
Fluttershy thing

Jun 21st, 2012
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  1. >Day Iya Iya C'thulhu F'taghn in Equestria
  2. >Sunlight breaches your closed eyes
  3. >Fucking Celestia
  4. >You do your daily wake up routine
  5. >Stretched, check
  6. >Clothed, check
  7. >Deoderant, uncheck. You still need to figure out how to get something for your pits that will work
  8. >Scratched balls, check
  9. >Start heading downstairs
  10. >See door open
  11. >High alert
  12. >Hear a soft sobbing noise
  13. >Gingerly peak around corner
  14. >See mass of yellow and pink
  15. >"A-all I see is death and sorrow," you managed to make out between her hitching sobs
  16. >You sigh and approach
  17. "Fluttershy? What are you doing?"
  18. >She yelps and hunches her back at you
  19. >You peak around her
  20. >Her hoof is slightly bloody
  21. >See knife in her hoof
  22. >Jimmies go ape shit
  23. "Fluttershy!? What in all the fuck are you doing!?"
  24. >You rip the knife from her, knicking your thumb in the proccess as you sling it across the room
  25. >The knife embeds in one of your hanging cupboards
  26. >You jam your thumb in your mouth
  27. "God damnit Fluttershy, what were you thinking?!"
  28. >You check over her hoof.
  29. >The cuts are superficial at best, but enough to stain her hoof red
  30. >"Y-your fetish i-isn't suicide mares?"
  31. >You pick up Fluttershy with your free arm and take her to couch
  32. >You sit down, sprawling her over your lap
  33. "No, they most certainly are not"
  34. >She whimpers loudly, the tears returning
  35. >You roll your eyes and lightly run your fingers over her sides
  36. >She wriggles and writhes under your fingers before she loses her composure and starts to laugh loudly
  37. "I'd prefer those close to me to be happy and laughing!"
  38. >You draw this out for a bit longer before letting her calm down
  39. >You find yourself running your fingers through her mane, g'damn what does she do with it, it's so soft!
  40. "Hey, let's get you cleaned up and we'll go get something to eat, my treat!"
  41. >Today was an excellent day
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