
Five Nights at /MLP/ : Good Ending

Sep 25th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >You aren't entirely sure why you took this job.
  3. >The other guy on the phone sounded pretty desperate to get find someone.
  4. >The pay sucks.
  5. >The hours suck.
  6. >Yet there you were, sitting in your grey guard uniform.
  7. >A letter from the last guard warned you about how some of the ponies liked to go wandering at night.
  8. >That definitely wasn't in the classifieds.
  9. >Still you were going to be locked in for the night so you might as well make the most of it.
  10. >How bad could some animatronic children's toys be?
  11. >According to the note, Monday's were the big day for 'Fluttershy' to do her nightly walk.
  12. >"Fluttershy is a real sweetheart, if just a little unnerving. She'll most likely just stare at you from the hall. Just a warning though, do not under any circumstances turn on the hall light when she is standing in it. She gets a pretty spooked if you do, and there is a fair chance she'll lash out."
  13. >Lash out?
  14. >As in... attack you?
  15. >What the hell kind of place was this?
  16. >"If she gets upset, close the door and wait one hour before opening them. She'll go back to her docile self if she can just look at you.
  17. >The clock chimes twelve.
  18. >You hear the grinding of gears and sliding of locks.
  19. >No leaving anymore.
  20. >You muse to yourself as to why a place filled with potentially deadly machines would need a guard.
  21. >Finding no logic in that, you sit in your little cubicle.
  22. >You settle yourself down for your first night at /MLP/ center.
  25. ******
  27. >It was just past 2 in the morning.
  28. >You had been watching the cameras for a few hours.
  29. >You hadn't seen anything on them moving at all.
  30. >You wonder if perhaps that note was just to freak you out.
  31. >Like a hazing of the new guy.
  32. >That must be it.
  33. >There was now way that-
  34. >You feel that tell tale sign of something watching you from your right.
  35. >In the darkness of the hall you could see a pair of dim blue orbs watching you from the darkness.
  36. >The soft hiss of an electronic voice box resonated across your small room.
  37. >It's voice is soft, feminine and slightly tinny.
  38. >"...who is do you think... this one is...Angel?"
  39. >It takes everything in your power not to just turn on the light and see what it was out in the hall.
  40. >"...he looks.......different..."
  41. >Against your better judgement, your hand starts sliding over to the light switch.
  42. >"...Maybe......he can he- AHHHHHH DON'T LOOK AT ME!"
  43. >You hand barely hit the door switch in time.
  44. >Why the hell did you do that?!
  45. >Loud smashing could be heard and the heavy metal door shook in it's frame.
  47. >You curled into yourself and prayed the door would hold.
  48. >...
  49. >...
  50. >You couldn't hear it anymore.
  51. >You open the door.
  52. >Nothing was there.
  53. >That couldn't have been real.
  54. >There was no way.
  55. >From the other side you heard a quiet voice ring out again.
  56. >"...I'm sorry..."
  57. >You nearly fainted.
  58. >You took the note's words to heart.
  59. >"...I didn't mean to scare you..."
  60. >You tried your best to ignore her.
  61. >"...I just wanted to look at you..."
  62. >You shuddered.
  63. >"...Maybe we can be... friends..."
  64. >You looked at your watch.
  65. >You could see some kind of pink hairs lying on the ground laying in the light from your room's paltry light.
  66. >"...eep..."
  67. >The hair and Fluttershy disappear.
  68. >The camera's show no movement.
  69. >Your ears strain in the silence to hear something, anything.
  70. >But nothing came.
  71. >You sit in deafening silence until the morning comes, and the doors open.
  72. >What the hell just happened?"
  74. End of First Night at /MLP/
  76. >You were terrified last night.
  77. >"Fluttershy" or whatever the hell that was went ballistic after you turned on the light.
  78. >Though that was mostly your own fault.
  79. >All she was doing was staring at you.
  80. >You sort of brought that on yourself.
  81. >So here you were again, a few minutes to midnight.
  82. >A new note waiting on your desk.
  83. >"Hey, I'm surprised you came back."
  84. >Me too.
  85. >"The day crew said you looked like you'd seen a ghost. Anyway, tonight is Tuesday so the pony of the evening is Twilight Sparkle."
  86. >Sounds pleasant enough.
  87. >"Twilight is a bit of an oddity amongst the ponies here, she has a nasty habit of crawling through the ventilation."
  88. >Oh for fu-
  89. >"So for tonight, I would suggest leaving your cubicle. The doors, lights, and cameras aren't really going to be much use to you."
  90. >He never goes into what happens if they catch you, but judging by Fluttershy's reaction last night, it wouldn't be anything too pleasant.
  91. >"Twilight has a thing for, for the most part anyway, sticking to the rules and she usually hits the hay around 3 am. Beyond that, the night will be smooth sailing."
  92. >You scowl at the note.
  93. >Seriously, why did you come back here again?
  94. >Once again, your mind can find no logic in the decision.
  95. >You grab your flashlight and start to make the rounds.
  96. >You try to mentally prepare yourself for your second night at /MLP/
  98. *****
  100. >You began your walk down the eastern hall.
  101. >Garbage and peeling paint chips line the flooring.
  102. >Your boots crunch the detritus under your feet.
  103. >Heading out to the main staging area, all seemed well.
  104. >The little character displays around the large room were all empty.
  105. >This was to be expected.
  106. >According to your original interview, they were all kept together in a workshop so they could be repaired before you got in.
  107. >This all seemed so innocuous when you first heard it.
  108. >You could swear you heard soft padding behind you as you made your rounds to the different displays.
  109. >A faint pair of purple orbs stare at you from one of the other displays.
  110. >Another feminine voice rings out, this one was far more assured then Fluttershy's.
  111. >Still the tinny hiss alerted you to the unnatural nature of it's owner.
  112. >"....Soooo. You are the new night guard, Anon....."
  113. >You almost dropped your flashlight.
  114. >"...Fluttershy told us all about you..."
  115. >You finally spied where the eyes were staring at you from.
  116. >You started to make your way to make your way out of the open space your currently in, careful to make sure your flashlight never shone over the faint pair of purple lights.
  117. >"...When Flutters told us there was a new guard, I got so curious..."
  118. >The eyes were gone.
  119. >You could hear a soft thumping coming from above you.
  120. >"...I don't want to hurt you Mr.Anon..."
  121. >The way her voice echoes from all directions makes you feel small.
  122. >"...I just want to see what kind of machines make you tick..."
  123. >Oh fuck.
  124. >You head towards the western hallway of the employees only area.
  125. >This side by and large is clean, without even a trace of dust.
  126. >Funny what you perceive when you are being followed by a potentially murderous purple pony.
  127. >"....the old guard never let me see either..."
  128. >You found yourself back in the security office.
  129. >You hear a heavy thump from behind you.
  130. >"...Gotcha!...We're going to have so much fun together Anon..."
  131. >You could feel Twilight's hooves on you.
  132. >Wasting no time, you peeled off your jacket and ran.
  133. >You could swear you could hear the damn thing's aggravated sigh right behind you.
  134. >You didn't stop running.
  135. >You could almost hear the whirl of the servos in that purple thing following you.
  136. >"...Anon! Why are you running? The doctor opens us up all the time. I really don't see the big deal..."
  137. >You aren't a goddamn robot.
  138. >You pushed your way into the first door you came across.
  139. >Turns out you ran into a washroom, and judging by the urinals on the wall, it was the Mens.
  140. >You were trapped.
  141. >There was no way out.
  142. >You kept expecting to see the door fly from it's hinges and Twilight come barreling in.
  143. >...
  144. >...
  145. >It never came.
  146. >".........I can't go in there Anon...That room is for boys only..."
  147. >You were beyond shocked.
  148. >You looked at your watch.
  149. >1 minute to 3am.
  150. >You could hear her hoof steps leading away from you.
  151. >She was leaving
  152. >What you heard next chilled your blood.
  153. >"....*yawn* Goodnight Anon... Pleasant dreams.... I can't wait to tell the girls how much fun you are......."
  154. >You stayed locked in the bathroom, rocking back and forth until morning comes.
  155. >Why did you come back?
  157. ***************
  159. End of Second Night at /MLP/
  161. >Perhaps it was morbid curiosity.
  162. >Perhaps you were just a complete idiot.
  163. >Maybe even both.
  164. >Regardless, you were back in the tiny security office.
  165. >You began to question your own sanity at this point.
  166. >Who the hell does this to themselves?
  167. >You apparently.
  168. >Tonight's letter was short.
  169. >"You came back again? After yesterday's fiasco with the guy's bathroom? You got some real balls kid.
  170. >You were pretty sure at this point you were just insane.
  171. >"Just a quick one tonight. Rainbow Dash. She doesn't really come out all that often, but when she does you'll know it."
  172. >The hell does that mean?
  173. >"She can be a little competitive. Just stay in the office and you'll be just fine. She tuckers out pretty quick."
  174. >You really didn't like the sound of that.
  175. >Why did you come back?
  176. >It certainly wasn't the money.
  177. >Maybe it was the thrill?
  178. >Something COULD happen to you.
  179. >And the potential of that made this job way better then your last one as a desk jockey at a calling center.
  180. >Finding some comfort in your reasoning, strange as it was, gave you enough gusto to commence your third night at /MLP/
  182. *****
  184. >Slow night for the most part.
  185. >Time was going by fairly quick.
  186. >It was almost 4 am and still no Rainb-
  187. >What the fuck.
  188. >You looked at your monitor and saw a blue blur from one of the display stands.
  189. >You quickly scan the hall cameras.
  190. >West hall.
  191. >You slam the close button.
  192. >"....Hah!...You aren't as slow as I thought!..."
  193. >Her voice is slightly masculine in a way, not jarringly so but very different from Twilight or Fluttershy.
  194. >"...Bet you can't do it again...."
  195. >You look at your camera.
  196. >You see the blue pegasus for only a moment before the light shatters.
  197. >"....Now now.... that would be cheating..."
  198. >You were now pretty much blind.
  199. >"....Twilight said you were a lot of fun.... why don't you come out and we'll have a race..."
  200. >You heard thumping from the opposite hall.
  201. >"Not bad! Even without seeing you got me."
  202. >She circled into the main staging area, and made another pass on the same side.
  203. >The door slammed down at the press of your switch.
  204. >You hear a loud thud.
  205. >"...ow...."
  206. >She must have slammed into the door.
  207. >"...What's the big idea Anon?...."
  208. >Is she seriously asking that?
  209. >"...First you scare Flutters, then you run from Twilight, now you slam the door in my face..."
  210. >You could hear a tone drop.
  211. >"....Don't you like us...?"
  212. >You did not expect that.
  213. >"...We just want to make a new friend..."
  214. >Is she trying to get your pity?
  215. >"...The old guard wasn't very nice to us, always swearing and calling us names.... but you won't even say a word..."
  216. >You blink at the revelation.
  217. >"'re worse then he is....."
  218. >You watched as Rainbow turned her head towards the camera, the lights somehow looking.... sad?
  219. >You must be losing it.
  220. >You sat in your chair both doors open and completely exposed.
  221. >Nothing bothers you until the morning crew come in.
  222. >They say a fuse must have blow out those light bulbs.
  224. **********
  226. End of Third Night at /MLP/
  228. Night Shift at /MLP/ : Day 4
  230. >When you walked into the office today, you were surprised at the appearance of a shiny red apple next to your normal note.
  231. >"Hey Kid, good to hear Rainbow didn't scare you away. Tonight you are in for a double dose.
  232. The two mares of the hour are Rarity and Applejack."
  233. >Two at once? How could you be so lucky?
  234. >"Listen, word of advice, if these things start talking about things DON'T LISTEN. They aren't real. They are just programs made by some Eggheads in a computer lab."
  235. >Certainly could have fooled you.
  236. >"I'm telling you this because Rarity gets awfully chatty. As for Applejack... Well the door doesn't hold for too long if she starts bucking it."
  237. >Another wandering night?
  238. >"Lucky for you, she's an early riser and Rarity is a Night owl, so there will only be about an hour overlap between the two."
  239. >Well that's interesting.
  240. >"One last thing, Rarity won't batter at the door and she never goes down the east hall."
  241. >You commit everything you can to memory and settle in for your fourth night at /MLP/
  243. *****
  245. >You didn't expect it to happen like this.
  246. >Shortly after 1 am, you looked at the camera and saw a snowy white blob walking towards the western hall entrance.
  247. >She makes no attempt to hide her approach.
  248. >"...Ooooh Anoooooon...."
  249. >What you assume to be Rarity has a very feminine voice with a slight hint of an accent,
  250. >You might have even enjoyed listening to it if it wasn't for the danger you were in.
  251. >You close the door almost immediately.
  252. >"....How rude of you....closing a door in a lady's face.... Didn't your mother teach you any manners?..."
  253. >You almost lash out, but then you remember where you are and what you are talking to.
  254. >"...The silent treatment...?....Looks like Rainbow was right....Regardless.... I am just hear to talk, and if the...door being shut makes you feel safer.... so be it...."
  255. >You almost let the door open.
  256. >But curiosity had gotten the better of you on the first night and you wouldn't let that happen again.
  257. >"...Still nothing.....I can't say I am too surprised...Though perhaps I could tell you a story......would you like that....darling?"
  258. >What the hell?
  259. >"....The girls and I actually aren't from around here.....we are from somewhere else....or we used to be...."
  260. >The note said that these were all lies...
  261. >"....We aren't dead.... if that is what you thin...k....I am implying....just....something changed us...."
  262. >It's all just lies, don't listen to it.
  263. >"....something like you found us....and..............did something to us... we became like this....Poor Twi....light...she can hardly remember....before...."
  264. >This isn't real.
  265. >"Haven't you wondered....why you are guarding this place...."
  266. >You look at your watch.
  267. >It was almost 3.
  268. >"Try.....looking in....the door in Fluttershy's Display'll...understand...."
  269. >You couldn't block it out.
  270. >As much as you wanted to, you couldn't.
  271. >"....Applejack will be waking soon....and these doors won't keep her out...."
  272. >The note had said as much.
  273. >"You'll...need to hide."
  275. >You could hear the sound of a set of hooves coming down the other hall.
  276. >You instinctively lowered the other door.
  277. >Another voice, with a southern drawl came from out side it.
  278. >" think a little bit of metal's gonna keep me out....after what you did to mah friends..."
  279. >You had a choice.
  280. >Open Rarity's door and risk her attacking you.
  281. >Or try your luck with Applejack.
  282. >Both seemed like terrible choices, but you need to get somewhere safe, away from the new pony.
  283. *BAM*
  284. >The door metal rattles against Applejack's hooves.
  285. >"....Anon..."
  286. *BAM*
  287. >Rarity's voice rings out.
  288. >"...Anon, you need to open the door..."
  289. *BAM*
  290. >"...Please Anon...I am begging you.....We need your help.... even Applejack.....they can't me...."
  291. *BAM*
  292. >You could see the metal buckling against the frame.
  293. >You had one option.
  294. >You opened the door.
  295. >The bizarre white automation tilted its head.
  296. "Help me first."
  297. >She nodded and rushed you away from the thundering sound of Applejack's hooves.
  298. "Where are we going?"
  299. >You didn't want to believe that you were actually doing this.
  300. >Talking to a robotic unicorn, that was apparently leading you away from it's murderous friend.
  301. >".......To the boutique.....The is a supply closet in there.... Applejack won't look for you there......"
  302. >having no other option you follow Rarity into the main staging area.
  303. >She climbs up to her display.
  304. >".....At the....back.... There is a hidden door.... hide there till morning....."
  305. >Having little other options you oblige the automaton.
  306. >You just slide the door shut as you hear a loud voice booming in the room outside.
  307. >"....Rare's! Did'ja see where that....cowards gone to....? He must of slipped out the other door while I was...making an entrance..."
  308. >You waited.
  309. >She could have trapped you.
  310. >Rarity tricked you.
  311. >There was no way out of this room but the way you came in.
  312. >You mentally kicked yourself.
  313. >How could you have fallen for that?
  314. >"....Well Applejack as a matter of fact..."
  315. >"......I retired early this evening...."
  316. >What.
  317. >".....Rares..."
  318. >"....A lady needs her beauty sleep... Applejack...."
  319. >She didn't sell you out?
  320. >"....Sorry for wakin' ya then...."
  321. >She actually saved you.
  322. >" may want to get your some extra sleep...."
  323. >Now she was trying to get her to leave?
  324. >You were going to kiss this mare if see pulled this off.
  325. >"......ah nearly forgot......I'll get'um tomorrow then...."
  326. >You waited.
  327. >And waited.
  328. >Rarity opened the door and you threw your arms around her.
  329. >She was surprisingly warm and soft, despite her nightmarish glowing eyes.
  330. >"........"
  331. >Her voice box hissed static.
  332. "You saved me."
  333. >"....We still need your help.......I need you to come in early is imper...ative you arrive early...."
  334. >You nod and let her go.
  335. "I'll tell them I need to do a sweep."
  336. >"......perfect... stay in here tonight... you'll be safe...."
  337. >You are found by the cleaning staff come 7 am.
  338. >They couldn't explain what had happened to the door, only that it would be needing replacement.
  339. >Your rest that day was uneasy.
  340. >You still needed to help them.
  342. ******
  344. End of Fourth Night at /MLP/
  346. Night Shift at /MLP/ : Day 5
  348. >Your first clue something was wrong was the complete lack of people in the building when you arrived at 10:45pm for you shift.
  349. >The day guard wasn't even here.
  350. >Your second clue was the note on the door.
  351. >Today, everyone was sent home early.
  352. >You weren't even sure what this company did.
  353. >But that was what the note said.
  354. >Whatever, it just meant you could move around more freely.
  355. >...
  356. >You noticed the cameras were all off or partially dismantled as you passed through the main staging area.
  357. >You headed for the eastern hallway to the security room.
  358. >It's been completely cleaned.
  359. >The door to the security office was gone.
  360. >You circled around and saw a similar story on the other side.
  361. >All the cameras were dead or dismantles.
  362. >The security doors were missing.
  363. >As you headed into the office, you saw the monitors were all smashed.
  364. >Glass lay strewn about.
  365. >On the desk was an envelope, with some discoloured flecks of.... something on it.
  366. >It said your name in bold on the front.
  367. >Opening it up you see what it is.
  369. >The next words you read caused a pit to grow in your stomach.
  371. >You hear the sounds of the automatic locks.
  372. >There was no escape now.
  373. >With dread in your heart and ice in your veins, you began the fifth night at /MLP/
  375. **********
  377. >It wasn't even midnight yet.
  378. >Why had the locks already engaged?
  379. >This room was no longer safe.
  380. >Everything was gone.
  381. >You heard light thumping down the hall.
  382. >"......Anon....are you here....?"
  383. >Rarity.
  384. "Thank god it's y-"
  385. >" need to go into the corridors below.... you need to help us..."
  386. >You could hear a hint of desperation in the tinny voice.
  387. "The office isn't safe anymore anyway. What am I looking for?"
  388. >Rarity seems stuck staring.
  389. >The soft blue light from her eyes flickers.
  390. >"....Sub....ject only have an....hour until the others awaken....please come quickly...."
  391. >You are lead to Fluttershy's display case, Rarity moves to behind a little house built there.
  392. >As you follow, you see a great metal door built into the floor.
  393. >".....this will take..... you to the under corridor....Left.....Left....Right............."
  394. >You are confused and she seems stuck.
  395. "Rarity? Are you alright?"
  396. >".......I can't remem...ber......Anon.....I' need to run........."
  397. "Rarity?"
  398. >" hurts to think....."
  399. >You take a few steps back and open the door.
  400. >Worn stairs lead downwards.
  401. >"...I need to need to r....un."
  402. >You could see Rarity flinching from some unseen force.
  403. >You are stand watching the poor thing writhing.
  404. >"....RUN.....N...OW!....I....I....I...."
  405. >You do as you are told closing the metal door behind you and head down the stairs.
  406. >You weren't sure what was going on with her, but you knew better then to stay and find out.
  407. >Before you is a long hallway that fades into the void.
  408. >Sickening red emergency lights cast an unhealthy light over the sterile halls.
  409. >You begin down the hall, your eyes fighting to adjust to the encroaching darkness.
  410. >The walls are barely further apart then your arm span, and with a little effort you could touch the ceiling.
  411. >You look at your watch.
  412. >A new, louder, more high pitched voice rang through the halls around you.
  413. >"....Come on every...pony....I wanna see you SMILE...."
  414. >The way that voice ennucated that last word caused you to flinch.
  415. >That must be Pinkamena.
  416. >You did not want to see what owned that voice.
  417. >You picked up your pace and nearly slammed into a wall.
  418. >There was no indication of which way would yield you a different result.
  419. >Everything looked exactly the same.
  420. >"....Oooooooooh Nonny!..."
  421. >You didn't chance a look back, you ran as fast as you could down the left hallway.
  422. >Passing yet another emergency lamp, you heard another voice.
  423. >"....Where are ya varmint?....We didn't get properly intro....duced last night...."
  424. >Applejack.
  425. >You came to another fork and headed left.
  426. >As you headed down the hall at the far edge of the emergency lights glow, a red hoof emerged.
  427. >"....Dar....ling...."
  428. >Rarity!
  429. "Thank goodness Rarity."
  430. >".....won't you....come and....sit with me for a spell........"
  431. >No.
  432. >"Perhaps you'd even brush my mane..."
  433. >No no no no no.
  434. "Rarity.... I am trying to help you, remember?"
  435. >Tears streaked down your face.
  436. >"...and tell me I....m...a pretty pony...It's been so long.....since I've had you..."
  437. >Mania set in.
  438. >You looked behind you and saw a pair of purple orbs.
  439. >".....Don't worry....Dar...ling......I don't bite...."
  440. >You turn back towards Rarity.
  441. >She is flashing you a sickening grin.
  442. >Her teeth were jagged and sharp.
  443. >Her once blue eyes appeared as black pools, drowned by the red glow.
  444. "Rarity... not you...."
  445. >She was gone and judging by the eyes in the darkness, you were going to be trapped.
  446. >"....come here....let Rarity"
  447. >She raised her hooves up towards you.
  448. >A mockery of a pleasant gesture.
  449. >You ran.
  450. >You ran as hard and as fast as you could past Rarity's hooves.
  451. >She makes no movement to give chase.
  452. >You do, however, hear the hiss of Rarity's voice box.
  453. >"..............he went this way girls....."
  454. >Damn it.
  455. >You look for somewhere anywhere to hide just for a moment's respite.
  456. >Your tears flowed freely.
  457. >Your only friend was gone.
  458. >You easily became disoriented.
  459. >You weren't even sure with way you were going anymore.
  460. >Left.
  461. >Right.
  462. >Right.
  463. >Nothing to tell you if you were treading old ground or not.
  464. >Your arms felt like lead.
  465. >Your chest burned as you fought to draw in the stale air.
  466. >"....Come on Nonny! I just want to give you a.....nice.....big....hug...."
  467. >Your addled mind almost thought that would be pleasant.
  468. >Faster you ran, dreading every turn.
  469. >Left.
  470. >Right.
  471. >Left.
  472. >The labyrinthine halls all the same, leading you deeper and deeper into the dark.
  473. >Every time you looked back you swear you saw at least one set of eyes.
  474. >How much longer could your abused body manage?
  475. >Left-
  476. >A door!
  477. >Taking no time to think you force your way in and collapse on the floor.
  478. >Various wooden handles from brooms and mops fall around you.
  479. >You were free.
  480. >In.
  481. >Out.
  482. >The room was so small and so dark.
  483. >You shut your eyes from exhaustion.
  484. >You could barely move now.
  485. >"..........."
  486. >A hiss from a voice box tells you, your not alone.
  487. >You open your eyes to see a soft light blue glow in the darkness above you.
  488. >Paralyzed, you feel something warm brush against your forehead.
  489. >The light hissing returned.
  490. >".......hush now......"
  491. >The eyes moved closer.
  492. >".......quiet now......"
  493. >Something pressed against you now.
  494. >Something warm and eerily soft.
  495. >You felt it move against you.
  496. >".........It's time to go to sleep.................."
  497. >Your body can take no more.
  498. >You black out.
  500. ***********************
  502. End of Fifth Night at /MLP/A
  504. Night Shift at /MLP/ : Day ?
  506. >You awoke in the security office.
  507. >Everything was back to the way it was.
  508. >Both doors were in working order.
  509. >A large chrome flashlight and another letter await you, as well as a large silver key.
  510. >"Kid. I know were you were last night. I don't know what possessed you to go down there but I get the feeling that you will need this."
  511. >What the...
  512. >"I came in early to check on you after I heard what stunt the day crew pulled on you. I don't know how the heck you got back up here but there you were."
  513. >You look at your watch.
  514. >4:45am.
  515. >Still Friday.
  516. >"I'm not coming back again after today. I was hoping to give you this when I saw you last... I'm sorry for not telling you."
  517. >What happened to you?
  518. >"I gave the girls a run around in the basement until they got tuckered out. I hope this reaches you in good health."
  519. >Someone was here with you?
  520. >"You realize you don't have to come back right? You can leave this nightmare behind. You could run away as soon as the day crew comes in and no one would be the wiser."
  521. >You could you realize.
  522. >Nothing really was forcing you to come back.
  523. >You felt a pair of eyes from one of the halls.
  524. >Soft blue glow from the darkness alerts you to Fluttershy's silent stare.
  525. >" could just leave us....."
  526. >You shake your head no.
  527. >"....why...?"
  528. >You shrug your shoulders.
  529. >" shouldn't have come back........Rarity told me her plan...."
  530. >You looked over in her direction.
  531. >The orbs flinch back.
  532. >"....if you want to hel..p....look under that desk of yours........"
  533. >You push your chair back and grab the flashlight.
  534. >Something has been engraved on under the desk.
  535. >"L L R R S S R S L to C"
  536. >You pop up over the desk and look to where Fluttershy was.
  537. "Thank y-"
  538. >She's gone.
  539. >You sit in silence until your shift ends, running the engraving's letters in your head.
  540. >You see a slight sign of shock as you leave in faces of the day crew.
  542. True End of Fifth Night at /MLP/
  544. Night Shift at /MLP/ : Day 6
  546. >No note would await you today.
  547. >You arrived as late as possible to avoid seeing any of the morning crew.
  548. >As you walked the halls you saw the cameras were now all missing, the empty wall brackets still hung in place.
  549. >You turned into the security office and saw an envelope and some papers.
  550. >The envelope contained your first paycheck.
  551. >Not even $200.
  552. >As you lifted the papers , which you recognized as resignation papers, a small set of padlock keys fell out.
  553. >Though nothing accompanied them, you had assumed they were important, otherwise why would they be hidden.
  554. >Armed now with your sturdy flashlight, crummy paycheck, and a sense of purpose, you prepared for the sixth night at /MLP/
  556. *******
  558. >You wasted no time going back down into the labyrinth-like under corridors.
  559. >With a click you turned on the flash light.
  560. >Left.
  561. >You twitched in anticipation.
  562. >You were greeted with nothing but open hall.
  563. >Left.
  564. >Rarity was trying to help you, you realize.
  565. >Even through whatever was harming her, she helped you.
  566. >Right.
  567. >Fluttershy must have moved you.
  568. >How she dragged you back to that office was beyond you.
  569. >Right.
  570. >The halls looked a little different here.
  571. >There was a slight slope downwards.
  572. >Straight.
  573. >There was something in the air.
  574. >Something unfamiliar.
  575. >Straight.
  576. >As you continue, the scent of meat hangs over the hall in a sickening cloud.
  577. >You press on.
  578. >Right.
  579. >You could smell blood.
  580. >Not the smell of old dried blood, no fresh coppery blood assaulted your nostrils.
  581. >Straight.
  582. >The halls here are disgusting.
  583. >Mold clings to them in odd patches.
  584. >Left.
  585. >You see the crumpled form of someone lying before the heavy metal door.
  586. >You immediately recognize the uniform to be the same as yours.
  587. >You roll the person over, only to find his face was caved in by something.
  588. >His hand clutched a bloodstained note.
  589. >"Kid, if your reading this I am hell and gone."
  590. >It was the day guard.
  591. >"I tried my best to help them, I really did. Ever since Twil***t's ***** went awry back in E******** things had been hugely dif**erent. This isn't the same place as that the m****r hid. This place was a nightmare. C******* was pulled in along with the other girls. I became human. They didn't. I tried to find us help, but I put my trust in the wrong man. Doctor K******n was supposed to help us get back, instead he turned my precious friends into the abominations that you see now. The doctor was k***** one night by C*******. That's why you've never seen her out. She didn't break like the others did."
  592. >The guard knew what was happening?
  593. >"I tried to help Ra**ty but I just couldn't get to her in time, it was too late. I've been so scared of what my inaction had caused I could barely remember who I was anymore."
  594. >There was a break in the page.
  595. >"Forgive me for what I did, what I didn't do, and what I am going to do. I can't live with this mistake anymore."
  596. >He had killed himself.
  597. >"Tell Rai***ow I'm sorry we'll never go flying together."
  598. >"Tell App***ack I'm sorry I was such a bad helper."
  599. >"Tell Flu***ers to keep working on being assertive.
  600. >"Tell Pi**ie I'm sorry I missed her party.
  601. >"Tell Rar**y I love her."
  602. >"And tell Twilight that I am sorry I wasn't strong enough to help them all when I could have, I was a poor assistant in the end."
  603. >"I heard this in a movie once, 'here's looking at you kid.' I know you can help them where I couldn't."
  604. >You made note of the name on the bottom.
  605. >"Your friend, Spike."
  606. >You felt a profound sadness overtake you....
  608. *****
  610. >You collapsed beside the door and cried.
  611. >You don't know how long you lay there, sobbing for someone you never met.
  612. >Clearly, he was important to those girls.
  613. >Hell, he even told you how to play keep away with them so they wouldn't hurt you.
  614. >You had to go on.
  615. >For his sake.
  616. >For the girls.
  617. >And for whatever lay beyond that door.
  618. >You rose and produced the silver key.
  619. >With a loud thunk, the door opens, hinges protesting the whole way.
  620. >The pungent aroma of sweat, coagulated blood, and other fluids struck you with the force of a hammer shot.
  621. >Before you on a large podium a large, black tarp covers something.
  622. >Various tubes and machines run under the obscuring material.
  623. >The material rustles and whatever it hides turns toward you.
  624. >An motherly tone rings out over you.
  625. >You are surprised that you can't hear any tinny reverb or static.
  626. >"So...after so long the good doctor's assistant has finally come to finish what his demented master started."
  627. >You almost back pedal at the authority in it's tone.
  628. >You stand your ground instead.
  629. "I've come to help you."
  630. >The great thing stands giving you a glimpse at her ruined majesty.
  631. >Before you stands a blindfolded Pegasus with a large unicorns horn.
  632. >Her mane is long, matted and unkempt hanging down over there emaciated form like a pall.
  633. >A hollow laugh rings from a dry throat.
  634. >"You've come to help? Just like he did?"
  635. >She tilts her head in the general direction of a pile of smashed and desiccated bones.
  636. >"Cut my children open for your amusement? Put strange metals into their bodies that choke and burn if they disobey you? Force machines into their eyes so that they might appear more to your liking?"
  637. >You regret your choice of entering the room as she continues.
  638. >"Make me watch you torment my little ponies, and then trot them out like some kind of sickening pet? Locking me here and binding my magic so that I could not protect them? Your kind speaks and breathes nothing but lies!"
  639. >You step forward.
  640. >She lowers her horn at you.
  641. >"For ten years, we have been nothing then some kind of attraction, a disgusting plaything for you."
  642. >Her chained wings flare and fight against their bindings.
  644. >You are forced to your back foot at the force of her voice.
  645. "Please, I want to free you!"
  647. >Your flashlight fell and illuminated the horror before you
  648. >You could see stitch marks around each joint and bend of bone and muscle.
  649. >Her white fur was smeared with dirt, grease and other unidentifiable things.
  650. >"Look upon the cruelty inflicted by 'man'. Let it burn into your mind as it did mine a decade ago."
  651. >You fell to the floor.
  652. "I'm sorry..."
  653. >The great pony before you lay down again moving to hide her tattered pride.
  654. >You could barely string together the words.
  655. "I'm so sorry."
  656. >You sobbed as you realized the truth.
  657. >Those weren't machines.
  658. >They were living breathing things.
  659. >Each twisted by human hands.
  660. >What could you do?
  661. >She was right.
  662. >You watched her through tear filled eyes.
  663. >All her fire and fury was gone.
  664. >"Leave have done your damage."
  665. >You rose on your own.
  666. "I am not him."
  667. >You climbed the podium.
  668. >She could easily thrash against her bonds and you would have no chance.
  669. "I will never be him."
  670. >She shrunk from you, like a scared animal.
  671. >You slipped the first key into one of the locks that bound her to the podium.
  672. *click*
  673. "I am not him"
  674. >You repeat and move to the one binding her back hoof.
  675. *click*
  676. >She kicks out in front of you.
  677. >Not trying to hit you, but to shake away the constricted feeling.
  678. "I will never be him."
  679. >You slip the key into various locks on her right wing.
  680. *click*
  681. >Another falls to the ground.
  682. >Her wing flares, being free for the first time in years.
  683. "I'm sorry."
  684. >Your hands move around her head and remove the cover over her eyes.
  685. >She moved so you could get to her other side easier.
  686. >"I'm so sorry."
  687. >Tears pattered onto the ground as you worked.
  688. >You her other wing came free.
  689. >The discoloured leather fell from her wings as she flared both.
  690. >*click*
  691. >Her back hoof.
  692. >*click*
  693. >She was nearly free.
  694. >*click*
  695. >The last of her restraints fell from her, clattering on the ground in a heap.
  696. >You stood, eyes filled with shame before the ruined splendor before you.
  697. >You couldn't bare to look at her any further.
  698. >Seeing the scars on her body and pain in her eyes only heaped on the guilt you felt.
  699. >She studied you for a moment before raising herself up on her back hooves.
  700. >You closed your eyes in anticipation.
  701. >You awaited her verdict.
  702. >You waited for the blow to come.
  703. >...
  704. >It never did.
  705. >Instead she pulls you into a slightly uncomfortable, bony embrace.
  706. "Why...?"
  707. >She rests her head on your shoulder.
  708. >"Despite everything I said, despite me threatening violence against you, you still showed me compassion."
  709. "But-"
  710. >"I admit that I lashed out at you because I was in pain, but you don't deserve punishment for what that doctor did to me and my little ponies."
  711. >You held the frail thing in your arms.
  712. >"That and it has been over ten years since anyone has done anything remotely compassionate towards me."
  713. >She had you there.
  714. "How do we get you all back home?"
  715. >Celestia looks at you.
  716. >"We'll need to wait until the morning comes, Then we need to take my ponies outside, from there I should be able to take us all home."
  717. >It struck you.
  718. "What about Spike?"
  719. >Celestia's face lit up.
  720. >"Spike is here!?"
  721. >You away.
  722. "His body is..."
  723. >Her look isn't one of shock, it was resignation.
  724. >"He was only a child back in Equestria. The shock of everything must have finally got to him."
  725. >You nodded.
  726. >"I may have to impose on your kindness further. Would you carry him for me? I still feel weak from my time down here.
  727. >....
  728. >....
  729. >The day crew never came.
  730. >They must have expected that the ponies would have got to you.
  731. >Come 5 am, the doors unlocked.
  732. >With Celestia with you, all the ponies followed you without question.
  733. >In the early morning light, you could see that all the ponies suffered similar wounds to Celestia.
  734. >"We don't have much time to open the portal home."
  735. >You look at the sun rising.
  736. "Guess I'm going to be out of a job, what with you all leaving."
  737. >Surprisingly, Celestia spoke out.
  738. >Her voice was quiet so as the other ponies wouldn't hear.
  739. >"With Spike's death Twilight will need someone to guide her."
  740. >You look Celestia in the eyes.
  741. >"We all need someone Anon."
  742. >As the sun rose a heat shimmer appeared right before you.
  743. >You could see a castle throne room.
  744. >That must be home for them.
  745. >And it could be your home too.
  746. >It's not like you would be leaving that much behind.
  747. >You watch as Celestia ushers all but Rarity through the portal.
  748. >Her voice box hisses to life.
  749. >"......An...on....will you be"
  750. >You look down at the uncanny pony, her eyes still shiny a deep blue.
  751. >" know......I wasn't lying the....other evening......I really did all better...."
  752. >In the light you could see just how skinny she was.
  753. >".......I would....very much like to.........make that whole incident up to you......over tea....perhaps?"
  754. >Carefully, you lift the mare into your arms and head for the portal.
  755. "Sounds great Rarity. I can't wait."
  756. >You stepped though the portal.
  757. >It was time to go home.
  759. *******************************************
  761. >You are Anon.
  762. >It was over a year since you had gone to Equestria.
  763. >Turns out only little more then a week had past, despite the ten years the human world.
  764. >After the first few weeks of painful surgeries and extensive magical treatments, the girls were mostly back to normal.
  765. >It also helped that Luna banished any dreams pertaining to that particular incident from their minds as they slept.
  766. >Spike was buried in the castle gardens.
  767. >A small funeral in which the eight of you attended his grave and shared stories about him.
  768. >If any of what happened bothered Applejack, you really couldn't tell.
  769. >She seemed as busy as ever, working at Sweet Apple Acres.
  770. >Pinkie Pie was quieter some days now, but any mention of a new pony or a party and she was back to her old self.
  771. >Though you weren't supposed to tell anyone, Rainbow Dash started to sleep with a night light now.
  772. >Fluttershy shut herself in for a few days, then seemed as normal as ever according to her friends.
  773. >Twilight didn't remember anything from her time in the human world, though she was most hurt by the loss of her assistant Spike -which you had found out was a dragon.
  774. >It took extensive therapy to help her rationalize her loss.
  775. >On certain days, while you worked with her in her library she would call you Spike.
  776. >You didn't have the heart to tell her.
  777. >Rarity however seemed the least receptive to regular treatment and she still bore a scar on her stomach,
  778. >You spent most of your days helping Rarity in the Carousel Boutique.
  779. >One particular evening, you find a strange article of clothing hanging on the back of a chair.
  780. >It was grey, like slate.
  781. >The embroidery on the front stated '/MLP/ Chief Security'
  782. >It was your old uniform.
  783. >"Darling."
  784. >Rarity comes down the stairs from tucking in her little sister Sweetie Belle.
  785. "Rarity, why do you still have this?"
  786. >You hold up your old uniform.
  787. >Shame colors her face.
  788. >"You'll think me strange."
  789. "Rarity, the fact that this even exists still is strange. I though we destroyed it."
  790. >She walks over to you and knocks into your chest.
  791. >You oblige her less then subtle from of asking for a hug.
  792. >"I... I don't want to forget."
  793. >Her voice is small.
  794. >"It was a part of my life Anon. It was a terrible part where I almost completely lost myself, but it was still my life."
  795. >You sighed.
  796. "There are better, healthier ways to remember him Rarity. I know he was your friend but-"
  797. >Tears fell from her eyes.
  798. >"He loved me Anon and I brushed him away because I couldn't believe her really did,"
  799. >Rarity's grief over the loss of Spike was always a private affair.
  800. >Despite how much of a drama queen she was, on this she never relented.
  801. "Listen Rarity..."
  802. >"I should have told him Anon."
  803. "Should have told him what?'
  804. >"That I didn't love he like he did me... maybe then he would still-"
  805. >Choking sobs cut the rest of her sentence off.
  806. >She cries as you stroke her mane, trying to calm her.
  807. "You can't blame yourself Rarity. It was his choice to do what he did. He wanted to help you but he couldn't."
  808. >"I know darling...I know. The memories attached to that particular shirt though are not the reason I keep that around."
  809. >Your eyebrow raised.
  810. >"I'll tell you when I am feeling a little better. For now I need rest."
  811. >That jacket disappeared that evening.
  812. >Once a year, on that particular anniversary you visited Spike's grave with Rarity to leave some flowers.
  813. >From that night forward Rarity attended her counseling and life moved forward for you and her.
  814. >After three years together, you proposed.
  815. >She accepted and life was beautiful.
  816. >Save for one thing....
  817. >You often dreamt that you were back in that facility.
  818. >It must have been your fifth night because the doors were gone.
  819. >As you sat exposed, one by one the ponies you met would enter your room.
  820. >All the the ponies with their jagged teeth would surround you.
  821. >You couldn't escape.
  822. >You weren't sure you wanted to.
  823. >You would wake up screaming.
  824. >And every time.
  825. >Every time.
  826. >When Rarity would try to comfort you, you would hear that soft hiss of her voice box.
  827. >"....come here...Darling..."
  828. >You would lie completely still on the bed paralyzed with fear.
  829. "....Let Rarity......make...... it...all...better..............."
  830. >She would pull you close to her and you would hear the thumping of her heart, and the slightest whine of servos hidden underneath her breath.
  831. >Come the morning everything would be normal again.
  832. >It was just a dream.
  833. >Right?
  835. ***********************************************************************************************
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