
(8) Gaynon screws up his life again

Jan 7th, 2015
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  1. >I had a decision to make
  2. >Do I take the job?
  3. >And leave my friends?
  4. >This idea scared me before
  5. >I didn't want to lose my friends
  6. >But then again, if I do move away, I would make more money
  7. >I could support myself, and more
  8. >Maybe I could even go to college
  9. >That would be nice
  10. >I make the decision to not leave
  11. >I like my life now, the relationships I've made, everything that has lead up to this.
  12. >It has genuinelly gotten better
  13. >I don't wanna give that up.
  14. >With the new job, I have a lot of extra money lying around
  15. >Maybe I can do something nice for Applejack, like take her out on a date
  16. >Yeah, that's a good idea
  17. >Maybe take her out to a nice restaurant
  18. >I let her know of my plan
  19. >"I don't know, Anon..." she says hesitantly. "I'm not really into anything really fancy-schmancy"
  20. "Oh come on Applejack, if there was ever a time to celebrate anything, it'd be now, don't you think?"
  21. >"Maybe, what about the girls, you think we should invite them too?"
  22. "Another time, tonight, just you and me though."
  23. >She smiles
  24. >"Oh, you charmer you. Okay."
  25. "Alright, you wanna head out around 7:30?"
  26. >"Sounds great. I really don't have anything to wear though."
  27. "I got you covered, don't worry."
  28. >I hit up Rarity
  29. >I asked her if she could get me a dress that suits Applejack.
  30. >"Ooooh, anon..." she said playfully. "Are you planning something special with Applejack?"
  31. "Maybe. But that's for us to know and Applejack to find out."
  32. >"Okay, so what do you want me to do?"
  33. "How bout you pick out the dress and then swing by Sweet Apple Acres around 6:30 to drop it off?"
  34. >"I think I can manage that."
  35. "Thanks rarity, you're the best."
  36. >"No problem, it'll even be on the house."
  37. >I think I just got diabetes.
  38. "Why are you so good to me Rarity?"
  39. >"You're my friend anon, it's what you do. And I think you're a great guy for her anon, don't mess this up."
  40. "Got it, thanks."
  41. >Man, these girls really were great friends
  42. >I'm glad I didn't move
  43. ---
  44. >Rarity comes by and drops off the dress, and I hide it in my bedroom
  45. >It looks great
  46. >I wait until 7, and then I go to knock on Applejack's door.
  47. "Applejack, I have a surprise for you."
  48. >She comes out wearing the dress she wore to the Fall Formal
  49. >"This is all I could find on short notice.."
  50. >I hold up the dress.
  51. "This, is for you, courtesy of Rarity."
  52. >Her eyes light up.
  53. >"Really? For.... me?"
  54. "Of course. This dress color doesn't suit me. It's sort of a winter, I'm more of an autumn"
  55. >"She grabs me in a tight hug.
  56. >Thank you Anon"
  57. "It's the least I can do"
  58. >And so we head out
  59. >I treat her to this great Italian place downtown
  60. >It's a little pricey, but I don't care
  61. >After that, I take her walking down the boardwalk
  62. >We just have a good old time, riding the rides, looking out at the beach, and just being together
  63. >She pulls me in close and kisses me.
  64. >"Thanks anon"
  65. "No problem, glad you had fun."
  66. >"Not just for the date, but for being there for me."
  67. "No problem AJ."
  68. >Man, today was great
  69. >A few weeks later I find myself at work
  70. >I'm working on a phone call, and the person on the other end isn't too happy.
  71. >"I was sleeping in my home, and you have the nerve to call me and try to advertise shampoo?"
  72. "Sir, just calm down, I-"
  73. >And then he hangs up.
  74. >Whatever, I got a list of about 400 callers left
  75. >"Attention, everybody, we have a new employee starting today!"
  76. >He did this for everybody
  77. >Even me when I started working here
  78. >"Let me introduce you to Bradley, our newest operator."
  79. >In walks probably the best looking guy I've ever seen
  80. >Clean cut
  81. >Suave
  82. >And he looks like he's made of iron
  83. >Come on brain, what the crap?
  84. >I'm in a great relationship with Applejack, and now you decide that this new guy is the hottest thing around
  85. >"Bradley, you can sit at that empty cubicle right over there."
  86. >He points at the one directly to the left of mine, right across the hall.
  87. >He goes over and takes his place
  88. >"Alright everyone, back to work."
  89. >The boss then leaves.
  90. ---
  91. >Suddenly, Bradley looks over and smiles and waves at me.
  92. >"Hi" he says smoothly.
  93. "Hi" I respond casually
  94. >Great, now he's gonna be all friendly with me.
  95. >I just try to focus on my work.
  96. >Around lunch time, I take my seat at the break room table
  97. >As I'm eating, bradley walks in
  98. >"I don't think we've been properly introduced, my name's bradley."
  99. >Alright, just play it cool. Try to be friendly, maybe he's just trying to be polite
  100. "My name's anon."
  101. >"You don't mind if I sit here, do you?"
  102. "No, go right ahead."
  103. >Aww man, that was stupid of me
  104. "So, you've decided to join us in the prestigous career of phone advertisement?"
  105. >He laughs
  106. >"Yeah, I quit my old job. I worked in a garage for a while but needed a change of pace."
  107. "Oh cool, you into cars?"
  108. >"Yeah, totally. What about you."
  109. "Love 'em. I had a '65 mustang a while back."
  110. >"Nice, why did you get rid of it."
  111. "Oh no, I didn't. I totaled it in an accident."
  112. >I showed him the scars on my arm and leg.
  113. "A bad one."
  114. >He winces
  115. >"So let me guess, you took up this job to pay for the massive hospital bills right?"
  116. "Sorta, I kinda had to give up everything I had and move in with somebody."
  117. >"I know that feel. My boyfriend kicked my out a little while ago so I've had to look for a new place."
  118. >Woah, hold up
  119. >Back it up
  120. >Did he say boyfriend?
  121. "Did you say boyfriend?"
  122. >"Yeah" he said slowly. "I'm gay. You're not like, homophobic or anything, right?"
  123. "Oh no, I'm actually gay too."
  124. >Man, why did I tell him that?
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