

Jun 29th, 2015
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  1. This app goes off the theory of what happens when pure energy is used in any form or mannar thus implying that it is 100% out of creativity and having only very slight or little things about science, even though there are some facts implied into this. This is a warning and implying that i have took the time to research about Pure energy and what happens if it is used up i did get results of such like Blackholes, What is energy, and so on but i did not find "What happens when energy is used up? Or have been used in a particuler way such as using it as a power source and such. So this is what i came to a conclusion of one that either it is not possible or two that scientist are still figuring out what happens when such has occurred. I do imply that there is no point in trying to search for it, i have been through a total of 115 sites in all and i have found nothing , now since i got that out of the way let get to the actual application part.
  4. A lot of people questions or has yet to ask...what happens when a khelan or human uses there aura to create, manipulate,disrupt, and so on? does this aura just...comes back out of thin air? do we truly have an infinite amount of it?. Yes due to the main fact that the khelan or human soul produces it and depending on the species depends on how much aura is produced such as khelans have an overly amount of it and allows them to focus and than create a particular object or intangible use of it but are unable to manipulate objects and having a slight disadvantage, while human may have little aura they are able to disrupt other khelan by applying there aura onto theirs, corrupting it and making where the khelan will either need to wait a given amount of time when its aura returns back to its prior state ; also humans are able to manipulate objects by the use of alchemy which can only be used for humans and only humans. Now what happens when either a khelan,human or any objects that consumes or uses up aura? what becomes of it? does it become none-existent never to come back? or does something more in-depth that both sides don't know of?. Well that question or questions has finally been answered, see aura is indeed pure energy but no scientist or scholar has studied aura...really that indepth and knows little to nothing about what does happen when aura is used up.
  6. See when a Khelan or human uses there aura to create or manipulate an object the object is either successfully created using up the Aura and replacing it with the matters the khelan has created or, when a Human uses his or her aura to lets say expand a Brick (Aka Transmutation alchemy. ) A Chemical like substance is made that is used when a such is created depending on how much mass both objects are , depends on the amount of this chemical substance which its appearance is completely black and microscopic unable to be seen by the human eye is made . See this chemical substance does not provide energy nor is it really used for anything, and is completely harmless but if a large quantities of it was to be indeed found, the consequences can be indeed severe, see when a khelan or human enters a zone which so much of this chemical substance which is called Synthir (pronounce See-e-thir) Which Sythir has a chemical reaction only when high quantities of it is found and it touches the skin or any exposes part of the khelan...they begin to Deteriorate surprisingly quickly there body begins to slowly dissolve away and soon there aura suddenly begins to automatically submerge into this Sythir becoming Sythir and speeding up the process. Synthir also comes from both Species, Human and Khelan alike meaning that there is no difference and if so either slight, or completely different but where they come from is the same.
  9. Discovery Rachel Blackheart Discovered Synthir by complete accident when she was performing and experiment on how Aura Disruption truly worked? She had an Aura Pulpusion device that had Human aura applied onto it while have a volunteered khelan stand 4 ft from it, she used a concentrating beam to remove the Kinetic blast and examining the khelans body, by a use of how his aura reacts, seeing that there have been devices implanting into the mans body and she can completly see it from her perspective, while also being safe. Indeed her queston finally was answered, but her scanners detected this chemical substance by complete accident, and she was indeed...curious of it, on how and why was completely unsure of and she did not bother but examine it closer, and scanned for any identicals...there were so much more of it, thousands of it but not in the mere millions or tens of thousands, seeing a very low qunatity of it. So in conclusion Rachel day and night studied it further and its origins and came up with a solution.
  11. Synthir has a Chemical reaction to naturally born Khelans, and Humans and any creature who was born naturally Aka having a mommy and a daddy and being developed naturally, and coming out from a reproductive spot of the women(I think i can stop there and i think everyone can know what i mean by "Naturally born"). But this Chemical reaction had no affect on robots, cyborgs or artificial creatures who came out of a mere test tube than being born Rachel took this further and had a result.
  13. Our DNA is made out of chemical substances(Which are nucleotides) but each substance is slightly different seeing that the color of our hair can be indeed either our mother or our fathers.but there is only one thing in the DNA sequence that this Synthir goes berserk off of is that a Naturally born khelan carries her mother, and some of her fathers traits, and thus either carrying out most of her mothers, or his or her fathers traits and it is added onto the DNA, while an artificial khelan does not even have that, seeing that they developed in a test tube, they do not contain that part of there DNA that also implies, Clones, cyborgs, artificial beings.(Clones do not have that part of the users DNA just by the main fact that they this is only obtained from your parents and just copying and paste it may lead to problems such as Disorders, or deformities). Messengers who most of were artificial khelans are completely immune to this and does not get any harmful effects of it. Also if Salem is around it draws the synthir like a magnet...probably the sheer fact is that how it is able to disrupt Aura. Most metals synthir comes to contact too also begins to Deteriorate this including Metals, and void metals alike, including Void stones too. Void metals and Void stones takes considerable longer to Deteriorate but somehow more Synthir is made.
  15. Unlike its brother Aura Synthir is unique of its own, it can re-create objects, project itself, and able to both create and manupulate objects slightly(Like expanding Stuff, or moving an object from point A to point B) Syntir can also do several other properties for example if someone was able to Use Synthir they could levitate off the ground, or create a barrier around themselfs which even makes Tungsten or Any other strong metals look like child play. And seeing that an Alchemist is unable to transmute onto it and can't manipulate it they are also helpless. Synthir Also absorbs Aura(Does not disrupt but absorbs) getting stronger, and in higher quantities of it making the most skilled khelan Helpless against it too.
  18. Now we get to the good stuff of Synthir itself is quite few, and if too few, to even be used....but Synthir is also unique on its ability to convert a Soul from producing producing Synthir...Which can happen but only onto Artificial beings, this can happen seeing they are immune to such a thing which allows them to do this, while Khelans born naturally will simply just will die instantly, and there bodies fade into Synthir itself. Synthir also is unqiue as it is a basic building block to either create substances of its own, and even complete bodies if necessary, Rachel Claims that this is not Synthir though but a different form of it, a more Larger form of it, and a substance which can be seen through the humans eye, it is black but have a white center in it like a flower. So how is this important? is there any of this here? no, and no This not found on either Exodus, or Earth or truly any nearby planet, This substance can only be unlivable Regions and so Planets, Rachel only found a small amount of it and studied it, this substance does not thrive off Perfect weather conditions or in need of water..truly even the possible organisms do not rely on Water as much as they need too. Synthir also have Beings completly composed out of Synthir...being so rare they can be thousands of years old, and very powerful, in comparison to an Aura being...there is no slight difference and usually this creatures are practically never found in any other planet with a mass amount of population.
  20. Now what happens when a Khelan meets this requirements? well the synthir will have to be directly inputed onto the soul where it slowly barries itself within the soul and begins converting the aura produced by the soul into synthir, soon this carries out with a mass amount of pain, and more and more Synthir is made while the users AUra gets smaller and Smaller, and there soul begins to change shape, and form too being remarkable harder than diamonds and more becoming more of a shape, like A circle, or a hexagon or a plus etc etc. If the Soul was already in a shape or close to one than it it just goes to the closest one. muscles are also form around the soul guarding it later on, and soon later the users body does react to the organ change, and so there body also adjusts to it by too. There is no such thing of it "Rejecting it though". The user can Regulate there soul on how much Synthir it produces(AKA quantities not the speed). They can control how much synthir is produced by either Using the muscles to slow the soul down, or use them to bring it back up to speed..IT CANNOT GO BEYOND THAT IT CAN'T GO SUDDENLY FASTER THAN AN ECHO'S CONSEQUENCES WILL INDEED GO INTO THE USER JUST INSTANTLY DYING!. Unlike Aura when a khelan has an overly amount of aura, they...explode. But seeing Synthir is NOT pure energy there are advantages to it One if the user things they may go "Overload" than they can just slow it down or utilize Synthir to create a complex object. But the user does not need to fear exploding except that if the Soul can't hold any more, Synthir begins editing from the users body and can harm other users around it that is not immune to its effect. that also means objects will begin to deteriorate and soon it may cause others to kill this beings.
  23. Now there are extremly POWERFUL beings composed out of this substance and taken life, and also controls any other creature , being that has synthir or has been made out of its Other more friendly form of it. This is considered"Pure Synthir" a Synthir extremly rare and only when A certain amount of synthir or too much synthir is found. They begin to Agreesively merge themselves together and soon creating limbs composed of it, a head, and all the parts of it. Soon after that this creatures does stabilize and organs are formed. This Very powerful beings are giantnormous, and probably about 250 ft(minimum) and about 2500 Ft Maximum the more bigger it is, the more powerful it is. Also if a being was to have a synthir Soul...there Previous erased..No use, copute, RESTART! meaning you do not have an allignment and need to find another, also another Religion is made similar to Khelanism but more focused on Knowledge, and Power rather than believing on Gods, and the trying to protect the creation of Dev. They call it Uri-Karari which means Religion of Knowledge and Peace in there tongue
  25. There are four Powerful beings formed of Synthir that are Thousands of years old probably even Hundred of thousands of years old. Seeing that Synthir is made when Pure energy is Depleted or used up in any form or fashion than Synthir is made. Also they have special powers if the Person so called takes this to replace there other allignment (Seeing your alignment will also be gone too regardless and you cannot become a remmenant you have to choose it will explain why.) Some of this creatures power are unavaible to others and only unique to itself. Regardless of an "Allignment they choose" they are still able to re-create objects and tangible objects(But not intangible) using there synthir instead, to re-form it. Remember Synthir comes from Aura, and even though they don't provide energy they can re-create tangible objects but usually are pitch-black and they burn on contact of any creature not Immune to synthir. All synthir beings are able to manupulate, and Re-create objects prior to what there soul alignment was also considering what tier there Synthir is also depends on what ever beings they so choose to follow. They hardly get any new abilities, and really depending on who they choose they can utilize it slightly different.hey can also open up a "Rift" which in doing so opens another one on there desired location, all they have to do is step inside of it and while doing so stepping out from the other one. All beings of Synthir can do this, since Synthir cannot truly be able to enter the Void.
  29. Justice/Vengance: This is the most common of all Synthir beings they make up for there Military, and also there guards, this People are the only ones who can have 2 "allignments" Including this Being and one more Either Malefic or Fate they cannot Choose "The Beast" or Dread-naught" as they are extremely powerful and they really do not need to protected as much. Along with that they have very little amount of Synthir considering it also being tier 3 and usually its the most weakest. He represents to serve others and protect others, along with enforcing all the rules Fate as made, and Malefic. There swords are either embeded or made out of a Metal called Silverate only unique and can only be wielded by people of Justice/Vengance. Justice serves to protect and generally he shows the more defensive line and usaully his division is the Guardsmen While Vengance prefers Oppression destruction and the thrill of battle! he has a more offensive line and generally his division is mainly the Millitary those who picked the Tree of Vengance get a higher access to Military Weaponry, but are unable to obtain Silverate or any Powerful unique metals. Along with that People who picked the Tree of Justice though can obtain these metals but cannot obtain Millitary grade weaponry nor are they allowed to use it, they can also be able to manipulate and re-create more complicate objects. and create strong barrier around themselves or the comrades or the person they are guarding for. They can de-materilize and re-materilize there weaponry serving a way for them to store there stuff.
  36. Fate: She determines the fates of all beings, watching over them, she is considered the second strongest, her abilities consists of be able to materialize weapons, and project objects at her opponents. along with manipulating Sythir, and able to yank Aura from others to strengthen her powers, or use it against them she cannot though absorb it, it will just convert into Sythir. And like her brother she can absorb other creatures getting stronger but unlike her brother, she can absorb the creature, modify there appearance strength, size, weight, etc etc. And gain there physical properties. She also can open a rift which connects into her and her brother realm "the End' which allows her to bring forth Fledgling creatures from it. She also shares some of the same exact power, for example she can also hit intangible and Tangible objects if she so chooses. She doesn't hand out her powers to anyone and she generally chooses those to bare it. She prefers only selecting 2 having one being an Inherritor, and the other being an Azure Vessel. She also is one of the two pieces of Azure her appearance is simlar like her brothers, and a lot more clearer you can see a white dragon with wings, and armor. If she was going to have someone have her powers they would be able to levitate off the ground, absorb others and gain there physical abilities, Having overwhealming strength, Materilize weaponary of there kind. And be able to enter "the End" and regulate it if they so choose and having the ability to hit intangible objects too.
  40. The Beast: Is a creature to be feared, and brother of "Fate" he was the first Sythir being to ever be created or composed out of Sythir, the creature is completly foggy and its really hard to tell its shape, and the only thing you can truly see its is Blood red glowing eyes, and its Teeth. The Creature like his brother does not have an opening for an alignment and personally selects those he thinks is worthy of his powers that will not abuse it...a lot. This creature regulates Sythir, can control it, and can make it where no other being can use it. Also the creature uses tier 0 Sythir while his sister is tier one. He is also the only one that can absorb attacks from others(depending on what it is he cannot absorb kinetic outputs), and takes in its properties what ever it would be and get stronger from it. Example if the creature got nuked, well the creature would absorb the explosion growing in size, and strength while also becoming a lot clearer on his shape and form. He can choose to release that amount of Power stored in him...and well it sucks to have your own guns being used against you is what it is going to be summed up. But the creature does get smaller, and does get weaker and if so goes back to its former body size and strength. The Beast also have some Slight abilities allowing him to change his forms, or monitor through the eyes of all beings of Sythir, and communicate through them telepathically if need be.
  43. Sythir Metal: it is an extremely dense metal, and can either be destroyed either by Salem, or Its own and can be Damaged by Silverate and Dragon Steel. The metal is formed by tier 0 and or 1 Sythir which takes thousands of years to form, and only forms when there is a surplus amount of it around a cramped area, and usually in mountains or cramped areas. But Skilled malefic s Who's have the will and approval of the Beast and Fate to quicken this process gathering a mass amount of Sythir around it, and speeding up the process of Sythir also why can it destroy an Indestructible metal? as mentioned before tier 0 or one can absorb anything and gain its physical properties, sad thing after thousands of years of waiting the absorbed metal gets corrupted, twisted and some of its properties such as it able to disrupt aura is gone, and is replaced with the ability to posion the user, causing disorientation and sometimes organ failure, if it punctures a wound. It does take a considerable amount of time to do so but, it is possible to happen in such a case. Also beings who do not produce a Sythir soul or produces sythir cannot lift the metal and along with that, if the user is not the owners or the person who was given too than of course they also can't. Sythir metal once made is handled with extreme care, and smiths who begins smiithing a weapon or armor, wears extremely thick gloves, and wearing a full body suit. Reason why is that when a user on contact touches the metal it binds itself onto the users soul and thus cannot be used by anyone else but the user. Making stealing impossible to obtain, even looting the corpse will be impossible, the metal begins to fade away into sythir, and goes back into the air once the user dies. This metal is so rare only Inheritors have it and even than its so rare and so difficult the smith literally has a very slim chance on accidentally messing up and it gets corrupts, it is a very fragile metal when it is being converted into a weapon and even harder into a armor. If the user wants a very complicate armor set than the Smith uses technology suchs as robotic arms, etc etc.
  45. Silverate: it is an extremely abundant metal that forms in any region in there home planet known as Archadia this metal forms also in "The End" for some odd reason too. The metal is not as dense as Sythir metal but it is a very strong metal and can be used to build either Armor or weapons But it is more geared towards sharp objects or projectile weaponry (such as arrows, or Bolts, and Bullets) seeing that applied onto Blades, or Projectiles it is an extremely sharp metal and it doesn't dull as quickly its probably one of the most less likely metals to ever get re-sharpened, and even so the smith must be able to even build a weapon out of it, seeing that sharpening a extremely sharp weapon(even if its considered "Dull").
  46. Dragon Steel: Why was it called Dragon Steel is completly unknown? sythir beings have extreme respect towards Dragons and often have Sympathy for them. Dragon steel is the combination of Silverate and Blue Steel which is a metal only found in the Desert regions and rocky regions of Archadia and 30x stronger than steel itself the metal is infused with the silverate at outrageous amount of heat is applied onto it, making a very strong metal in conlusion it makes a very Dull metal not really useful applied onto swords, but a good substance to apply it onto a body of a weapon or apply it onto armor usaully most of the millitary tanks have this metal and of course there Elite grade Soldiers. Some veteran Soliders too, Vehicles and planes.
  49. Note: all three of this metals are resistant to Sythir, and cannot deteriorate from it having either being made of 10%-50% of Sythir Sythir is the only Metal that is made out of it 100%
  52. Forms of Sythir: Sythir comes in 4 tiers scaling from 3 being the weakest and the most common to Zero being the rarest and the strongest of them all. When a Khelan (Who meets the requirements of becoming a Sythir Being i will find a better name in the future) is about to receive Sythir another person is required aka the person converting the user into there own what ever the man applying there sythir tier is becomes the users. Aka if the person was a tier 3 Sythir being than the user will be a tier 3. Now the user can progress but Sythir progression from one tier to another is extremely slow, and hard to do so, it takes years maybe several years(OOCly can be months or years depending on who you followed and the person who converted you). Seeing that Sythir also requires a lot more training to control, than utilize, than be able to re-create what your previous objects were, than increasing how much Sythir the user can carry.
  53. Along with that most of the training is done in secret and away from the public(This inclining it cannot be done in -22 or any of Anakins games must be done in a private chat, or over on steam and must be documented and brought back to me for evidence of training there is certain procedures for training and certain steps to do so).
  54. Tier 1 and Tier 0 is the strongest and once a sythir being hits tier 1 they cannot progress to tier 0 ; Now how to get tier 0? is to be personally selected by the Beast and him giving you the sythir himself since he is one of the few beings who can and the most known.
  55. Another reason is that the person being given the Sythir MUST BE WILLING TO ACCEPT IT, that also being you cannot force them to do so. If Sythir was force into and onto the soul the soul starts a chain reaction and seeing the muscles around the soul is tensed, and the user is constantly moving around, or trying to remove it...this can cause them exploding severely. Also once applied Sythir cannot be removed or the user cannot revert back to there original selves...meaning its permanent.
  57. Snow Flakes: one of the Sythir's that can re-create life, they are mainly the rarest and truly slow to be re-populate after usage, they make up the animals, the Plant life, and much more of there planet Archadia there. No Sythir being can wield it, only the Beast and Fate can.
  59. Lore: The Lore of Sythir mainly revolves around Fate and The Beast constant struggle of trying to control the Realm of the End as it is an never ending separate realm that where all beings who failed to convert into beings who uses Sythir rather than Aura.(Its explain further on.) As people who have Sythir instead of Aura are called Dark Striders, People who has Forsaken worshiping Kore, Grue, Dev and especially Echo and began serving under but not worshiping Beast, Fate and Justice. This beings are probably just as strong as the Big Four but they do not consider nor do they let there followers worship them as "Gods" but consider them friends, and a father or Mother instead. Unfortunately only beings that were artificially made could really become Sythir beings. As people would know Sythir comes from where Aura is used in any particular fashion, creation or Transmutation, but also Sythir Comes from when a Star explodes, releasing a good amount of Sythir, along with Suns also Dying out after there long life span. Some may say during the Big bang theory the planet that exploded released so much pure sythir that massive amounts of it was on some of the fragments of the recently destroyed planet and violently crashes into other unlivable planets that either had no life onto it, or vise versa. Where Sythir originated and stayed at from is a single planet 8x bigger than our sun! it is still not even near overpopulation and some of this Beings of Sythir are giants. When The Beast and Soon after his Sister was made they began re-creating life onto this large planet with plants that had sythir within them, they even made a barrier around there planet composed out of Pure Sythir protecting them from any intruders, and also a planetary defense. If there were any Space shuttles trying to settle on there native planet massive tendrils will shoot out of the planet and...drag the shuttle in giving them no hopes of even an escape attempt. Most people even the Union doesn't know much about this Native planet and it is best to leave it alone.
  61. The End: this was a realm that the beast nor Fate created or try too, it was a realm which took life on its own, having creatures so terrifying even the Beast fears. It is a realm with a surplus of Sythir and no living creature could actually set foot on it not even Sythir beings could enter it. Only a certain kind could such as beings that had tier 1 or tier 0 Sythir. This creatures were simple minded and really had very little intellegence too, but it was there numbers, rather than there intelligence the Beast feared about. The Beast and Fate was the only beings that could open a rift that allowed them to enter in this realm. As you know the realm has little to no gravity meaning rocks floats about in this vast dimension, you can hear the screeches of the creature coming towards you the minute you set foot on there land. The lighting was a very Dark Murky yellow with Green, Fragments of moons, and pieces of planets floats around and Violently crashes against one another and the hardest part, was to find your way around it. You can easily get lost in this dimension and rather time there is pretty slow, and different from ours, that the user can die very quickly just from age. The longest creature who stood in this realm...lasted only 1 minute, brutally being torn apart and overwhelmed by this creatures. The creatures are hungry for flesh and...Sythir they also crave for knowledge but they had no way in trying to obtain this "Knowledge". The beast than tore a small bit of himself along with Fate to create a Dark entity who truly had no physical form but had massive pincers coming from his back, they called him Terror. Terrors job was to keep this creatures from breaching and entering our world. This was successful and the Beast and Fate routinely checks him from time to time. Terror was given the ability to communicate telepathically BUT only in there realm, talking to this creatures and controlling them.
  62. The Forming of Life: The Beast and Fate are very impatient at times and they knew that only creatures that were artificially made could really be able to have a Sythir soul and be able to resist against Sythir. so Fate by drawing in a sythir called "Snow Flakes which is the same form of Sythir that brought life to there home planet that were the only sythir that was completely white and having a black spot in its center. This was the re-creation of other beings, but most of them took the form and the body of a Human rather than opposing against a ULv, or a Halvde some may say, this was just a convenience and they did not intended for such. nothing physically changed about this creatures only having and being made with a sythir soul, instead of having a Soul with Sythir. They made about 100 of this people and than stopped letting "Snow Flakes" to recover. Thus the beings waited as this people they called Archadians Populated to the mid hundrand of thousands but this took several centuries of course.
  63. There soul is composed out of Pure sythir and Snow flakes, creating a soul, that could re-create and produce a desired tier such as tier 3,2,1,0 if so choosed. Also this beings who were created were known as true Bloods, and having Blackblood instead of Normal blood, this is because that Sythir also corrupted there blood and usaully all beings of Sythir have Blackblood.
  65. The forming of the Seal and the Observers: An outbreak happened and this creatures learned in there funny manor to open rifts, and thousands of this creatures poured out. Creatures The beast Haven't even seen too or Fate, that also meaning this creatures evolve and populate just the same as any other creatures and meaning that a single powerful being cannot hold them all at Bay without getting tired, and weak. The BEast and Fate along with his followers fought against this creature for 50 years, and there population dropped nearly half way down. See in our world this creatures upon being "killed" Looses there physical form and than reforms back in the end And coming right back out. It takes time to do so, but Armys are easily overwhelmed as hordes After Hordes just comes out a single Rift. FInally Fate and the Beast than Formed the Observers, Powerful people who can enter the Realm of the End and operate to keep this creatures tamed. Observers are extremely unique due to the main fact of having a special syther which must be given by Terror, Fate, justice, and the beast Observer Sythir it is a specialize Sythir that allows them to bypass through the End and not even worry about being torn to shreds. This beings are dedicated Intelligent people who has a mass understanding and having no desire other than Knowledge just like the creatures themselves. A single Observer and keep the End in check for there entire life span, and thus another Observer was chosen and another and so forth and so forth. Downfall only one can be chosen and they must wait until the observer steps down and transmit there Syther into the willing person that upholds and Oath to become an Observer. They have the power to telepathically control this creatures, speak there language and even interact with them. But to ensure this never happens again They Gather sythir and Aura together to make a Barrier that keeps the End and our world seperate Aura keeps its structure and keeps Sythir drawn but the Aura bounces the Sythir back and keeping it away from submerging making the only thing that Sythir and Aura can co-exist. The Seal is Soul linked with an Observer, and if an observer died without picking a successor than the Seal than breaks, falling apart and letting this whole mess again. Also Observers job is to tell The Beast and fate what is going on, another thing funny about the End is when a Being is consumed in Sythir there knowledge, and anything they know about is transmitted to the Observer and to Terror. This allowing There civilization to quickly advance and the Observers becoming a massive aspect to them, Observers cannot be harmed as they can simply command they attacker to stop, or cna use telekinesis but only in the Ends realm to sent creatures attempting to attack flying away. They can can gather a mass amount of sythir, to send out a blast, making a kinetic blast, and keeping thousands away, along in that realm they can choose to become tangible and intangible. Some Observers can bring some of there powers, but this probably would take them decades to do so, and only able at the end of there life span.
  67. Culture and style: Sythir beings primary consists of knowledge , and Survival rather than war, and other useless events, making them extremely advance and able to do space travel if they wanted too. They also run off a great economically way to keep order. There planet never had a single revolution, civil war, or any of that case seeing that they prefer working together and achieving a higher goal, rather than working individually and having the hopes in achieving something. The BEast and Fate takes no leadership position they only watch and see as there culture thrives. But everyone objective is trying to become the next "Inheritor"
  68. Inheritors, Vessels: Inheritors are people who have been personally selected by one of the three to be able to have 90% of there very power 10% of that power not given would be too much for the person to manage nor will they be able too. Inheritors are extremely powerful able to manipulate Sythir, re-create object prior to there alignment, ageless, and being able to have some of there masters powers, not to mention that there masters and them minds are linked together, meaning they can communicate with each other if they so choose. Another great thing that inheritors Is that they can bring they can fuse themselves with there masters allowing there masters to be warped to them and becoming a threat to be reckon with in a more simple form, they become who they are inheriting taking the form and body of there master and both of them being able to utilize a good 100% of there powers in the end though results them tired and winded out. Inheritors have the personality and history of there formal masters and probably so rare that if someone would to kill an Inheritor, it will enrage that Being and make them personal come down there to kill there killer. Along with that comparing to a Reborn they are equal to or greater than one, it also depends on who they are inheriting too.
  71. Inheritors are also a leadership position and joins in the council making up other inheritors(A total of 3) including the Observer which allows them to speak about current ware about, and such.
  72. Vessels are people who is next in line or people that inheritor chooses to be, it is less likely for them and usaully they have 30-40% of there masters powers considerably much weaker than an Inheritor but second in command. Only one INheritor, and one Vessel can be choosen in each Being, meaning a total of 6 all together can happen
  74. Discovery of Koff-enge: The Beast did discover Koff-enge a long long time ago while he was trying to see other forms of life, and seeing if they were willing to take his unique influence. He came to Koff-enge by accident and took the form of a Ulv, to reduce his size, and trying to not scare the people(this was the time when Koff-enge was at its early state and along with that Beast was able to adjust his form if he needed too.) Unfortunately it didn't end well as they were already worshiping echo, dev, Grue and kore as a god, and not treating them as a friend, which made the Beast upset. He tried talking to the tribes of the Titans but it only ended up one of the titans calling him a "hieratic" and of course trying to kill him, only realizing that he had to take his true form..and well...squishing them like a bug. finally Echo, grue, Kore and Dev and him had a talk which(Can be done icly if Red so chooses if not i just put a basic discusion). That an agreement was placed, The Beast and his people may co-exist with theres, and can share there culture If he will allow the same with there people. The Beast agreed and a neutral relationship was formed along with a portal that was built well underground that linked his planet with there's, allowing his people to enter, and exit there planet and into Koff-enge to learn from there culture or spread The Beast influence. But an agreement solely also speaks that The Beast or the big four WILL not involve themselves if there people so chooses to go to war. a compromised was made the Beast or his sister will only involve if an inheritor was killed, that is all and which allows him to hunt down and kill the one who murder there inheritor. The portal is unknown and mainly no one knows its true location and nearly impossible to search for it is guarded by massive golumns composed out of Salem which they guard it, just in case to enter requires a pass phase that you must answer correctly three times, if you answer wrong, than well they will ask you to leave if you try to enter by force=you die which is
  76. queston: What does Life offers?
  77. Answer: Death
  78. What forges, a bong stronger than Sythir Metal?
  79. Answer: Love
  80. who dies? Who lives? who comes to past? who is forgotten? i speak of two, brothers..and sisters, and a loyal soldier
  81. Fate Sister of the Beast Justice Soldier of the two, Let us speak of enternal Peace and raise our cups!.
  82. The door will open and they will be able to enter the portal or exit it, both sides have this guardians watches over.
  84. Void walkers, and Ceneraius Hatred: NEVER PUT A SYTHIR BEING AND A VOIDWALKER IN ONE ROOM! why? because they hate each other guts, Sythir beings consider void walkers or Ceneraius Inferior creations and should try to forget there ways of trying to harm, steal, and even kill Khelans for there "Survival" as an excuse and try to become more peaceful. The Beast and Caius do not like each other and will most likely engage in open combat if either one of them are present and usually ends with one of them fleeing. Ceneraius and Sythir beings usaully will engage combat seeing that Ceneraius culture wants to engulf there world in darkness, and it is best to eliminate them on sight. Icly most Sythirs will be rude to Void walkers and Void walkers will be the same but both usually will not engage combat without there higher ups approving this.
  86. Messengers Last hope: Some Messengers found out about Sythir beings and not if all simply converted, OOcly this was put so people can still rp as either there goofy messengers or there more serious Messengers, rather than having the leader of the group saying"they all died because Alucard was pretty much a dick when it comes down to it." They can choose to have there messenger die or convert having a 100% ganrentee they will be fully protected. Most messengers if not all are extremly loyal to Beast for allowing them to convert to him. Changing there soul and there aura and along with that there Physical body also changes which avoides them being tracked in any way. They can still have there Messenger Names but they will need to say "Name, Last Name, representative of -----" as they represent what they are sending a message too and there personality rather than having Messenger of ---- really there is no difference and this was all Fates Idea.
  88. People if having a Messenger can Meta-game THIS AND ONLY THIS! NOTHING ELSE! I am extremely against meta-gaming but i will allow it if it shows there characters staying alive if not be. Messengers are artificail khelans so this does allow them to do the convert possible.,
  90. Rachel Friendship, between them: Yes RACHEL plays a big role in this as she was the one who discovered about Sythir and soon after found more of it. she also was personally visited by The Beast and they talked...soon after she quickly befriended The Beast. Fate And even terror, after she became an Observer. She was also the one who helped convert other Messengers and artificial Beings and gave names helping the Beast expand quickly she also helps him inform him what is going on regarding factions. They both found each other really at a random time, and it is better the person asks Rachel Herself about it further.
  92. Exodus: The Beast is extremely concerned about Exodus as there is a lot of history that was lost on that planet and factions trying to rule over it. The beast wants to unify Exodus and teach them how to work together and probably try to influence them to Follow the will of The Beast and Fate, and to believe Knowledge is power, and Power is worthless and achieves nothing symbolizing war, destruction, and only did more harm than good. Also there is a massive connection between Black-hearts and Sythir's that all must know.
  94. The Blackhearts were spies for the Beast and observing and informing the Beast about either Exodus or Koff-enge on anything he should know about. They stopped communication 2 centuries later and the Beast personally came but only to see ruined, temples, Destroyed buildings on both Koff-enge and Exodus. Only the surviving house OF Rachel Blackheart was the last thing standing. So tit was time for Sythir beings to start populating in both Exodus and Koff-enge in trying to bring back the Blackhearts back to there feet, and an attempt to settle on koff-enge...again. In exodus they are settling in the southern parts of Africa re-building the ruined buildings, and abandoned bases and trying to make a city where it is neutral grounds at all times. And will not involve themselves in such conflicts like war.
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