

Dec 30th, 2014
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  1. The Undertaker vs Kane
  2. Casket Match
  4. This was a full on slobberknocker, starting off with hard strikes from both men, with Undertaker getting the advantage early. He pushed Kane into the corner and went for the 10 punches spot before Kane got him in the powerbomb position, running all the way to the opposite corner before powerbombing Taker into the turnbuckle. The match went on like this, trading power moves, teasing Tombstones, until Doink and Vampiro ran in to try to interfere. They grabbed a table and set it up at ringside. Eventually, Kane attempted to chokeslam Taker from the apron into the table, but Taker blocked it and hit a powerbomb off the apron through the table instead!
  6. He attempted to get Kane into the casket, but Vampiro and Doink were able to wheel it away long enough for Kane to recover and start brawling with Taker again! Vampiro and Doink were still wheeling around the casket, but who came out to run them off but Dave Taylor! Still a bit loopy from his misting earlier, he had a hard time of it, but he still managed to run them off. Exhausted, Taylor wheels the casket back to ringside, and collapses. Taker and Kane are both exhausted now, and Kane goes for a Tombstone, but Taker reverses it into a Tombstone of his own! But before he can deliver it, the casket pops open, and who gets out but TAJIRI! Taker is shocked just long enough to be misted full force in the face with the deadly black mist! Kane takes this opportunity to reverse the Tombstone, and PILEDRIVES THE UNDERTAKER! The Undertaker isn't moving, and the black mist is still smoking on his face. Kane picks up The Undertaker, puts him in the casket, and closes the lid.
  8. Kane wins. Dave Taylor is back to his feet, throws open the casket lid, and checks for a pulse. His face says it all: The Undertaker is dead. Bearer, Tajiri and Kane cackle as Taylor weeps.
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