
ATOQ Valentine's Day Intro

Feb 11th, 2017
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  1. >>Be Keiichi Hirayama.
  3. You already are. Stop posting useless commands.
  5. >>Keiichi: Think about girls.
  7. You have your twin sister, who is frankly irreplaceable. Then there are the other three.
  9. The first is the popular academy diva. The second is a psychic shut-in who plays video games all day and substitutes instant ramen for healthy meals. The third is a rich heiress who never fails to piss you off.
  11. None of them can be considered normal. Which is good, because nobody considers you normal, either. Also, the number of girls you know outnumber the number of guys you know two to one. Some would consider this a dream. You would gladly correct them, because the amount of bullshit those girls have dragged you into outweigh any hormonal pleasures a teenaged boy’s mind could conceive.
  13. Girls have a tendency to say one thing and actually mean another. Then they have the gall get mad at you for not being able to magically read their minds, or speaking your own mind without ‘tact’ (whatever the fuck that means).
  15. All girls, except your sister, are nuts. End of story.
  17. >>Keiichi: Think about women.
  19. Porn aside, there are two main women in your life. The first is your mother. She’s a long train ride away, maintaining the firing range she owns. You don’t have sexual thoughts about her, because only the worst degenerates have sexual thoughts about their mothers.
  21. The second woman is your spirit mentor. She looks about your age and has a fetish for lace funeral dresses. You haven’t met a woman who’s a bigger pain in the ass. Forcing you at the last minute to switch your homework assignments to reports about humans that influenced the development of firearms should be outlawed under the Human-Spirit global conventions.
  23. You’d never admit it to her, but she would be somewhat beautiful if she ever unfastened that iron grip.
  25. >>Keiichi: Think about Valentine’s Day.
  27. That’s today. You know it as a pseudo-holiday in which girls give gifts to the boys they love, while the other boys hang in the background and begin eating their ties in raw jealousy.
  29. In one world, you saw none of this. You were half-unconscious in a hospital as doctors and healer spirits fretted over your and your sister’s burned out magic circuits.
  31. In this world your body is perfectly fine, allowing you to attend school as normal and witness the despair of hundreds of male students as they find themselves without female companionship at the end of the day.
  33. One trait remains the same across both worlds. You don’t think of Valentine’s Day as anything special. Yes, it did small waves in your little countryside hometown. Your mother and sister took the day as an excuse to bake chocolate cookies, which were more often delicious than not. The kids in the countryside made just a big deal over the holiday as the kids in the city and sales of sweets and gifts would skyrocket over in the little corner shops.
  35. But you never really found yourself involved in any of these celebrations. The girls of your old middle school were never all that interested in you and you shared the same sentiments to them. Airi was all you needed. Then you bonded with your spirit mentor and discovered the hell of having a woman nag in your ear 24-7.
  37. So, when Valenetine's Day rolled around, you thought little of it. It’s yet another ordinary day, your thought process said when you woke up. Eight hours of mind-numbing classes, banter with your friends, subpar vending machine snacks and efforts to keep out of trouble. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  39. >>Keiichi: Be absolutely wrong.
  41. Indeed, Valentine’s Day this year will be much different, simply because you have become deeply acquainted with those notorious girls of Shibuya…
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