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Sep 29th, 2014
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  1. SS13: Machine
  3. A new gamemode with special roles and objectives.
  6. Four players are chosen to be antagonists.
  8. They are the MACHINES.
  10. They spawn on a syndicate shuttle not far from the station.
  12. They have four objectives:
  14. Obj. #1 Steal a functional AI.
  15. Obj. #2 No-one must escape the station.
  16. Obj. #3 Release the singularity.
  17. Obj. #4 Destroy the station.
  19. Each MACHINE is tailored to an objective. They are:
  21. MACHINE #1: A slow-moving armored mech. It has usable hands and can manipulate objects.
  22. MACHINE #2: A robotic spider armed with the latest killing technology.
  23. MACHINE #3: A fragile repair bot re-purposed to sabotage and deconstruct any obstacle.
  24. MACHINE #4: A rapid drilling vehicle fitted with a nuclear fission reactor.
  26. Each MACHINE is equipped with a 30k power cell. It can be recharged in many ways:
  27. 1. Standing over a power cell will drain its power into the MACHINE.
  28. 2. Standing over an exposed charged wire will drain its power into the MACHINE.
  29. 3. Being electrocuted will charge the MACHINE a small amount.
  30. 4. Having a fresh power cell installed will update the MACHINE's power.
  31. 5. Exosuit Charging Stations will charge the MACHINE.
  33. Each MACHINE is outfitted with a syndicate radio device, able to communicate and listen to all channels. The MACHINES can communicate over a private syndicate channel.
  34. Each MACHINE can be repaired with welding tools and cable coils.
  35. Each MACHINE can be re-awakened after destruction with a Cyborg Reset Module.
  36. Each MACHINE is built in a robust fashion and is hard to destroy.
  37. Each MACHINE has memorized the same Nuclear Authentication Code given to the captain.
  39. Details:
  41. #1:
  42. It is slow.
  43. It is heavily armored.
  44. It can speak as well as use its radio.
  45. Its modules:
  46. 1. A robotic hand. It can manipulate objects as well as any human. Its punches stun organic beings.
  47. 2. A robotic hand. It can manipulate objects as well as any human. Its punches stun organic beings.
  48. 3. An integrated IntelliCard. It can be used to download the AI.
  49. 4. A syndicate Hand Teleporter. It can teleport to the syndicate shuttle.
  52. #2:
  53. It is fast.
  54. It is lightly armored.
  55. It can only use its radio to communicate.
  56. Its modules:
  57. 1. A chain gun. Once charged, it can fire 3 bullets per shot at a rapid pace. It has 90 bullets.
  58. 2. An ion cannon. It damages and discharges electrical units.
  59. 3. An energy gun. It is connected directly to the MACHINE's power cell.
  60. 4. A robotic claw. It savages organic creatures.
  61. 5. A stun arm. It stuns organic creatures.
  62. 6. A missile rack. It can be targeted to cause small explosions. It has six charges.
  65. #3:
  66. It is fast.
  67. It is not armored.
  68. It can speak as well as use its radio.
  69. Its modules:
  70. 1. An advanced toolset.
  71. 2. A one-use teleporter that can summon an ominous beacon.
  72. 3. A Cyborg Reset Module.
  73. 4. A rapid power cell recharger.
  74. 5. A camera bug.
  77. #4:
  78. It is very fast.
  79. It is armored.
  80. It can only use its radio to communicate.
  81. Its modules:
  82. 1. A refurbished mining drill. When activated, it can damage anything it touches.
  83. 2. An integrated pinpointer.
  84. 3. A nuclear fission explosive. When inside a certain radius of the Nuclear Authentication Disk, the explosive can be activated with a 1 minute countdown (minimum). It can only be deactivated using the Nuclear Authentication Disk. When activated, MACHINE #4 is unable to move, and decharges rapidly.
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