it Twilight.
  212. So for hours she’d sit at her desk and just think. Think about anything besides those scrolls. She’d try at least. She could let it do, certainly. It would be fine.
  214. “Twilight. Hello?” Spike said.
  216. She turned around and looked down at Spike.
  218. “Oh, i’m sorry. What is it?” Twilight said.
  220. “Are you feeling okay Twilight? You’ve been sitting there for hours.”
  222. She turned back around towards her desk.
  224. “I always sit here like this. I’m working.”
  226. Spike walked around the desk and placed a single tiny dragon hand across the blank parchment in front of her.
  228. “You haven’t written anything. Not since that weird letter from Celestia.”
  230. Sometimes Spike was a little too smart for his own good. Twilight picked up her quill and set it to the parchment and began to write out a to-do list for what she needed to write elsewise. Busy work for her. She kept her eyes looking at the parchment and off of Spike.
  232. “Twilight. What happened out in the Everfree? You’ve been acting weird since you came back.”
  234. “I’m fine Spi-”
  236. “Please just talk to me, I know something’s wrong Twilight an-”
  238. “I. Am. FINE.”
  240. The quill snapped in a sudden light blue glow, and Twilight’s eyes suddenly shown bright blue. There was a low rumble and then a bright flash. Every book on the shelves lining the walls shook, most falling from their places and landing in a heap on the floor. Spike fell backwards blinded by the light.
  242. After a moment the books settled and the library fell silent. Twilight’s eyes returned to normal and the broken quill fell to the floor. Spike sat on the ground staring up at her, at a loss for words. She turned back around and looked at him, frustrated. She got up from her cushion and stood up. She let out a small frustrated sigh and looked at the ruined library before returning her gaze to Spike.
  244. “I’m… sorry. This is it. This is why I can’t focus. This has been happening ever since I touched that old seal on the tree. The one I told you about, the Starswirl mark? My magic has been… different.”
  246. Spike got up and stepped closer to Twilight.
  248. “You understand the basics of magic, i’ve taught you that much. It’s a free-flowing energy that all races of Equestria universally access. It’s in the air, it’s everywhere. It’s the substance of the universe itself and holds reality together. By channeling it through our own natural conduits the Unicorns of Equestria can turn it into usable forms. Normally I would just channel a little of the magic around me and that would come out in spells.”
  250. Spike nodded. “Of course. I use it to teleport your letters and breath fire! I know how magic feels when it moves through you.”
  252. “That’s just the thing. Magic normally works that way. You just absorb what you need and release it into a new form. What comes in comes back out within moments. Since I connected with that seal though it’s been different. There’s this constant flow of energy inside me and no matter what I do it never seems to go away. It feels stronger but I can barely control it.”
  254. Spike considered this all for a moment. Then he raised his hand with a single pointer finger pointed up. The universal sign for ‘just a second.’ He wandered upstairs and after a moment came back down with a could of loose scrolls from Twilight’s research. He laid them out on her desk and they both looked at them.
  256. “This all sounds like those studies on Pinkie, doncha’ think?”
  258. She hadn’t even considered the similarity. Pinkie had been fascinating to her when she first came to Ponyville. She was a unique case of an Earth Pony who could use magic, but in her own very unusual way.
  260. Magic itself is created from nature. Life energy creates magic and as such the larger a group of living creatures you gather in one place the stronger the magic in the air. When living beings connect with each other on deeper emotional levels this magic grows even stronger and stronger. Starswirl himself coined the phrase ‘friendship is magic’ based on this discovery. Within Ponyville there were hundreds of different ponies and most knew each other and were friendly acquaintances, but rarely more than that.
  262. Not Pinkie though.
  264. Pinkie Pie knew everyone in Ponyville. Pinkie was friends with everyone she ever met and she kept these friends around her constantly. The result being that she gathered the most natural magic energy of any individual Twilight had ever seen. But Pinkie was an earth pony and had no actual way of channeling this magic and turning it into something useful and practical. Instead it forced it’s way through her and burst in chaotic, reality distorting ways. Sometimes it would seem like there’s multiple Pinkies, sometimes she’d grow additional limbs or change facial features. Her voice or size or basic mass would shift at random and then restore itself once the energy was released.
  266. But this wasn’t what was happening to Twilight. Still, something about this research led her to a sudden revelation.
  268. “No, this isn’t what’s happening to me. Not exactly, but I think you might have just helped me figure something else out.”
  269. “Huh?”
  271. “Remember that weird teleport I told you about? Me and Pinkie suddenly traveled together in a way that isn’t possible by my powers. I think I get it now. This weird overflow of magic combined with Pinkie’s… condition. They met together. She twisted reality and this surge that i’m feeling attached itself to her.”
  273. Well, one mystery out of the way. Sort of. But… what were these surges from? What had that seal done to her? She glanced over to the shelf where the old scrolls still sit idle.
  275. No, they weren’t idle anymore. They were glowing!
  277. Spike saw the expression on Twilight’s face and looked at the shelf too. He ran over and quickly grabbed the glowing scroll and laid it out on Twilight’s desk. She rolled it open and was amazed - it wasn’t indecipherable anymore! The page read clearly in modern Equestrian print. Her burst of magic had done something to it. She read it aloud.
  279. To those who follow my hoofprints
  281. Canterlot houses the truth.
  282. Perhaps your world is ready.
  283. You will be tested. You are already being tested.
  284. Do not believe her.
  286. Starswirl the Bearded
  288. Twilight almost fainted.
  290. This was a letter from THE Starswirl the Bearded! She had really found lost documents from Starswirl the Bearded! She found herself jumping with joy. Spike wasn’t even sure what was going on. Then she started thinking about what this parchment really said.
  292. “So, what are you gonna do now?” Spike asked.
  294. “Isn’t it obvious? Canterlot houses the truth. We go to Canterlot.”
  296. She was already running upstairs to start packing her bags. She had a long trip ahead of her. She was going to find the lost secret of Starswirl himself. She would discover whatever he had hidden away. She was determined. She made sure to grab the now-translated scroll and the drawing of the circle and stuff both into the pack.
  298. “Twilight! What about the Running of the Leaves?” Spike called from downstairs.
  300. She was on her way down the stairs when she answered.
  302. “It’ll be fine Spike! The Mayor’s run it every year besides this one, just give her my notes on the route and i’m sure she can figure out the rest.”
  304. She was halfway out the door when spike called out again.
  306. “What about what Celestia said?”
  308. She stopped, suddenly unsure of what to say. Spike was right. Celestia had told her very clearly that she was forbidden from investigating this matter further. She had said that this was dark magic she had discovered. She had told her that it would only lead to more danger, more trouble. But Twilight could see this was from Starswirl himself. It had his signature, she knew his signature. She had studied Starswirl too much as a child not to recognize his penmanship.
  310. Why would Celestia lie to her though?
  312. Had she lied to her? She read Starswirl’s letter again.
  314. “Do not believe her.” Twilight said, almost in a whisper. The two just stood there. Twilight halfway out the door, Spike sitting inside watching her. “I’m... going to go for a walk Spike. I need to clear my head.”
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